Pharmaceutical products list, page 124:
- Livbel Syrup - Blubell Pharma
- Livbest - Abbott
- Livbest-AM - Abbott
- Livbid - Scoshia Remedy
- Livcility - Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical
- Liv-Detox - Blackmores
- Livdextry - General Pharmaceuticals
- Livefozon - Livzon Pharmaceutical Group
- Livelong - BMW Pharmaco India
- Liver and Kidney Tea Thunas - Thuna Herbal Remedies
- Liver Desiccated - Trophic Canada
- Liver Desiccated + B12 - Le Naturiste J.M.B.
- Liver Gold-F - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Liver Plus - XL Laboratories; Ambica International Trading Corporation
- Liver Plus C - Golden Neo-Life Diamite
- Liver Tonic - Blackmores
- Liver Tonic Herbal Formula 6 - Mayne Pharma
- Liver Tonic Tea - Krauter-Pfarrer Kunzle
- Liver with Vitamin B12 Desiccated - Swiss Herbal Remedies
- Liver, Iron and B Compound - Swiss Herbal Remedies
- Liver, Iron, B1, B2 and B12 - Vitality Products
- Liver; Folic Acid; B12 - Multivet
- Liver; Folic Acid; B12 - Vetoquinol
- Liveraid - OPV
- Liveraide - Herbs & Nature Corporation
- Liveral - Probiomed
- Liverall - Sankyo; Edward Keller; Hing AH Pharma
- Liverasi - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Liverasten - UCB Pharma
- Liver-Atox Dus - Istituto Chimico Internazionale Dr. Giuseppe Rende
- Liverbil - OPC
- Livercap - Hataphar
- Livercare - Darya-Varia Laboratoria
- Liverchin - Salus Researches
- Livercrom - Altana Pharma
- Liverdus - Chung Gei Pharma
- Liverence - Boram Pharm
- Liverest - Milanese Laboratorio Farmacologico
- Liverfov - OPV; Merap Group
- Livergen F - Degort's Chemical
- Liverguard - Pharmadass
- Liveril Suspension - Meyer Organics
- Liveril Tablets - Meyer Organics
- Liverin - Pharmasant Laboratories; Asia Pharm; Central Poly Trading; Hoang Khang
- Liverine - Crisdy-Na Drug
- Live-Rite - Liverite Products
- Livermarin - BV Pharma
- Livermin - Korean Ginseng Research; Psalmstre Enterprises
- Livernutri - Yeva Therapeutics
- Liveroil - Synlab Laboratoires
- Liverplant - Me Di Sun
- Liverpro Silymarin with Vitamins - EuroHealthcare; Pacific Pharmaceutical Generics
- Livertal 36 - Frega
- Liverterder - Boram Pharm
- Livertis - Danapha Pharmaceutical
- Liverton - Metrolink Pharma Phils; Metro Drug Distribution
- Liverton - Pymepharco
- Liverton Forte - Pymepharco
- Li-Verve - Cratus Life Care
- Livesan - Recordati
- Livestar - Gentech Healthcare
- Livethine - Bidiphar
- Livforce - Overseas Laboratories
- Livfoxim - Livzon Pharmaceutical Group
- LIV-Gamma - SK Chemicals; Cosma Medical
- Livgan A-B-C - DNA Pharmaceuticals
- Livguard - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Livial - Organon; Akzo Nobel; Essex; Firma Chun Cheong; Infar India; Merck; Neopharm, Israel; Pharmaco, New Zealand; Schering-Plough; United Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Liviane Compuesto - Abbott
- Liviclina
- Liviel - Organon
- Liviella - Organon; Nourypharma
- Livifem - Organon
- Livintact - Panjon Pharma
- Livintact-EV - Panjon Pharma
- Livit - Affy Pharma
- Livitamin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Livitamin Chewable - GlaxoSmithKline
- Livitamin with Intrinsic Factor - GlaxoSmithKline
- Liviton - Adcock Ingram
- Livitrinsic-F - IVAX
- Livo Luk - Panacea Biotec
- Livobion Capsules - Pharma Synth Formulations
- Livobion Syrup - Pharma Synth Formulations
- Livocab - Janssen
- Livocab Kombi - Janssen
- Livocal - OPV
- Livocin - Nitin Pharmaceuticals
- Livocip - Cipla
- Livodex - Ikon Remedies
- Livogen - GlaxoSmithKline
- Livogen - Merck
- Livogen Capsules - Merck
- Livogen Hemtonic - Merck
- Livogen Liquid - Merck
- Livogen-XT - Merck
- Livogen-Z - Merck
- Livokind - Mankind Pharma
- Livola - Landson
- Livolex - Legere Pharmaceuticals
- Livolin Forte - Medicap; Goldplus Universal; IDS Group; Mega LifeSciences; Mega Products; Mega We Care; Metro Drug Distribution
- Livolin-H - Mega Lifesciences
- Livolon - Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Livoluk - Panacea Biotec
- Livomarin - Varifarma Laboratorio
- Livomedrox - Varifarma Laboratorio
- Livomonil - Varifarma Laboratorio
- Livomyn - Charak Pharma
- Livomyn Drops - Charak Pharma
- Livoncel - Catalent; Meyers Pharmaceuticals
- Livonic - BV Pharma
- Livopill - Ordain Health Care
- Livoric - Syntro Health Care
- Livosil Forte - Centaur Pharmaceuticals
- Livosil-B - Centaur Laboratories
- Livosil-H - Centaur Pharmaceuticals
- Livostin - Janssen; Grunenthal; KRKA; Nippon Shinyaku; Novartis
- Livostin Direct - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Livostin Nasal - Janssen
- Livostin Oftalmico - Janssen
- Livostine - Janssen
- Livota - Zota Pharmaceuticals
- Livotab - Woelm Pharma
- Livotab Direkt - Woelm Pharma
- Livot-MD - Trumac Healthcare
- Livotone - East India Pharmaceutical Works
- Livoven - Vensat Bio
- Livovid - Hovid
- Livox - Zee Laboratories
- Livpar - Daihan Pharmaceutical; Gufic
- Livpota - Livzon Pharmaceutical Group
- Livpron - Willow Pharmaceuticals
- Livron Plus Liquid - Medic Laboratory
- Livron Plus Tablets - Medic Laboratory
- Liv-Shreyas - Curewell Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Livstim - Mediherb
- Livten - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Livto - Zimalaya Drugs
