Pharmaceutical products list, page 42:
- Cefotaxime - Samrudh Pharmaceuticals
- Cefotaxime - Sanavita Pharmaceuticals; Bivid
- Cefotaxime - Sanofi-Aventis
- Cefotaxime - Shreya Healthcare
- Cefotaxime - Shreya Life Sciences
- Cefotaxime - Strides Arcolab
- Cefotaxime - Vial, Russia
- Cefotaxime - Vipharco
- Cefotaxime - Wockhardt
- Cefotaxime and Dextrose 2.4% in plastic container - B. Braun
- Cefotaxime and Dextrose 3.9% in plastic container - B. Braun
- Cefotaxime DS - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Cefotaxime-BC - Sandoz
- Cefotaxone - Bidiphar
- Cefotec - Keshav Health Care Networking
- Cefotetan - Abraxis BioScience
- Cefotetan - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
- Cefotetan and Dextrose in duplex container - B. Braun
- Cefotex - Gepach International; Precimex
- Cefotim - Zydus Cadila
- Cefotrim - Pharmedica Laboratories; Huge Pharma International
- Cefotrix - Alternova; BeaCo, Hungary
- Cefotrizin - FIRMA
- Cefovell - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Cefovis - Istituto Farmaco Biologico Ripari-Gero
- Cefovit - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- Cefovit Forte - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- Cefox - Health Care Formulations
- Cefox - Sel-J Pharma; Health Cure Pharma; Plethico Pharmaceuticals; Utopian
- Cefoxan - Royton Quimica Farmaceutica
- Cefoxid - Alkem Laboratories
- Cefoxil - Bal Pharma
- Cefoxim - Biochem Pharmaceutical Industries
- Cefoxin - M & H Manufacturing; Royton Quimica Farmaceutica
- Cefoxitin - ACS Dobfar
- Cefoxitin - Antibioticos do Brasil
- Cefoxitin - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Cefoxitin - Baxter
- Cefoxitin - Biochemie
- Cefoxitin - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Cefoxitin - Hospira
- Cefoxitin - Mayne Pharma
- Cefoxitin - Novopharm
- Cefoxitin - Orchid Healthcare
- Cefoxitin and Dextrose in duplex container - B. Braun
- Cefoxitine - Panpharma
- Cefoxivit - Pan-Ject Pharmaceuticals; Vitalis Pharmaceutical
- Cefozed-S - Zota Pharmaceuticals
- Cefozile - Euvipharm
- Cefozim - BTO Pharmaceutical; Morning Star Pharma
- Cefozone - Atlantic Laboratories; Vana Corporation
- Cefpar - Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals
- Cefpar SB - Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals; Kaspa Pharmaceutical Thailand
- Cefper - Biolab; Biopharm Chemicals
- Cefph - Sanjivani Paranteral
- Cefpil - Psychotropics India
- Cefpime - Global Medisciences
- Cefpin - Sinensix Pharma
- Cefpiramide - Wyeth
- Cefpixone - Yungjin Pharmaceutical; Korea Schnell Pharma
- Cefpo - Finecure Pharmaceuticals
- Cefpocin - Cinerea Biotech
- Cefpodan - Daniel Pasteur
- Cefpodoxim - Sandoz
- Cefpodoxime - Actavis
- Cefpodoxime - Almus
- Cefpodoxime - Arbro Pharmaceuticals
- Cefpodoxime - Arrow Generiques
- Cefpodoxime - Aurobindo
- Cefpodoxime - Biogaran
- Cefpodoxime - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Cefpodoxime - EG Labo
- Cefpodoxime - Maxim Pharmaceuticals
- Cefpodoxime - Merck
- Cefpodoxime - Minimed Laboratories
- Cefpodoxime - Mylan
- Cefpodoxime - Orchid Healthcare
- Cefpodoxime - Qualimed Pharma
- Cefpodoxime - Ranbaxy
- Cefpodoxime - Ratiopharm
- Cefpodoxime - Sandoz
- Cefpodoxime - Sanofi-Aventis
- Cefpodoxime - Santa Farma Ilac
- Cefpodoxime - Teva
- Cefpodoxime - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Arrow Generiques
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Biogaran
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - EG Labo
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Mylan
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Qualimed Pharma
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Ratiopharm
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Sandoz
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Sanofi-Aventis
- Cefpodoxime Enfants et Nourrissons - Teva
- Cefpogard - Candor Biotech
- Cefpolar - Lark Laboratories
- Cefpoluck - U Square Lifescience
- Cefpoquick - Clesstra Healthcare
- Cefpozine - Chung Gei Pharma
- Cefpozole - Zhuhai Jinhong Pharmaceutical; C-Pharmachem
- Cefprozil - Apotex
- Cefprozil - Aurobindo
- Cefprozil - Pro Doc
- Cefprozil - Ranbaxy
- Cefprozil - Sandoz
- Cefprozil - Teva
- Cefprozil - Wockhardt
- Cefra - OM Pharma
- Cefrabiotic - Prospa Italia
- Cefrace - BMW Pharmaco India
- Cefracin - Corporacion de Salud
- Cefracycline
- Cefraden - Merck
- Cefradil - Merck
- Cefradin - Glomed Pharmaceutical
- Cefradina - Chile Laboratorios
- Cefradine - Bright Future Pharmaceutical Laboratories; Zuellig Pharma
- Cefradine - Shandong Reyoung Pharmaceutical
- Cefradine - Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma
- Cefradine - Yuhan Corporation; Kolon International Corporation
- Cefradol - Ferron
- Cefradox - Aegis
- Cefradroxil
- Cefradur - Atral Laboratorios
- Cefral - Eli Lilly
