Pharmaceutical products list, page 169:
- Plenaer - Valeas
- Plenalgin - Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Plenastril - Grunenthal
- Plenax - Merck
- Plenaxis - Praecis Pharmaceuticals
- Plendil - AstraZeneca; DKSH; Four Star; Zuellig Pharma
- Plendil Depottab - AstraZeneca
- Plendil ER - AstraZeneca; Zuellig Pharma
- Plendil Plus - AstraZeneca
- Plendil Retard - AstraZeneca
- Plendil Senior - AstraZeneca
- Plendur - Sandoz; DuraScan Medical Products
- Plenesia - Merck
- Plenidon - Drugtech Laboratorio; Recalcine Laboratorios
- Plenifem - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Plenigraf - Justesa Imagen; Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica
- Plenish-K - Aspen Pharmacare
- Plenitude Effaceur Rides SPF 15 - L'Oreal
- Plenitude Excell A-3 Fluide SPF 8 - L'Oreal
- Plenitude Excell A-3 SPF 8 - L'Oreal
- Plenitude-Fluide Hydratant Prot Quot SPF 12 - L'Oreal
- Plenitude-Fluide Hydratant Protective Quotidien N-G SPF 12 - L'Oreal
- Plenitude-Fluide Hydratant Quotidien SPF 15 - L'Oreal
- Plenocedan - Makros Industria Farmaceutica
- Plenogripe - Farmoquimica
- Plenolyt - Madaus
- Plenomicina - CIBRAN Companhia Brasileira de Antibioticos
- Plenosol N - Madaus
- Plenovid - Tecnofarma
- Plenovit - Dexter Farmaceutica
- Plentiva - Wyeth
- Plentiva Cycle - Wyeth
- Plenty - Medley Industria Farmaceutica
- Plenum - Duncan Laboratorios
- Plenumil - Merck
- Plenur - Ipsen Pharma
- Plenvisol - Diba Laboratorios
- Plenyl - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Oberlin Laboratoire; UPSA Laboratoires
- Pleo Vitamin - Inibsa Laboratorios
- Pleocortex - Retrain
- Pleocortex B6 - Retrain
- Pleom - Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Pleomix-Alpha - ILLA Healthcare
- Pleomix-B - Trommsdorff Arzneimittel
- Pleon - Lacer
- Pleon RA - Sanofi-Aventis; Henning Berlin Arzneimittel
- Pleopill - Zinnia Life Sciences
- Pleopill EZ - Zinnia Life Sciences
- Pleosan - Spefar Venezolanos Laboratorios
- Pleostin - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Pleostin EZ - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Plepat - Solfran Laboratorios
- Plermin - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Plerozef - Sel-J Pharma; Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Plesial - Ichthyol-Gesellschaft Cordes, Hermanni
- Plesmet - Link Pharmaceuticals; Intra Pharma HealthCare; Nelson Laboratories; United Drug
- Pletaal - Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Agencia Lei Va Hong; DKSH; Janssen; Zuellig Pharma
- Pletal - Otsuka Pharmaceutical
- Plethirox - Sel-J Pharma; Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Pletil - Pfizer
- Pletoz - Cipla
- Pletrox - Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Pletzolyn - Sel-J Pharma; Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Pleumolysin - IVAX
- Pleura-Seal Thoracentesis Kit - Arrow International
- Plevilox - Pharmasyntez; Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Plex B - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
- Plex Ton - Auad Quimica
- Plexa Dulsin Liquid - Vitality Products
- Plexade - Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos
- Plexafer - GlaxoSmithKline
- Plexalgine - Medix Laboratoire
- Plexbio Forte - Bio-Drug Laboratories
- Plexicodim - Pisa Laboratorios
- Plexion - Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Plexion - Pharos Indonesia
- Plexium - Lehning Laboratoires
- Plexivita - Sedar Industria Farmaceutica
- Plexo Enterin - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Plexocardio - Neoterapici Benvegna
- Plexol - Sandoz
- Plexoton B12 - So.Se. Pharm
- Plexus - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Plexus - Senosiain Laboratorios
- Plexxo - Byk
- Plexy - Sanjivani Paranteral
- Pleyar - Casasco Laboratorios
- Plezmor OD - Aaron Pharmaceuticals
- Pliagel - Alcon
- Pliaglis - Janssen; Zars
- Plicet
- Plidan - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Plidan - Siegfried Rhein; Roemmers-Klinos
- Plidan Compuesto - Siegfried Rhein
- Plidex - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Plimasine
- Plimycol - Pliva
- Plinzene - Douglas Pharmaceuticals
- Plisil - Pliva
- Plissamur - Ardeypharm
- Plisulfan
- Plitican - Sanofi-Aventis
- Plivafen
- Plivamol - Pliva; Edigen
- Plivit A - Pliva
- Plivit C - Pliva
- Plletia
- Plod Jalovce - Leros
- Plodin
- Plofed - Polfa Warszawa; Codupha
- Plogrel - Therapharma
- Plokim - Solara Farmaceutica
- Plokon - Nippon Shinyaku; Asian TJD Enterprise; Hing AH Pharma
- Plomurol - Valma Laboratorio
- Plone - Syntho Pharmaceuticals
- Plor - D.R. John's Lab Healthcare
- Plorinoc - Klonal Laboratorios
- Plosek - Pasteur Pharmaceuticals; Genace Pharma Distributor
- Plostene
- Plostim - Alcon
- Plovacal - Medipharma Laboratorios
- Plugluco - Lanark Laboratories
- Plumarol - Lacer
- Plumbago
- Plumbago Littoralis - Boiron
- Plumbago Littoralis - Total Health Centre
- Plumbiot - Inkeysa
- Plumbum - Koegler Laboratories
- Plumbum - Phyto-Sante
- Plumbum - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Plumbum Aceticum - Boiron
- Plumbum Aceticum - Dolisos
- Plumbum Aceticum - Standard Homeopathic
- Plumbum Aceticum Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Plumbum Aceticum Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Plumbum Carbonicum - Boiron
- Plumbum Chromicum - Boiron
- Plumbum Iodatum - Boiron
- Plumbum Iodatum - Dolisos
- Plumbum Iodatum - Standard Homeopathic
- Plumbum Mellitum - Weleda
- Plumbum Metallicum - Boiron
- Plumbum Metallicum - Curanderos
- Plumbum Metallicum - Dolisos
- Plumbum Metallicum - Homeocan
- Plumbum Metallicum - Kroeger Herb Products
- Plumbum Metallicum - Seroyal
- Plumbum Metallicum - Standard Homeopathic
- Plumbum Metallicum - Total Health Centre
- Plumbum Metallicum Homaccord - Naturpharm
- Plumbum Metallicum Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Plumbum Metallicum Praeparatum - Weleda
- Plumbum Phosphoricum - Boiron
