Pharmaceutical products list, page 24:
- Bacnutri - Grisi Hermanos Laboratorios
- Bacocil - Pfizer
- Bacopa Complex - Mediherb
- Bacopt - Terra Botanica Products
- Bacotan - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Bacpiryl - Parggon Laboratorios
- Bacproin - Best Laboratorios
- Bacprotin - Prodotti Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Bacquinor
- Bacqure - Ranbaxy; Pharmaniaga
- Bacris - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Bacrocin - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Bac-Stop - Esteam Manufacturing
- Bac-Sulfitrin - Ducto Industria Farmaceutica Laboratorio
- Bacta - Masa Lab
- Bactacin - Osoth Inter Laboratories
- Bactacine
- Bactamox - Grunenthal
- Bactapezone - Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma
- Bactaz - PSA International; Ambica International Trading Corporation; Suhitas Pharmaceuticals
- Bactazon - Graha Farma
- Bactedene - MacroPhar
- Bactekod - Biogalenique Laboratoires
- Bactelan - Quimica y Farmacia
- Bactelan Pediatrico - Quimica y Farmacia
- Bacteomycine - Merck
- Bacter - Cubit Healthcare
- Bacteracin - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Bacteracin Balsamico - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Bacteramid
- Bacterge - C.P. Industries
- Bacterial - C.T. Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Bacterian - Musa Rodolpho Jordano Laboratorio
- Bacterianos D - Anios Laboratoires
- Bacteric - Hexal; Sandoz
- Bacteric F - Hexal; Sandoz
- Bactericide Oakite - Oakite Products
- Bacterinil - Luper Industria Farmaceutica
- Bacterion - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Bacteriostatic Nacl Diluent for Inhalation - Bioniche Pharma
- Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride - Allen & Hanburys
- Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride - Hospira
- Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride 0.9% in plastic container - Abraxis BioScience
- Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride 0.9% in plastic container - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride 0.9% in plastic container - Hospira
- Bacteriostatic Water for Injection - Hospira
- Bacteriostatic Water for Injection - Omega Laboratories
- Bacteriostatic Water for Injection in plastic container - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Bacteriostatic Water for Injection in plastic container - Hospira
- Bacteriostatic Water for-Pre-Filled Syringe - Pfizer
- Bacterix - Gifrer Barbezat Laboratoires
- Bacter-M - Cubit Healthcare
- Bacternil - Prodotti Dott. Maffioli di A. Labruzzo
- Bacter-NZ - Cubit Healthcare
- Bacterol - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Bacteroskin - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bacter-OZ - Cubit Healthcare
- Bacter-TZ - Cubit Healthcare
- Bactesid
- Bactesulf
- Bactesyn - Kalbe Farma
- Bacteval - Valmor Laboratorios
- Bactevo - Roussel Vietnam
- Bactex - Chemix 1975
- Bactex - Union Drug Laboratories
- Bactezoa-LB - Stedman Pharmaceuticals
- Bacticef - Mitim, Italy
- Bacticef - Neon Laboratories
- Bacticel - Bago Laboratorios
- Bacticep - M & H Manufacturing
- Bacticid-CS - Tablets India
- Bacticide - Euro-Med Laboratories Phil
- Bacticide Feminine Wash - Euro-Med Laboratories Phil
- Bacticil - Farmacos Continentales
- Bacticin
- Bacticlean - Maxim Chemical
- Bacti-Cleanse - Pedinol Pharmacal
- Bacticlens - SSL International
- Bacticlor - Ranbaxy
- Bacticort - Disprofarma
- Bacticort - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Bacticort Complex - Disprofarma
- Bactidan - Pierre Fabre
- Bactide - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Bactident - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Bactidol - Pfizer; DKSH; Johnson & Johnson; Zuellig Pharma
- Bactidox - TAD Pharma; JustRight Pharmaceuticals; Unison Laboratories
- Bactidron - Sanofi-Aventis
- Bactiflox - Mepha; JDH Pharmaceutical; Mepharm Malaysia
- Bacti-Foam - Ecolab
- Bactifor - Grunenthal
- Bactifree - BioFemme; United Laboratories
- Bactigen - FDC
- Bactigent - Filadams Pharma
- Bactigram - Magis Farmaceutici
- Bactigras - B. Braun; Diethelm; Smith & Nephew; Zuellig Pharma
- Bactil - CEPA Schwartz Pharma
- Bactilen - Cryopharma Pizzard y Salud
- Bactilina - Richmond Laboratorios
- Bactille Forte - S.V. More Pharma
- Bactille-TS - S.V. More Pharma
- Bactimox - Taurus Laboratories
- Bactimox Plus - Taurus Laboratories
- Bactin - Siam Medicare
- Bactine Antiseptic - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactine First Aid Antibiotic Plus Anesthetic - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactine First Aid Spray - Bayer Schering Pharma; Milex Products
- Bactine Original First Aid Liquid - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactine Pain Relieving Cleansing Spray - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactine Pain Relieving Cleansing Wipes - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactine Triple Antibiotic
- Bactine, Canada - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactine, United States - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bactio Rhin - Altana Pharma
- Bactio Rhin Prednisolona - Altana Pharma
- Bactipoz - Renata; Euro Generics; FVA Medical Specialties; Interlink Pharma Marketing Corporation
- Bactiprox - Erlimpex
- Bactirid - Medicraft
- Bactirom - Sanbe Farma
- Bactisan Hand Sanitizing Spray - Bentfield Europe
- Bactisol - Maxim Chemical
- Bactisone - Yash Vision
- Bacti-Stat - Ecolab
- Bacti-Stat AE - Ecolab
- Bacti-Stat CHG - Ecolab
- Bactisubtil - Sanofi-Aventis; Cassella-Med; Leti Laboratorios; Patheon
- Bacti-Uril - Bago Laboratorios
- Bactiv - YSS Laboratories; Cathay Drug
- Bactiver - Productos Maver
- Bactizef - LBS Laboratory; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Bactizon - Sanbe Farma; Endure Medical
- Bacto - Constant America
- Bactob - Solitaire Pharmacia
- Bactocef - Garec Pharmaceuticals