- Cefral - Juventus
- Cefralon - Aldril Pharmaceuticals; InnoGen Pharma Group
- Ceframid - Minh Dan
- Cefrasol - Radiumfarma Laboratori Farmaco Biologici
- Cefratalis - Vitrofarma
- Cefravidi - Vidipha
- Cefrax - Aegis
- Cefren - Nabiqasim Industries
- Cefrich - Cruise Pharmacia
- Cefrich-SB - Cruise Pharmacia
- Cefriex - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Cefril - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Cefrin - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Cefrin - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Cefrin - Iko Overseas; Thien The Pharmaceutical
- Cefrine - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Cefrine - Macleods Pharmaceuticals
- Cefriotal - Union Korea Pharm
- Cefritz - Ritz Pharma
- Cefritz S - Ritz Pharma
- Cefritz-TZ - Ritz Pharma
- Cefrobactum - Sanjivani Paranteral
- Cefrom - Sanofi-Aventis; DKSH; Sandoz
- Cefron - Sanofi-Aventis
- Cefrosan - Sanjivani Paranteral
- Cefrose-S - Rose Pharmaco
- Cefroxil - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Cefrozid - Medihealth
- Cefrub - Chemo Drugs
- Cefs - Shreshtha Formulations
- Cefset - Wintech Pharmaceuticals
- Cefset-S - Wintech Pharmaceuticals
- Cefset-TX - Wintech Pharmaceuticals
- Cefsine - Sunshine Pharma
- Cefsine-S - Sunshine Pharma
- Cefsine-TZ - Sunshine Pharma
- Cefsix - Mersifarma Tirmaku Mercusana
- Cefsolaxe - Chung Gei Pharma
- Cefson - Dr. Alson Laboratories
- Cefson - Mustafa Nevzat Ilac
- Cefspan - GlaxoSmithKline; Astellas Pharma; BJC Trading; Grunenthal; Kalbe Farma; OPV
- Cefs-S - Shreshtha Formulations
- Cefs-T - Shreshtha Formulations
- Cefsul-S - Claris Lifesciences
- Ceft - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Cefta - Plus India
- Ceftab - Sienna Formulations
- Ceftabit - Cubit Healthcare
- Ceftacef - XL Laboratories
- Ceftacef LB - XL Laboratories
- Ceftacin - Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma
- Ceftact - Medico Healthcare
- Ceftaject - Qilu Pharmaceutical
- Ceftal - Talent Healthcare
- Ceftamax - Simex Phanrmaceutical Indonesia
- Ceftanir - Pymepharco
- Ceftanorth - Itaca Laboratorios
- Ceftaran - TNP Health Care
- Ceftaridem - Vocate Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftariz - Ritz Pharma
- Ceftas - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftas AL - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftasintas - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftas-LB - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftavir - East African India Overseas
- Ceftax - Ranbaxy; Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftaz - Cipla
- Ceftaz - Pharmedica Laboratories; Huge Pharma International
- Ceftazidim - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Ceftazidim - Mitim
- Ceftazidim - Sandoz
- Ceftazidim - Shreya Healthcare
- Ceftazidim - Sintez
- Ceftazidim - Stada; Pymepharco
- Ceftazidima - Volta Laboratorio
- Ceftazidime - ACS Dobfar
- Ceftazidime - Actavis
- Ceftazidime - Aguettant
- Ceftazidime - Alpa Expoim
- Ceftazidime - Arrow Generiques
- Ceftazidime - Aurobindo
- Ceftazidime - Biogaran
- Ceftazidime - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftazidime - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Ceftazidime - Flamingo Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftazidime - Kaifeng Yugang Pharmaceutical
- Ceftazidime - Kraspharma
- Ceftazidime - Kunming Jida Pharmaceutical
- Ceftazidime - Makiz-Pharma
- Ceftazidime - Medopharm
- Ceftazidime - Merck
- Ceftazidime - Mylan
- Ceftazidime - Orchid Healthcare
- Ceftazidime - Panpharma
- Ceftazidime - Pascual Laboratories
- Ceftazidime - Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada
- Ceftazidime - RiteMED Phils
- Ceftazidime - Sandoz
- Ceftazidime - Sanofi-Aventis
- Ceftazidime - Teva
- Ceftazidime - Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Ceftazidime - Wockhardt
- Ceftazidime Enfantes Nourrissons - Merck
- Ceftazidime Enfantess et Nourrissons - Aguettant
- Ceftazidime Enfants et Nourrissons - Arrow Generiques
- Ceftazidime Enfants et Nourrissons - EG Labo
- Ceftazidime Enfants et Nourrissons - Mylan
- Ceftazidime Enfants et Nourrissons - Panpharma
- Ceftazidime Enfants et Nourrissons - Sandoz
- Ceftazidime in Dextrose container - B. Braun
- Ceftazidime sodium in plastic container - Baxter
- Ceftazidime; Tazobactam - Lyka Labs
- Ceftazidon - Ariston Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceutica
- Ceftazimark - Marksans Pharma
- Ceftazin - Remedina
- Ceftazisam - SRS Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftazivit - Pan-Ject Pharmaceuticals; Vitalis Pharmaceutical
- Ceftem
- Ceften - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Ceftenon - Biochemie
- Cefteram - Ranbaxy
- Ceftex - Prem Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftezole - HanAll Pharmaceutical