- Plumger - Fada Pharma
- Plung
- Pluracare
- Pluracol
- Plurair - Libbs Farmaceutica
- Pluralane - Ardeypharm
- Pluravit - Bayer Schering Pharma; GlaxoSmithKline
- Pluravit Super - GlaxoSmithKline
- Pluravit Super B - GlaxoSmithKline
- Plurazol
- Plurexid - Celltech; UCB Pharma
- Pluribiase - Recordati
- Pluribios - Madariaga
- Pluricefo - Northia Medicinales
- Pluriderm - Guieu Laboratori
- Pluridoxina - Sidefarma
- Plurifactor - Laboratoire du Gomenol
- Plurilac - Alphrema
- Plurimen - Viatris
- Plurimineral - Support Produtos Nutricionais
- Plurisalina - Grifols
- Plurisan - Herald's do Brasil
- Plurisemina - Northia Medicinales
- Pluritin - Globo Laboratorio
- Pluriverm - Medley Industria Farmaceutica
- Plurivermil - Instituto Brasileiro de Especialid Farmac
- Plurivica - Nadyphar
- Pluriviron - Chiesi
- Pluriviron Mono - StegroPharm Arzneimittel
- Plurivitamin - Support Produtos Nutricionais
- Plurivites - Nadyphar
- Pluronic
- Pluryl - Leo Pharma
- Pluryle - Leo Pharma
- Plus - Mega Lifesciences
- Plus + White - CCA Industries
- Plus + White Whitening Toothpaste with Fluoride - CCA Industries
- Plus and Plus - Wierhom Pharma
- Plus and White - Wierhom Pharma
- Plus Formula - Creative Nutrition Canada
- Plus Formula - The Results Company
- Plus Kalium Retard - Amino, Switzerland
- Plus Sinus - Pfizer
- Plusapetit - Instituto de Medicamentos e Alergia IMA
- Pluscal - Instituto Sanitas
- Pluscloran - Sintesina
- Pluscor - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Plusderm - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Plusderm ATB - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Plusdermona - Bama Geve
- Plusefec - Chemopharma
- Pluserix - GlaxoSmithKline
- Plusflex - B. Braun
- Plusgel - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Plusgel - Lagos Laboratorios Argentina
- Plusgin - Asofarma Laboratorios
- Plusgin - Raffo Laboratorios
- Plusgin I.V. - Raffo Laboratorios
- Plusindol - Randall Laboratories
- Plusmol - Plus India
- Plusplatin - DOSA Laboratorio
- Plusssz Junior - Pharmavit; Tradewind Asia
- Plusssz Magnesium - Pharmavit
- Plusssz Multivitamin - Pharmavit; Tradewind Asia
- Plusssz Vas (Fe II) + C - Pharmavit
- Plusssz Vitamin C - Pharmavit; Tradewind Asia
- Plustaxano - DOSA Laboratorio
- Plusuril
- Plusvent - Almirall
- Plusvit - Ecofarm Group
- Plusvital-E - Plusvital Ireland
- Plus-War - Laksun Lifesciences
- Pluviton - Sam-On
- Pluviton B - Sam-On
- PLX - Aurobindo
- PLXNA - Aurel Biolife
- PLXNA-M - Aurel Biolife
- Ply Vi Sol - Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- Plyhoof - Race Horse Products
- Plymoutm IPM
- PM - Chiesi
- PM - New Vision Nutritionals Company
- PM 145 - Les Importations Herbasante
- PM Auscolos - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM Bright Kids - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM Eye Tonic - PharmaMetics Products
- PM H-Regulator - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM IQShield - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM KiddieCal - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM LifeBrain - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM LifeProMax for Men - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM LifeProMax for Women - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM NextG Cal - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PM Procare Pregnancy & BreastFeeding Formula - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- PMB 200 - Wyeth
- PMB 400 - Wyeth
- P-Mega-Tablinen - Lichtenstein Pharmazeutica
- PMensa - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Adrenals - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Brain - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Epithetial - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Eyes - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Kidney - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Liver - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Lung - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Mammary - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Muscles - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Orchic Subst - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Ovaries - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Pancreas - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Parotid - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Prostate - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Spleen - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Thymus - Therapeutic Foods
- PMG Protomorphogen Beef Uterus - Therapeutic Foods
- PMH - Delta Pharm Laboratoires
- P-Mide - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- PML Crono - Ophtapharma Canada; Green Cross Corporation; Societa Industria Farmaceutica Italiana
- P-Mox - Lark Laboratories
- P-Mox Plus - Lark Laboratories
- PMQ - Inga Laboratories
- PMQ-INGA - Inga Laboratories
- PMS - Homeocan
- PMS-Acetaminophen - Pharmascience
- PMS-Acetaminophen E - Pharmascience
- PMS-Acetaminophen with Codeine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Adenosine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Alendronate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Alendronate-FC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Alumina Mag and Simethicone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Alu-P Gel - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Amantadine - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Amiodarone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Amitriptyline - Biomed 2002
- PMS-Amitriptyline - Pharmascience
- Pms-Amlodipine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Amoxicillin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Anagrelide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Artificial Tears - Pharmascience; Hind Wing; Jacobson Medical; JDH Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Artificial Tears Extra - Pharmascience
