Pharmaceutical products list, page 66:
- Difrarel - Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals; Tecnifar
- Difrarel E - Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire; Innoledge International; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals; Ubepharm
- Difravit - Difa Cooper
- Difrin - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- Diftavax - Sanofi-Aventis
- Diftet - InterVax; DKSH
- Dif-Tet-All - Novartis; Biogenetech; Chiron
- Dif-Tet-All Adult - Novartis
- Diftetkok - InterVax; DKSH
- Difu - H & Care Pharmaceutical Enterprises
- Difur - Cantabria
- Difuran - The Forty-Two, Thailand; Siam Medicare
- Difusamina - UCB Pharma
- Difusel - Productos Medix
- Difusil - IVAX
- Difusin - Zyg Pharma; Pharmaland 1982
- Difusor - Kendall
- Difutrat
- Difuzit - SaoKim Pharma
- Digacin - Eli Lilly; Mibe Arzneimittel
- Digaloid - Molimin Arzneimittel
- Digaol - Ioltech Laboratoires; Carl Zeiss Meditec
- Digaol Unidose - Ioltech Laboratoires; Carl Zeiss Meditec
- Digaril - Solvay
- Digassim - Vitoria Laboratorios
- Digastril - Brasmedica Industrias Farmaceuticas
- Digazo - APC Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals
- Digecap - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Digecap-Zimatico - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Digecool - Biosync Pharmaceuticals
- Digedryl - Merck
- Digeflash - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Digel - Aristopharma
- Di-Gel - Schering-Plough
- Di-Gel Forte - Schering-Plough
- Di-Gel Suspension - Schering-Plough
- Di-Gel Tablets - Schering-Plough
- Digelase - SPM; Saigon Pharmaceutical
- Digelax - Balverda
- Digel-MPS - Zodak
- Digemax - Shreya Life Sciences
- Digems-CT - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- Digenac - Genus Pharmaceuticals
- Digene Gel - Abbott
- Digene Tablets - Abbott; Knoll; Ranbaxy
- Digene Total - Abbott
- Digenil - Saval Laboratorios
- Digenor - Sanofi-Aventis
- Digenor Plus - Sanofi-Aventis
- Digenorflat - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Digenormotil - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Digenormotil Plus - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Digenta - Interbat
- Digeodren - Sevene Pharma
- Digeoslor - Sevene Pharma
- Digepepsin - Bradley Pharmaceuticals
- Digeplex Drops - Shreya Life Sciences
- Digeplex Liquid - Shreya Life Sciences
- Digeplex Tablets - Shreya Life Sciences
- Digeplex-T - Shreya Life Sciences
- Digeplus - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Digerab - Medihealth
- Digerab-D - Medihealth
- Digerab-DSR - Medihealth
- Digerall - Falqui Prodotti Farmaceutici
- Digerent - Polifarma, Italy; Minh Hien Pharmaceutical Trading
- Digerex - De Mayo Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Digerfit - Body Spring
- Digeron - Iromedica; Piraud
- Digervin - Coll Farma
- Digesan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Digesdyn - Nutri-Dyn Products
- Digesic - Meyer BPC Pharmaceuticals
- Di-Gesic - Eli Lilly; Aspen Pharmacare
- Digesnorma - Instituto Nacional de Quimioterapia
- Digespar - Sanofi-Aventis
- Digesplen - Craveri
- Digesprid - Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Digess 8000 - Axcan Pharma
- Digest - G.R. Lane Health Products
- Digest - Herald's do Brasil
- Digest - Kalbe Farma
- Digest - Mediherb
- Digest - Seroyal
- Digest Aid - Trophic Canada
- Digest Aid Chewable - Swiss Herbal Remedies
- Digest Ease - Nature's Herbs
- Digest Merz - Merz
- Digest Merz Forte - Merz
- Digest Plus - Nutravite
- Digesta - Seaford Pharmaceuticals
- Digestaid - Anabolic Laboratories
- Digestaid - Eagle Pharmaceuticals
- Digestal - Axon Drugs
- Digestal - Bausch and Lomb
- Digestal - Odontofarma Laboratorio
- Digestar - Brasmedica Industrias Farmaceuticas
- Digestbem - Eurofarma Laboratorios
- Digestelact - Nutricia
- Digestex - Theralab
- Digest-Eze - Drug Houses of Australia
- Digestibys - Instituto de Biologia y Sueroterapia
- Digestif - Atlas Laboratoire
- Digestif Marga - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Digestif Rennie - Roche; Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Digestif-Ara - Rafa Laboratories
- Digestil - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Digestin - Chew Brothers
- Digestin - Nu-Life Nutrition
- Digestina - Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional
- Digestinas - Novartis
- Digestinas Super - Novartis
- Digestion - Lalco Laboratoire
- Digestion Formula - Future Formulations
- Digestion Formula - Prevail
- Digestion Formula BLF - Future Formulations
- Digestion Formula C - Future Formulations
- Digestion Formula D - Future Formulations
- Digestion Formula F - Future Formulations
- Digestion Formula Forte - Future Formulations
- Digestion Formula P - Future Formulations
- Digestion L114 - Homeocan
- Digestive - Dorwest Herbs
- Digestive Aid - Blackmores
