Pharmaceutical products list, page 90:
- Formula INT - Balance Plus
- Formula IV - Golden Neo-Life Diamite
- Formula IV Plus - Golden Neo-Life Diamite
- Formula K - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Formula L.G.I. - Metagenics
- Formula L.L. - Nutrition for Life International
- Formula L10 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula L4 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula L5 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula L7 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula LF - Numark Laboratories
- Formula M - Enviro-Tech International
- Formula M - Metagenics
- Formula MA Vitamin E and Zinc - Metagenics
- Formula MBC - Weleda
- Formula ME 214 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula N 2 - Golden Pride / Rawleigh
- Formula N 7 - Golden Pride / Rawleigh
- Formula NI 215 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula No. 2 Plus K - Golden Pride / Rawleigh
- Formula No. 2K - Golden Pride; Rawleigh
- Formula O - General Nutrition
- Formula O - Health Thru Herbs
- Formula O.C. - Abundance Marketing
- Formula O.R. 217 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula O.S.T. - Metagenics
- Formula O-8 - Enviro-Tech International
- Formula OB 216 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula O-Care - ForMor International
- Formula OSG - Seroyal
- Formula OSX - Seroyal
- Formula P E 218 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula P.C 221 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula P.C. - Metagenics
- Formula P.C. 223 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula P.R.O. - Creative Nutrition Canada
- Formula P.R.O. - Nutrition for Life International
- Formula P.R.O. - The Results Company
- Formula P1 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula P2 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula P6 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula Pro-B - Balance Plus
- Formula Q - The Harvard Drug Group
- Formula R - ForMor International
- Formula R - Metagenics
- Formula R.I.T. - Creative Nutrition Canada
- Formula R.V. 219 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula RF - Twin Laboratories
- Formula S - Procter & Gamble
- Formula S / E - Douglas Laboratories
- Formula S T R - Creative Nutrition Canada
- Formula S.E. - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Formula SF-710 - Thorne Research
- Formula Statin Support - Balance Plus
- Formula Stress - Sante Naturelle
- Formula T.B.-1 - Natural Bodylines
- Formula T.L. - Changes International
- Formula T.O. - Abundance Marketing
- Formula T.T. - TP Health
- Formula T.T. Cold Sore Cream - TP Health
- Formula T.T.O. Honey - TP Health
- Formula T1 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula T13 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula T4 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula T5 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formula TA 220 Tea - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula TC Vitamin C - Metagenics
- Formula Three - Blackmores
- Formula Three Triple Strength - Blackmores
- Formula Thy-Vitamin B2, B3 with Minerals - Metagenics
- Formula TLN Mineral Supplement - Healthy Body Services
- Formula U - Metagenics
- Formula U.P.C. - Metagenics
- Formula Ultra Pro - Metagenics
- Formula V S C - Creative Nutrition Canada
- Formula V.H. 222 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Formula V.I.R. - Creative Nutrition Canada
- Formula Vitamin C - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Formula VM - Solgar
- Formula VM-75 - Solgar; Boots
- Formula ZG824 - Thorne Research
- Formula-4 SX - Abundance Marketing
- Formulab Treat for Adult Acne - Formulab
- Formulab Treat for Young Adult Acne - Formulab
- Formulaexpec - Procter & Gamble
- Formula-S - Sime Darby Marketing
- Formula-Se - Gesar
- Formulat Biosoya - Dicofarm
- Formulat Pregel - Dicofarm
- Formulation AE-90 - H & S Chemicals
- Formulation HS-8451P - H & S Chemicals
- Formulation HWS-128 - Lonza
- Formulation HWS-256 - Lonza
- Formulation HWS-64 - Lonza
- Formulation R - G & W Laboratories
- Formulation RTU-90 - H & S Chemicals
- Formulatus - Procter & Gamble
- Formule 115 DM - Frega; Pharmalab 1982
- Formule 12 - Lancelot Biotech
- Formule 1705 - Bio Vita
- Formule 22683 - Therapeutic Foods
- Formule 3000 - Le Naturiste J.M.B.