- Livton Complex - Mediherb
- Livtop - Comed Chemicals
- Lixa-Beta
- Lixacol - Schering-Plough
- Lixamide - FirstPharm Pharmaceuticals
- Lixaminol
- Lixeston - Mediplantex
- Lixi - Biotech Laboratorios
- Lixidol - Roche
- Lixil
- Lixin - Sanofi-Aventis; Henning Berlin Arzneimittel
- Lixir - Abigo Medical
- Lixogan - Tocogino Laboratorios
- Lixophen
- Lixtress - Pharmacare
- Liyurto - Sanify Healthcare
- Liz - Dey's Medical Stores
- Liza - Ind-Swift
- Lizace - Candor Biotech
- Liza-D - Ind-Swift
- Lizamox-D - Elisa Biotech
- Lizan
- Lizarona - Northia Medicinales
- Lizavan - Bangkok Lab & Cosmetic
- Lizbid - Abbott
- Lizemox Injections - Molekule India
- Lizemox Tablets - Molekule India
- Lizepat - Cosmopharm
- Lizidor - Truong Tho Pharma
- Lizine - Akums Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Lizipaina - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Liz-M - Dey's Medical Stores
- Lizoforce - Mankind Pharma
- Lizolid - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Lizomed - Aglowmed
- Lizor - Pharos Indonesia
- Lizovag - Novag Infancia
- Lizul - Baldacci Farmoquimica
- L-Keflex
- L-Kon - Laksun Lifesciences
- Lktorivil
- LKVB6 - Trophic Canada
- LKV-Drops - Freeda Vitamins
- LL Formula 2 - Nutrition for Life International
- Llanol - Therapharma; Sapharco; United Laboratories
- Llanten - Ximena Polanco Laboratorio
- Llantusil - Soria Natural
- Lloncefal
- Llorentecaina Noradrenal - Llorente
- Lloyd's Cream - Thornton & Ross
- Lloyds Pharmacy Max Strength Cold and Flu Relief - Pfizer
- Lloydspharmacy Max Strength Cold and Flu - Pfizer
- LM Dextran - Euro-Med Laboratories Phil
- LM6 Solution - A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas
- LM6 Tablets - A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas
- L-Mato Capsules - Daffohils Pharma
- L-Mato Syrup - Daffohils Pharma
- LMD 10% in Dextrose 5% - Hospira
- LMD 10% in Sodium Chloride 0.9% - Hospira
- LMD-Plex - Bio Active Canada
- LMG - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- L-Montus - Fourrts India Laboratories
- L-Montus Kid - Fourrts India Laboratories
- LM-Tonic I - Bio Active Canada
- LM-Tonic II - Bio Active Canada
- LM-Tonic III - Bio Active Canada
- LMWX-PFS - Abbott
- LMX - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- LMX Forte - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- L-M-X4 - Ferndale Laboratories
- L-Nit - Q Check Speciality Care
- LO - East West Pharma
- LO / Ovral - Wyeth
- LO Loestrin Fe - Warner Chilcott
- Lo-Acid - Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals
- Loar-H - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Lo-ASA - Kinsmor Pharmaceuticals
- LoAsid - GlaxoSmithKline
- Lobac - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lobac - Seatrace Pharmaceuticals
- Lobacin - T.O. Chemicals 1979; Ozia Pharmaceutical
- Lobafen - IAE Pharmaceuticals
- Lobafen - Il-Yang Pharm; Hanapharm
- Lobain - DWD Pharmaceuticals
- Lobak - Geno Pharmaceuticals
- Lobak - Sanofi-Aventis; Zurich, South Africa
- Lobak Forte - Geno Pharmaceuticals
- Lobamine - Pierre Fabre
- Lobamine-Cysteine - Pierre Fabre; Actipharm
- Lobana - Ulmer Pharmacal
- Lobana Body - Ulmer Pharmacal
- Lobana Derm-Aide - Ulmer Pharmacal
- Lobana Peri-Garde - Ulmer Pharmacal
- Lobate - Boots; Nicholas Piramal
- Lobate-G - Boots; Nicholas Piramal
- Lobate-GM - Boots; Nicholas Piramal
- Lobate-GN - Boots; Nicholas Piramal
- Lobate-M - Boots; Nicholas Piramal
- Lobate-S - Boots; Nicholas Piramal
- Lobatox - GlaxoSmithKline
- LO-Bax
- Lobazam - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Lobelia - Koegler Laboratories
- Lobelia - Pure Life International Products
- Lobelia Cardinalis - Boiron
- Lobelia Cardinalis - Total Health Centre
- Lobelia Composta - Simoes Laboratorio
- Lobelia Compound - Gerard House
- Lobelia Erinus - Boiron
- Lobelia Extract - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Lobelia Inflata - Boiron
- Lobelia Inflata - Dolisos
- Lobelia Inflata - Homeocan
- Lobelia Inflata - Seroyal
- Lobelia Inflata - Standard Homeopathic
- Lobelia Inflata Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Lobelia Inflata Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Lobelia Med Complex - Dynamit Nobel Wien
- Lobelia Syphilitica - Boiron
- Lobelo - Rafarm
- Loberin - Naphaco
- Lobese - Zifam; Ambica International Trading Corporation
- Lobesol - Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing; Cure Quick Pharmaceuticals
- Lobet - Samarth Pharma
- Lobeta - Betapharm Arzneimittel
- Lobeta - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lobetrin
- Lobevat - Stiefel Laboratories
- Lobione - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lobivon - Menarini
- Lobu - Ohara Chemical Industries
- Lobulantina
- Loc OD - Siesta Pharmaceuticals
- Locabase - Pierre Fabre
- Locabiosol - Servier; Grunenthal
- Locabiotal - Servier; A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas; Stroder Istituto Farmaco Biologico; Zuellig Pharma
- Locacid - Pierre Fabre; Medibrands; Primal Chemical
- Locacorten - Novartis; Amdipharm; Bioglan
- Locacorten med Salicylsyre - Novartis
- Locacorten Neomycin - Novartis
- Locacorten Tar - Novartis; Max Ritter Pharma