- PMS-Artificial Tears Plus - Pharmascience
- PMS-ASA - Pharmascience
- PMS-ASA EC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Atenolol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Atomoxetine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Atorvastatin - Pharmascience; Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Azimax - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Azithromycin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Baclofen - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Baximycin - Pharmascience; Hind Wing; Jacobson Medical
- PMS-Benzalkonium Chloride - Pharmascience
- PMS-Benztropine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Benzydamine - Pharmascience; Trenton-Boma
- PMS-Bethanechol - Pharmascience; IDS Group; Trenton-Boma
- PMS-Bezafibrate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Bicalutamide - Pharmascience; Indochina Healthcare
- PMS-Bisacodyl - Pharmascience
- PMS-Bisoprolol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Brimonidine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Bromocriptine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Bupropion SR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Buspirone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Butorphanol - Pharmascience
- PMS-BVit 1 - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Captopril - Pharmascience
- PMS-Carbamazepine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Carbamazepine-CR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Carvedilol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cedipect - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Cefaclor - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cefadroxil - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Centrivit - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Cephalexin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cetirizine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Chloral Hydrate - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cholestyramine - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Cholestyramine Light - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cholestyramine Regular - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cilazapril - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cimetidine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ciprofloxacin - Pharmascience; Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Citalopram - Pharmascience
- PMS-Claminat - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Clarithromycin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clindamycin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clobazam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clobetasol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clobetasol Scalp Application - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clonazepam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clonazepam-R - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clopidogrel - Pharmascience
- PMS-Clozapine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cobifen - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Cobimol - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Cocaine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Codeine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Conjugated Estrogens C.S.D. - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cotrim - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Cyclobenzaprine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cyclopentolate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Cyproheptadine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Deferoxamine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Desipramine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Desipramine Hydro - Pharmascience
- PMS-Desmopressin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Desonide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Dexamethasone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Dexipharm - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Dextromethorphan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Diazepam - Biomed 2002; Pharmascience
- PMS-Dicitrate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Diclofenac - Pharmascience
- PMS-Diclofenac K - Pharmascience
- PMS-Diclofenac-SR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Digoxin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Diltiazem CD - Pharmascience
- PMS-Dimenhydrinate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Diphenhydramine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Dipivefrin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Divacal - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Divalproex - Pharmascience
- PMS-Docusate Calcium - Pharmascience
- PMS-Docusate Sodium - Pharmascience
- PMS-Domperidone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Dopazide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Doxazosin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Doxyclin - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Doxycycline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Egozinc - Pharmascience
- PMS-Egozinc-HC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Enalapril - Pharmascience
- PMS-Enemol - Pharmascience; Hind Wing; Jacobson Medical
- PMS-Erythromycin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Estradiol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Famciclovir - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fenofibrate Micro - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fentanyl MTX - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ferrous Sulfate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ferrous Sulfate Infant - Pharmascience
- PMS-Finasteride - Pharmascience