- Ceftibac - Singapore Pharmawealth Lifesciences
- Ceftic - Yash Pharma Laboratories
- Ceftichek - Indoco Remedies
- Ceftidin - Lyka Hetero Healthcare
- Ceftil - Hanmi Pharmaceutical; Kyowa Hakko; Phil Pharmawealth; Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical
- Ceftils - Shreshtha Formulations
- Ceftim - GlaxoSmithKline
- Ceftime - Utopian
- Ceftin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Ceftina - Probiomed
- Ceftiol - Chile Laboratorios
- Ceftiwin - Parenteral Drugs India
- Ceftix - Roche; Gador
- Ceftizon - Bago Laboratorios
- Ceftobac - RPG Life Sciences
- Ceftocin - Venus Remedies
- Ceftomax - Solara Farmaceutica
- Cefton - Ariston Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceutica
- Ceftop - Ind-Swift
- Ceftop - Ranbaxy
- Ceftop - Vensat Bio
- Ceftop-DT - Vensat Bio
- Ceftopix - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftoral - Vianex
- Ceftorin - Cipla
- Ceftozel - Hanlim Pharmaceutical
- Ceftra - Health Guard India
- Ceftraset - Biosync Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftraset-S - Biosync Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftrat - Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional
- Ceftrax - Aurobindo
- Ceftrex - Biolab; Biopharm Chemicals; Columbia Laboratorios; Medispec
- Ceftriabol - Abolmed
- Ceftriaci - ACI Pharma
- Ceftrialin - Behrens Laboratorio
- Ceftrialis - Pan-Ject Pharmaceuticals; Vitalis Pharmaceutical
- Ceftrian - Taurus Laboratories
- Ceftrianol - Liomont Laboratorios
- Ceftriax - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Ceftriaxon - Biohimik
- Ceftriaxon - Euvipharm
- Ceftriaxon - Mepha
- Ceftriaxon - OrPha Swiss
- Ceftriaxon - Sandoz
- Ceftriaxon - Shijiazhuang Pharma Group Zhongnuo Pharmaceutical
- Ceftriaxon - Sintez
- Ceftriaxon - Stragen; Mitim
- Ceftriaxona - Volta Laboratorio
- Ceftriaxone - ACS Dobfar
- Ceftriaxone - Actavis
- Ceftriaxone - Aguettant
- Ceftriaxone - Alembic
- Ceftriaxone - Almus
- Ceftriaxone - Alpa Expoim
- Ceftriaxone - Aquarius Enterprises
- Ceftriaxone - Arrow Generiques
- Ceftriaxone - Astral Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - Aurobindo
- Ceftriaxone - Bedford Laboratories
- Ceftriaxone - Biogaran
- Ceftriaxone - Biohimik
- Ceftriaxone - Biosynthesis
- Ceftriaxone - Cephazone Pharma
- Ceftriaxone - Cheil
- Ceftriaxone - Cristers
- Ceftriaxone - Dakota Pharma
- Ceftriaxone - Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Firm
- Ceftriaxone - Deko Company
- Ceftriaxone - EG Labo
- Ceftriaxone - Elfa Laboratories
- Ceftriaxone - G Gam Laboratoires
- Ceftriaxone - Galpha Laboratories
- Ceftriaxone - Guangzhou Pui's Pharmaceutical Factory
- Ceftriaxone - Hanford Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - Hospira
- Ceftriaxone - IVAX
- Ceftriaxone - Kaifeng Yugang Pharmaceutical
- Ceftriaxone - Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - Kievmedpreparat
- Ceftriaxone - Kraspharma
- Ceftriaxone - Kunming Jida Pharmaceutical
- Ceftriaxone - LG Life Sciences; Kolon International Corporation
- Ceftriaxone - Luitpold Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - M.J. Biopharm
- Ceftriaxone - Makiz-Pharma
- Ceftriaxone - Mareechi Exports
- Ceftriaxone - Mayne Pharma
- Ceftriaxone - Medopharm
- Ceftriaxone - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Ceftriaxone - Merck
- Ceftriaxone - Mylan
- Ceftriaxone - Myungmoon Pharm
- Ceftriaxone - Novopharm
- Ceftriaxone - Orchid Healthcare
- Ceftriaxone - Panpharma
- Ceftriaxone - Pascual Laboratories
- Ceftriaxone - Promed Exports
- Ceftriaxone - Protech Biosystems
- Ceftriaxone - Qualimed Pharma
- Ceftriaxone - Ranbaxy
- Ceftriaxone - Ratiopharm
- Ceftriaxone - RiteMED Phils
- Ceftriaxone - Sandoz
- Ceftriaxone - Sanofi-Aventis
- Ceftriaxone - Sicor Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone - Sterimax
- Ceftriaxone - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Ceftriaxone - Teva
- Ceftriaxone - Torlan Laboratorios
- Ceftriaxone - TV Pharm
- Ceftriaxone - Vertex Exports
- Ceftriaxone - Vial, Russia
- Ceftriaxone - Vipharco
- Ceftriaxone - Wockhardt
- Ceftriaxone - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftriaxone Kabi - CLL Pharma
- Ceftriaxone Medifa K24 - Medipha Sante Laboratoire
- Ceftriaxone; Dextrose in duplex container - B. Braun
- Ceftriaxone-BC - Sandoz
- Ceftriaz - Klonal Laboratorios
- Ceftrica - Molekule India
- Ceftrica-S - Molekule India
- Ceftrida - Nida Pharma; Ozia Pharmaceutical
- Ceftrifin - Wockhardt
- Ceftril - Tablets India
- Ceftrilem - Teva; Lemery
- Ceftril-S - Tablets India
- Ceftrimax - VHB Life Sciences
- Ceftrimini - Minimed Laboratories
- Ceftrin - J.K.Drugs & Pharmaceuticals; Interpharm
- Ceftrinal - Farmedia
- Ceftrione - Bidiphar
- Ceftriphin - General Drugs House
- Ceftriphine - Daehan New Pharm; Kyowa Hakko