- Bactocef - Siomond Pharmaceuticals
- Bactocep - Bactolac Formulations
- Bactocide - Larose & Fils
- Bactocill - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactocill in plastic container - GlaxoSmithKline; Baxter
- Bactocin - Asclepius Remedies
- Bactocin - Hormona Laboratorios
- Bactocin - Scharper
- Bactoclav - Micro Labs; OEP Philippines; Zuellig Pharma
- Bactoderm - Agis, Israel
- Bactoderm - Kley Hertz
- Bactof - Svizera Healthcare
- Bactofen - Rusch, Italy
- Bactoff Alu-Alu - 3a Pharmaceuticals
- Bactoff-OZ Alu-Alu - 3a Pharmaceuticals
- Bactoflox - Biochimico Instituto
- Bactoflox - Probios
- Bactogard - Indoco Remedies
- Bactokil - Chinta; Pharma Square
- Bactol - ACI Pharma
- Bactol - Avmor
- Bactol - Star Industries 1997
- Bactol 84 - GP Chemicals Specialty
- Bactol Disinfectant and Sanitizer - Avmor
- Bactolac - XL Laboratories
- Bactoluse - Korea Core Pharm
- Bactolyte - Bactolac Formulations
- Bactomax - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Bactomet - Win Medicare
- Bactomet-C - Win Medicare
- Bactomicin - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Bactonis - Neiss Labs
- Bactopen - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactoprim - S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading
- Bactoprim Combi - Combiphar
- Bactoprim Combi Forte - Combiphar
- Bactopumon - Cinfa
- Bactoquin - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- Bactorax - Moraceae Pharmaceuticals
- Bactorax-OZ - Moraceae Pharmaceuticals
- Bactoreduct - Sandoz
- Bactorus - Icarus Health Care
- Bactosan - Norchem Industries
- Bactoscrub - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- Bactosept - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- BactoShield - STERIS Corporation
- BactoShield CHG - STERIS Corporation
- Bactosol - Chemix 1975
- Bactosol - Hygienex Laboratoire
- Bactosone - Belmac Laboratorios
- Bactosone Retard - Belmac Laboratorios
- Bactosul - Pharma-Tech India
- Bactox - Innotech International
- Bactox - Windson Produtos Quimicos e Farmaceuticos
- Bactox Balsamico - Windson Produtos Quimicos e Farmaceuticos
- Bactpar - Bactolac Formulations
- Bactpar Plus - Bactolac Formulations
- Bactracid - Apogepha Arzneimittel
- Bactra-Clean Hand Sanitizer - Vispak
- Bactral - Bactolac Formulations
- Bactramin - Chugai Pharmaceutical
- Bactramyl
- Bactrazine - Smith & Nephew
- Bactren - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Bactrex - Amberine Products
- Bactrex - Sintofarma Laboratorios
- Bactrian - J.M. Loveridge
- Bactrias - Wockhardt; Ambica International Trading Corporation
- Bactricid - Soho Industri Pharmasi
- Bactricid Forte - Soho Industri Pharmasi
- Bactricide - Medicpharma
- Bactricin - Marjan Industria e Comercio
- Bactricin Balsamico - Marjan Industria e Comercio
- Bactrim - Roche; AR Scientific; Cenexi; DKSH; Mutual Pharmaceuticals; Nicholas Piramal; Zuellig Pharma
- Bactrim Balsamico - Roche
- Bactrim Compositum - Roche
- Bactrim DS - Roche; AR Scientific; Mutual Pharmaceuticals; Piramal Healthcare
- Bactrim F - Roche
- Bactrim Forte - Roche; Zuellig Pharma
- Bactrim Pediatric - Roche; AR Scientific
- Bactrimel - Roche
- Bactrinol - Nestor Pharmaceuticals; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Bactrisan - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Bactrisan Balsamico - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Bactrizol - Behrens Laboratorio
- Bactrizol - Instituto de Medicamentos e Alergia IMA; Corsa Industries
- Bactrizol Forte - Instituto de Medicamentos e Alergia IMA; Corsa Industries
- Bactroban - GlaxoSmithKline; Firma Chun Cheong; Zentiva; Zuellig Pharma
- Bactroban Crema - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactroban Creme - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactroban Nasal - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactroban Nasal Unguento - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactroban Pomada - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactroban Salbe - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactroban Unguento - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactrobandos - GlaxoSmithKline
- Bactrocin - LBS Laboratory
- Bactrocin - ZYG Pharma; Global Pharmatrade
- Bactron - Productos Ronava
- Bactroneo - Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Bactropin - Cimed Industria de Medicamentos; Son's Laboratorios Quimica
- Bactropin Balsamico - Cimed Industria de Medicamentos
- Bactrovet
- Bactstar - BMW Pharmaco India
- Bactstar SAC - BMW Pharmaco India
- Bactyl - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise; Europhta Laboratoires
- Bactylisine - Peters Laboratoires
- Bactzyme - Bactolac Formulations
- Bacup - Keshav Health Care Networking
- Bacxal - Pharmacare
- Bacxal DS - Pharmacare
- Bacxal Forte - Pharmacare
- Bac-Xolid - Sanofi-Aventis
- Bac-Zidim - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baczole - Nakornpatana Pharm
- Bad Heilbrunner Abfuhrtee N - Bad Heilbrunner Naturheilmittel
- Bad Heilbrunner Brust und Hustentee Tassenfertig Teeaufguspulver - Bad Heilbrunner Naturheilmittel
- Bad Heilbrunner Schlaf und Nerventee Tassenfertig Teeaufguspulver - Bad Heilbrunner Naturheilmittel
- Badefem - Nucitec
- Badeol - Agepha
- Badiaga - Boiron
- Badiaga - Dolisos
- Badiaga - Homeocan
- Badiaga - Standard Homeopathic
- Badiaga - Total Health Centre
- Badiaga Complexe No 47 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Badil
- Badimol
- Badional
- Badyket - Menarini
- Bafameritin-M
- Bafhameritin-M
- Baflox - Galeno Quimica
- Bafucin - Pfizer
- Bag Balm Dilators - Dr. A. C. Daniels
- Bag Balm Ointment - Dr. A. C. Daniels
- Bagatelle - Bagatelle Marketing & Sales
- Bages - Unison Laboratories; Firma Welfare Instrument; Health Alliance International; Medispec; Medline, Thailand
- Baghera - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bagnisan med Heilbad - Klemenz
- Bagnisan S med Rheumabad - Klemenz