- PMS-Flavoxate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fluconazole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Flunisolide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fluorometholone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fluoxetine - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Fluphenazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fluphenazine Decanoate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Flurazepam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Flutamide - Pharmascience; Trenton-Boma
- PMS-Fluvoxamine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Fosinopril - Pharmascience
- PMS-Furosemide - Biomed 2002
- PMSG 5000 - P.V.U.
- PMSG 6000 - Eurovet Animal Health
- PMS-Gabapentin - Pharmascience; IDS Group; Pharmaniaga; Ranbaxy
- PMS-Gemfibrozil - Pharmascience
- PMS-Gentamicin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Gliclazide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Glimepiride - Pharmascience
- PMS-Glyburide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Haloperidol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Haloperidol-LA - Pharmascience
- PMS-Hydrochlorothiazide - Biomed 2002
- PMS-Hydrocodone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Hydromorphone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Hydroxyzine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ibuprofen - Pharmascience
- PMS-Imecal - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Imeclor - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Imecystine - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Imedroxil - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Imelazide - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Imephase - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Imipramine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Indapamide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ipecac - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ipratropium - Pharmascience
- PMS-Irbesartan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Irbesartan-Hctz - Pharmascience
- PMS-ISMN - Pharmascience
- PMS-Isoniazid - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Isosorbide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ketoprofen - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ketoprofen E - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ketotifen - Pharmascience
- PMS-L21 - Homeocan
- PMS-Lactulose - Pharmascience
- PMS-Lamotrigine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Leflunomide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Letrozole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Levazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Levetiracetam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Levobunolol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Levofloxacin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Levothyroxine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Lidocaine Viscous - Pharmascience; Trenton-Boma
- PMS-Lindane - Pharmascience; Trenton-Boma
- PMS-Lipisans - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Lisinopril - Pharmascience
- PMS-Lithium Carbonate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Lithium Citrate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Loperamide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Lopradium - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Loratadin - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Lorazepam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Losartan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Lovastatin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Medroxyprogesterone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Mefenamic Acid - Pharmascience
- PMS-Meloxicam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Memantine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Metformin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Methimazole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Methocarbamol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Methotrimeprazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Methylphenidate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Metoclopramide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Metoprolol-B - Pharmascience
- PMS-Metoprolol-L - Pharmascience
- PMS-Metronidazole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Mexcold - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Mexcold Plus - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Midol Complete - Bayer Schering Pharma
- PMS-Minocycline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Mirtazapine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Misoprostol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Moclobemide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Mometasone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Montelukast - Pharmascience
- PMS-Montelukast FC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Moprazol - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Morphine Sulfate SR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nabilone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Naproxen - Pharmascience
- PMS-Naproxen EC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nefazodone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Neostigmine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nifedipin - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Nifedipine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nizatidine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Norfloxacin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nortriptyline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nylidrin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Nymxin - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Nystatin - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Ofloxacin - Pharmascience; Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Olanzapine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Olanzapine ODT - Pharmascience