- Ceftrisone - Akums Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftristad - Pymepharco
- Ceftritina - Vitalis Pharmaceutical
- Ceftrizic - Cagipharm
- Ceftrol - Medihealth
- Ceftrol-S - Medihealth
- Ceftron - Inga Laboratories
- Ceftrox - Meiji Indonesian Pharmaceutical Industries; Singapore Pharmawealth Lifesciences
- Ceftru - Trumac Healthcare
- Ceftru-DT - Trumac Healthcare
- Ceftum - Ferron; Codupha; Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Ceftum - GlaxoSmithKline
- Ceftume - Pharbaco
- Ceftyl - Aarpik Pharmaceuticals
- Ceftyl-CV - Aarpik Pharmaceuticals
- Cefu - Prem Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuact - Medico Healthcare
- Cefubir - Birz Pharmaceuticals
- Cefucap - Cagipharm
- Cefucin - Cinerea Biotech
- Cefucos - Symbiosis; Coastal Healthcare
- CefuDHG - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Cefudix - Neon Laboratories
- Cefudura - Merck
- Cefuhexal - Hexal
- Cefuject - Reyoung Pharmaceutical
- Cefules - Zeiss Pharmaceuticals
- Cefulife - Eurolife Healthcare
- Cefulton - Fulton Medicinali
- Cefum - Health Guard India
- Cefumax - Biosans Lifecare; D. B. Manix International; Nutramedica; So.Se. Pharm
- Cefumep-S - Alna Biotech
- Cefumet - Keun Wha Pharmaceutical; Seo Kyung Company
- Cefunis - Neiss Labs
- Cefunk - Apsen Farmaceutica
- Cefunorth - Itaca Laboratorios
- Cefup - Sanat Products
- Cefupet - Vista Health Care
- Cefupop - Alna Biotech
- Cefupop-CV - Alna Biotech
- Cefupop-XL - Alna Biotech
- Cefur - Eurofarmaco
- Cefurabol - Abolmed
- Cefuracet - Columbia Laboratorios; Siegfried Rhein
- Cefuran - Royton Quimica Farmaceutica
- Cefurax - Betapharm Arzneimittel; Lindopharm
- Cefurax-D - Hauz Pharma
- Cefurex - Salus Researches; Cathay Drug; Ultramed Pharma
- Cefurica - Molekule India
- Cefurich - Cagipharm
- Cefuril
- Cefurim - General Drugs House
- Cefurim Eco - Sandoz
- Cefurin Injections - Invision Medi Sciences
- Cefurin Tablets - Invision Medi Sciences; Magis Farmaceutici
- Cefurobiotic - Medipharco-Tenamyd Central Pharmaceutical; Tenamyd Canada
- Cefuroksim - Biosynthesis
- Cefuroksim - Kraspharma
- Cefuroksim - Makiz-Pharma
- Cefuro-Puren - Alpharma
- Cefurosu - Suzhou Chung-Hwa
- Cefurox - Dr. August Wolff Arzneimittel
- Cefurox - GlaxoSmithKline
- Cefurox - Synmedic Laboratories
- Cefuroxim - Aliud Pharma
- Cefuroxim - Aristopharma
- Cefuroxim - Azupharma
- Cefuroxim - Bidiphar
- Cefuroxim - Cophavina
- Cefuroxim - CT-Arzneimittel
- Cefuroxim - Curasan
- Cefuroxim - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Cefuroxim - Eli Lilly
- Cefuroxim - Fresenius
- Cefuroxim - Innopharm Vertriebsburo
- Cefuroxim - Lyka Labs
- Cefuroxim - Mebiphar; Kim Do Pharmaceutical
- Cefuroxim - Mepha
- Cefuroxim - Ratiopharm
- Cefuroxim - Sandoz
- Cefuroxim - Stada; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Hong Kong Medical Supplies; Pymepharco
- Cefuroximaxetil - Ranbaxy
- Cefuroxime - Actavis
- Cefuroxime - Alkem Laboratories
- Cefuroxime - Apotex
- Cefuroxime - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime - Arrow Generiques
- Cefuroxime - Aurobindo
- Cefuroxime - Biogaran
- Cefuroxime - Duopharma
- Cefuroxime - EG Labo
- Cefuroxime - Flynn Pharma
- Cefuroxime - Hanford Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime - ILJin Copper Foil; Huy Cuong Pharmaceutical
- Cefuroxime - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime - Marsam Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime - Medopharm
- Cefuroxime - Merck
- Cefuroxime - Minh Dan
- Cefuroxime - Mylan
- Cefuroxime - Orchid Healthcare
- Cefuroxime - Panpharma
- Cefuroxime - Pascual Laboratories
- Cefuroxime - Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada
- Cefuroxime - Qualimed Pharma
- Cefuroxime - Ranbaxy
- Cefuroxime - Ratiopharm
- Cefuroxime - RiteMED Phils
- Cefuroxime - Rotexmedica; Helm Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime - Sandoz
- Cefuroxime - Sanofi-Aventis
- Cefuroxime - Santa Farma Ilac
- Cefuroxime - Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical
- Cefuroxime - Teva
- Cefuroxime - Uphace
- Cefuroxime - Vipharco
- Cefuroxime - Wockhardt
- Cefuroxime - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Cefuroxime and Dextrose in duplex container - B. Braun
- Cefuroxime in plastic container - Samson Medical Technologies
- Cefuroximnatrium - Sandoz
- Cefuroxim-Saar - MIP Pharma
- Cefurox-Reu - Pharma Reusch
- Cefurox-Wolff - Dr. August Wolff Arzneimittel
- Cefurus - Sintez
- Cefusan - SRS Pharmaceuticals; Kien Viet
- Cefustad - Pymepharco; STADA
- Cefustad Kid - Pymepharco; STADA
- Cefusym - Symbiosis
- Cefutab-O - Sanjivani Paranteral
- Cefutal - Korea Schnell Pharma
- Cefute Forte - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Cefutina - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Cefuvik - Ankare
- Cefux - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Cefuxxin - Syncom Formulation India