- Formule 37805 - Therapeutic Foods
- Formule 454 - Le Naturiste J.M.B.
- Formule 454 Amelioree - Le Naturiste J.M.B.
- Formule 515 Plus - Alimentex
- Formule 517 - Alimentex
- Formule 535 - Alimentex
- Formule 575 - Alimentex
- Formule 7561 - Therapeutic Foods
- Formule A - Les Laboratoires Vachon
- Formule A-C-E + Selenium - Sante Naturelle
- Formule C10 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C12 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C13 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C15 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C17 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C2 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C25 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C3 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C34 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C39 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C4 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C5 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C6 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C8 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C-8 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule C9 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 1 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 10 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 15 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 18 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 19 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 20 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 22 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 23 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 25 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 35 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 44 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 48 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 59 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 6 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 64 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 67 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 7 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 79 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 8 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 81 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 82 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 83 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 88 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule de l'Abbe Chaupitre No 91 - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- Formule G8 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule L 13 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule L2 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule L3 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule L8 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule L9 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule No 202 Profil - Pharmalab 1982
- Formule No 203 Profil - Pharmalab 1982
- Formule No 204 Profil - Pharmalab 1982
- Formule P-4 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule P5 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule Q-75 - Agro-Net
- Formule Speciale de Phytobec No. 1 - Bio Actif
- Formule Stress - Sante Naturelle
- Formule T10 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T12 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T15 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T17 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T2 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T25 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T33 - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T6 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T7 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T8 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule T9 Tea - Herbages Naturbec
- Formule W - Wyeth
- Formulex - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Formulix - Janssen
- Formuly-Piel - Assistance, Argentina
- Formuno - Caprifarmindo Laboratories
- Formyco - Sanbe Farma; Joyson
- Formyxan - Pisa Laboratorios
- Fornac - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fornac-CZ - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fornac-P - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fornac-SP - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forneuro - Kalbe Farma
- Fornidd - sanofi-aventis; Metro Drug Distribution
- Forom - N.K. Pharma Industries
- Forone - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forone-SB - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forosa - Lek; Sandoz
- Forpar - Cipla; LBS Laboratory
- Forpavin
- Forpen
- Forpep - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forphyll - Therapeutic Foods