- Digestive Enzyme - Albi Imports
- Digestive Enzyme - Blackmores
- Digestive Enzymes - Enrich International
- Digestive Enzymes - Golden Pride
- Digestive Enzymes - Jamieson Laboratories
- Digestive Enzymes - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Digestive Enzymes - WN Pharmaceuticals
- Digestive Enzymes with Betaine and Pancreatine - Vitazan Herbs & Vitamins
- Digestive Powder - B. Braun
- Digestive Rennie - Roche
- Digestivo Antonetto - Marco Antonetto
- Digestivo Dr. Ragionieri - Dr. R. R. Ragionieri
- Digestivo Giuliani - Giuliani
- Digestivo Rennie - Roche
- Digestivo Verkos - Verkos Laboratorios
- Digestivum-Hetterich S - Dr. Hetterich Chemische Fabrik
- Digestobiase - Alcon
- Digestobiase - Wyeth
- Digestodoron - Weleda; Pharma-Natura
- Digestofluid - Amino, Switzerland
- Digestol - Richter Pharma
- Digestol - Sante Naturelle
- Digestol Sanatorium - Santiveri
- Digestolax - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Digestomen - Menarini
- Digestomen Complex - Menarini
- Digestomen-P - Menarini
- Digeston - Hexal
- Digestonico - Vicente
- Digestonico Solucion - Vicente
- Digestooral - Puerto Galiano
- Digestopan - Menarini
- Digestosan - Fresenius
- Digestovital - Puerto Galiano
- Digestozim - Guidotti Laboratori
- Digestozym - Amino, Switzerland
- Digestron - Lopes Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Digestum - Sanofi-Aventis
- Digest-X Yucca L110 - Homeocan
- Digezanol - Hormona Laboratorios
- Digezin - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Digezym - Quality Pharmaceutical Laboratory; Vai Tat Hong
- Digezyme - The Cantassium Company
- Digherbal - Knop Laboratorios
- Digi-Aldopur - F. Joh. Kwizda
- Digibind - GlaxoSmithKline; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; SERB Laboratoires
- Digibutina
- Digiclean Antibacterial Foam Hand Soap - Ecolab
- Digiclean Antibacterial Hand Soap - Ecolab
- Digiclean E Foam Hand Soap - Ecolab
- Digiclean E Hand Soap - Ecolab
- Digiclean Slim-Line Anti-Bacterial Foam Hand Soap - Ecolab
- Digi-Complamin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Digicor - Hennig Arzneimittel
- Digidot - Roche
- DigiFab - BTG International; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Protherics
- Digifar - Farmila-Thea Farmaceutici
- Digiflux - Agio Pharmaceuticals
- Digiflux-A - Agio Pharmaceuticals
- Digifungin - Wagner Pharmafax
- Digikollateral - Ursapharm Arzneimittel
- Digilanid C
- Digilanide C
- Digilateral - Ursapharm Arzneimittel
- Digilong
- Digimed - Corax Pharma
- Digimerck - Merck
- Digimerck Minor - Merck
- Digimerck Pico - Merck
- Digi-Nitronal - G. Pohl-Boskamp
- Digi-Pulsnorma - Solvay
- Digipural - Schaper & Brummer
- Digirest - Servocare Lifesciences
- Digisan Aerosol Foam Hand Sanitizer - Ecolab
- Digisan E Foam Hand Sanitizer - Ecolab
- Digisan Hand Sanitizer - Ecolab
- Digisidin
- Digitage - Plus India
- Digitaline - Sanofi-Aventis; Barrenne Industria Farmaceutica; Interdelta; Pan Quimica Farmaceutica; Pan-Well Trading; Procter & Gamble; Ratiopharm
- Digitalis - Dymond Drugs
- Digitalis - Phyto-Sante
- Digitalis Antidot - Roche
- Digitalis Antidote - Roche; DKSH; Firma Chun Cheong
- Digitalis Purpurea - Dolisos
- Digitalis Purpurea - Standard Homeopathic
- Digitalis Pururea - Seroyal
- Digitalysat - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Digitalysat Scilla-Digitaloid - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Digitannoid
- Digitasid - Sopar Pharma
- Digitax - Greenpharma Quimica e Farmaceutica
- Digitek - Mylan
- Digitekt
- Digitol
- Digitop - Novartis
- Digitoxin - AWD Pharma
- Digitoxin - Philopharm
- Digitoxin - UCB Pharma
- Digitoxin - Ysatfabrik
- Digitoxinum - Standard Homeopathic
- Digitran - Macleods Pharmaceuticals
- Digitrin - AstraZeneca
- Digi-Tromcardin - Trommsdorff Arzneimittel
- Digixina - H.B. Farma Laboratorios
- Diglexol - Industrias Quimico Farmaceuticas Americanas
- Diglucron - Community Pharmacy
- Dignoamoxicillin - Sankyo
- Dignobeta - Sankyo
- Dignobroxol - Sankyo; IBI International
- Dignocetamol - Sankyo
- Dignodenum - Sankyo
- Dignodolin - Sankyo
- Dignofenac - Sanofi-Aventis; Dignos-Chemie
- Dignoflex - Sankyo
- Dignokonstant - Sankyo
- Dignokonstant Retard - Sankyo
- Dignometoprol - Sankyo
- Dignonitrat - Sankyo
- Dignopenicillin - Sankyo
- Dignoquine - Sankyo
- Dignoretik - Sankyo
- Dignotamoxi - Sankyo
- Dignotrimazol - Sankyo
- Dignover - Sankyo
- Dignowell - Sankyo
- Digocard-G - Klonal Laboratorios
- Digomal - Malesci Istituto Farmacobiologico
- Digon
- Digonix
- Digophton - Chauvin Ankerpharm
- Digoregen - R.A.N. Novesia Arzneimittel
- Digos
- Digo-Sensit - Celltech
- Digosin - Chugai Pharmaceutical
- Digossina
- Digostada - Stada
- Digostada Mite - Stada
- Digosyp - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Digotab - AWD Pharma
