Pharmaceutical products list, page 53:
- Colpagex N - Marjan Industria e Comercio
- Colpanist - Dansk-Flama Instituto de Fisiologia Aplicada
- Colpatrin - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Colpep Syrup - Alkem Laboratories
- Colpep Tablets - Alkem Laboratories
- Colpermin - Pfizer; Associated Medical Supplies; Baxter; Faran Laboratories; Four Star; Germania Pharmazeutika; Medimport, Czech Republic; Pharmascience; Reed & Carnrick; Schering-Plough; Tillotts Pharma; Union Medical, Thailand; Wellchem Pharmaceuticals
- Colphen - Adcock Ingram
- Colpica - Tropica Mas Pharmaceutical Indonesia
- Colpist - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Colpistar Cream - Farmoquimica
- Colpistar Tablets - Farmoquimica
- Colpistatin - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Colpixol - Lundbeck
- Colpo
- Colpocin-T - Demo
- Colpo-Cleaner - Dolhay Klinika
- Colpoestriol - Temis Lostalo Laboratorios
- Colpogyn - Angelini
- Colpolase Capsules - De Mayo Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Colpolase Cream - De Mayo Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Colpolase Solution - De Mayo Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Colpormon - Merck
- Colposeptina - Sanofi-Aventis
- Colposeptine - Merck; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Duy Tan Pharma; Hind Wing; Serono; TEVA; Theramex Laboratoire; Zuellig Pharma
- Colpotrofin - Merck
- Colpotrofina - Leti Laboratorios
- Colpotrofine - Altana Pharma
- Colpotrophine - Merck; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Duy Tan Pharma; Hind Wing; Serono; TEVA; Theramex Laboratoire; Vifor Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Colpovis - Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche
- Colpradin - Biomep
- Colprin - Productos Ronava
- Colpro - Wyeth
- Col-Probenecid - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Colpron - Wyeth
- Colprone - Wyeth; Biodim Laboratoire
- Colprosterone - Inibsa Laboratorios
- Colpuril - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Colred - British Biologicals
- Colrex Compound
- Colrex Expectorant
- Colrex Plus - Zee Laboratories
- Colsaloid
- Colsan - Arvincare Healthcare
- Colsanac - Pierre Fabre
- Colsancetine - Sanbe Farma
- Colser - Serral
- Colsor - J. Pickles & Sons
- Colsor - Sang Thai
- Colsprin - Reckitt Benckiser
- Colsprin Calcium - Reckitt Benckiser
- Colstat - Adcock Ingram
- Colstat - Fournier
- Colsul
- Colsulanyde
- Colt
- Coltab - Suphong Bhaesaj
- Coltalin - Fortune Pharmacal; Cheng Heng Hong
- Coltalin Cold and Allergy - Fortune Pharmacal
- Coltalin with Vitamin B1 - Fortune Pharmacal
- Coltalin-GP - Fortune Pharmacal; Cheng Heng Hong
- Coltalin-GP Extra - Fortune Pharmacal; Cheng Heng Hong
- Coltalin-ND - Fortune Pharmacal; Cheng Heng Hong
- Coltapaste - Smith & Nephew
- Coltec - Approved Prescription Services
- Colther - Farmamust
- Colthiozid - Pharmy II Laboratoires
- Coltix - Quimica Medical Argentina
- Coltoux - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Coltox - Bio Active Canada
- Coltramyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Coltrax - Sanofi-Aventis
- Colubiazol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Colufase - Columbia Laboratorios
- Columbia Antiseptic Powder - The F.C. Sturtevant Company
- Columbia Carbon
- Columbia LCK
- Columbian Spirit
- Columina - Columbia Laboratorios
- Co-Lutem - SaoKim Pharma
- Colutoid
- Colutoide - Cimed Industria de Medicamentos
- Colvagi - Phil Inter Pharma; Morning Star Pharma
- Colval - Valmor Laboratorios
- Colvan - Pharma Dynamic
- Colvan Capsules - Pharma Dynamic
- Colvergane - Young Poong Pharmaceutical
- Coly - Community Pharmacy
- Colymix - Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Thien Minh Group
- Coly-Mycin - Pfizer
- Coly-Mycin M - Pfizer; ERFA; JHP Pharmaceuticals; King Pharmaceuticals; Link Medical Products; Monarch Pharmaceuticals; Parkedale Pharmaceuticals
- Coly-Mycin Otic - Pfizer
- Coly-Mycin S - Pfizer; JHP Pharmaceuticals; Parkedale Pharmaceuticals; Parke-Davis
- Coly-Mycin S Otic - Pfizer; Parkedale Pharmaceuticals; Parke-Davis
- Colyrazul - Mepha
- CoLyte - Schwarz Pharma; MM Therapeutics; Pendopharm; Pharmascience; Zymcan Pharmaceuticals
- CoLyte with Flavor Packs - Schwarz Pharma
- CoLyte-Flavored - Schwarz Pharma
- Comadine - Crown Pharmaceuticals
- Comafusin Hepar - Baxter
- Co-Magaldrox
- Comagis - Perrigo
- Comalco
- Comalco Kaolin
- Comalose-R - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Comaminohek - Hek Pharma
- Comarum Palustre Tinktura - Evalar
- Comat - Milano Lab
- Comazil - Mediplantex
- Comazol - Union Drug Laboratories
- Comb A Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb C Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb E Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb F Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb G Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb H Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb I Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb K Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb L Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb M Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb ML Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb P Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb Q Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb R Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Comb S Homoeopathic - New Era Laboratories