- Locacorten Triclosan - Novartis; Max Ritter Pharma
- Locacorten Vioform - Novartis; Amdipharm; Bioglan; Paladin Laboratories; Squire Pharmaceuticals
- Locacortene - Novartis; Medipha Sante Laboratoire
- Locacortene Tar - Novartis
- Locacortene Vioforme - Novartis; Genopharm Laboratoires
- Localin - Fischer Pharmaceuticals
- Localithromb - Dorsch
- Localone - Pierre Fabre
- Localyn - Recordati
- Localyn Ear Drops - Recordati
- Localyn Nasal Spray - Recordati
- Localyn Neomicina - Recordati
- Localyn SV - Recordati
- Locana - LBS Laboratory
- Locao Mancha Branca - Inga Stevia Industrial
- Locapred - Pierre Fabre
- Locarp Drops - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- Locarp Gel - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- Locasalen - Novartis; Amdipharm; Bioglan; Invida; Pro Concepta Zug; Sandoz; Zuellig Pharma
- Locasalene - Novartis; Genopharm Laboratoires; Medipha Sante Laboratoire; Pro Concepta Zug
- Locaseptil - F. Uhlmann-Eyraud
- Locaseptil-Neo - Drossapharm
- Locasil - Locatelli Farmaceutici
- Locasol - Nutricia; Baxter; SHS International
- Locasol New Formula - Nutricia; SHS International
- Locason - PROEL Pharmaceuticals
- Locason-N - PROEL Pharmaceuticals
- Locasyn - Roche
- Locatop - Pierre Fabre
- Locemix - Euroderm Laboratorios
- Locenxy - Sterling Lab; Micro Labs
- Loceptin - Nycomed
- Loceryl - Galderma; AB-Consult Handels; Allphar Services; Ewopharma; Lavipharm Group; Pacific Pharmaceuticals; Roche; Summit; The Glory Medicina; U.S. Summit; Zuellig Pharma
- Locet - Arvincare Healthcare
- Locetar - Galderma; Metro Drug Distribution
- Locet-P - Arvincare Healthcare
- Locferon - Biomed I. I. Mechnikov
- Lochol - Micro Labs
- Lochol - Novartis
- Lochol - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Locholes - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Locholest - Eon Labs; Warner Chilcott
- Locholest Light - Eon Labs; Warner Chilcott
- Locid - Psychotropics India
- Locid N - Rohm Pharma
- Locid-D - Psychotropics India
- Lociherp - Maigal Corporation Laboratorio
- Locilan - Pfizer
- Locilan 28 Day - Pfizer
- Locimez - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Locin-H - Cinerea Biotech
- Locion Axel - Grisi Hermanos Laboratorios
- Locion Corporal Suavizante AHA Formula 405 SPF 15 - Dermaclin
- Locion Humectante SPF 15 - Johnson & Johnson
- Locion Limpiadora AHA Formula 405 - Dermaclin
- Locion Limpiadora Avene - Silesia Laboratorios
- Locion para Piel Grasa Neostrata - Fedele
- Locion Suavizante Avene - Silesia Laboratorios
- Locip - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Locipil - Corona Remedies
- Locip-TZ - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Lock-2 - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- Lockesol - Dzwon Remedies
- Lockets - Mars
- Lockets Medicated Linctus - Thornton & Ross
- Locko - General Drugs House
- Lockolys - Fresenius
- Loclog - Yoo Young Pharm
- Locobase - Algol Pharma
- Locobase - Astellas Pharma; Yamanouchi
- Locoid - Astellas Pharma; CSL; Eurofarma Laboratorios; Ferndale Laboratories; Labomed Instituto Farmaceutico; Liomont Laboratorios; Pharma-Regist; Sanofi-Aventis; Temmler Pharma; Yamanouchi
- Locoid C - Astellas Pharma; 3M; CSL; Yamanouchi
- Locoid Crelo - Astellas Pharma; Yamanouchi
- Locoid Lipocream - Astellas Pharma; Elder Pharmaceuticals; Ferndale Laboratories; Labomed Instituto Farmaceutico; Triax Pharmaceuticals
- Locoid Lipocreme - Astellas Pharma
- Locoid Scalp Lotion - Astellas Pharma
- Locoid Skalp-Lotio - Astellas Pharma
- Locoide N - Astellas Pharma; Yamanouchi
- Locoidol - Yamanouchi
- Locoidon - Yamanouchi; CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels
- LOCOL - Novartis
- Locomin - UCB Pharma
- Locomucil - Zambon
- Locorten - Novartis
- Locorten Drops - Novartis
- Locorten Neomicina - Novartis; Zyma
- Locorten Ointment - Novartis
- Locorten Tar - Novartis; Zyma
- Locorten Vioform - Novartis; AFT Pharmaceuticals; Amdipharm
- Locorten Vioformio - Novartis
- Locorten Vioformo - Novartis
- Locortene - Novartis
- Locortene Vioformo - Novartis
- Locose - T Man Pharma
- Locovit - Servocare Lifesciences
- Locpan Fort - V.S. International
- Locrim - Pharma Investi de Chile
- Locron Extra
- Locron Flakes
- Locron L
- Locsone - Micro Labs
- Loctenk - Biotenk Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Loctin - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Locula - East India Pharmaceutical Works
- Lodal S
- Lodales - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lodalis - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Lodecon - Solas
- Lodecon Forte - Solas
- Lodem - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Lodema - Hamilton Pharmaceuticals
- Lodene - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Loderm - Vinas
- Loderm Retinoico - Vinas
- Lodevil - Austin
- Lodexa - LBS Laboratory
- Lodi - Arvincare Healthcare
- Lodia - MSN Laboratories
- Lodia - Sanbe Farma
- Lodiar - Ashbourne Pharmaceuticals
- Lodiarid - Clement-Thekan Laboratoires
- Lodicap - Hizon Laboratories; Pharmaspec
- Lodil - Pharmahof
- Lodimax - OPV
- Lodimax AC - OPV
- Lodimol - Kener Laboratorios