- PMS-Omeprazole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Omeprazole DR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ondansetron - Pharmascience
- PMS-Opium and Belladona - Pharmascience
- PMS-Opxil - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Oscalvit - Pharmascience
- PMS-Oxazepam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Oxtriphylline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Oxtriphylline Pediatric - Pharmascience
- PMS-Oxybutynin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Oxycodone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Oxycodone; Acetaminophen - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pamidronate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pantoprazole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Paroxetine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Perphenazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Perphenazine Concentrate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pharmox - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Phenobarbital - Pharmascience
- PMS-Phenobarbital Elixir - Pharmascience
- PMS-Phosphates - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pimozide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pindolol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pioglitazone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Piropharm - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Piroxicam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Polytrimethoprim - Pharmascience
- PMS-Potassium Chloride - Pharmascience
- PMS-Potassium Gluconate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pramipexole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pravastatin - Pharmascience; Pharmaniaga; Ranbaxy
- PMS-Prednisolone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Primidone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Probio - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Procyclidine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Progesterone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Prolactase - Pharmascience
- PMS-Promethazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Propafenone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Proparacaine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Propofol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Propranolol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pseudoephedrine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Pyrazinamide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Quetiapine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Rabeprazole EC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Raloxifene - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ramipril - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ramipril-Hctz - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ranitidine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Relief Extra Strength - Tanta Pharmaceuticals
- PMS-Repaglinide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Risedronate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Risperidone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Risperidone ODT - Pharmascience
- PMS-Rivastigmine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Rolivit - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Ropinirole - Pharmascience
- PMS-Rosuvastatin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Roxithromycin - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Salbutamol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Selegiline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sennosides - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sertraline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Simvastatin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sodium Cromoglycate - Pharmascience; Hind Wing; Trenton-Boma
- PMS-Sodium Polysterene Sulfonate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Sorbitol - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Sotalol - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Spiramycin - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Sucralfate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sulfacetamide Sodium - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sulfasalazine - Pharmascience; IDS Group
- PMS-Sulfasalazine-EC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Sumatriptan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Support - Vitaplex Products
- PMS-Tamoxifen - Pharmascience
- PMS-Tea Premenstrual Diuretic - Traditional Medicinals
- PMS-Temazepam - Pharmascience
- PMS-Terazosin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Terbinafine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Testosterone Enanthate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Testosterone Undecanoate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Theophylline - Pharmascience
- PMS-Thioridazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Tiaprofenic - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ticlopidine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Timolol - Pharmascience
- PMS-Tobramycin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Topiramate - Pharmascience
- PMS-Trazodone - Pharmascience
- PMS-Trifluoperazine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Trihexyphenidyl - Pharmascience
- PMS-Tropicamide - Pharmascience
- PMS-Tryptophan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Ursodiol C - Pharmascience
- PMS-Valacyclovir - Pharmascience
- PMS-Valproic Acid EC - Pharmascience
- PMS-Valsartan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Vancomycin - Pharmascience