- Combac - Natural Balance
- Combacid N - G. Streuli
- Combactam - Pfizer
- Combactan - Bergamo Laboratorio Quimico Farmaceutico
- Combact-HIB - Sanofi-Aventis
- Comba-Gripp - Doetsch Grether
- CombAmox - Arcana Arzneimittel
- Combanal - Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos
- Combantrin - Pfizer; Infectopharm Arzneimittel und Consilium; Johnson & Johnson; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Teofarma; Zuellig Pharma
- Combantrin Albendazole - Pfizer
- Combantrin-1 - Pfizer
- Combantrin-1 with Mebendazole - Pfizer
- Combar - Combino Pharm
- Combaren - Novartis
- Combaron - Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos
- Combat - Lalema
- Combee - Dewcare Concept
- Combee-R - Dewcare Concept
- Combetasi - Kedrion
- Combevit - Sanico
- Combex - Pfizer
- ComBgen - Ethex
- Combi - Farmanic
- Combi Flu - Combiphar
- Combiamid - Dr. Winzer Pharma
- Combiase - Sankyo
- Combiase Spezial - Sankyo
- Combi-Cal - Zuellig Pharma
- Combicef - Combiphar
- Combicetin - Combiphar
- Combicid - JDH Borneo Thailand; TTN Thitiratsanon
- Combicilline - Wolfs, Belgium
- Combicitrine - Berlico Mulia Farma
- Combicold - Biomiicron Pharmaceuticals
- Combid - GlaxoSmithKline; Zuellig Pharma
- Combiderm - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Combiderm - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Combiderm - Kalbe Farma
- Combiderm - Recordati
- Combidol - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Combidol - Wockhardt
- Combidos - Medopharm
- Combiflam - Sanofi-Aventis
- Combiflam Cream - Sanofi-Aventis
- Combiflex - Otsuka Pharmaceutical
- Combiflexona - Otsuka Pharmaceutical
- Combifusin - Baxter
- Combigan - Allergan; DKSH; IDS Group; Maxim Pharmaceuticals; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Combigan D - Allergan
- Combigesic-DP - Bal Pharma
- Combihale-Ff - Natco Pharma
- Combihale-Ff Inhaler - Natco Pharma
- Combihext - Sanofi-Aventis
- Combilax - Mundipharma
- Combilipen - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Combilipid Peri - JW Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Combilor - Iko Overseas
- Combilosung - Agepha
- Combilox - Cachet Pharmaceuticals
- Combilox-LB - Cachet Pharmaceuticals
- Combi-Methoxan - AD-Drugstel Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Combimin - Pymepharco
- Combimist Inhaler - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Combimist Respules - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Combina 2 - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina 3 - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Bilirubin - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Blood - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Glucose - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Ketones - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Nitrates - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina pH - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Protein - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Specific Gravity - Omega Diagnostics
- Combina Urobilinogen - Omega Diagnostics
- Combinac Gel - Novaduo Pharma
- Combinac Injections - Novaduo Pharma
- Combinac Tablets - Novaduo Pharma
- Combinace
- Combinacion PI - Pisa Laboratorios
- Combinacion Rubin-Calcagno - Pisa Laboratorios
- Combinac-MR - Novaduo Pharma
- Combinaison 12 H13 - Robert et Fils
- Combinal K1
- Combination A - Biocentre
- Combination B - New Era Laboratories
- Combination D - New Era Laboratories
- Combination J - New Era Laboratories
- Combination N - New Era Laboratories
- Combined - Gador
- Combinovita - Sedabel Laboratorio
- Combinplex - B L Hua
- Combion-B - Merck
- Combionta N - Merck
- Combiotic Vitamin Booster - Pfizer
- CombiPack - Sandoz; Zuellig Pharma
- CombiPatch - Novartis; Sanofi-Aventis
- Combipen - Medispan
- Combipen-DS - Medispan
- Combipen-P - Medispan
- Combipen-Ss - Medispan
- Combiplasmal - B. Braun
- Combiplex - Berlico Mulia Farma
- Combipres - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Combipresan - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Combiprotect - Wyeth
- Combipul - Cipla; Phil Pharmawealth
- Combirex - Ipca Laboratories
- Combirice - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Combiron - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Combisan Plus - Esoform
- Combisartan - Menarini
- Combi-Schutz
- Combisec Dry Cow - Rogar / STB
- Combiseven - Bracco
- Combisonum Drops - Sanofi-Aventis
- Combisonum Eye Ointment - Sanofi-Aventis
- Combisonum Ointment - Sanofi-Aventis
- Combisor
- Combispas Drops - Medinova
- Combispas Injections - Medinova
- Combispas Tablets - Medinova
- Combistad - Pymepharco
- Combisteril FGX - Fresenius
- Combisteril FGX mit Elektrolyten - Fresenius
- Combisteril Plus - Fresenius
- Combistix - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Combit - Cubit Healthcare
- Combitard Humana 15 / 85 - Novo Nordisk
- Combitaz - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Combither - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- Combither Forte - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- Combithyrex - Sandoz; Biochemie
- Combitide - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Combitora - Solvay
- Combitorax Ampicilina - Solvay
- Combitorax Capsules - Solvay
- Combitorax Suspension - Solvay
- Combitrex - Herald's do Brasil
- Combitropil - Sintez