- Digox - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Digox - CT-Arzneimittel
- Digox - Pharlab Industria Farmaceutica
- Digox Mite - CT-Arzneimittel
- Digoxan - Vitapan Industria Farmaceutica
- Digoxen - Cifarma Cientifica Farmaceutica
- Digoxil - EMS Industria Farmaceutica
- Digoxim - Euro Healthcare
- Digoxin - Actavis
- Digoxin - Amide Pharmaceutical
- Digoxin - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Digoxin - Baxter
- Digoxin - Caraco
- Digoxin - G. Streuli
- Digoxin - Gedeon Richter
- Digoxin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Digoxin - GNCLS Pilot Plant
- Digoxin - Hospira
- Digoxin - Impax Laboratories
- Digoxin - Moskhimfarmpreparaty
- Digoxin - North Star
- Digoxin - Nycomed
- Digoxin - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Digoxin - Pharmstandard
- Digoxin - Polfa
- Digoxin - R.A.N. Pharm
- Digoxin - Roxane Laboratories
- Digoxin - Sabex
- Digoxin - Sandoz
- Digoxin - Sanitas, Lithuania
- Digoxin - Stevens J
- Digoxin - Tallinn Pharmaceutical Company
- Digoxin - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
- Digoxin - Wyeth
- Digoxin C.S.D. - Sandoz
- Digoxin Didier - Hormosan Pharma
- Digoxin Pediatric - Hospira
- Digoxina - Chile Laboratorios
- Digoxina - GlaxoSmithKline
- Digoxina - Rider Laboratorios
- Digoxina - Sandoz
- Digoxine Nativelle - Procter & Gamble; Galien Laboratoire; Teofarma
- Digoxine Navtivelle - Procter & Gamble; Teofarma
- Digoxin-N.S. - Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant
- Digoxin-Zori - Teva
- Digrin
- Digton - Areu
- Diguanyl
- Digyl - Armour Remedies India
- Dihexamin Teat Dip - Diversey
- Dihexamin Udder Wash - Diversey
- Dihidral
- Dihistine DH Elixir
- Dihistine Expectorant
- Dihycon
- Di-Hydan - Sanofi-Aventis; Genopharm Laboratoires
- Dihydantoin
- Dihydergot - Novartis; Pro Concepta Zug; Sandoz
- Dihydergot Plus - Novartis
- Dihydergot Spray - Novartis
- Dihydral - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dihydral - Solvay
- Dihydran
- Dihydrex - Kay Chemical Company
- Dihydrin
- Dihydrochlorurit
- Dihydrochlorurite
- Dihydrocodeine - Pharmaniaga
- Dihydrocodeine - Sandoz
- Dihydrocodeine P - Pharmaniaga
- Dihydrocodeinon - G. Streuli
- DiHydro-CP - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- Dihydroergotamine - Amdipharm
- Dihydroergotamine - Bedford Laboratories
- Dihydroergotamine - Novartis
- Dihydroergotamine - Paddock Laboratories
- Dihydroergotamine - Sandoz
- Dihydroergotamine - Sterimax
- DiHydro-GP - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- Dihydrone
- Dihydrotachysterol - Echo NPK
- Dihytamin - Pharma Wernigerode
- Dihytamin N - Pharma Wernigerode
- Dihyzin - Henning Berlin Arzneimittel
- Diidergot - Novartis
- Diike - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Diindogen
- Diintasic - Donaipharm
- Dijene - Boots
- Dijex - Boots
- Dijex Liquid - SSL International
- Dijex Tablets - SSL International
- Dijozol Application - Trommsdorff Arzneimittel
- Dijozol Ointment - Trommsdorff Arzneimittel
- Dikacine - Continental Pharma
- Dikain
- Di-K-Cil - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Diketopiperazine
- Diklason - Leti Laboratorios
- Diklofen - Stadmed
- Diklofenak - Sandoz
- Dikof-C - Prem Pharmaceuticals
- Dikonb - NB Healthcare
- Dikonit
- Dikotes
- Dikotex
- Dikpa Injections - Keshav Health Care Networking
- Dikpa Tablets - Keshav Health Care Networking
- Dikriz - Sinkhai Healthcare
- Dikriz-DS - Sinkhai Healthcare
- Dikul - Global Medisciences
- Dikul MR - Global Medisciences
- Dikul P - Global Medisciences
- Dikul SP - Global Medisciences
- Dil SE - Osmed Formulations
- Dilabar - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Dilabar Diu - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Dilabid
- Dilabil
- Dilabron
- Dilacard - Royton Quimica Farmaceutica
- Dilace - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Dilaclan - CEPA Schwartz Pharma
- Dilacor - Temis Lostalo Laboratorios
- Dilacor - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Dilacor - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Dilacor XR - Watson Pharmaceuticals; SkyePharma
- Dilacoran - Abbott
- Dilacoran Retard - Abbott
- Dilacoron - Abbott
- Diladel - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilaescol - Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Dilafed
- Dilaflux - Medley Industria Farmaceutica
- Dilafurane - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilahex - Sandoz; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilahim - Ahimsa Laboratorios
- Dilam - BMW Pharmaco India
- Dilamax - Bial Laboratorios
- Dilamet - Gramon Laboratorios
- Dilamol - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Di-Lan
- Dilanacin - AWD Pharma
- Dilangio Compositum - Fournier
- Dilanid - Sandoz