- Lodine - Wyeth; Algol Pharma; Fornet Laboratoires; Sankyo; Shire; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Lodine Retard - Wyeth
- Lodine SR - Wyeth; Shire
- Lodine XL - Wyeth
- Lodip - Bosch Pharmaceuticals; Medbase Pharmaceuticals
- Lodipas - Pyridam
- Lodipen - Royton Quimica Farmaceutica
- Lodipin - Aristopharma; Roemmers-Klinos
- Lodipine-C - Cooper
- Lodipres - Chile Laboratorios
- Lodiric - Novartis; Sandoz
- Lodis - Chimico Farmaceutico Eugal Laboratorio
- Lodistad - Stada; Croma Medic
- Loditac
- Lodixal - Abbott
- Lodoc - Columbia de Argentina Laboratorios
- Lodol - Symbiosis
- Lodomer - Mersifarma Tirmaku Mercusana
- Lodopin - Fujisawa; Kalbe Farma
- Lodosin
- Lodosyn - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Lodot - B.A. Farma Laboratorio
- Lodovax - Glomed Pharmaceutical
- Lodoxal - Alcon
- Lodoxal Unidose - Alcon
- Lodoz - Merck; Agencia Lei Va Hong; DKSH; Nycomed; Serono; Zuellig Pharma
- Lodrane - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Lodrane 12 - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Lodrane 12D - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Lodrane 24 - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Lodrane D - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Lodrane LD - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Lodronat - Roche
- Lodulce - Littman Drug Corp
- Lodyfen - Grin Laboratorios
- LO-E - East West Pharma
- Loesfer - Pfizer; Viatris
- Loesfer + Acide Folique - Pfizer
- Loestrin - Pfizer; Galen; Parke-Davis; Warner Chilcott
- Loestrin 21 Day Pak - Pfizer; Warner Chilcott
- Loestrin 24 Fe - Pfizer; Warner Chilcott
- Loestrin 28 Day Pack - Pfizer; Warner Chilcott
- Loestrin Fe - Pfizer; Warner Chilcott
- Loestrol - Elfin Pharma; Nifle Biosciences
- Loette - Wyeth; IDS Group; Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Loexom - Industrias Quimico Farmaceuticas Americanas
- Loexom FC - Industrias Quimico Farmaceuticas Americanas
- Loexom FS - Industrias Quimico Farmaceuticas Americanas
- Lofacol - Health Alliance International; Apotheca Marketing; Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem; Ferron
- Lofact - Medico Healthcare
- Lofecam - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Lofection - Unichem Laboratories; Ambica International Trading Corporation
- Lofel - East African India Overseas
- Lo-Femenal - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Lo-Femenal 21 - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Lofen - Bal Pharma
- Lofen - Health Guard India
- Lofen - Pharmaland 1982
- Lofenac - Chew Brothers
- Lofenalac - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- Lofenax - Geofman Pharmaceuticals; Clinbaxy International
- Lofene
- Lofenin - Solvang Pharma
- Lofenoxal - Pfizer
- Lofensaid - Trinity Chiesi Pharmaceuticals
- Lofepramine - Sandoz
- Lofibra - Pharos Indonesia
- Lofibra - Teva; OEP Philippines; Zuellig Pharma
- Loflacin - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Loflam - EON Pharmatek
- Loflox - Meyer Productos Terapeuticos
- Lofnac - Bliss GVS Pharma
- Lofo - Aronex Life Sciences
- Lofostin - Farmedia
- Lofoto - Rafarm
- Lofox - Sintez
- Lofoxin - Locatelli Farmaceutici
- Lofral - Mepha; Ceutical Trading; Mepharm Malaysia
- Lofrinex - Micro Labs
- Loft - Admac Pharma
- Loftan - GlaxoSmithKline
- Lofthouse Origin Extra-Strong Fisherman Friend - Lofthouse of Fleetwood
- Lofthouse Origin Ext-Strong Fisherman Friend - Lofthouse of Fleetwood
- Lofthouse Regular Fisherman's Friend - Lofthouse of Fleetwood
- Loftil - Abbott
- Lofton - Abbott
- Loftran - GlaxoSmithKline
- Loftyl - Abbott
- Lofxito - Aristopharma
- Lofy - Biomax Biotechnics
- LO-G - Euphoric Pharmaceuticals
- Logacron - Inexfa
- Logadine - General Drugs House
- Logafox - Meprofarm
- Logamel - Novartis
- Logamicyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Logan - Istituto Chimico Internazionale Dr. Giuseppe Rende
- Loganil - Arex Technology
- Logascid - AstraZeneca
- Logastin - Osoth Inter Laboratories
- Logastric - AstraZeneca
- Logat - Libbs Farmaceutica
- Logazil - Loeffler
- Logcef - Alna Biotech
- Logcef-CV - Alna Biotech
- Logecine - Genopharm Laboratoires
- Logen - IVAX; Superpharm
- Logen-MD - Gentech Healthcare
- Logesic - Church & Dwight
- Logest - Bayer Schering Pharma; Delpharm Lille
- Logflox - Alna Biotech
- Logflox-OZ - Alna Biotech
- Logic - Sienna Formulations
- Logical - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Logical - IVAX
- Logical - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Logical - Sanofi-Aventis
- Logical Suspension - Serum Institute of India
- Logical Tablets - Serum International
- Logical-M - Serum International
- Logican - Mundipharma; Win Medicare
- Logicin Chest Rub - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logicin Cough and Cold - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logicin Cough Mixture for Congested Chesty Coughs - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; GlaxoSmithKline
- Logicin Cough Mixture for Dry Coughs - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; GlaxoSmithKline
- Logicin Cough Suppressant - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logicin Expectorant - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logicin Flu Strength - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; GlaxoSmithKline