- Bagno Oculare - Giovanni Ogna & Figli; AFOM Medical
- Bagobutam - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagociletas con Anestesia - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagociletas sin Anestesia - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagoderm - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagodilol - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagodryl
- Bagohepat - Bago Laboratorios; Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Bagolax
- Bagomet - Quimica Montpellier; Bago Laboratorios
- Bagomicina - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagomol - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Bagopril - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagopront - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Bagotam - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Bagotanilo - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Bagothyrox - Quimica Montpellier; Bago Laboratorios
- Bagovir - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Bagovit A - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagovit A Plus - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagovit Avant Piel - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagovit Solar - Bago Laboratorios
- Bagren - Serono
- Bagton - Loeffler
- Bahutcef-SL - Sipra Remedies
- Baic Hao - Hataphar
- Baich Hoa Hoait Laic Cao - Bao Linh
- Baich Kim Hoaong - XNDP A Chau
- Baich Long - Bao Long
- Baicurina - Regius Laboratorio
- Bain Antirhumatismal - Kneipp Schweiz
- Bain Contre les Refroidissements - Kneipp Schweiz
- Bain de Bouche Bancaud - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Bain de Bouche Lipha - Merck
- Bain de Soleil 6-Hour Waterproof Lotion SPF 15 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil 6-Hour Waterproof Lotion SPF 4 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil 6-Hour Waterproof Lotion SPF 8 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil 6-Hour Waterproof Sport Lotion SPF 15 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil 6-Hour Waterproof Sport Lotion SPF 8 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil All Day Lotion for Babies SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil All Day Lotion for Kids SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil All Day Lotion SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil All Day SPF 15 - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil All Day SPF 30 - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil All Day SPF 4 - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil All Day SPF 8 - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil Color SPF 15 + - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil Color SPF 30 + - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil Color SPF 8 + - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil FPS 4 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Gelee Orange SPF 4 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Golden Tanning Oil SPF 4 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Longue Duree pur Bebes SPF 30 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Longue Duree FPS 15 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Longue Duree FPS 30 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Longue Duree FPS 8 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Longue Duree pour Enfants FPS 30 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Mega Tan FPS 4 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Sport SPF 15 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Lotion Sport SPF 8 - Herdt et Charton
- Bain de Soleil Luminessence SPF 4 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Luminessence SPF 8 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Mega Tan Lotion SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Mega Tan Lotion SPF 4 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Mega Tanning SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Oil Free Faces SPF 15 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Oil Free Protecteur SPF 25 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Orange Gelee SPF 15 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Orange Gelee SPF 4 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Orange Gelee SPF 8 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Orange SPF 15 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Orange SPF 4 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Protection Creme SPF 25 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Protection Kids Lotion SPF 25 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Protection Lotion SPF 15 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Protection SPF 15 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Protection SPF 25 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil SOS SPF 15 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil SOS SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil SPF 15 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil SPF 30 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil SPF 4 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil SPF 4 - Procter & Gamble
- Bain de Soleil SPF 8 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Sport SPF 15 - Ratiopharm
- Bain de Soleil Sport SPF 8 - Canderm Pharma
- Bain de Soleil Tanning Mist SPF 4 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Tanning Mist SPF 8 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Tropical Deluxe SPF 4 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Soleil Tropical SPF 4 - Schering-Plough
- Bain de Terre Alpine Mist Dandruff Shampoo - Zotos International
- Bain Extra-Doux - Dermatologica Widmer
- Bain Extra-Doux Dermatologique - Dermatologica Widmer
- Bain Huileux Cordes - Ichthyol-Gesellschaft Cordes, Hermanni; Medinova
- Bains Romains - Gabriel Couzian Laboratoires