- Combitub - Simpex Pharma
- Combitub-Neo - Simpex Pharma
- Combivax - GlaxoSmithKline
- Combivent - Boehringer Ingelheim; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Diethelm; DKSH; Metro Drug Distribution; Zuellig Pharma
- Combivent Respimat - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Combivent UDV - Boehringer Ingelheim; Zuellig Pharma
- Combivir - GlaxoSmithKline; Firma Chun Cheong; Shire; ViiV Healthcare; Zuellig Pharma
- Combivit - Biomedica Foscama Industria Chimico Farmaceutica
- Combivite - Aspen Pharmacare
- Combivitol - Lannacher Heilmittel
- Combiwin - Wintech Pharmaceuticals
- Combizar - Therapharma; Gannon Group; United Laboratories
- Combizym - Sankyo; Budapharma; DKSH; Edward Keller; Four Star; Fournier; Hing AH Pharma; Medinova; Pfizer; Sanofi-Aventis; Weifa; Will-Pharma; Wilson Consumer Products
- Combizym Co - Pfizer
- Combizym Compositum - Sankyo; Fournier; IBI International; Medinova; Pfizer; Sanofi-Aventis; Will-Pharma; Wilson Consumer Products
- Combizym Composto - Sankyo
- Comblivit - Pharimexco
- Combo-AD - Mint Life Sciences
- Combo-AVZ - Elnova Pharma
- Combodol - BioMedica Life Sciences
- ComboPen
- Combot Pasta - Bayer
- Combotel
- Combretum Raimbaultii - Boiron
- Combudoron - Weleda; Pharma-Natura
- Combunex - Lupin Pharmaceuticals; Mega Lifesciences
- Combunox - Forest Laboratories
- Combur 10 - Roche
- Combur 10 Test - Roche
- Combur 2 Test LN - Roche
- Combur 3 - Roche
- Combur 3 Test - Roche
- Combur 3 Test E - Roche
- Combur 4 D - Roche
- Combur 4 Test - Roche
- Combur 5 D - Roche
- Combur 5 Test D - Roche
- Combur 6 + Leuco - Roche
- Combur 7 - Roche
- Combur 7 Test - Roche
- Combur 8 - Roche
- Combur 8 Test - Roche
- Combur 9 - Roche
- Combur 9 Test - Roche
- Combur Test - Roche
- Comburic - Therabel Pharma
- Combustin Heilsalbe - Combustin Pharmazeutische Praparate
- Combustrol 500
- Combutol - Lupin Pharmaceuticals; Mega Lifesciences
- Comcort - Comed Chemicals
- Com-Cough - Gahler Enterprises
- Comdasin - Combiphar
- Comdipin - Combiphar
- Comedolytic - Fem Care Pharma
- Comedonin - Dr. Reckeweg
- Comedrol - Berlico Mulia Farma
- Comensal - Medreich
- Comenter - Asofarma de Mexico; Raffo Laboratorios
- Comentin - Ankom Laboratories
- Comepar - Chemfar Organics
- Co-Mepril - F. Joh. Kwizda
- Comesa
- Comestrol
- Comestrol Estrobene
- Comet Cleaner with Bleach - Procter & Gamble
- Comet Disinfecting Cleanser with Chlorinol Plus - Procter & Gamble
- Cometamin - Yamanouchi
- Cometon - Metapharma
- Comfeel - Coloplast
- Comfeel Medicated Dressing - Coloplast
- Comfeel Plus - Coloplast
- Comfeel Plus Transparente - Coloplast
- Comfeel Plus Transparenter - Coloplast
- Comfeel Purilon - Coloplast
- Comfeel SeaSorb - Coloplast
- Comfort - Durex
- Comfort Drops - Pilkington Barnes Hind
- Comfort Eye Drops - Wesley Pharmacal
- Comfort Pain Balm - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Comfort Shield - Sage Products
- Comfort Tears - Wesley Pharmacal
- Comfortcaine - Coralite Dental Products
- Comfortcare Dual Action - Allergan
- Comfortcare GP - Wesley Pharmacal
- Comfortcare GP Comfort Drops - Pilkington Barnes Hind
- Comfortcare GP Dual Action - Allergan
- Comfortcare GP Wetting and Soaking - Allergan
- Comfortcare Wetting and Soaking Solution - Allergan; Pilkington Barnes Hind
- Comforte - 3M
- Comfortex - Zydus Cadila
- Comfortex-CZ - Zydus Cadila
- Comfortine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Comfortis - Elanco
- Comfrey - Health 4 All Products
- Comfrey Plus - Concept for Pharmacy
- Comfy - Polipharm, Thailand
- Comhist
- Comhist LA - Procter & Gamble
- Comiaryl - Hasan-Dermapharm
- Co-Micardis - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Comicianol - Ciclum Farma
- Comigat - Ankom Laboratories
- Comilorid - Mepha
- Comilorid Mite - Mepha
- Comital - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Comital L - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Comitiadone
- Comitoina
- Comixco - Ashbourne Pharmaceuticals
- Comizial - Giovanni Ogna & Figli
- Comlin - Chung Gei Pharma
- Commercial Liquid Pine Disinfectant - Ostrem Chemical
- Commercial P-250 Pine Disinfectant - Ostrem Chemical
- Commit - GlaxoSmithKline
- Commit Drops - Elfin Pharma; Nifle Biosciences
- Commit Syrup - Elfin Pharma; Nifle Biosciences
- Common Mallow Combination - Seroyal
- Commotional
- Commotional S - Desitin Arzneimittel
- Community Soft Touch - Body Life Health and Tanning
- Comoben - A.N.H. Products
- Comocladia Dentata - Boiron
- Comocladia Dentata - Standard Homeopathic
- Comocladia Dentata Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Comocladia Dentata Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Comodine Cough - A.N.H. Products
- Comoprin - British Dispensary
- Comosup - Farmasierra
- Comox - H.N. Norton; T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Comoxole - Inpac Pharma
- Comoxole DS - Inpac Pharma
- Comoxole Pediatric - Inpac Pharma
- Comozel - Phil Inter Pharma
- Comozol - Dae Hwa Pharm
- Compact - Roche
- Compact Extreme SPF 50 Teinte - Avene - Avene Laboratoires Dermatologiques
- Compact Solaire Teinte SPF 6 - Clarins
- Compact Sorb - Esoform
- Compact Teinte Protection Intense Galenic SPF 40 Beige Natural - Pierre Fabre
- Compact Teinte Protection Intense Galenic SPF 40 Hale Dore - Pierre Fabre
- Compactin
- Compagel - Sanofi-Aventis
- Compagen - Solfran Laboratorios
- Companion 2 - MediSense Products
- Compaser - Aurora Pharmaceuticals