- Dilanorm - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilantin - Pfizer; Centre Specialites Pharmaceutiques; Neopharm, Israel; Parke-Davis; Primal Chemical; Warner Lambert; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilantin Acid - Pfizer
- Dilantin DB - Pfizer
- Dilantin Infatabs - Pfizer; Parke-Davis; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilantin Kapseals - Pfizer
- Dilantin Paediatric - Pfizer
- Dilantin Ready Mixed - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilantin with Phenobarbital - Pfizer; Parke-Davis
- Dilantine - Pfizer
- Dilapan - Remedica; IDS Group
- Dilaphyllin - G. Streuli
- Dilaphylline Drops - G. Streuli
- Dilaphylline Injections - G. Streuli
- Dilaphylline Tablets - G. Streuli
- Dilaplus - Roche
- Dilapres - Quimifar Laboratorio
- Dilar - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilar - Teofarma
- Dilarmine - Syntex
- Dilartan - Duncan Laboratorios
- Dilarterial - Llorente
- Dilasidom - Polfa Warszawa
- Dilatair - Ajanta Pharma; Cathay Drug
- Dilatam - Teva; Aspen Pharmacare; F.P. Marketing; Green Cross Corporation; Pascual Laboratories; R.X. Company; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilatam CD - Teva
- Dilatam SR - Teva; Pascual Laboratories; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilatame - Sanova Pharma
- Dilatamol
- Dilatan
- Dilatan Kore - Lenza Farmaceutici
- Dilatcor - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilate - Micro Labs
- Dilateron-F - Offenbach Mexicana
- Dilatin
- Dilatol - Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Dilatol - Jaba Farmaceutica
- Dilatol-Chinin - Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Dilatrane - SERP Laboratoire
- Dilatrane AP - SERP Laboratoire
- Dilatrat - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Dilatrate - Schwarz Pharma
- Dilatrate-SR - Schwarz Pharma
- Dilatrend - Roche; Asta Medica; DKSH; Firma Chun Cheong; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilatyl
- Dilaudid - Abbott; Purdue Pharma
- Dilaudid Cough - Abbott
- Dilaudid Oros - Abbott
- Dilaudid-Atropin - Abbott
- Dilaudid-HP - Abbott; Purdue Pharma
- Dilaudid-HP-Plus - Abbott; Purdue Pharma
- Dilaudid-XP - Abbott; Purdue Pharma
- Dila-Vasal
- Dilavase
- Dilaves
- Dilax - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; Li Ta Shen Medical Trader
- Dilazep
- Dilbloc - Roche
- Dilcal - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilcard - Merck; Pacific Pharmaceuticals; Summit; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilcardia - Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories; Danlex Research Laboratories; Generics UK; GIS Pharma; J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals; Quebec Pharm
- Dilcare - Ind-Swift
- Dilceren - Zentiva
- Dilcit
- Dilclor - Diba Laboratorios
- Dilcontin - Mundipharma
- Dilcontin XL - Mundipharma
- Dilcor - Merck
- Dilcor - Norpharma
- Dilcoran - Alpharma; Parke-Davis
- Dilcovit - Officina Farmaceutica Fiorentina Istituto Biochimico
- Dilefenac - Square Pharmaceuticals
- Dilem - Schmidt BioMedTech; Douglas Pharmaceuticals; Hind Wing; Istituto Chimico Internazionale Dr. Giuseppe Rende; JDH Borneo Thailand; LF Asia Pharmaceutical Division; TTN Thitiratsanon
- Dilena - Organon; Akzo Nobel; Firma Chun Cheong; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Diletan - Vitoria Laboratorios
- Dilevocet - Sanify Healthcare
- Dilevocet-M - Sanify Healthcare
- Dilevocet-Plus - Sanify Healthcare
- Dilex - Wockhardt
- Dilexpal - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilfar - Fournier
- Dilgard - Cipla
- Dilgard-XL - Cipla
- Dilgina - Kopran
- Diligan - UCB Pharma; CB Pharmaceutical
- Dilinct - Adcock Ingram
- Dilis - Ind-Swift
- Diliter - Pulitzer Italiana
- Dilium - Seven Stars, Thailand
- Dilizem - Berlin Pharmaceutical Industry; Polymedic Trading Enterprise
- Dillantin
- Dillar - GlaxoSmithKline; Sarva Nederland
- Dilmen - Sanbe Farma; Menarini
- Dilmin - Ratiopharm
- Dilminal D
- Dilnicon - VHB Life Sciences
- Dilo-BM - GlaxoSmithKline
- Diloc - Tramedico
- Dilocaine - Shire
- Dilocor - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Dilocor-XR - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Dilodin - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Dilo-DX - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dilofen - P & B Laboratories
- Dilofen ER - Metrolink Pharma Phils; Metro Drug Distribution
- Dilofen-CZ - P & B Laboratories
- Dilofen-MR - P & B Laboratories
- Dilofen-P - P & B Laboratories
- Dilomil - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Dilomin - Am-Europharma
- Dilomine - Kay Chemical Company
- Dilona - Mapra Laboratories
- Dilona Eye - Mapra Laboratories
- Dilona Plus - Mapra Laboratories
- Dilona-SP - Mapra Laboratories
- Dilongo - I.P.I. Portugal
- Dilophen-SP - Uniphar Biotech
- Dilor - Altana Pharma; Savage Laboratories
- Dilora - Invision Medi Sciences
- Dilor-G - Altana Pharma