- Bainto - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Baja - Boiron
- Bajaten - Instituto Sanitas
- Bajaten - Merck
- Bajaten D - Instituto Sanitas
- Bajoffin - Dallas Pharmaceuticals
- Bajumol - Poen Laboratorios
- Bakam - De Salute
- Bakamol - Medicpharma
- Bakanasan - Rheingold Food
- Bakanasan Einschlaf - Herbert Bregenzer
- Bakanasan Entwasserungs - Herbert Bregenzer
- Bakanasan Leber-Galle - Herbert Bregenzer
- Bakanasan Vitamin E - Herbert Bregenzer
- Baker's P and S - IVAX
- Baking Soda - Regal Pharmaceuticals
- Baking Soda Clean Sensodyne-F Toothpaste - GlaxoSmithKline
- Baklinger - Klinger do Brasil Laboratorios
- Baknil - Psychotropics India
- Baknyl - Ariston Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceutica
- Bakol - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Bakona - Xuan Quang
- Bakontal
- Baktar - Shionogi
- Baktera Voyage - Les Laboratoires Swisse
- Bakteriostat Herbrand - Dr. Herbrand
- Baktobod - Bode Chemie
- Baktobod N - Bode Chemie
- Bakto-Diaront - Rosen Pharma
- Baktonium - Bode Chemie
- Baktozil - Chephasaar Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Bal - Akorn
- Bal - SERB Laboratoires
- Bal in Oil - Taylor Pharmaceuticals
- Bal Tar - Euroderm
- Balacet - Cornerstone Therapeutics
- Balacol - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Balad - Ziwell Medical
- Balamine - Umeda
- Balanca - Grunenthal
- Balance - Avmor
- Balance - Fresenius
- Balance - Ocean Nutrition Canada
- Balance 1.5% Glucose - Fresenius
- Balance 2.3% Glucose - Fresenius
- Balance 4.25% Glucose - Fresenius
- Balance ACE - Pharmavite
- Balance Disinfectant - Cote Nord Sanitation
- Balance Elastin E - Bio-Pharmaceuticals; Summit
- Balance Glucosa Calcio - Fresenius
- Balance Glucose Calcium - Fresenius
- Balance III - Douglas Laboratories
- Balance Liquid Cleaner Disinfectant - Star Industries 1997
- Balance Plus Cleaner Disinfectant - Avmor
- Balance Plus Nettoyant Desinfectant - Avmor
- Balance Sunblock SPF 35 - Bio-Pharmaceuticals; Summit
- Balance X - Douglas Laboratories
- Balance: Formula 1 - Douglas Laboratories
- Balanced B - Adams Respiratory Therapeutics
- Balanced B - General Nutrition
- Balanced B - Hall Laboratories
- Balanced B - Pfizer
- Balanced B - Pharmavite
- Balanced B 100 Complex - General Nutrition
- Balanced B 125 - Anabolic Laboratories
- Balanced B 50 - Vitality Products
- Balanced B 50 Time Release Formula - Vitality Products
- Balanced B Complex - Adams Respiratory Therapeutics
- Balanced B Complex 100 Time Release - Vitality Products
- Balanced B Complex 100 Time Release Form - Vitality Products
- Balanced B Complex 100 Timed Release - Pharmetics
- Balanced B Complex Plus Vitamins C and E - Pharmavite Corporation
- Balanced B100 - Hall Laboratories
- Balanced B-100 B Complex Vitamins - Pharmetics
- Balanced B-100 Timed Release - Pharmavite
- Balanced B-50 B Complex Timed Release - Pharmetics
- Balanced B-50 B Complex Vitamins - Pharmavite
- Balanced B-50 B-Complex Vitamins, Timed Release - Pharmavite
- Balanced B50 Complex - Hall Laboratories
- Balanced B-50 Complex - General Nutrition
- Balanced B-Complex Vit + Vitamin C and E - Pharmavite
- Balanced C Complex - Jamieson Laboratories
- Balanced Cal-Mag - Quest Vitamins
- Balanced E - Jamieson Laboratories
- Balanced E Complex - Jamieson Laboratories
- Balanced Irrigating Salt Solution - Teva
- Balanced Salt - B. Braun
- Balanced Salt Solution - Abbott
- Balanced Salt Solution - Akorn
- Balanced Salt Solution - Alcon
- Balanced Salt Solution - Bausch and Lomb
- Balanced Salt Solution - Euro-Med Laboratories Phil
- Balanced Salt Solution - Hospira
- Balancid - AstraZeneca
- Balancid Novum - AstraZeneca
- Balans - Istituto Biochimico Pavese Pharma
- Balans - Labomed Instituto Farmaceutico
- Balansalt - Novartis
- Balanse - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Balansol - Humanpharma Gyogyszergyarto
- Balbek - Provit, Mexico
- B-Alcerin - Medicus, Greece
- Balcobal - Samarth Pharma
- Balcor - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Balcoran - Wyeth
- Balderm - Bal Pharma
- Baldex - Bausch and Lomb
- Baldin-CE - Neckerman Industria Farmaceutica
- Baldinol
- Baldmin - JW Pharmaceutical Corporation; Hoang Khang
- Baldmin - Mintlab
- Baldorm - Dr. Gustav Klein
- Baldracin - Austroplant Arzneimittel; Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Baldrian - Ratiopharm
- Baldrian - Solvay
- Baldrian AMA - F. Joh. Kwizda
- Baldrian Drei Herzblatter - Sanova Pharma
- Baldrian Drei Herzblatter Forte - Sanova Pharma
- Baldriana - Hilary's Distibution
- Baldrian-Dispert - Solvay
- Baldrian-Dispert Compositum - Solvay
- Baldrian-Dispert Forte - Solvay
- Baldrian-Dispert Nacht - Solvay
- Baldrian-Elixier - Ehrmann Mag. Pharm. Liselotte
- Baldrianetten N - Eu Rho OTC Pharma
- Baldrian-Hopfen - Twardy
- Baldrian-Krautertonikum - Bioflora
- Baldrianox S - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Baldrian-Phyton - Merckle
- Baldriantinktur Hetterich - Dr. Hetterich Chemische Fabrik
- Baldriantinktur Melival - Hofmann & Sommer
- Baldrinetten - Solvay
- Baldriparan - Wyeth
- Baldriparan Beruhigungs - Wyeth; Sanova Pharma
- Baldriparan fur die Nacht - Wyeth
- Baldriparan N - Wyeth
- Baldriparan N Stark - Wyeth
- Baldriparan Pour la Nuit - Wyeth
- Baldriparan Stark - Wyeth
- Baldrisedon - Dr. Wild
- Baldrisedon Mono - Much Pharma
- Baldrisedon Plus - Dr. Wild
- Baldrivit - Rodisma-Med Pharma
- Baldronit cum Nitro - Cesra Arzneimittel
- Baldronit Forte N - Cesra Arzneimittel
- Baldronit N - Cesra Arzneimittel
- Baldurat - G. Pohl-Boskamp
- Balea Face Lip Balm SPF 15 - Norwood Packaging
- Balea Face Lip Balm SPF 30 - Norwood Packaging
- Balea Kids Antibacterial Wipes - Nice Pak Products
- Balea Men Facial Lotion - Le Groupe Ultrapac
- Balepton - Leovan M. Aedn & Cia
- Balfon 7000
- Balgifen - Approved Prescription Services
- Balgyl - Bal Pharma