- PMS-Venlafaxine XR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Verapamil SR - Pharmascience
- PMS-Vitamin B1 B6 B12 - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Yohimbine - Pharmascience
- PMS-Zanimex - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- PMS-Zolmitriptan - Pharmascience
- PMS-Zolmitriptan ODT - Pharmascience
- PMS-Zopiclone - Pharmascience
- PMT Complex - Brauer Natural Medicine
- PMT Complex - Mayne Pharma
- PMT Formula - Vitalia Health
- PMT Oral Spray - Brauer Natural Medicine
- PMT-EZE - Sanofi-Aventis
- PNA - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- PNA-10 - Claris Lifesciences
- PNA-12 - Claris Lifesciences
- PNA-16 - Claris Lifesciences
- PNA-7 - Claris Lifesciences
- PNA-8 - Claris Lifesciences
- PN-Doron 1 - Weleda
- PN-Doron 2 - Weleda
- Pneu HP - Bio Active Canada
- Pneucid - Scipharm
- Pneumaseptic - Tradiphar Laboratoire
- Pneumax MBT
- Pneumo 23 - Sanofi-Aventis; ProMedico; UCB Pharma; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Pneumo 23 Imovax - Sanofi-Aventis
- Pneumo 23 Vaccine - Sanofi-Aventis; ProMedico; UCB Pharma; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Pneumo Novum - Sanofi-Aventis
- Pneumocal - Hizon Laboratories; Carels Pharmaceutical
- Pneumocal IV - Korea United Pharmaceutical; Carels Pharmaceutical; Metro Drug Distribution
- Pneumoclar - Merck
- Pneumococcal Saccharide Conjugated Vaccine, adsorbed - Wyeth
- Pneumococcal Vaccine - AstraZeneca
- Pneumodoron 1 - Weleda; Pharma-Natura
- Pneumodoron 2 - Weleda; Pharma-Natura
- Pneumodoron Nr 1 - Weleda
- Pneumodoron Nr 2 - Weleda
- Pneumodyn - Nutri-Dyn Products
- Pneumogeine - SERP Laboratoire
- Pneumogeine-Barbital Solution - Techni-Pharma Laboratories
- Pneumogeine-Barbital Suppositories - Techni-Pharma Laboratories
- Pneumogenol - Merck
- Pneumogenol - Pharmethic
- Pneumol - Gerolymatos
- Pneumol Plus - Gerolymatos
- Pneumolat - Farmion Laboratorio Brasileiro de Farmacologia
- Pneumolat Expectorante - Farmion Laboratorio Brasileiro de Farmacologia
- Pneumomist - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Pneumonium LA - Wala Heilmittel
- Pneumopan - Gebro Pharma
- Pneumopan - GlaxoSmithKline
- Pneumopect - Gebro Pharma
- Pneumopent - Sanofi-Aventis
- Pneumoplasme - Augot Laboratoires
- Pneumoplasme a l'Histamine - Augot Laboratoires
- Pneumopur - Chiron
- Pneumorel - Servier; Eutherapie; Stroder Istituto Farmaco Biologico
- Pneumosolv - Utopian; JustRight Pharmaceuticals
- Pneumotussin - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Pneumotussin HC - ECR Pharmaceuticals
- Pneumovax - Sanofi-Aventis; Merck
- Pneumovax 23 - Sanofi-Aventis; BLH Trading; CSL; DKSH; Merck; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Pneumovax II - Sanofi-Aventis
- Pneumune - Wyeth
- Pneuplex - Bio Active Canada
- Pneutox - Bio Active Canada
- PNM Force - Bio Active Canada
- PNTWIN No 3 - Ajinomoto; Far East Pharmaceutical; Zuellig Pharma
- PNU-Imune - Wyeth
- PNU-Imune 23 - Wyeth; AHP Schweiz
- PNU-Inmune - Wyeth
- PNV - Yash Vision
- PNX - Health Care Formulations
- PNX-D - Health Care Formulations
- PNXOL - Psyco Remedies
- PNZ - Alkem Laboratories
- PNZ - Cachet Pharmaceuticals
- PO 12 - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Po Antisseptico - Bunker Industria Farmaceutica
- Po Chai Pill - Wing Quon Enterprises
- Po Chai Pills Bottle Form - Li Chung Shing Tong
- Po Sum On - Po Sum On Medicine Factory
- Pobrax - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Pocef - Sarthak Biotech
- Pocin - Polipharm, Thailand
- Pocin G - Upha Corporation
- Pocin H - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Pocital - Symbiosis; Polaris Healthcare
- Pocital-S - Symbiosis; Polaris Healthcare
- PocketScan - Fulcrum Medical Marketing
- Pockinal - Mauermann Arzneimittel, Franz Mauermann
- Poconeol N 1 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 10 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 11 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 12 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 13 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 14 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 15 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 16 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 17 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 18 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 19 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 2 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 20 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 21 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 22 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 23 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 24 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 25 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 26 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 27 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 28 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 3 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 31 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 32 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 34 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 35 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 37 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 4 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 43 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 44 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 48 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 5 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 50 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 51 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 53 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 54 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 55 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 56 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 