- Compassia
- Compat - Novartis
- Compaz - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Compazine - GlaxoSmithKline
- Compazine Spansule - GlaxoSmithKline
- Comp-Drops 1 Stress - Knop Laboratorios
- Comp-Drops 2 - Knop Laboratorios
- Comp-Drops 3, Bowel Support - Knop Laboratorios
- Comp-Drops 5 Expectorant - Knop Laboratorios
- Comp-Drops 7, Sleepless - Knop Laboratorios
- Comp-Drops 8, Uri-Tract - Knop Laboratorios
- Comp-Drops 9 - Knop Laboratorios
- Compeba - Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Compedium
- Compendium - Polifarma, Italy
- Compensal - Provit, Mexico
- Compensal 11 G - B. Braun
- Compensal 15 G - B. Braun
- Compensan - Lannacher Heilmittel
- Compensate - Kamakshi Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Competact - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Compete - Mission Pharmacal
- Compicare Capsules - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- Compicare Drops - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- Compicare Injections - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- Compicare Plus - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- Compicare Powder - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- Compicare-XL - Yacca Pharmaceuticals
- Complamex
- Complamin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Complamin - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Complamin Retard - GlaxoSmithKline
- Complamin Spezial - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Complamina - German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Complamina Retard - German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Complan - Heinz; Boots; Edward Keller; GlaxoSmithKline
- Complatt - Grandix Pharmaceuticals
- Complatt Forte - Grandix Pharmaceuticals
- Compleat - Nestle
- Compleat - Novartis
- Complegel Novo - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Complegil - Diepal-NSA
- Complejo B - Merck; Biogalenic Laboratorios; Cofasa Laboratorios; Italmex; Spefar Venezolanos Laboratorios
- Complejo B Compositum - Politecnicos Nacionales Laboratorios
- Complejo Protrom Landerl - Landerlan
- Complementa - Pfizer
- Complenatal FF - Pharmaceutical Enterprises
- Complera - Gilead
- Complesso B - Pfizer
- Completax Plus - Silesia Laboratorios
- Complete - Allergan
- Complete All-in-One - Allergan; Advanced Medical Optics; Tradis-Gat
- Complete Antibiotic Ointment - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Complete Comfort Plus - Allergan; Visiontech
- Complete Digestive Enzyme - WN Pharmaceuticals
- Complete Essential Vitamins and Minerals - WN Pharmaceuticals
- Complete Formula for Adults - KSL Pharmaceuticals
- Complete Mega B - Gahler Enterprises
- Complete Mega B - WN Pharmaceuticals
- Complete Mega Enzyme - Gahler Enterprises
- Complete Mega Packets - Gahler Enterprises
- Complete Multi - Gahler Enterprises
- Complete Multi - Natural Factors Nutritional Products
- Complete Multi-Adult - Wampole Brands
- Complete Multi-Adult 50 + - Wampole Brands
- Complete Multi-Pre and Post Natal - Wampole Brands
- Complete Multi-Purpose Solution - Advanced Medical Optics
- Complete Multivitamins and Minerals for Children - Quest Vitamins
- Complete Multivitamins and Minerals Timed Release - Pharmetics
- Complete Multivitamins with Minerals - WN Pharmaceuticals
- Complete One-A-Day - Alive Vitamins
- Complete One-A-Day - Canat Laboratories
- Complete Protein Remover - Allergan; Advanced Medical Optics
- Complete Schuessler Cell Salt Homaccord - Naturpharm
- Complete-12 - Ordain Health Care
- Complete-PD - Ordain Health Care
- Complete-TD - Ordain Health Care
- Completovit - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Compleven - Fresenius
- Complevit - EMS Industria Farmaceutica
- Complevit - Pharma Investi de Chile
- Complevit - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Complevit Pediatrico - Pharma Investi de Chile
- Complevitan - Bunker Industria Farmaceutica
- Complex 1 - Naturpharm
- Complex 10 - Naturpharm
- Complex 11 - Naturpharm
- Complex 12 - Naturpharm
- Complex 13 - Naturpharm
- Complex 14 - Naturpharm
- Complex 15 - Naturpharm
- Complex 15 - Schering-Plough
- Complex 16 - Naturpharm
- Complex 17 - Naturpharm
- Complex 18 - Naturpharm
- Complex 19 - Naturpharm
- Complex 2 - Naturpharm
- Complex 20 - Naturpharm
- Complex 21 - Naturpharm
- Complex 22 - Naturpharm
- Complex 3 - Naturpharm
- Complex 30 - Naturpharm
- Complex 31 - Naturpharm
- Complex 32 - Naturpharm
- Complex 33 - Naturpharm
- Complex 34 - Naturpharm
- Complex 35 - Naturpharm
- Complex 4 - Naturpharm
- Complex 5 - AST Research
- Complex 5 - Naturpharm
- Complex 6 - Naturpharm
- Complex 7 - Naturpharm
- Complex 8 - Naturpharm
- Complex 9 - Naturpharm
- Complex ADC - Pharma del Plata Laboratorios
- Complex All12 - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Complex Ast Drops - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Complex B - Pharma del Plata Laboratorios
- Complex B - Pharmalab 1982
- Complex B Calcio Y Magnesio - Pharma del Plata Laboratorios
- Complex Ner - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Complex Pro1 - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Complex-75 - Frega; Pharmalab 1982
- Complexan B - Upsifarma
- Complex-B Forte - GlaxoSmithKline
- Complex-B Liquid - GlaxoSmithKline
- Complex-B Tablets - GlaxoSmithKline
- Complex-CHO - Tyson Nutraceuticals