- Baliartrin - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Baliartrin Duo - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Balidon - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Balidorm - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Baliin Q10 - Fortune Star
- Balin - Atlantic Laboratories
- Balisa - Bioglan
- Balisa VAS - Bioglan
- Balkaprofen
- Balkis Capsules - Dolorgiet
- Balkis Drops and Spray - Dolorgiet
- Balkis Spezial - Dolorgiet
- Ball - Argenfarma Laboratorio
- Bal-Lanz - Bal Pharma
- Ballard Unit Dose - Ballard Medical Products
- Balleo - Bal Pharma
- Ballota Foetida - Dolisos
- Ballotyl - Expanscience Laboratoires
- Balm Baume Solaire pour les Levres SPF FPS 15 - Bath & Body Works
- Balm of Gilead Mixture - Potter's Herbal Supplies
- Balm of Gilead Pastilles - Chefaro
- Balm SPF 15 - L'Oreal
- Balmadren
- Balmandol - Spirig Pharma; Goldshield Pharmaceuticals; Smith & Nephew
- Balmed Hermal - Boots; Almirall
- Balmed Hermal F - Boots
- Balmed Hermal Plus - Boots
- Balmex Baby - Macsil
- Balmex Emollient - GlaxoSmithKline
- Balmex, Argentina - GlaxoSmithKline
- Balmex, Brazil - GlaxoSmithKline
- Balmex, France - GlaxoSmithKline
- Balmex, Portugal - GlaxoSmithKline
- Balminil - Elfar Drag
- Balminil - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Adults - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Camphorub - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Children - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Codeine + Decongestant + Expectorant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Codeine Night Time + Expectorant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Cough and Flu - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Decongest - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Decongestant - Ratiopharm; Pan-Well Trading
- Balminil Decongestionnant Sirop - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM + Decongestant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM + Decongestant + Expectorant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM + Decongestant + Expectorant Extra Strength - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM + Expectorant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM + Expectorant Extra Strength - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM Children - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM pour Enfants - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM sans sucrose - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil DM-D-E - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Expectorant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Expectorant sans sucrose - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Expectorant sucrose free - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Infants - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Nasal Decongestant - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Nasal Ointment - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Night-Time - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Suppositories - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Suppositories Adults - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Suppositories Children - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balminil Suppositories Infants - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Balm-Mint - Andrae
- Balmosa - Forest Laboratories
- Balmox - Yamanouchi; Alloga; Meda
- Balmusa - Symbiotic Drugs & Diabetic Care
- Balmusa-D - Symbiotic Drugs & Diabetic Care
- Balmusa-Plus - Symbiotic Drugs & Diabetic Care
- Balneoconzen N - S & K Pharma, Schumann & Kohl
- Balneogel - Boots
- Balneol - Solvay
- Balneol-HC - Solvay
- Balneovit - Bio Life Pharmaceuticals
- Balneovit O - Hexal
- Balnetar - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Balneum - Boots; Crookes Healthcare; Hermal Kurt Herrmann; Neopharm, Israel
- Balneum Bath Oil - Boots; Almirall; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma
- Balneum Cream and Lotion - Boots; Almirall; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Balneum F - Boots; Hermal Kurt Herrmann; Neopharm, Israel
- Balneum Hermal - Boots
- Balneum Hermal F - Boots
- Balneum Hermal Forte - Boots
- Balneum Hermal Plus - Boots
- Balneum Hermal, Hong Kong - Edward Keller
- Balneum Intensiv - Boots; Almirall; Edward Keller; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma
- Balneum Intensiv Plus - Boots; Almirall; Edward Keller; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma
- Balneum Intensiv Shower Gel - Boots; Olic Thailand
- Balneum mit Schwefel - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Balneum mit Teer - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Balneum Normal - Merck
- Balneum Plus - Boots; Crookes Healthcare; Hermal Kurt Herrmann; Neopharm, Israel
- Balneum Plus Bath Additive - Crookes Healthcare
- Balneum Plus Cream - Crookes Healthcare
- Balneum Surgras - Merck
- Balneum with Tar - Merck; Crookes Healthcare
- Balnostim Bad N - Carl Hoernecke
- Balnox - Menarini
- Balodin - Ferrer Farma
- Balofer - Bal Pharma
- Baloflox - Abbott
- Balogink - Micro Labs
- Balpred - Bausch and Lomb
- Balpril - Baldacci Farmoquimica
- Bal-Riactin - Bal Pharma
- Balsabit - Pensa, Spain
- Balsacetil - Biotekfarma
- Balsader - Drovepat; Kimiceg Laboratorios
- Balsafissan - F. Uhlmann-Eyraud
- Balsalazide - Apotex
- Balsalazide - Mylan
- Balsalazide - Roxane Laboratories
- Balsalyt - Madaus
- Balsam Peru - Total Health Centre
- Balsama Bebe - CEPA Schwartz Pharma
- Balsamic Liniment Wishnevsky - Nizhpharm
- Balsamic Liniment Wishnevsky - Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN
- Balsamico - Sella A. Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutica
- Balsamico F. di M. - Kelemata
- Balsamicum - Weleda
- Balsamin - Ahimsa Laboratorios
- Balsamina Kroner - Ceccarelli Farmaceutici
- Balsamo Alesida - Pfizer
- Balsamo Analgesic Karmel - Agua del Carmen