57 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 58 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 59 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 6 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 61 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 63 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 65 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 66 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 67 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 69 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 7 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 71 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 73 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 74 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 75 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 76 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 77 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 79 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 8 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 81 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 82 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol N 9 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol No 1 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol No 14 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 16 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 17 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 2 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 20 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 22 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 25 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 34 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 43 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 44 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 5 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol No 51 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 69 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 7 - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Poconeol No 73 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 76 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 8 - Dolisos
- Poconeol No 9 - Dolisos
- Pocophage - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Pocyl - Lacer
- P-OD - Shrrishti Healthcare Products
- Pod Plus - Unichem Laboratories
- Podact - Aurel Biolife
- Podact-CV - Aurel Biolife
- Podactin Cream - Reese Pharmaceutical
- Podactin Powder - Reese Pharmaceutical
- Podakrin - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Podalamin - Tipharco
- Podase - Pose Health Care
- Pod-Ben-25 - Genesis Pharmaceuticals
- Podent - Uniphar Biotech
- Podertonic - Inkeysa
- Podil - H & Care Pharmaceutical Enterprises
- Podine - Aspen Pharmacare
- Podium - Torlan Laboratorios
- Podium S - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Podival - Valmor Laboratorios
- Podix - Positif Life Sciences
- Podo - Medial Pharma
- Podoben - Silco, Silva, Sucs Laboratorios
- Podocef - Biochem Pharmaceutical Industries
- Podocon - Paddock Laboratories
- Pododerm - Dominion Veterinary Laboratories
- Podofen - Donaipharm
- Podofilia - Bustillos Laboratorios
- Podofilia No. 2 Bustillos - Bustillos Laboratorios
- Podofilm - Paladin Laboratories; Enterprises Importfab; Hong Kong Pui's Pharmaceuticals; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical; Mita Pharmaceutical; Pharmascience
- Podofilox - Farmalex
- Podofilox - Paddock Laboratories
- Podofilox - PreCision Dermatology
- Podofin - Syosset Laboratories
- Podom - Epitome Life Sciences
- Podomed - Medizone
- Podomexef - Sankyo
- Podom-Kid - Epitome Life Sciences
- Podophyllinum - Boiron
- Podophyllinum - Standard Homeopathic
- Podophyllum - Boiron
- Podophyllum - Dolisos
- Podophyllum - Homeocan
- Podophyllum - Phyto-Sante
- Podophyllum - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Podophyllum Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Podophyllum Peltatum - Boiron
- Podophyllum Peltatum - Seroyal
- Podophyllum Peltatum - Standard Homeopathic
- Podophyllum Peltatum - Total Health Centre
- Podophyllum Peltatum Homaccord - Naturpharm
- Podophyllum Peltum - Koegler Laboratories
- Podophyllum Resin Topical Solution
- Podophylum - Dolisos
- Podoprox - Axon Drugs
- Podoriv - East African India Overseas
- Podowart - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Podowart-S - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Podox - Ordain Health Care
- Podoxin - Pablo Cassara Laboratorios
- Poenbioptal - Poen Laboratorios
- Poenbiotico - Poen Laboratorios
- Poen-Caina - Poen Laboratorios
- Poen-Efrina - Poen Laboratorios
- Poenfenicol - Poen Laboratorios
- Poenflox - Poen Laboratorios; Pharma Investi de Chile; Roemmers-Klinos
- Poenglaucol - Poen Laboratorios
- Poenglausil - Poen Laboratorios
- Poenkerat - Poen Laboratorios; Pharma Investi de Chile
- Poentimol - Poen Laboratorios
- Poentobral - Roemmers-Klinos
- Poentobral Plus - Poen Laboratorios; Pharma Investi de Chile; Roemmers-Klinos
- Pofezol - Brawn Laboratories
- Pofol - Dong Kook; Polymedic Trading Enterprise; S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading
- Pogetol - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- PO-HO Bleu - Hanseler
- Poikicholan - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikicin - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikigastran N - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikigeron - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikilocard Mono - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikiloton Drops - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikiloton Tablets - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Poikiven T - Lomapharm Rudolf Lohmann
- Point - Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Point-MF - Intel Pharmaceuticals
- Point-Two - Colgate-Palmolive