- Dilospir - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Dilostop - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Dilosyn - GlaxoSmithKline; Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Dilosyn Expectorant - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dilotab - Zee Medical
- Dilotab II - Zee Medical
- Dilotex - Especialidades Dollder
- Dilox - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Diloxanide - Sovereign Medical
- Diloxin - Pond's Chemical Thailand
- Diloxol
- Dilpavan - Biogalenique Laboratoires
- Dilpral - Orion Pharma
- Dilpril - Ind-Swift
- Dilrene - Sanofi-Aventis; Irex Laboratoires
- Dilrene LP - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilsal - TAD Pharma
- Dilsal Retard - TAD Pharma
- Dilsana - Connell Brothers Company; Milupa
- Dil-Sanorania - Lichtenstein Pharmazeutica
- Dilsave - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Dilta - 1 A Pharma
- Dilta - AbZ-Pharma
- Dilta Retard - 1 A Pharma
- Dilta Retard - AbZ-Pharma
- Diltabeta - Betapharm Arzneimittel
- Diltahexal - Novartis; Hexal
- Dilta-Hexal - Novartis; Hexal
- Diltahexal CD - Novartis; Hexal
- Diltam - Rowa Pharmaceuticals
- Diltan - Mepha; Amcron Enterprise; Ceutical Trading; Pharmarex Fejleszto es Kereskedelmi
- Diltapham - Phamos Arzneimittel
- Diltaretard - Betapharm Arzneimittel
- Diltaretard T - Betapharm Arzneimittel
- Dilt-CD - Torpharm
- Diltec - Utopian, Thailand
- Diltelan - Alpex Pharma; Faran Laboratories
- Diltem - Niadas & Sons
- Diltenk - Biotenk Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Dilter CD - Natco Pharma
- Dilti - CT-Arzneimittel
- Dilti Retard - CT-Arzneimittel
- Diltia - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Diltia XT - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiacor - Hexal; Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Diltiagamma - Worwag Pharma
- Diltiagamma Retard - Worwag Pharma
- Diltiamax - AstraZeneca
- Diltiamerck - Merck
- Diltiangina - Tecnimede
- Diltiastad - Stada
- Diltiaz - Shreya Life Sciences
- Diltiazem - Actavis; Balkanpharma; Huu Khanh Pharma
- Diltiazem - Aliud Pharma
- Diltiazem - Alkaloid
- Diltiazem - Alpharma
- Diltiazem - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiazem - Apotex
- Diltiazem - Apothecon
- Diltiazem - Baxter
- Diltiazem - Bedford Laboratories
- Diltiazem - Biogaran
- Diltiazem - Biovail Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiazem - Clonmel Healthcare
- Diltiazem - EuRho Arznei
- Diltiazem - Hennig Arzneimittel
- Diltiazem - Hospira
- Diltiazem - International Medication Systems
- Diltiazem - IVAX
- Diltiazem - KV Pharmaceutical
- Diltiazem - Lannacher Heilmittel
- Diltiazem - Mayne Pharma
- Diltiazem - Merck
- Diltiazem - Mylan
- Diltiazem - Novopharm
- Diltiazem - Pliva
- Diltiazem - Prempharm
- Diltiazem - Pro Doc
- Diltiazem - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiazem - Ranbaxy
- Diltiazem - Ratiopharm
- Diltiazem - RiteMED Phils
- Diltiazem - Sandoz
- Diltiazem - Sicor Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiazem - Stada; Khuong Duy Pharmaceutical
- Diltiazem - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Diltiazem - Taylor Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiazem - Teva
- Diltiazem - Torpharm
- Diltiazem - Verla-Pharm Arzneimittelfabrik
- Diltiazem - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Diltiazem CR - Sandoz
- Diltiazem Genfar - Expofarma
- Diltiazem LP - Biogaran
- Diltiazem LP - Cristers
- Diltiazem LP - EG Labo
- Diltiazem LP - G Gam Laboratoires
- Diltiazem LP - Merck
- Diltiazem LP - Mylan
- Diltiazem LP - Ranbaxy
- Diltiazem LP - Ratiopharm
- Diltiazem LP - Sandoz
- Diltiazem LP - Teva
- Diltiazem Retard - Aliud Pharma
- Diltiazem Retard - Alpharma
- Diltiazem Retard - Mepha
- Diltiazem Retard - Ratiopharm
- Diltiazem Retard - Stada
- Diltiazem Retard - Stirol Concern
- Diltiazem Retard - Verla-Pharm Arzneimittelfabrik
- Diltiazem TZ - Pro Doc
- Diltiazem-CD - Pro Doc
- Dilticard - Intra Labs India
- Diltiem - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dilti-Essex - Essex
- Diltigesic - Troikaa Pharmaceuticals
- Diltikard - Nycomed
- Diltime - Zydus Cadila
- Diltin - Cimed Industria de Medicamentos
- Diltipress - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Diltisyn - Themis Medicare
- Diltiuc - Merck
- Diltiuc Retard - Merck
- Diltiwas - Chiesi
- Diltix - Edigen
- Diltizem - Pfizer
- Diltor - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Diltotal - Mintlab
- Diltp - Taurus Laboratories
- Diltrate - Daffohils Pharma
- Dilt-XR - Apotex
- Diluant HSA Albey - Stallergenes
- Diluant Physiologique Phenole - Stallergenes
- Diluants H.S.A. des Stallergenes - Stallergenes
- Dilubrin - UCI-Farma Industria Farmaceutica
- Dilucid - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Dilucort - Aspen Pharmacare
- Diluent - Omega Laboratories