- Balsamo Analgesico - Basi Laboratorios
- Balsamo Analgesico - Brasifa Sociedade Farmaceutica
- Balsamo Analgesico - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Balsamo Analgesico - Upsifarma
- Balsamo Analgesico con Fenilbutazona - Instituto Sanitas
- Balsamo Analgesico Labesfal - Labesfal
- Balsamo Analgesico Sanitas - Upsifarma
- Balsamo Bengue - EMS Industria Farmaceutica
- Balsamo BOI - Merck
- Balsamo Branco - Catarinense Laboratorio
- Balsamo Germano - Almirall
- Balsamo Ifusa - Ifusa Laboratorios
- Balsamo Italstadium - Falqui Prodotti Farmaceutici
- Balsamo Kneipp - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Balsamo Leon - Beiersdorf
- Balsamo Midalgan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Balsamo Nordin - Quimica Franco Mexicana Nordin
- Balsamo Nordin Unguento - Quimica Franco Mexicana Nordin
- Balsamo Nostrum - Nostrum Sociedade
- Balsamo Primi Denti - Sanofi-Aventis
- Balsamo Sifcamina - Teofarma
- Balsamorhinol - Pierre Fabre
- Balsamum Peruvianum - Boiron
- Balsamum Peruvianum - Dolisos
- Balsamum Peruvianum - Standard Homeopathic
- Balsamun Capaivae - Boiron
- Balsan - Labinca
- Balsandin - Dinafarma Laboratorio
- Balsaris - Nutrivac
- Balsasulf - Fabra Laboratorios
- Balsatux - Edmond Pharma
- Balsedrina - Industrias Quimico Farmaceuticas Americanas
- Balsem Sulphuris - Aspen Pharmacare
- Balsem Vita GEEL - Aspen Pharmacare
- Balsem Vita ROOI - Aspen Pharmacare
- Balsem Vita WIT - Aspen Pharmacare
- Balseptol - Bouteille Laboratoires
- Balseptol - Hearst Laboratorios do Brasil
- Balsibron - Liferpal MD
- Balsibron-C - Liferpal MD
- Balsiprin - Eurofarma Laboratorios
- Balsoclase - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Antitussivum - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Compositum - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Drops - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Expectorans Solution and Syrup - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Expectorans Suppositories - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Solution - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase Syrup - UCB Pharma
- Balsoclase-E - UCB Pharma
- Balsofletol - Expanscience Laboratoires
- Balsofumine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Balsofumine Mentholee - Sanofi-Aventis
- Balsofumine Simple - Sanofi-Aventis
- Balsolene - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Balsoprim - Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica
- Bal-Spar - Bal Pharma
- Balsulph - Bausch and Lomb
- Balta Intimo - Boots
- Balta-Crin Tar - Boots
- Baltar - Merck; Crookes Healthcare
- Balticin - Metiska Farma
- Balticina - Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios
- Balto Foot Balm - G.R. Lane Health Products
- Balurol - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Balvidine - Bal Pharma
- Balvidine-M - Bal Pharma
- Balya - Sanofi-Aventis
- Balzarol - Rolmex International
- Balzide - Malesci Istituto Farmacobiologico
- Balziva - Barr Laboratories
- Balzox - Bal Pharma
- Bamalite - Almirall; Simes; Zambon
- Bamate - Alra Laboratories
- Bambec - AstraZeneca; DKSH; Zuellig Pharma
- Bambiti - Dey's Medical Stores
- Bambudil - Cipla
- Bambutec - Taiwan Biotech; JustRight Pharmaceuticals
- Bamd 400
- Bamebin - Medica Korea
- Bameplex - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Bamgetol - Mersifarma Tirmaku Mercusana
- Bamifen - Remedica; Nafarma
- Bamifix - Chiesi; Farmalab Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Bami-Med - Permamed
- Baminton - Hanbul Pharm; Berna
- Bamixol - Pulitzer Italiana
- Bamo 400
- Bamrin - Sam Chun Dang Pharm
- Bamycor - AstraZeneca; Hassle Lakemedel
- Bamyl - AstraZeneca
- Bamyl Koffein - AstraZeneca
- Bamyl S - AstraZeneca
- Bamyl S Koffein - AstraZeneca
- Bamyxin - Rekah
- Ban Beautifully Smooth Roll-On - Kao Brands
- Ban Beautifully Smooth Soft Solid Antiperspirant - Kao Brands
- Ban Classic Antiperspirant Roll-On - Jergens
- Ban Clear AP Anti-Perspirant-Cool Breeze - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Clear AP Anti-Perspirant-Fresh and Clean - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Clear AP Anti-Perspirant-Powder Fresh - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Clear AP Antiperspirant-Spring Bouquet - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Clear AP Roll-On - Chattem
- Ban Clear Fragrance Free - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Clear Gel - Kao Brands
- Ban Clear Powder Fresh - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban for Men Clear Antiperspirant-Clean Musk - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban for Men Clear Anti-Perspirant-Cool Sport - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban for Men Clear Anti-Perspirant-Fresh - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban for Men Clear Anti-Perspirant-Regular - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Invisible Solid Anti-Perspirant - Kao Brands
- Ban Noung Ho - Phu Son
- Ban Pain Syrup - Aspen Pharmacare
- Ban Pain Tablets - Aspen Pharmacare
- Ban Roll-On Antiperspirant - Kao Brands
- Ban Sensitive Touch A / P Roll-On Delicate - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Sensitive Touch A / P Roll-On Fragrance Free - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra Antiperspirant Roll-On - Jergens
- Ban Ultra Antiperspirant Roll-On Fresh - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra Antiperspirant Roll-On Ocean Breeze - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra Antiperspirant Roll-On Scented - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra Antiperspirant Roll-On-Unscented - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra Fresh and Dry without AP Roll-On with Aloe-Skiing - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra-Body Fresh - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra-Ocean Breeze - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra-Powder Fresh - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra-Scented - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ban Ultra-Unscented - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Banabil Sintyal