- Poison Antidote Kit - Bowman Pharmaceuticals
- Poison Flour
- Poison Ivy / Oak - Hylands Homeopathic
- Pokencef - Daewon Pharmaceutical
- Pokr - Aamorb Pharmaceuticals
- Pol - Malar Healthcare
- Polaax
- Polacanmin - NIC Pharma
- Poladex - The Harvard Drug Group
- Polagen - Decomed Farmaceutica
- Polam - Aamorb Pharmaceuticals
- Polamidon
- Polamidone
- Polamin - Schering-Plough; Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Polamine - Pharmaniaga
- Polamine - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Polamivet
- Polantac - Politecnicos Nacionales Laboratorios
- Polanz - Symbiosis; Polaris Healthcare
- Polar Ice - Scott Chemical; Lander Canada
- Polar Ice Analgesic Gel - Scott Chemical; Lander Canada
- Polar Ice Paste - Scott Chemical; Canadian Horse Shoe Distributors; Lander Canada
- Polaramex - Schering-Plough
- Polaramin - Schering-Plough; Aesca
- Polaramin Espettorante - Schering-Plough
- Polaramine - Schering-Plough; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Bayer Schering Pharma; Essex; Fulford Pharmaceuticals; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Polaramine Expec - Schering-Plough
- Polaramine Expectorant - Schering-Plough; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Polaramine Expectorante - Schering-Plough
- Polaramine Infant Compound - Schering-Plough
- Polaramine Pectoral - Schering-Plough
- Polaramine Reformulado - Schering-Plough
- Polaramine Repetab - Schering-Plough; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Polaramine Repetabs - Schering-Plough; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Polaramine Topico - Schering-Plough
- Polaratyne - Schering-Plough
- Polaratyne D - Schering-Plough
- Polarax - Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing
- Polaren - Cifarma Cientifica Farmaceutica
- Polares - Zuventus Healthcare
- Polarine - Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing
- Polaronil - Schering-Plough; Aesca; Essex
- Polase - Wyeth
- Polaxim - Symbiosis; Polaris Healthcare
- Polazerin - Mipharmco
- Polcetam - Symbiosis; Polaris Healthcare
- Polcominal
- Polcort H
- Polcortolon - Polfa Pabianice; Ciech; Jelfa Pharmaceuticals Works
- Polcortolon TC - Polfa Tarchomin; Medphano Arzneimittel
- Polcortolone - Polfa Pabianice; Polcommerce
- Polcotec - Best Laboratorios
- Pol-D - Malar Healthcare
- Poldan MIG - Sanbe Farma
- Pole - Triton Health Care
- Pole-D - Triton Health Care
- Poledin - Pfizer
- Polen Natural - Reccius Laboratrios
- Polenat - Natufarma Laboratorio
- Polendiamina - Fada Pharma
- Poleon
- Polery - Pierre Fabre; Sanpromex
- Polery Adultes - Pierre Fabre
- Polery Enfantes - Pierre Fabre
- Polery Paediatric - Pierre Fabre
- Polet - Wermar Pharmaceuticals
- Polfilin - Polpharma; Nam Sinh; Polfa
- Polfilin Retard - Polpharma; Dong-A Pharmaceutical; VP Pharma Baru
- Poli ABE - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Poli B Fuerte - Frasca Laboratorios
- Poli Biocatines - Garcia Suarez
- Poli Miner Vit - Hexal
- Poliacel - Sanofi-Aventis; CSL
- Poliacel-Act-Hib - Sanofi-Aventis; ProMedico
- Poliactifral - Solvay; Kalifarma
- Polial - Ultrapharm; Plasmon Dietetici Alimentari
- Poliamin - Behrens Laboratorio
- Poliantib - Alcon
- Polibac - Hebron Industria Quimica e Farmaceutica
- Polibar - E-Z-EM; A. Martins & Fernandes; J.H. Rooster & Zn.; Therapex
- Polibar ACB - E-Z-EM; Amersham; Bracco; ProMedico
- Polibar Plus - E-Z-EM; Therapex
- Polibar Rapid - E-Z-EM; Therapex
- Polibar Viscous - E-Z-EM
- Polibatrin - Teva; IVAX
- Polibatrin F - Teva; IVAX
- Poliben - Auad Quimica
- Polibeta B12 - Ceccarelli Farmaceutici
- Polibimbi - Pfizer; Carlo Erba OTC
- Polibiotic - Ecobi Farmaceutici
- Polibroxol - Polipharm, Thailand
- Polibutin - Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica
- Policano - Rafarm
- Poli-Cifloxin - Polipharm, Thailand
- Policitra - Flupal Laboratorios
- Polic-MPS - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Policol - Polipharm, Thailand
- Policold - Polipharm, Thailand
- Policolinosil - Asociados Nupel Laboratorios
- Policon - Daffohils Pharma
- Policor - Gador
- Policort
- Policosanol Prime - Herbcare Corporation; Agile Marketing
- Poli-Cycline - Polipharm, Thailand
- Polidan - Polydan NPFP
- Polidasa - Almirall
- Polidazol - Balldarassi Industria Comercio Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Polideltaxin NF - Pharmacos Exakta
- Polidemisin - Sanbe Farma
- Polident Comfort Seal Strips Denture Adhesive - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Denture Adhesive Powder - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Extra Hold Denture Adhesive Cream - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Flavour Free Denture Adhesive Cream - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Fresh Active Denture Cleanser - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Fresh Cleanse - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Fresh Mint Denture Adhesive Cream - GlaxoSmithKline
- Polident Whitening Cleanser - GlaxoSmithKline
- Poliderms - Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional
- Polides - Farmigea Industria Chimico Farmaceutica
- Polienzim - Instituto Sanitas
- Polifen
- Poli-Fibrozil - Polipharm, Thailand
- Polifix - Politecnicos Nacionales Laboratorios
- Polifluidil - Balverda
- Poli-Flunarin - Polipharm, Thailand
- Poli-Formin - Polipharm, Thailand
- Polifrisin - Sanbe Farma
- Polifur - Organifar
- Poliginax - Solvay
- Poliglicol Anti Acne - Kin Laboratorios
- Poligot - Polipharm, Thailand
- Poligot-CF - Polipharm, Thailand
- Poligram - Puebla Laboratorios
- Polijodurato - Farmigea Industria Chimico Farmaceutica
- Polik - Leti Laboratorios
- Polilevo - Monsanto Italiana
- Polilevo - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- Polilevo N - Taurus Pharma
- Polimerosa - Nutricia-Bago
- Polimixina B Composto - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
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