- Cefuzime - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar; Britton Distributions; Royale Pharma Marketing
- Cefuzix - XL Laboratories
- Cefvel - Biosync Pharmaceuticals
- Cef-Vepan - Indoco Remedies
- Cef-Vepan DS - Indoco Remedies
- Cefvig - Madhav Biotech
- Cefwar - Leben Laboratories
- Cefwin - Ikon Remedies
- Cefwon - Mediez Pharma
- Cefwon-S - Mediez Pharma
- Cefxamox - Yungjin Pharmaceutical; Korea Schnell Pharma
- Cefxi - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- Cefxim - Unimed Pharmaceuticals
- Cefxin - Community Pharmacy
- Cefxin - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical; Hong Long; MD Pharmaceuticals
- Cefxinstandard - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical
- Cefxi-O - Sinkhai Healthcare
- Cefxitin - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Cefxl - XL Laboratories
- Cefxl DT - XL Laboratories
- Cefxon - Lapi; Sang-A Pharmaceutical
- Cefyrex - Global Medisciences
- Cefzid - Elfin Pharma; Claris Lifesciences; Ind-Swift; Protech Biosystems
- Cefzidime - Chandra Bhagat Pharma
- Cefzil - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Cefzim - Zee Laboratories
- Cefziota - Union Korea Pharm
- Cefzis-Max - SRS Pharmaceuticals
- Cefzita - Yungjin Pharmaceutical; Seo Kyung Company
- Cefzolin - Utopian
- Cefzon - Astellas Pharma
- Cefzon SB - Blossoms Biologicals
- Cefzone-S - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Cefzox - Elfin Pharma
- Cefzox-SF - Elfin Pharma
- Cefzox-TZ - Elfin Pharma
- Cefzy - Zee Laboratories
- Cegiolan
- Ceglion
- Ceglunate
- Ceglution - Ariston Quimica
- Ceglycon - B. Braun
- Cegramine
- Cegripe - Janssen
- Cegrovit - Dr. Grossmann Pharmaca; Kai Cheong Medical
- Cehafolin - Sanova Pharma
- Ceham - Alkem Laboratories
- Cehan - Korea Pharma; Huy Cuong Pharmaceutical
- Cehapark - Sanova Pharma
- Cehaposid - Sanova Pharma
- Cehasol Bath additive - Sanova Pharma
- Cehasol Ointment - Sanova Pharma
- Cehex - AVA Corporation
- Cejoho - Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical
- Cekids Plus - MBL Pharma
- Cekiuron
- Ceklif Plus - Positif Life Sciences
- Ceklin - Klinger do Brasil Laboratorios
- Cekor - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical; Hong Long
- Cekubaryl
- Cekupropanil
- Cekusan
- Cel Defense Fluide de Jour Matifiant SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Celacol
- Celact - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Celadigal - Beiersdorf
- Celadrin Capsules - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Celadrin Cream - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Celamine - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Celanate - G. Streuli
- Celance - Eli Lilly; Diethelm; DKSH; Roemmers Laboratorios
- Celanex
- Celanid - Vilar Pharmcentre
- Celanide - Vilar Pharmcentre
- Celanidum - Vilar Pharmcentre
- Celapram - Alphapharm; Pacific Pharmaceuticals
- Celar - Chemo Drugs
- Celascon Vitamin C - Zentiva
- Celaskon - Zentiva
- Celaxin - Pharmavita Laboratorios
- Celay - Cofasa Laboratorios
- Celazome SPF 29 - Dermazone Solutions
- Celazome SPF 30 - Dermazone Solutions
- Celbenin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Celcarb - Celon Laboratories
- Celcib - Khandelwal Laboratories
- Celco - Unison Laboratories
- Celcox - Lupin Pharmaceuticals; Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Celcoxx - Getz Pharma; Getz Brothers Philippines
- Celcure Dry Mix
- Celdach - Celon Laboratories
- Celdaz - Celon Laboratories
- Celebid - Brown & Burk Pharmaceuticals; Oripharm
- Celebo - Clesstra Healthcare
- Celebra - Pfizer; Perrigo
- Celebrex - Pfizer; GD Searle; Heinrich Mack Nachfolger; Zuellig Pharma
- Celebrityslim Chocolate - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- Celebrityslim Vanilla - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- Celecap - Centaur Pharmaceuticals
- Celecel - Claris Lifesciences
- Celecoxib - Bidiphar
- Celecoxib - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Celecoxib - Erica Pharma
- Celecoxib - Flamingo Pharmaceuticals
- Celecoxib - Mylan
- Celecoxib - NIC Pharma
- Celecoxib - Pascual Laboratories
- Celecoxib - Teva
- Celecoxib - Vidipha
- Celectol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Celederm with Gentamicin - Bryntsalov-A
- Celedol - Ipca Laboratories
- Celedromyl - Cophavina
- Celefer - GlaxoSmithKline
- Celeka
- Celemax - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; IVAX
- Celemin - Probiomed
- Celemin Hepa - Claris Lifesciences; Macropharma Corporation
- Celemin Nephro - Claris Lifesciences; Macropharma Corporation
- Celemin-10 Plus - Claris Lifesciences; Macropharma Corporation; Promedrahardjo Farmasi Industri
- Celemin-5S - Claris Lifesciences
- Celemin-5-S - Claris Lifesciences; Promedrahardjo Farmasi Industri
- Celemin-5S Plus - Claris Lifesciences