- Logicin Flu Strength Day and Night - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; GlaxoSmithKline
- Logicin Flu Strength Day and Night Tablet Day-Time - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Flu Strength Day and Night Tablet Night-Time - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Hay Fever - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logicin Junior Childrens Cough Mixture - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; GlaxoSmithKline
- Logicin Natural Lozenges - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logicin Rapid Relief Lozenges - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; GlaxoSmithKline; Goldplus Universal; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Rapid Relief Lozenges Menthol and Eucalyptus - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; GlaxoSmithKline; Goldplus Universal; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Rapid Relief Lozenges Original - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; GlaxoSmithKline; Goldplus Universal; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Rapid Relief Spray - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; GlaxoSmithKline; Goldplus Universal; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Sinus - Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Firma Popular; GlaxoSmithKline; Treasure Mountain Development
- Logicin Sore Throat - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Logiflox - Biocodex; Pfizer
- Logimat - AstraZeneca
- Logimax - AstraZeneca; Four Star; Teva; Zuellig Pharma
- Logimax Forte - AstraZeneca; Teva
- Logimax LP - AstraZeneca; Teva
- Logiparin - Novo Nordisk; CSL; Medex
- Logirene - Pfizer; Erempharma Laboratoires
- Logista - Caprifarmindo Laboratories
- Logistic - Craveri
- Logit - Khandelwal Laboratories
- Logmaz - NIC Pharma
- Logoderm - Schering-Plough
- Logomed Abfuhr-Dragees - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Akne-Gel - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Allergie-Gel - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Allergie-Tabletten - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Beruhigungs-Tabletten - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Desinfektions-Salbe - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Durchfall-Kapseln - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Ekzem-Salbe - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Erkaltungs-Balsam - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Galle-Dragees - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Hamorrhoiden - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Hautpilz-Salbe - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Herz - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Heuschnupfen-Spray - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Husten - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Juckreiz Gel - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Juckreiz Tablets - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Kreislauf-Tabletten - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Leber-Kapseln - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Magen - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Nasen-Tropfen - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Neuro-Aktiv-Tabletten - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Prostata-Kapseln - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Reise-Tabletten - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Schmerz - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Schmerz-Fieber - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Sport-Gel - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Venen-Salbe - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Verdauungs-Kapseln - Logomed Pharma
- Logomed Wund-Heilbalsam - Logomed Pharma
- Logopharm Immun - Logomed Pharma
- Logos
- Logout-SR - Inga Laboratories
- Logpod - Alna Biotech
- Logradin - Schering-Plough
- Logrosal - Silesia Laboratorios
- Logroton - Novartis; Recipe, Austria; Sankyo
- Logroton Divitabs - Novartis; Zuellig Pharma
- Logroton Retard - Novartis; Zuellig Pharma
- Logryx - Wyeth
- Logy - Sienna Formulations
- Logynon - Bayer Schering Pharma; HE Clissmann; Perrigo; Zuellig Pharma
- Logynon ED - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Logzece - NIC Pharma
- LO-H - East West Pharma
- Lohak - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Lohatidin - Hatipharco
- Lohp - Ingens Laboratorios
- Lohtone - Moraceae Pharmaceuticals
- Loic Mauu Xoa Phong Gan - Duc Tho Sanh
- Loisan - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Loisan-D - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Loitin - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Lo-Kal - Cipla
- Lokalicid - Dermapharm
- Lokalison-Antimikrobiell Creme N - Dermapharm
- Lokalison-F - Dorsch
- Lokalison-Universale - Dorsch
- LoKara - PharmaDerm
- Lokarin - Biotech Laboratorios
- Lokefar - Nafar Laboratorios
- Lokev - Ifars Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Lok-H - Alna Biotech