- Complexe B - Les Laboratoires Vachon
- Complexe B - Pharmalab 1982
- Complexe B Compose 100 - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Complexe B Compose 50 - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Complexe B Compose 75 - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Complexe B-75 - Frega
- Complexe Lehning Acidum Phosphoricum N 5 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Aesculus N 103 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Agnus Castus N 2 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Amanita N 75 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Apomorphinum N 97 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Argentum N 98 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Arnica N 1 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Aurum N 38 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Badiaga N 47 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Basilicum N 96 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Berberis N 83 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Bilinum N 113 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Bromum N 119 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Calendula N 89 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Cetraria N 61 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Cholesterolum N 112 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Cimicifuga N 21 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Cina N 55 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Cistus Canadensis N 86 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Cocculus N 73 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Conium N 36 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Crataegus N 15 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Drosera N 64 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Echinacea N 40 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Euphorbium N 88 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Euphrasia N 115 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Ferrum N 29 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Fucus N 111 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Gelsemium N 70 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Gentiana N 33 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Geranium N 108 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Grindelia N 58 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Hedera N 120 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Hypericum N 26 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Hypophysis N 31 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Iodum N 118 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Ipeca N 65 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Juniperus N 6 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Kalium Iodatum N 84 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Kalium Muriaticum N 41 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Kalium Phosphoricum N 100 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Kalmia N 18 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Kreosotum N 62 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Lachesis N 122 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Ledum N 81 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Lobelia N 74 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Mercurius Cyanatus N 43 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Mercurius Solubilis N 39 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Millefolium N 7 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Momordica N 109 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Myosotis N 63 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Natrum Carbonicum N 10 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Nux Vomica N 49 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Oenanthe Crocata N 78 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Paeonia N 104 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Pulsatilla N 60 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Ranunculus N 79 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Rhododendron N 42 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Rhus Toxicodendron N 80 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Rosmarinus N 24 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Rubia N 3 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Santalum N 30 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Scabiosa N 87 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Selenium N 99 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Sepia N 20 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Silicea N 11 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Staphysagria N 92 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Sulfur N 12 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Symphytum N 48 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Tamarindus N 95 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Tarentula N 71 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Thuya N 37 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Urtica N 82 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Uva Ursi N 9 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Vespa N 46 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Yucca