- Celemix - Claris Lifesciences
- Celemix-G - Claris Lifesciences
- Celen - Ranbaxy
- Celenal - Young Poong Pharmaceutical
- Celenid - Biolab; Biopharm Chemicals; Great Eastern Healthcare; Indrugco; Medispec; Mekim
- Celenova - Systa Labs
- Celepid - Claris Lifesciences; Promedrahardjo Farmasi Industri
- Celepid MCT-LCT - Claris Lifesciences
- Celepra - Micro Labs
- Celer C - IAE Pharmaceuticals
- Celeroxone - Dae Han New Pharm
- Celery Plus - Swiss Bio Pharma
- Celery Seed - Ikapharmindo Putramas
- Celerzin - Bidiphar
- Celesdepot - Schering-Plough
- Celesemine - Schering-Plough
- Celesta - Axon Drugs
- Celestamil - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Celestamin - Schering-Plough; Aesca; Essex
- Celestamine - Schering-Plough; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Essex; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Celestamine N - Schering-Plough; Essex
- Celestamine NS - Schering-Plough
- Celestamine-F - Schering-Plough
- Celestamine-L - Schering-Plough
- Celestan - Schering-Plough; Aesca; Essex; Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Celestan Depot - Schering-Plough; Essex
- Celestan Solubile - Schering-Plough; Essex
- Celestan-V - Schering-Plough; Essex
- Celeste
- Celestene - Schering-Plough; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology
- Celestene Chronodose - Schering-Plough
- Celestial Seasonings - Pfizer
- Celestial Seasonings Herbal Throat Drops - Warner Lambert
- Celestial Seasonings Herbal Throat Drops Golden Herbal Blend - Warner Lambert
- Celestial Seasonings Herbal Throat Drops Harvest Cherry - Warner Lambert
- Celestik - Pyridam
- Celestite - Dolisos
- Celestoderm - Schering-Plough; Bayer Schering Pharma; Key Pharma
- Celestoderm con Gentalyn - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm cum Chinoform - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm cum Garamycin - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm Gentamicina - Schering-Plough; Key Pharma
- Celestoderm met Garamycin - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm met Neomycine - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm Neomycine - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm Relais - Schering-Plough
- Celestoderm V / 2 - Schering-Plough; Valeo Pharma
- Celestoderm-V - Schering-Plough; Essex; Key Pharma; Trading Pharma; Valeo Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Celestoderm-V with Garamycin - Schering-Plough; Trading Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Celestoderm-V with Neomycin - Schering-Plough
- Celestoform - Schering-Plough
- Celeston - Schering-Plough; Bayer Schering Pharma; Essex
- Celeston Bifas - Schering-Plough
- Celeston Chronodose - Schering-Plough
- Celeston med Chinoform - Schering-Plough
- Celeston Valerat - Schering-Plough
- Celeston Valerat Comp - Schering-Plough
- Celeston Valerat med Chinoform - Schering-Plough
- Celeston Valerat med Gentamicin - Schering-Plough
- Celestone - Schering-Plough; Bayer Schering Pharma; Essex; Fulford Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Celestone Chronodose - Schering-Plough; Essex
- Celestone M - Schering-Plough
- Celestone Pediatrico - Schering-Plough
- Celestone Repetabs - Schering-Plough
- Celestone S - Schering-Plough; Bayer Schering Pharma
- Celestone Soluspan - Schering-Plough; Bayer Schering Pharma; Merck
- Celestone V - Schering-Plough
- Celestone VG - Schering-Plough
- Celeteque facial moisturizer - Swiss Pharma; Adenphar
- Celeteque facial wash - Swiss Pharma; Adenphar
- Celetil - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Celetop - Abbott; Amtec Healthcare
- Celetta - Juggat Pharma
- Celeuk - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Celevac - Shire
- Celex - Farmo Quimica del Pacifico
- Celex - GlaxoSmithKline
- Celex - Lagap
- Celex - Millimed
- Celexa - Forest Laboratories; Lundbeck
- CelexDHG - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Celexib - Aldril Pharmaceuticals; InnoGen Pharma Group
- Celexin - Schering-Plough; Atlantic Laboratories; Bactolac Formulations; Goldplus Universal; Hovid; Interpharm; J.K.Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Celex-OD - Abbott
- Celezmin - NIC Pharma
- Celfast - Indchemie Health Specialities
- Celfast Plus - Indchemie Health Specialities
- Celfast SR - Indchemie Health Specialities
- Celfax - Degort's Chemical
- Celfuzine - Chung Gei Pharma
- Celgem - Alkem Laboratories
- Celginase - Celon Laboratories
- Celib - Unichem Laboratories
- Celibron - Elpen
- Celica - Ranbaxy
- Celicox - Pharimexco
- Ce-Limo - Asta Medica; Viatris
- Ce-Limo Orange - Asta Medica; Viatris
- Ce-Limo Plus 10 Vitamine - Asta Medica; Viatris
- Ce-Limo-Calcium - Asta Medica; Viatris
- Celin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Celin Blackcurrant - GlaxoSmithKline