- Diluent for Allergenic Extract Sterile Albumin Saline with Phenol - Hollister Stier Laboratories; Jubilant HollisterStier
- Diluent Sterile - Omega Laboratories
- Diluex
- Dilufrin - Sophia Laboratorios
- Dilum - Tecnifar
- Diluplex - Steierl Pharma
- Diluran - Zentiva
- Dilusol - Dermtek Pharmaceuticals
- Dilusol AHA - Dermtek Pharmaceuticals
- Dilute Adrenaline
- Dilute Sodium Hypochlorite
- Dilutex Plus - Kamakshi Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Diluting Medium for Insulin Zinc Injectable Suspension - Novo Nordisk
- Diluting Medium for Isophane Insulin Injection - Novo Nordisk
- Diluting Medium for Soluble Insulin Injection - Novo Nordisk
- Dilutol - Dr. Lazar Laboratorio; MR Pharma
- Dilutol - Roche
- Diluxina - Diba Laboratorios
- Dilvas - Cipla
- Dilvas AM - Cipla
- Dilvax
- Dilydrin - Willvonseder & Marchesani
- Dilydrine Retard - Medichemie
- Dilyn
- Dilzanol - Remedina
- Dilzanton - Juta Pharma; Q-Pharm
- Dilzanton Retard - Juta Pharma; Q-Pharm
- Dilzatyrol - Tyrol Pharma
- Dilzem - Pfizer; Central Poly Trading; Douglas Laboratories; Elan Pharmaceuticals; Genepharm; Godecke; Hind Wing; Orion Pharma; Torrent Pharmaceuticals; Zeneus Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilzem CD - Pfizer; Genepharm; Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Dilzem OD - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilzem Retard - Pfizer; Genepharm; Godecke
- Dilzem RR - Pfizer
- Dilzem SA - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilzem SR - Pfizer; Cephalon; Torrent Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Dilzem Uno - Pfizer; Godecke
- Dilzem XL - Pfizer; Cephalon
- Dilzen
- Dilzene - Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Dilzen-G - Klonal Laboratorios
- Dilzereal - Realpharma Geschaftsbereich
- Dilzicardin - Sandoz; Azupharma
- Dilzor - VHB Life Sciences
- Dima - Medochemie; Derek Marketing
- Dimac - Eli Lilly
- Dimacefa - Zeiss Pharmaceuticals
- Dimacol - Wyeth
- Dimaestad - Stada
- Dimaestad Plus - Stada
- Dima-Fen - Istituto Farmaco Biologico Stroder
- Dimafit - Body Spring
- Dimagrasi - Giuliani
- Dimagrasicell - Giuliani
- Dimagress - Herald's do Brasil
- Dimagrir - Gador
- Dimagrir Triac - Gador
- Dimalan - Filaxis Laboratorios
- Dimalan - Pfizer
- Dimalosio - Tipomark
- Dimanin - Bayer
- Dimanin C
- Dimanin R - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Dim-Antos - Agepha
- Dimaphen - The Harvard Drug Group
- Dimapp
- Dimatab Cold - Wyeth
- Dimate - Merck
- Dimaval - Dr. Lazar Laboratorio
- Dimaval - Heyl Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Dimaxin - Medipharma, Hong Kong
- Dimayon - Generfarma
- Dimazo - Chinta; Pharma Square
- Dimci - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Dimecaina - Grunenthal
- Dimecip
- Dimed - Tanapat Bhaesaj
- Dimedial - Danapha Pharmaceutical
- Dimedon - Acdhon
- Dimedril - Vitapan Industria Farmaceutica
- Dimedrine - Wyeth
- Dimedrol - Antiviral, Russia
- Dimedrol - Aspharma, Russia
- Dimedrol - Belmedpreparaty
- Dimedrol - Biosynthesis
- Dimedrol - Dalkhimpharm
- Dimedrol - Ferment Company
- Dimedrol - Moskhimfarmpreparaty
- Dimedrol - Novosibirsk Plant of Medical Preparations
- Dimedrol - Novosibkhimfarm
- Dimedrol - Organic, Russia
- Dimedrol - Pharbaco
- Dimedrol - Pharmstandard-Leksredstva
- Dimedrol - Pharmstandard-Polypharm
- Dimedrol - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Dimedrol - Rosmedpreparaty
- Dimedrol - Uralbiopharm
- Dimedrol - Valenta Pharmaceuticals
- Dimedrol - Veropharm
- Dimedrol - Vial, Russia
- Dimedryl
- Dimefor - Eli Lilly; Farmoquimica; Siegfried Rhein
- Dimefor-G - Siegfried Rhein
- Dimegan - Dexo Laboratoire
- Dimegan - Senosiain Laboratorios
- Dimegan D - Senosiain Laboratorios
- Dimeka - Daewon Pharmaceutical
- Dimelin
- Dimelor - Eli Lilly; Quatromed
- Dimen - Heumann Pharma
- Dimenate - Drug Houses of Australia; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical; U.S. Summit
- Dimenest
- Dimenformon - Organon
- Dimenformon Prolongatum - Organon
- Dimenhidrinato - Comercializadora Farmaceutica de Chiapas, Productos Farmaceuticos
- Dimenhydrinat Comp - Ratiopharm
- Dimenhydrinat Retard - Ratiopharm
- Dimenhydrinate - A.N.H. Products
- Dimenhydrinate - Alra Laboratories
- Dimenhydrinate - Alveda Pharmaceuticals
- Dimenhydrinate - Anabolic Laboratories
- Dimenhydrinate - Apotex
- Dimenhydrinate - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Dimenhydrinate - Asian Union Laboratories
- Dimenhydrinate - Astra Pharma
- Dimenhydrinate - AstraZeneca
- Dimenhydrinate - Baxter
- Dimenhydrinate - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Dimenhydrinate - Bioniche Pharma
- Dimenhydrinate - Chinta; Pharma Square
- Dimenhydrinate - Duchesnay
- Dimenhydrinate - Heather
- Dimenhydrinate - Jean-Marie Pharmacal
- Dimenhydrinate - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Dimenhydrinate - Pharmaniaga