N 110 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe Lehning Zincum Cyanidum N 101 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 110 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 122 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 26 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 36 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 49 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 5 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 6 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 61 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 70 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 71 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 78 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 79 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 80 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 81 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 83 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexe No 96 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Complexed Potassium - Albion Laboratories
- Compleximed B - Globo Laboratorio
- Compleximed B + C - Globo Laboratorio
- Complexo B - Basi Laboratorios
- Complexobiotico Bals - UCB Pharma
- Complexol - Sanico
- Complexon II
- Complexonat
- Compliance - Metrex Research
- Complidermol - Reig Jofre
- Compligamv - Sotex
- Compliments Multi-Surface Antibacterial Cleaner - Oxi Brite
- Compliments Value Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner - Jempak GK
- Compliments Value Brand Pine Disinfectant Cleaner - Jempak GK
- Compliments Value Pine Disinfectant Cleaner - Jempak GK
- Complivit - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Complivit Calcium D3 - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Complivit Mama for Pregnant and Nursing Women - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Complivita Capsules - Savoy Biotech
- Complivita Drops - Savoy Biotech
- Complivit-Activ - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Complivita-Z - Savoy Biotech
- Comploment Continus - SSL International; Mundipharma
- Complutine - Novartis
- Comply - Wyeth; Kendall
- Compocillin - Abbott
- Compocillin G
- Compocillin V
- Component E-C Implants - IVY Animal Health
- Component E-H Implants - IVY Animal Health
- Component E-H Implants with Tylan - IVY Animal Health
- Component E-S Implants - IVY Animal Health
- Component E-S Implants with Tylan - IVY Animal Health
- Component TE-100 Implants with Tylan - Elanco
- Component TE-200 - Elanco
- Component TE-H Implants - IVY Animal Health
- Component TE-H Implants with Tylan - IVY Animal Health
- Component TE-S Implants - IVY Animal Health
- Component TE-S Implants with Tylan - IVY Animal Health
- Compose 455 - Alimentex
- Compose 511 - Alimentex
- Compose Sapin Fortin - Sapin Fortin
- Composto Anticelulitico - Infabra Industria Farmaceutica Brasileira
- Composto Emagrecedor - Viternat Laboratorios
- Compound 150 - Sterivet
- Compound 347 - Fahrenheit
- Compound 65 - Alra Laboratories
- Compound Aluminium Paste
- Compound Benzaldehyde Elixir
- Compound Benzoic Acid Ointment
- Compound Benzoin TCT - Xenex Laboratories
- Compound Benzoin Tincture - Acme United Corporation
- Compound Benzoin Tincture - Medi-Flex
- Compound Benzoin Tincture 10% Swabstick - Professional Disposables International
- Compound Cardamom Tincture
- Compound Clioquinol Topical Powder
- Compound Docusate Enema
- Compound E
- Compound Effervescent Powder
- Compound F
- Compound G-11
- Compound Gentian Infusion
- Compound Gentian Infusion Concentrated
- Compound Inhalation of Menthol
- Compound Iodine Paint
- Compound Iodoform Paint
- Compound J
- Compound Laxative Syrup of Figs - Boots
- Compound Magnesium Trisilicate Mixture - Boots
- Compound Magnesium Trisilicate Oral Powder
- Compound Magnesium Trisilicate Tablets
- Compound Makham Pom - Pharmahof
- Compound Mawang Mixture TFD - Thai FD
- Compound Miconazole - Shunfeng Pharmaceutical; Vietnam Medical Products Import-Export
- Compound Orange Spirit
- Compound Podophyllin Paint
- Compound Resorcinol Ointment
- Compound Rhubarb Tincture
- Compound S
- Compound Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets
- Compound Sodium Chloride Mouthwash
- Compound Sodium Lactate - B. Braun
- Compound Sodium Lactate - Baxter
- Compound Sodium Lactate - Fresenius
- Compound Undecylenic Acid Ointment
- Compound V - SSL International
- Compound Vitamin B Tablets
- Compound W - Medtech Products; Aspen Pharmacare; SSL International
- Compound W Freeze Off - Medtech Products
- Compound W Gel - Medtech Products; Wyeth
- Compound W Liquid - Medtech Products; Wyeth
- Compound W Pads - Medtech Products
- Compound W Plantar Wart Remover - Medtech Products
- Compound W Plus - Medtech Products; Wyeth
- Compound Zinc Paste
- Compoz - Jeffrey Martin
- Compoz Night-Time Sleep Aid - Medtech Products
- Compralgyl - Gifrer Barbezat Laboratoires
- Compralsol - Gifrer Barbezat Laboratoires
- Compraz - Combiphar
- Comprecin - Pfizer
- Compren - Desma
- Compressible Sugar
- Comprilex - Pediatrica; United Laboratories
- Comprime de Vitamine C - Vitalab
- Comprimes a Croquer Estomac - Max Zeller Sohne
- Comprimes Analgesiques No 534 - Renapharm
- Comprimes Analgesiques S - SynPharma
- Comprimes Contre la Toux - Max Zeller Sohne
- Comprimes Gynecologiques Pharmatex - Innothera
- Comprimes Laxatifs - Le Naturiste J.M.B.