- Celin Orange - GlaxoSmithKline
- Celinax - Infabra Industria Farmaceutica Brasileira
- Celinmicina
- Celiomycin
- Celipres - Ranbaxy
- Celipro - Lichtenstein Pharmazeutica
- Celiprogamma - Worwag Pharma
- Celiprol - Zentiva
- Celiprolol - Actavis
- Celiprolol - Arrow Generiques
- Celiprolol - Biogaran
- Celiprolol - Cristers
- Celiprolol - EG Labo
- Celiprolol - IVAX
- Celiprolol - Merck
- Celiprolol - Mylan
- Celiprolol - Qualimed Pharma
- Celiprolol - Ranbaxy
- Celiprolol - Ratiopharm
- Celiprolol - Sandoz
- Celiprolol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Celiprolol - Teva
- Celiprolol - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Celiptium - Sanofi-Aventis
- Celit - Fada Pharma
- Celite Superfloss
- Celitol - Elder Pharmaceuticals
- Celium - Utopian
- Celix - Synmedic Laboratories
- Celkalm - Aerocid Laboratoires
- Celkeran - Celon Laboratories
- Cell Tech Coenzyme Q10 - Cell Tech
- Cell Tech Enzymes - Cell Tech
- Cellaforte - Polcopharma F. Polley
- Cellapret
- Cellartcelaxin - Cellart Pharma Korea; Young Il Pharm
- Cellartdanajin - Cellart Pharma Korea
- Cellartfenac - Cellart Pharma Korea
- Cellartmimona - Sung Jin Pharmaceutical; Young Il Pharm
- Cellartprodin - Cellart Pharma Korea
- Cellasene - Cinetic Laboratories Argentina
- Cellavie - Ferrosan
- Cellblastin - Cell Pharm
- Cellbloc - Larkhall Laboratories
- Cell-C - Abbott
- CellCept - Roche; Chugai Pharmaceutical; DKSH; Zuellig Pharma
- CellCept I.V. - Roche
- Cellcristin - Cell Pharm
- Cellcutana - Cybila Cytobiologische Laboratorien
- Cellenergy Pack - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Cellex MX
- Cellex-C Suncare SPF 15 - Cellex-C
- Cellex-C Suncare SPF 30 - Cellex-C
- Cellex-C Suncare SPF 32 - Cellex-C
- Cellferon - Cell Pharm
- Cellidrin - Sanofi-Aventis; Hennig Arzneimittel
- Cellidrine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Cellmune - Cipla
- Cellmustin - Cell Pharm
- Cello - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Cellobexon - Agepha
- Cellofas
- Cellogel
- Cellogen
- Cellogran
- Celloid Compounds Magcal Plus - Blackmores
- Celloid Compounds Sodical Plus - Blackmores
- Celloidin
- Celloids CF 43 - Blackmores
- Celloids CP 57 - Blackmores
- Celloids CS 36 - Blackmores
- Celloids IP 82 - Blackmores
- Celloids MP 65 - Blackmores
- Celloids PC 73 - Blackmores
- Celloids PP 85 - Blackmores
- Celloids PS 29 - Blackmores
- Celloids S 79 - Blackmores
- Celloids SP 96 - Blackmores
- Celloids SS 69 - Blackmores
- Cellopt - Terra Botanica Products
- Cellosize
- Cellosorb - Fournier; Urgo Laboratoires
- Cellothyl
- Cellpro - Foodscience Laboratories
- Cellskin Serum, Serum C + E, Hydragel B - Fedele
- Cellskinlab C + AHA CKL - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Cellskinlab C + E CKL - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Cellskinlab Eye Cream CKL - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Cellskinlab Hydragel B5 CKL - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Cellskinlab Serum 15 CKL - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Cellsparc - Aim International
- Cellsparc 360 - Aim International
- Celltech - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Celltech Gold - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Celltop - Baxter
- Cellubril - AstraZeneca
- Cellucor - Magis Farmaceutici
- Cellufix FF 100
- Cellufluid - Allergan
- Cellufluid Unit Dose - Allergan
- Cellufresh - Allergan; JDH Pharmaceutical; Maxim Intercontinental; Zuellig Pharma
- Cellufresh MD - Allergan; Maxim Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Cellugel - Alcon
- Cellular Anti-Wrinkle Sun Cream SPF 30 - La Prairie
- Cellular AW Sun Block SPF 50 - La Prairie
- Cellular Brightening System Day Emulsion SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Day Defense Firming Complex SPF 15 - Aloette Cosmetics
- Cellular Defense Shield Eye Cream SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Defense Shield SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Energizing Colour Finish SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Eye Moisturizer the Smart Cream SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Formula - General Nutrition
- Cellular Lip Treatment SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Moisturizer the Smart Cream SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Protective Body Emulsion SPF 30 - La Prairie
- Cellular Purifying Systeme Hydrating Fluid SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellular Time Release Moisture Lotion SPF 15 - La Prairie
- Cellulin Retinale - Industria Terapeutica Splendore - Oftalmoterapica ALFA
- Cellulone - Alphapharm
- Cellulosize
- Cellumeth
- Celluson - CS Dermatologie
- Celluspan - Fischer Pharmaceuticals
- Cellutab - Sante Naturelle