- Dimenhydrinate - Pharmetics
- Dimenhydrinate - Picco Pharma
- Dimenhydrinate - Pro Doc
- Dimenhydrinate - Putchubun Dispensary
- Dimenhydrinate - Sandoz
- Dimenhydrinate - STERIS Corporation
- Dimenhydrinate - Sunward Pharmaceutical
- Dimenhydrinate - T Man Pharma
- Dimenhydrinate - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Dimenhydrinate - Tanta Pharmaceuticals
- Dimenhydrinate - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Dimenhydrinate - Vita Health Products
- Dimenhydrinate - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Dimenhydrinate - Wyeth
- Dimenine - Pharmahof
- Dimeno - Milano Lab
- Dimenox - Knop Laboratorios
- Dimension 256 - Butcher Company
- Dimension Foaming Antibacterial Hand Soap - Drummond
- Dimension III - Diversey
- Dimension IV - Zep Manufacturing Company
- Dimentabs
- Dimeprost - Columbia Laboratorios
- Dimercaprol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dimercaprol - Sovereign Medical
- Dimerin
- Dimerrin - Unison Laboratories; JustRight Pharmaceuticals
- Dimersol
- Dimertest - Agen Biomedical
- Dimesian - Asian Pharmaceutical
- Dimesul - Reggiano Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Dimeta-2 - Christo Pharmaceuticals; Polywell
- Dimetabs - King Pharmaceuticals
- Dimetane - Wyeth
- Dimetane Allergy - Wyeth
- Dimetane Decongestant - Wyeth
- Dimetane Expect - Wyeth
- Dimetane Expect DC - Wyeth
- Dimetane Expectorant - Wyeth
- Dimetane Expectorant C - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetane Expectorant DC - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetane Expectorant Enfant - Wyeth
- Dimetane sans sucre - Wyeth; Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire
- Dimetane, France - Wyeth
- Dimetane-DC - Wyeth; Robins AH
- Dimetane-DX - Wyeth; Robins AH
- Dimetane-Ten - Wyeth
- Dimetapp - Pfizer; Aspen Pharmacare; Metro Drug Distribution; The Glory Medicina; Wyeth; Zuellig Pharma
- Dimetapp 12 Hour Nasal - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Chesty Cough - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Chewable - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Chewables - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Chewables for Kids - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Children's Cold and Allergy - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Children's Cold and Fever - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Children's Cough and Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Clear - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Allergy Chewable - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Congestion - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Fever - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Flu - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Flu Day Relief - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Flu Night Relief - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Sinus - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold and Sinus Caplets - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold, Cough and Flu - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold, Cough and Flu Day and Night - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold, Cough and Flu Liquid Capsules - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cold, Cough and Sinus - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Colour Free Infant Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cough and Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cough and Cold Liqui-Gels - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cough and Congestion - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cough Expectorant - Pfizer; Aspen Pharmacare; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Cough, Cold and Flu - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Daytime - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Daytime Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Daytime Cold Extra Strength - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Decongestant - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Decongestant Infant Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Decongestant Pediatric Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Decongestant Plus Cough - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Decongestant Plus Cough Infant Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM Cold and Cough - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM Colour Free Paediatric Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM Cough and Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM Paediatric Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM, Australia - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DM, United States - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp DR - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Elixir - Pfizer; Wyeth; Zuellig Pharma