- Banabin
- Banabin Sintyal
- Banabin-Syntyal
- Banadoz - Sandoz
- Banadroxin - Farmanic
- Banadyne-3 - Norstar Consumer Products
- Banagerm
- Banago - Pharbaco
- Banalcine - TV Pharm
- Banalg - Forest Laboratories
- Banamine - Bayer; Intervet; Schering-Plough
- Banan - Sankyo; Edward Keller; Fei Long Trading; Hing AH Pharma
- Banana Boat Action Sport Sunblock Spray Gel SPF 25 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Active Kids Sunblock Cream SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Active Kids Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Active Kids Sunblock Lotion SPF 50 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Active Sport Sunblock Spray SPF 25 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Aloe Vera Dry Skin SPF 4 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Aloe Vera Lip Balm SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Aloe Vera Lip Balm Sunblock SPF 21 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Aloe Vera Lip Balm Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Aquashield H20 Sport Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Aquashield H2O Kids Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Baby Block Sunblock Lotion SPF 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Baby SPF 50 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Baby Sunblock Cream SPF 50 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Baby Sunblock Lotion SPF 29 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Baby Sunblock Lotion SPF 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Baby Tear-Free Sans Larmes Sunblock Ecran Solaire UVA and UVB SPF FPS 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Bite Block Sunblock SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Bite Block Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Cool Coloring SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Cool Colorz SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Cool Colouring Vanishing Sunblock Cream SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Cool Colouring Vanishing Sunblock Spray - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Cool Colourz Groovy Grape Foaming Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Dark Tanning Lotion SPF 4 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Dark Tanning Oil SPF 4 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Dark Tanning Oil SPF 8 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Everyday Glow - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Faces Plus SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Faces Plus SPF 23 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Faces Plus SPF 31 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Faces Plus Sunblock SPF 23 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Faces Sensitive Skin Sunblock SPF 23 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Funky Fruit Lip Balm - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Funky Fruit Lip Balm SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Kids Dri-Blok Pour Enfants Sunblock Ecran Solaire UVA and UVB SPF FPS 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Quik Blok Spray SPF 25 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Sunblock SPF 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Sunblock Spray Lotion SPF 48 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Sunblock Stick SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Tear Free Sunblock UVA and UVB SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Kids Tear Free Sunblock UVA and UVB SPF 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Medicated Lip Balm - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Oil Free SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Paba Free UVA and UVB Protection SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Paba Free UVA and UVB Sunblock SPF 25 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Protective Tanning Oil SPF 15 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Quick Dry Spray SPF 15 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Quick Dry Spray SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Quik Blok Kids Spray SPF 25 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Quik Blok Oil Free Spray SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Quik Blok Spray SPF 25 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Quik Dry SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Quik Dry SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sensitive Skin Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Soothacaine Spray Gel - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sooth-A-Caine Spray Gel - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sooth-A-Caine with Moisturizing Aloe Vera Gel - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sport Dri-Blok Sunblock Ecran Solaire UVA and UVB SPF FPS 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sport SPF 30 Lip Balm - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sport Sunblock Cream SPF 50 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sport Sunblock Ecran Solaire UVA and UVB SPF FPS 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sport Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sport Sunblock Lotion SPF 50 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sport Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sport Sunblock Stick SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sunblock Lotion SPF 15 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sunblock SPF 15 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Sunless Tanning Lotion SPF 8 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sunscreen Lotion SPF 8 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Sunscreen Oil Spray Huile Ecran Solaire en Vaporisateur SPF FPS 15 - Energizer