- Cellutex - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Celluvisc - Allergan; Alvia; DKSH; IDS Group; Maxim Pharmaceuticals
- Celluvisc MD - Allergan; Maxim Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Celluvisc Refresh Plus - Allergan; Alvia; DKSH; IDS Group
- Celluvisc Unit Dose - Allergan
- Cellvital - Pharma Investi de Chile
- Cell-Wise - Melaleuca
- Cell-Wise Natural Source - Melaleuca
- Celmidol
- Celnium - Sanofi-Aventis
- Celobar - Enila Laboratorio
- Celocef - Guju Pharma; Seo Kyung Company
- Celocid - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Celocid Ferron - Ferron
- Celocom - JR Pharm; Seo Kyung Company
- Celocurin - Ipex Medical
- Celocurine - Pfizer; Centre Specialites Pharmaceutiques
- Celofem - Celon Laboratories
- Celofol - Themis Medicare
- Celofos - Celon Laboratories
- Celoftal - Alcon; Pharmaforte
- Celogot - Celogen Pharma
- Celol - Pacific Pharmaceuticals
- Celol Capsules - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Celol Injections - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Celomox - Celogen Pharma
- Celon A
- Celon ATH
- Celonib - Celon Laboratories
- Celontin - Pfizer; ERFA; Neopharm, Israel; Parke-Davis
- CelorDHG - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Celorstad - Pymepharco; STADA
- Celorstad Kid - Pymepharco; STADA
- Celospor - Novartis
- Celosti - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Celovera - Celon Laboratories
- Celovit - Mapra Laboratories
- Celox - Cure Quick Pharmaceuticals
- Celoxin - Celon Laboratories
- Celoxin - Vitapan Industria Farmaceutica
- Celozol - Cellofarm
- Celparin - Celon Laboratories
- Celpat - Celon Laboratories
- Celsentri - Pfizer; GlaxoSmithKline; The Glory Medicina; ViiV Healthcare; Zuellig Pharma
- Celtalex - Eskayef Bangladesh
- Celtax - Celon Laboratories
- Celtere - Celon Laboratories
- Celthion
- Celtium - Saval Laboratorios
- Celtrol - Suheung Capsule
- Celtura - Novartis
- Celu-Atlas - Atlas Farmaceutica
- Celu-Atlas - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Celucrem - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Celufi
- Cel-U-Jec - Shire
- Celulase - Rider Laboratorios
- Celulase con Neomicina - Rider Laboratorios
- Celulase Plus - Rider Laboratorios
- Celulose - Grin Laboratorios
- Celumax - Sanofi-Aventis
- Celumil - Gerbex Produits
- Celunaf - Grin Laboratorios
- Celupan - Lacer
- Celuvital - Beta Laboratorios
- Celvapan - Baxter
- Celvista - Eli Lilly; Diethelm; DKSH
- Celz-A - Esma Formulations
- Celzar - Celon Laboratories
- Cemac B12 - Larkhall Laboratories
- Cemado - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Cemadol - Life Medicare & Biotech
- Cemaflavone - Bailleul Laboratoires
- Cemagyl
- Cemalyt - Saros Laboratorios
- Cemaquin - Swisspharma; Cimex Pharmazeutika; Luen Cheong Hong
- Cemastin
- Cemax - Hanmi Pharmaceutical; Merap Group
- Cemax - Instituto Biochimico
- Cemaxin - Molekule India
- Cemax-O - Wanbury
- Ceme - Ritz Pharma
- Ceme-CV - Ritz Pharma
- Cemediz - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- Cementin - Drug Houses of Australia; U.S. Summit
- Cemerol T 80
- Cemetol - Pfizer
- Cemidin - Dexxon
- Cemidon - Chiesi
- Cemidon B6 - Chiesi
- Ce-Mi-Lin
- Cemill
- Cemina - Productos Medix
- Cemiod
- Cemiolor - Korea Prime Pharma
- Cemirit - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Cemix - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Cemixim - Jin Yang Pharmaceutical; Berna
- Cemofar - Pharmedic Vietnam
- Cemol - Inga Laboratories; Central Poly Trading; Pharmasant Laboratories
- Cemol Codeine - Inga Laboratories; Central Poly Trading; Pharmasant Laboratories
- Cemol Cold - Inga Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cemoxin
- Cemustine - Korea Core Pharm
- Cenacert - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Cenafed - Century Pharmaceuticals
- Cenafed Plus - Century Pharmaceuticals
- Cenai - The Forty-Two, Thailand; Siam Medicare
- Cena-K - Century Pharmaceuticals
- Cenalene-M
- Cenalfan - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Cenalfan Plus - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Cenamin - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cenasic - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cenat - Madaus
- Cenazol
- Cenbufen - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cencamat - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cencamet - Central Poly Trading
- Cencanyl - Central Poly Trading
- Cencenac - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cencold - Central Poly Trading
- Cencopan - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Cendalex - Aldril Pharmaceuticals; InnoGen Pharma Group
- Cendalon - Teva
- Cendemuc - CTDPTW 3
- Cendevax - GlaxoSmithKline
- Cendexsone - Central Poly Trading
- Cenditan - F.T. Pharma
- Ceneo - Pensa, Spain
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