- Dimetapp Elixir-Plus - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Expectorante - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Extentabs - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Extra Strength - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Extra Strength DM Cough and Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Headcold and Flu - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Infant Drops - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp LA - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Liquid - Pfizer
- Dimetapp Liqui-Gels - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Long Acting Cough Plus Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp New - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Nighttime Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Nighttime Cold Extra Strength - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Nighttime Flu - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Nighttime Flu Children's - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Non-Drowsy Flu - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Non-Drowsy Flu Children's - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Oral Infant - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Oral Infant Cold - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Oral Infant Cold and Fever - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Paediatric - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Quick Dissolve - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Sinus - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Sinus Relief - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp Sinus, United States - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp-A Sinus - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetapp-C - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Dimetazina
- Dimethicone - Christo Pharmaceuticals; Polywell
- Dimethicone Moisture Barrier Cream - Medline Industries
- Dimethicone Protectant - Smith & Nephew
- Dimethicream - Hamilton Pharmaceuticals
- Dimethisoquin
- Dimethodin
- Dimethone
- Dimethoprim - Teva
- Dimethoxine - Langford
- Dimethyl Sulfoxide - Bioniche Pharma
- Dimethyl Sulfoxide - Sandoz
- Dimetigal - Probiomed
- Dime-Time - Sheraton Worldwide Drugs
- Dimetin-F - Profesional Medica Farcoral
- Dimetirol - Offenbach Mexicana
- Dimetofan - Vitae Laboratorios
- Di-Metrex - PVT Form
- Dimetridazole - Bio Agri Mix
- Dimetridazole Premix - Bio Agri Mix
- Dimetriose - Sanofi-Aventis; DKSH; Zuellig Pharma
- Dimetrose - Sanofi-Aventis; Pfizer; Piette International
- Dimetus - Charoon Bhesaj
- Dimex - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Dimexid - Himreaktivkomplekt
- Dimexid - Laskraft
- Dimexid - Muromsk Instrument Plant
- Dimexid - Pharmstandard-Marbiopharm
- Dimexid - Redkino Pilot Plant
- Dimexid - Rozpharm
- Dimexid - Saint-Petersburg Pharmaceutical Factory
- Dimexid - Tatchempharmpreparaty
- Dimexol - Zentiva
- Dimezin - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Dimicaps - Gelcaps de Mexico
- Dimicin - Bergamo Laboratorio Quimico Farmaceutico
- Dimicina - Codilab Industria e Comercio de Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Dimicox - Me Di Sun
- Dimidon - Hexal
- DiMill - Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche
- Dimin - TNP Health Care; V & V Bangkok
- Dimindol
- Diminex - Sanofi-Aventis
- Diminex Antitusigeno - Vinas
- Diminex Balsamico - Vinas
- Diminon - Master Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Diminual - Labocean Laboratoires
- Diminut - Libbs Farmaceutica
- Dimipra - Pfizer; Parke-Davis; Zuellig Pharma
- Dimipress - Cifarma Cientifica Farmaceutica
- Dimiprol Syrup - Zurich, South Africa
- Dimiprol Tablets - Adcock Ingram
- Dimirel - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dimiril - Chowgule
- Dimitalgin - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Dimitan
- Dimitone - Roche; Teva
- Dimitron
- Dimitronal
- Dimo
- Dimocillin
- Dimodan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dimol - Wallace Pharmaceuticals
- Dimonate - Utopian
- Dimopen - Bruluagsa
- Dimophen - Nakornpatana Pharm
- Dimophen DC - Nakornpatana Pharm
- Dimor - Nordic Drugs
- Dimorf - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Dimorlin
- Dimorphone
- Dimotane - Wyeth; Goldshield Pharmaceuticals
- Dimotane Co - Wyeth
- Dimotane Expectorant - Wyeth
- Dimotane Plus - Wyeth; Goldshield Pharmaceuticals
- Dimotapp - Wyeth
- Dimotapp Expectorant - Wyeth
- Dimotic - Candor Biotech; Edric Pharmaceuticals
- Dimotil - Quality Pharmaceutical Laboratory; Vai Tat Hong
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