- Comprimes Laxatifs de Worishofen - Hogapharm
- Comprimes Somniferes Formule 533 - Renapharm
- Comprimes Somniferes S - SynPharma
- Compro - Paddock Laboratories
- Comptil - Mandar Pharmaceutical
- Compublend Base B - 3M
- Compudose
- Compudose-IMP - Elanco
- Compu-Gel - Docmed
- Compu-Pain - CompuPharm
- Compuron - Bene Arzneimittel
- Computer Eye Drops - Bausch and Lomb; Firma Chun Cheong; Hyphens Pharma; U.S. Summit
- Comrevosin - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Comron - Comed Chemicals
- Comscav - Comed Chemicals
- Comscav Forte - Comed Chemicals
- Comsid - Umedica Laboratories; Suhitas Pharmaceuticals
- Comsikla - Combiphar
- Comspa - Comed Chemicals
- Comsporin - Combiphar
- Comstrong - Unison Laboratories
- Comtan - Novartis; Orion Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Comtaplex - Greater Pharma
- Comtess - Orion Pharma; Allphar Services
- Comthergin - Rotexmedica; Commerz Trading International
- Comthycol - Combiphar
- Comtrex - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Acute Head Cold - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Novartis
- Comtrex Allergy-Sinus - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Allergy-Sinus Maximum Strength - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Cold - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Cold and Cough Day - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Novartis
- Comtrex Cold and Cough Multi-Symptom Relief Maximum Strength - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Cold and Cough Night - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Novartis
- Comtrex Cough and Cold Day-Night Maximum Strength - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Day / Night Flu Therapy - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Day and Night Maximum Strength - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Day and Night Multi-Symptom - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Deep Chest Cold - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Novartis
- Comtrex Deep Chest Cold Multi-Symptom Softgels - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Flu Therapy Day - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Novartis
- Comtrex Flu Therapy Night - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Novartis
- Comtrex Hot Flu Relief - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Liqui-Gels - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Maximum Strength Night-Time Cold and Cough - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Multi-Symptom Deep Chest Cold - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Non-Drowsy Maximum Strength - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrex Sinus and Nasal Decongestant - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Comtrix - Comed Chemicals
- Comtrix-O - Comed Chemicals
- Comtro - Combiphar
- Comtus - Comed Chemicals
- Comtusi - Combiphar
- Comvax - Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Comvine - Alkem Laboratories
- Comvit - Shandong Reyoung Pharmaceutical
- Comvit FA - Scheele Laboratories; Commerz Trading International
- Comvita C - Interbat
- Comvita C Plus - Interbat
- Comvufen - Precimex
- Comxicla - Indchemie Health Specialities; Suhitas Pharmaceuticals
- Comxin - Scheele Laboratories; Commerz Trading International
- Comxytocin - Rotexmedica; Commerz Trading International
- Comycetin
- Comycin
- Comzid - Comed Chemicals
- Comzid-M - Comed Chemicals
- Con Con - B L Hua
- Conac A
- Conac H
- Conac S
- Conacetol
- Conacid - Purissimus
- Conac-P - Constant
- Conac-PT - Constant
- Conadil
- Conadyl - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Conaid - Utopian
- Conamed - Bajamed Laboratorios
- Conamic - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Conamid - Flamingo Pharmaceuticals; Pasteur Pharmaceuticals
- Conan - Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals
- Conart - Advance Pharma; Harpers Trading
- Conasol - United Nordic Pharma
- Conaz - Wockhardt
- Conazine - Condrugs International
- Conazol - Liomont Laboratorios
- Conazol - Specifar Pharmaceuticals
- Conazol Talco - Liomont Laboratorios
- Conazole - Drug Houses of Australia; U.S. Summit
- Conazym - Dae Hwa Pharm; Phil International
- Conbate - Pharmacon
- Conbol - Almet Corporation
- Conbutol - Continental Pharm
- Concardisett - Wyeth
- Concatag - Lafedar Laboratorios
- Concavit - Cardinal Health; Alinter
- Concealer - Amway
- Conceive - Pharmascience
- Conceive Ovulation Predictor - Quidel Corporation
- Conceive Pregnancy - Quidel Corporation
- Concemin
- Concentrado Acido - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentrado Acido Para Hemodialisis 25-15 - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentrado Acido Para Hemodialisis 30-15 - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentrado Acido Para Hemodialisis 35-20 - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentrado Acido Para Hemodialisis con Bicarbonato - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentrado Basico - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentrado Basico Para Hemodialisis con Bicarbonato - Reccius Laboratrios
- Concentraid - Ferring
- Concentrated Cleaner - Bausch and Lomb
- Concentrated Haemodialysis Solution BP-RZ266C - Genpharm
- Concentrated Haemodialysis Solution BP-RZ270C - Genpharm