- Banana Boat Sunscreen Oil Spray Huile Ecran Solaire en Vaporisateur SPF FPS 4 - Energizer
- Banana Boat Suntanicals Sunscreen Lotion SPF 15 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Suntanicals Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Suntanicals Sunscreen Lotion SPF 8 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Ultra 30 Super Sunblock - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Ultra Plus Sunblock Ecran Solaire UVA and UVB SPF FPS 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Ultra plus Sunblock SPF 50 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Ultra Plus Sunblock Spray Lotion SPF 48 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Ultra Sunblock Ecran Solaire UVA and UVB SPF FPS 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Ultra Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Ultra Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Vitamin E Lip Balm SPF 30 - Banana Boat
- Banana Boat Vitamin E Lip Balm Sunblock SPF 30 - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Vitaskin Facial Care Sunscreen SPF 30 Lotion - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Vitaskin Sunscreen SPF 30 Lotion - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Boat Vitaskin Sunscreen SPF 50 Lotion - Banana Boat; Playtex
- Banana Man - Herbon Naturals
- Banasil
- Ban-A-Tan
- Banatin - Remedina
- Banbac - T Man Pharma
- Bancap - Forest Laboratories
- Bancap HC - Forest Laboratories
- Bancon
- Band - Vensat Bio
- Band Aid Spruhpflaster - Johnson & Johnson; Merck
- Band-Aid Antibiotic - Johnson & Johnson; Merck
- Band-Aid Anti-Itch - Johnson & Johnson; Merck
- Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages Plus Antibiotic - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Brand Antibiotic - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Brand Anti-Itch Gel - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Brand Anti-Itch Spray - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Brand Antiseptic Wash - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Brand Antiseptic Wash Foam - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Brand Medicated Corn Remover - Johnson & Johnson
- Band-Aid Corn Remover - Johnson & Johnson; Merck
- Band-Aid-S-1 - Johnson & Johnson
- Bandax - Lloyd's Laboratories; Westfield Pharmaceuticals
- Bandi Enema - Topwin Trading
- Bandis G100
- Bandol - Pfizer
- Bandotan - Teva
- Bandrobon - Dupomar
- Bandrone - Natco Pharma
- Bandy - Mankind Pharma
- Bandy Plus - Mankind Pharma
- Banedif - Maxfarma, Spain
- Banedif Dermico - Bago Laboratorios
- Banedif Oftalmico - Bago Laboratorios
- Banedif Oftalmico con Prednisolona - Bago Laboratorios
- Banedif Ointment - Bago Laboratorios
- Banedif Powder - Bago Laboratorios
- Banegene - Mipharmco
- Baneocin - Sandoz; Biochemie; F.P. Marketing; IDS Group; Medical Supplies, Malaysia; Merck; Novartis
- Baneopol - G. Streuli
- Banesin
- Banewort
- Banex - Lu Chem Pharmaceuticals
- Banflex - Forest Laboratories
- Bangshil - Alarsin Pharmaceuticals
- Ban-Guard
- Banholeum - Sofex Farmaceutica
- Banholeum Composto - Sofex Farmaceutica
- Banholeum Gel - Sofex Farmaceutica
- Banicide - Pascal International Corporation
- Banicol
- Banidor - Kley Hertz
- Banikol Vitamine B1 - Pharmy II Laboratoires
- Banimax - GlaxoSmithKline
- Banimed - Bajamed Laboratorios
- Banin - Uni Sankyo
- Banin-DS - Uni Sankyo
- Banin-DT - Uni Sankyo
- Banish II - Smith & Nephew
- Banishing Cream - Avon
- Banishing Cream Skin Tone Perfector Perfecteur De Teint SPF 15 / FPS 15 - Avon
- Banistyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Banlice - Pfizer
- Banminth II - Phibro Animal Health
- Banminth II Dewormer Pellets - Pfizer
- Banner Protein Capsules - Osotspa
- Banner Protein Syrup - Osotspa
- Bano Coloide - Arlex de Mexico
- Bano Liquido con Eucalipto - Johnson & Johnson
- Bano Ocular - Poen Laboratorios
- Bano Ocular Agrand - Ahimsa Laboratorios
- Banocide - GlaxoSmithKline
- Banocide Forte - GlaxoSmithKline
- Banocin Ointment - Nakornpatana Pharm
- Banocin Powder - Nakornpatana Pharm
- Banoclus - Frasca Laboratorios
- Banoftal - Alcon
- Banophen
- Banophen Allergy - The Harvard Drug Group
- Banophen Decongestant - The Harvard Drug Group
- Bansinica - Germany Pharmaceutical Laboratory
- BanSmoke - Chattem
- Ban-Sol P.T. - Representaciones Mex-America
- Ban-Sol Plus - Representaciones Mex-America
- Ban-Sol SPF 15 - Representaciones Mex-America
- Ban-Sol SPF 30 - Representaciones Mex-America
- Bansor - Thornton & Ross
- Bansuk - Pfizer
- Bantel - TNP Health Care
- Bantenol - Merck
- Banthel - Candor Biotech
- Banthin
- Banthine - Shire; Sanofi-Aventis
- Banthionine
- Bantif Child - Caprifarmindo Laboratories
- Bantix - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Bantizol Forte - Blue Sky Trading
- Bantron - DEP Corporation
- Banupyl-Kit - Micro Labs
- Banvel M
- Banzel - Eisai
- Bao - Reig Jofre
- Baogin
- Baokang - Sanavita Pharmaceuticals
- Bapex - Probiomed
- Bapixied - Bajamed Laboratorios
- Bapter - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Baptisia - Koegler Laboratories
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Boiron
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Curanderos
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Dolisos
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Homeocan
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Seroyal
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Standard Homeopathic
- Baptisia Tinctoria - Total Health Centre
- Baptisia Tinctoria Homaccord - Naturpharm
- Baptitoxin
- Baptitoxine
- Baquashock
- Baquinor - Sanbe Farma
- Baquinor Forte - Sanbe Farma
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