- Lokilan - IVAX
- Lokilan Nasal - Roche
- Lokit - Kramer Pharmaceuticals; Kopran; Pharmaland 1982; Pharmasan
- Lokit-Kit - Kopran
- Lokoles - Corsa Industries
- Lokren - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lol - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Lolavits - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Lolergi - Mugi Laboratories
- Lolergy - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Lolira-P - Zenon Healthcare
- Lolita - Unison Laboratories; Medline, Thailand
- Lolium Temulentum - Boiron
- Lolium Temulentum - Dolisos
- Lolium Temulentum - Standard Homeopathic
- Lolium Temulentum Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Lolium Temulentum Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Lolli AGY - Terra Botanica Products
- Lolli ASM - Terra Botanica Products
- Lolli CD - Terra Botanica Products
- Lolli CH - Terra Botanica Products
- Lol-SR - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Lolum - Lifepharma
- Lomabronchin N - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomac - Cipla; CZ Pharma; LBS Laboratory; Neopharm, Thailand
- Lomacard - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomacholan - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomacin - Novartis; Wave Pharmaceuticals
- Lomaday - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories; Biofarma Laboratorio; Pahang Pharmacy; Zyfas Medical
- Lomadryl - Chrispa Alfa Pharma
- Lomaherpan - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann; DKSH; Madaus
- LomaHypericum - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann; Polymedic Trading Enterprise
- Lomal - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomanate - Alpharma
- Lomapect - TAD Pharma
- Lomar - Universal Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Lomaren - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomarheumin N - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomarin - Geymonat
- Lomarin - Medipharm, Chile
- Lomasatin M - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomasleep - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomatol Drops - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomatol Tablets - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomatuell H - Lohmann & Rauscher Laboratoires
- Lomavital - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomax - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Lomazell Forte N - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Lomazole - Swiss Parentals
- Lombalgina - Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Lombocid - PROEL Pharmaceuticals
- Lombriareu - Areu
- Lombrimade - Esfar Laboratorios
- Lombristop
- L-Ombrix - Liomont Laboratorios
- Lomebact - Medivis
- Lomeblastin - Pfizer
- Lomecan V - Liferpal MD
- Lomecid Capsules - Taurus Laboratories
- Lomecid Suspension - Taurus Laboratories
- Lomecid-D - Taurus Laboratories
- Lomecomb - Akrikhin
- Lomedium - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Lomedon - Zydus Cadila
- Lomef - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Lomeflon - Senju Pharmaceutical
- Lomeflox - Aristo Pharmaceuticals; Sincerity Asia
- Lomefloxacin - Brawn Laboratories
- Lomefloxacin - Pharmasyntez
- Lomefloxacin - Valenta Pharmaceuticals
- Lomekan - Chem Pharma
- Lomenate
- Lomepral - Pfizer
- Lomesone - Schering-Plough
- Lomesta
- Lomet - Microsules Argentina
- Lomet-CT - Nordic Formulations
- Lomewon - Max India
- Lomex - L.O. Oftalmi Laboratorios
- Lomex - Saval Laboratorios
- Lomexel - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- Lomexin - Altana Pharma; Aspen Pharmacare; Effik; Elea Laboratorio; Galenica, Greece; Gerot Pharmazeutika; Growena Impex; Manx Healthcare; MD Pharmaceuticals; Nycomed; Quoc Te; Recordati; S & K Pharma, Schumann & Kohl
- Lomezek - Gland Pharma; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Lomezstandard - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical; Hong Long
- Lomfer - Osorio de Moraes Laboratorios
- Lomflox - Ipca Laboratories; Zyfas Medical
- Lomibact - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Lomicid - United Drug; DKSH
- Lomide - Alcon
- Lomide - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Lomidin
- Lomidine
- Lomilan - Sandoz; Lek
- Lomilan Express - Sandoz
- Lomin - Intra Labs India
- Lomindus - Penta Labs
- Lomine - Riva Laboratoire
- Lomir - Novartis; Sankyo
- Lomir SRO - Novartis
- Lomir SRO Mite - Novartis
- Lomisat - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lomisat Compositum - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lomitas - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Lomodex 40 - Wockhardt
- Lomodex 70 - Wockhardt
- Lomofen - RPG Life Sciences
- Lomoh - Emcure Pharmaceuticals; Macropharma Corporation
- Lomol - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Lomonox - Neiss Labs
- Lomont - Rosemont Pharmaceuticals
- Lomoparan
- Lomorest - Zuventus Healthcare
- Lomorin - VHB Life Sciences
- Lomorin-NX - VHB Life Sciences
- Lomostop-MF - Wings Pharmaceuticals
- Lomotil - Pfizer; Allphar Services; GD Searle; Goldshield Pharmaceuticals; IDS Group; Johnson & Johnson; RPG Life Sciences; Zuellig Pharma