- Concentrated Haemodialysis Solution BP-RZ273C - Genpharm
- Concentrated Milk of Magnesia-Cascara - Roxane Laboratories
- Concentrated Quaternary Disinfectant and Sanitizer - Servicelab Cleaning Systems
- Concentrin - CT-Arzneimittel
- Concentrin N - CT-Arzneimittel
- Concentrin Spezial - CT-Arzneimittel
- Conceplan - Grunenthal
- Conceplan M - Grunenthal
- Concepnor - Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Concept - Sea-Band
- Conceptrol
- Concerta - Janssen; ALZA; DKSH; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Concerta LP - Janssen
- Concerta XL - Janssen
- Conchae Comp. - Weleda
- Conchinin
- Conchinine
- Conchiolinum - Boiron
- Conchiolinum - Dolisos
- Conchivit - Ghimas
- Concid - Nitro Organics
- Concid-DM - Nitro Organics
- Concid-DSR - Nitro Organics
- Concilium
- Concise - BHR Pharmaceuticals
- Concize - Indoco Remedies
- Conclyte K
- Conclyte-A
- Conco
- Concor - Merck; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Bracco; DKSH; Neopharm, Israel; Nycomed; Serono; Zuellig Pharma
- Concor Cor - Merck; Nycomed
- Concor Plus - Merck
- Concor-AM - Merck
- Concordin - Merck
- Concore - Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Concrobium - Siamons
- Concurat-L - Bayer
- Conda - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; Tientsin Da-Chong Trading
- Condacaps
- Condelone - Lacer
- Condep - CCM Duopharma BioTech
- Conderm - Ranbaxy
- Condiabet - Armoxindo Farma
- Condil - Protermex; Selder
- Condilan - Pfizer
- Condition - Dr. A. C. Daniels
- Conditioning Dandruff Treatment Shampoo 2 in 1 - Apollo Health and Beauty Care
- Conditioning Gel - La Roche-Posay
- Conditioning Solution - Bausch and Lomb
- Condiuren - Gentili Istituto
- Condocaps
- Condol - GlaxoSmithKline
- CondomMate - Upsher-Smith Laboratories
- Condossan - Altana Pharma
- Condral - Medicom International
- Condral - Societa Prodotti Antibiotici
- Condress - Abiogen Pharma
- Condrin-LA - Shire
- Condro San - Bioiberica
- Condro Sorb - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Condrodin - Bioiberica
- Condrofer - UCB Pharma
- Condroitina - Dominguez Laboratorios
- Condrosamina - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Condrosulf - Pfizer; Corporacion Operadora de Representaciones y Negocios; Farma Lepori; IBI International; IBSA Institut Biochimique; Labomed Instituto Farmaceutico; Sanova Pharma
- Condrosulf Orogel - Pfizer; Corporacion Operadora de Representaciones y Negocios; Farma Lepori; IBI International; IBSA Institut Biochimique; Labomed Instituto Farmaceutico; Sanova Pharma
- Condrotec - Pfizer
- Condubosin B13 - Professional Health Products
- Conducat - Baxter
- Conducil - Especialidades Dollder
- Conductasa - Teofarma
- Conductex
- Conducton - Fujisawa
- Condugesic - Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology
- Condurango - Boiron
- Condurango - Dolisos
- Condurango - Homeocan
- Condurango - Standard Homeopathic
- Condurango Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Condurango Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Condurangoplex - Bio Active Canada
- Condyline - Canderm Pharma; Ardern Healthcare; Astellas Pharma; CSL; Dr. August Wolff Arzneimittel; Elder Pharmaceuticals; Galderma; Gerot Pharmazeutika; Hamilton Pharmaceuticals; Keri Pharma; Newport Pharmaceuticals; Nycomed; Perrigo; Sanofi-Aventis; Watson Pharmaceuticals; Yamanouchi
- Condylon
- Condylox - Oclassen
- Conectol - IVAX
- Conef - Defuen
- Co-Ne-O2-N2 Mixture - Linde Canada
- Cones Rendell - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Conest - VHB Life Sciences
- Conestoral
- Coneurase - Alter
- Conevit - Loren Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Conex - Forest Laboratories
- Conex with Codeine - Forest Laboratories
- Conex-B - Constant
- Conexine - Beta Laboratorios
- Conexine - Nolver
- Confal - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Confectioner's Sugar
- Confer - Merck
- Conferma 3 Plus - Sanofi-Aventis
- Conferon
- Confetti Lassativi - Giuliani
- Confetti Lassativi CM - Giuliani
- Confetto - Falqui Prodotti Farmaceutici
- Confetto CM - Falqui Prodotti Farmaceutici
- Confetto Complex - Falqui Prodotti Farmaceutici
- Confetto Falqui - Montefarmaco
- Confez-3 - Shreya Life Sciences
- Confiance - Wassen International; Helsinn
- Confiance Donna - Wassen Italia
- Confidan - Bouty
- Confidelle - Carter Horner
- Confidelle Progress - Bouty
- Confido - Himalaya
- Confidol - Medopharm Arzneimittel
- Confidor - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Confidor 200 SL
- Confidor Energy - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Confidor SL
- Confidor Supra - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Confirm - Durex; Chefaro
- Confit - Concept Pharmaceuticals
- Confit - Procter & Gamble
- Conflictan - Solvay
- Conflu - East India Pharmaceutical Works
- Confludin N - Truw Arzneimittel Vertriebs
- Conflumine - Mediplantex
- Confobos - A.S.A.C. Pharma
- Conforgel - Grin Laboratorios
- Conformal - IVAX
- Conformil - Milupa
- Conformin SR - Concertina Pharma
- Confor-Tar - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Confortel - Forder Dermatologicas
- Confortid - Alpharma; Medinova
- Confortin - Solas
- Congen - Jean-Marie Pharmacal; WM Rutti
- Congescor - Merck
- Congespirin Liquid - Bristol-Myers Squibb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233