- Lomotil Loperamide - Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson; Zuellig Pharma
- Lomox - Cubit Healthcare
- Lomox Kid - Cubit Healthcare
- Lomox-D - Cubit Healthcare
- Lomper - Esteve Farma
- Lomprax - Mintlab
- Lomsin - Victory Enterprises
- Lomtin - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Lomudal - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomudal Comp - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomudal Compositum - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomudal Nebuliser - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomudal sans FCKW - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomudas
- Lomupren - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomupren Compositum - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomusol - Sanofi-Aventis; Sigmapharm Arzneimittel
- Lomusol Comp - Sanofi-Aventis; Sigmapharm Arzneimittel
- Lomusol plus Xylometazoline - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomusol-X - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomuspray - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lomustine - GlaxoSmithKline
- Lomustine - Medac
- Lomvit - Osorio de Moraes Laboratorios
- Lomy - Masa Lab
- Lona - Thaipharmed 1942; ST Pharma
- Lonace - Pascual Laboratories; Optaderm Pharma
- Lonactene - Ferring
- Lonaflam - Merck
- Lonalac - Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- Lonalgal - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonamin
- Lonarid - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonarid Aplo - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonarid Mono - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonarid N - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonason - Alpharma Laboratorios
- Lonatec - Arlex de Mexico
- Lonavar - DSM Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology General Israel; CSL
- Lonazep - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Loncord - Diffucap-Chemobras Quim Farm
- Londerm-N - Kinder Laboratorio
- Londoman - Panvifarm
- London Drug Sport SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drug Sunblock Lotion SPF 15 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drug Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Antiperspirant Scented - H.J. Sutton Industries
- London Drugs' Baby Sunblock SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Coated Daily Low-Dose ASA - Pharmascience
- London Drugs' Dark Tanning Lotion SPF 4 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Dark Tanning SPF 4 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Kids Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Kids Sunblock SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Ladies Stick Antiperspirant Powder Fresh - H.J. Sutton Industries
- London Drugs Ladies Stick Antiperspirant Scented - H.J. Sutton Industries
- London Drugs Sport SPF 15 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs Sport SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs' Sport Sunblock SPF 15 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs' Sport Sunblock SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs' Sunblock Lotion SPF 15 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs' Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- London Drugs' Sunscreen Lotion SPF 8 - Tanning Research Laboratories
- Londopon - Panvifarm
- Lonestin - Rayere Farmaceuticos
- Lonevit - Gastroenterologicos
- Lonflex
- Long Acting Nasal Spray - Bei
- Long Chi Boa Gan Loa - Fidopharm
- Long Diean Boa Phoai - Hong Hue
- Long Lasting Decongestant Nasal Mist - Confab Laboratories; Pan-Well Trading
- Long Lasting Nasal Mist - Jamp Pharma
- Long Lasting Nasal Mist - Pharmascience
- Long Lasting Nasal Mist - Stanley Pharmaceuticals
- Long Lasting Nasal Mist - Supplements Aromatik
- Long Noum Maut Gan - Phuoc Linh
- Longacef - Leti Laboratorios
- Longaceph - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Longachin - Teofarma
- Longacilin - Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Longacilina - Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Longacillin - Hindustan Antibiotic
- Longacor - Procter & Gamble; Interdelta; Rovi Laboratorios
- Longactil - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Longalgic - Celltech
- Longanoct
- Longaplex - Almirall
- Longastatina - Italfarmaco
- Longasteril 40 - Fresenius
- Longasteril 70 - Fresenius
- Longasulf
- Longatin - Actavis
- Longatren - Bayer Schering Pharma; Bayropharm Italiana
- Longazem - De Salute
- Longbalsem - Wolfs, Belgium
- Longcef - Astral Pharmaceuticals
- Longcef - Kalbe Farma
- Longdigox - Trommsdorff Arzneimittel
- Longes
- Longestrol - Landerlan
- Longevit - Hexal
- Longevit Plus - Hexal
- Longevital - Bago Laboratorios
- Longevital - Sanitalia di Battaglia
- Longevit-E - Holista Health
- Longicil
- Longidaza - Petrovax Pharm
- Longifene - UCB Pharma; Adcock Ingram
- Longimin - Raza Manufacturing; Pharmaniaga
- Longin - Olive Lifesciences
- Longiprednil - Dorsch
- Longisil - Vetoquinol
- Longivol - Medical, Spain
- Longliv - Wallace Pharmaceuticals
- Longopax - Essex
- Longshot GR - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Longtussin - GlaxoSmithKline; Klinge Pharma
- Longtussin Duplex Tag und Nacht N - Tussin Pharma
- Longum - Pfizer
- Loni - Solitaire Pharmacia
- Lonicera Caprifolium - Boiron
- Lonicera Nigra Goutte - Dolisos
- Lonicera Xylosteum - Boiron
- Lonicera Xylosteum - Dolisos
- Lonicera Xylosteum - Standard Homeopathic
- Lonide
- Lonikan - Merck
- Lonin - Chemo Drugs
- Lonine - Wyeth
- Loni-Plus - Solitaire Pharmacia
- Loniten - Pfizer; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Zuellig Pharma
- Lonixer - Serral
- Lonlor - Synmedic Laboratories
- Lonna - TC Pharma-Chem
- Lonna - Triton Health Care
- Lonnoten - Pfizer
- Lonol - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonol - Garec Pharmaceuticals
- Lonol - Khandelwal Laboratories
- Lonol Crema - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonol Sport - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Lonolox - Pfizer
- Lonoten - Pfizer
- Lonox - Novartis; Sandoz
- Lonseren - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lontadex - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Lontadex D - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Lontanyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Lontax - Fidia Farmaceutici
- Lontermin - Lek
- Lontif - Strassenburg Pharmaceuticals
- Lonza - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Lonzest SML
- Loobid - Cachet Pharmaceuticals
- Loortan - Therabel Pharma
- Loortan Plus - Therabel Pharma
- Loose Powder Sunscreen SPF 15 - Aloette Cosmetics
- Looz - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Looz Sprinkles - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Loozit - Intra Labs India
- Loozylax - Skymax Laboratories
- Lop - Son's Laboratorios Quimica
- Lopa - Jean-Marie Pharmacal; Agencia Lei Va Hong
- Lopace - Discovery Pharmaceuticals
- Lopalind - Lindopharm
- Lopalind Akut - Lindopharm
- Lopam
- Lopamide - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Lopamine - Shiwa Chemicals
- Lopamiro 300 - Popular Pharmaceuticals
- Lopamiro 370 - Popular Pharmaceuticals
- Lopane
- Loparin - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Lopatol - Novartis
- Lopazil - Jin Yang Pharmaceutical; Berna
- Lo-P-Caps - ST Pharma
- Lop-Dia - Philopharm
- Lopecian - Cinetic Laboratories Argentina
- Lopediar - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Lopedium - Sandoz; Gebro Pharma; Hexal; Salutas Pharma
- Lopedium Express - Sandoz
- Lopedium ISO - Sandoz; Hexal
- Lopedium T - Sandoz; Hexal
- Lopela - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Lopelin - Fumouze Laboratoires
- Lopemid - Visufarma
- Lopenca - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Lopep - Zynova Pharmaceuticals; Metro Drug Distribution
- Lopepham - Phamos Arzneimittel
- Loper - Quality Pharmaceutical Laboratory; Vai Tat Hong
- Lopera - Basics
- Lopera Akut - Basics
- Loperacap - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- LoperaGen - Goldshield Pharmaceuticals
- Loperaglobe - Globela Pharma
- Loperam - Agio Pharmaceuticals
- Loperam - Septa Chemifarma
- Loperam - Vargas Laboratorios
- Loperamerck - Merck
- Loperamid - 1 A Pharma
- Loperamid - Agimexpharm
- Loperamid - Akrikhin
- Loperamid - Aliud Pharma
- Loperamid - CT-Arzneimittel
- Loperamid - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Loperamid - G. Streuli
- Loperamid - Helvepharm
- Loperamid - Mepha
- Loperamid - Ratiopharm
- Loperamid - Sandoz
- Loperamid - SPM
- Loperamid - Stada
- Loperamid - Teva
- Loperamid Akut - Aliud Pharma
- Loperamid Akut - Ratiopharm
- Loperamid Akut - Stada
- Loperamida - Chile Laboratorios
- Loperamide - Able Laboratories
- Loperamide - Alpharma
- Loperamide - Apteki 36.6
- Loperamide - Arrow Generiques
- Loperamide - Banner Pharmacaps
- Loperamide - Biocom, Russia
- Loperamide - Biogaran
- Loperamide - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - Cristers
- Loperamide - DC Labs
- Loperamide - Doctors Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - Duramed Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - EG Labo
- Loperamide - Flamingo Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - G Gam Laboratoires
- Loperamide - Grindex
- Loperamide - Hexal; Viet Thong
- Loperamide - Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - IVAX
- Loperamide - Johnson & Johnson
- Loperamide - Leiner
- Loperamide - Lekhim-Kharkov
- Loperamide - LNK
- Loperamide - Merck
- Loperamide - Minimed Laboratories
- Loperamide - Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - Mylan
- Loperamide - North Star
- Loperamide - Obolenskoe Pharmaceutical Enterprise
- Loperamide - OHM Laboratories
- Loperamide - Ozon
- Loperamide - Perrigo
- Loperamide - Pharmaniaga
- Loperamide - Pro Doc
- Loperamide - Qualimed Pharma
- Loperamide - Ranbaxy
- Loperamide - Ratiopharm
- Loperamide - RiteMED Phils
- Loperamide - Roxane Laboratories
- Loperamide - Sandoz
- Loperamide - Skopinpharm
- Loperamide - Teva
- Loperamide - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Loperamide - Trianon Laboratoires
- Loperamide - Vita Health Products
- Loperamide - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Loperamide Conseil - Arrow Generiques
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