- Forpyn - Sandoz
- Forres - Kalbe Farma
- Forrvita B New - Thephaco
- Forsalil - UCI-Farma Industria Farmaceutica
- Forsancort - Medipharco-Tenamyd Central Pharmaceutical; Lotus Pharmaceuticals
- Forses - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forshner's Blue Lotion - American Equine Products
- Forshner's Hoof Care - Bee Smart Products Division
- Forshner's Hoof Packing - Farnam Companies
- Forshner's Hoofcare - American Equine Products
- Forshner's Liquid Hoof Care - Bee Smart Products Division
- Forshner's Liquid Hoofcare - American Equine Products
- Forshner's Medicated Hoof Packing - American Equine Products
- Forshner's Poultice Powder - American Equine Products
- ForSlim - Rhema Pharmaceuticals; Delfi Singapore
- Forsodol - Ozon
- Forstaf - GlaxoSmithKline
- Forsteo - Eli Lilly
- Forst-Nexen
- Forsuderm - Wooridul Life Sciences; Pharmaforte
- Forsythia Fruit
- Forta - Abbott
- Forta - Quimica Franco Mexicana Nordin
- Forta B - Pfizer
- Forta Shake - Abbott; ProMedico
- Fortaacef - Pymepharco
- Fortabs
- Fortacef - Troikaa Pharmaceuticals
- Fortacet - Interdelta
- Fortacil - Manuell Laboratorios
- Fortacyl
- Fortafen Gel - Alembic
- Fortafen Plus - Alembic
- Fortafen Tablets - Alembic
- Fortafil 5Y
- Fortagesic - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fortagyl - Prafa
- Fortakehl - Sanum-Kehlbeck; Ebi-Pharm
- Fortal - Prisfar
- Fortal - Sanofi-Aventis; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology
- Fortal Injections - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fortal Vision - Prisfar
- Fortalgesic - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fortalgex GH - Laborsil Industria Farmaceutica
- Fortalidon - Novartis; Sandoz
- Fortalidon P - Novartis
- Fortalidon S - Novartis
- Fortalidon sans Codeine - Novartis
- Fortalin
- Fortalis - Interdelta
- Fortam - GlaxoSmithKline
- Fortamet - Andrx Pharmaceuticals; Sciele Pharma; Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Fortamine
- Fortamines 10 Capsules - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Fortamines 10 Comprimes - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Fortamol - Nordic Drugs
- Fortancefe - Star Drugs and Research Laboratories
- Fortanest - Kalbe Farma
- Fortaneurin - Continental Pharma
- Fortapal - GlaxoSmithKline
- Fortaplex - Kripps Pharmacy
- Fortasec - Esteve Farma
- Fortasept - Novartis
- Fortathrine - G.A. Pharmaceuticals
- Fortavil - Instituto Sanitas
- Fortax - Dankos
- Fortaz - GlaxoSmithKline
- Fortaz in plastic container - GlaxoSmithKline
- Fortazim - LifeSource HealthCare; Sanjivani Paranteral
- Fortcinolona - Fortbenton Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Forte Complete - Pharmavite
- Forte Topical Suspension - Pfizer
- Fortec - ICA Biotechnological & Pharmaceutical
- Fortec-A - Phil Inter Pharma
- Fortec-L - Myung-In Pharm
- Fortecortin - Merck
- Fortecortin Fertigspritzen - Merck
- Fortecortin Inject - Merck
- Fortedol - Teva
- Fortefog - Agropharm
- Fortege - Alarsin Pharmaceuticals
- Fortekor - Novartis
- Fortekor Flavor - Novartis
- Fortel - Biomerica; Marco d'Polo Importing & Merchandising
- Forten - Farmalab Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Fortenac - Interdelta
- Forteo - Eli Lilly; DKSH; Y.C. Woo; Zuellig Pharma
- Fortepen - Biochemie
- Forteprim - Medi-Rx
- Forterra - Help, Greece
- Fortespan - GlaxoSmithKline
- Fortesta - Endo Pharmaceuticals; Pharbil Waltrop
- Fortevita - Mintlab
- Fortevital - Tentan
- Fortfen - Aspen Pharmacare
- Forthane - Abbott
- Forthion
- Fortibi - Soho Industri Pharmasi
- Fortica - ST Pharma
- Fortical - Rubio Laboratorios
- Fortical - Unigene UK; Upsher-Smith Laboratories
- Fortical Suspension - Cosme Farma Laboratories
- Fortical Tablets - Cosme Farma Laboratories
- Fortical-M - Cosme Farma Laboratories
- FortiCare - Nutricia
- Forticine - Wolfs, Belgium
- Forticlav - Sanat Products
- Forticol - Medinfar Laboratorio
- Forticreme - Nutricia
- Forticrin - G.B. Panzera Farmaceutici
- Fortidrink - Support Produtos Nutricionais
- Fortifer - United American Pharmaceuticals; Unam Corporation
- Fortifer FA - United American Pharmaceuticals
- Fortified PP - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Fortified Procaine Peni - Alembic
- Fortifi-Plus - Clinique Lafontaine
- Fortiflex - Pymepharco
- Fortifresh - Nutricia
- Fortify - Nutricia; Universal Medicare
- Fortify Complete - Nutricia
- Fortigel - ProStrakan
- Fortijuce - Nutricia
- Fortijuice - Nutricia; Baxter
- Fortil - Constant
- Fortilut - G.A. Pharmaceuticals
- Fortimax - Merck
- Fortimel - Nutricia; Baxter
- Fortimicin - Kyowa Hakko
- Fortimin - Vitae Laboratorios
- Fortini - Nutricia; Baxter
- Fortini Multi Fiber - Support Produtos Nutricionais
- Fortini Multi Fibre - Nutricia
- Fortinic - A.J. Bart
- Fortinol - Pharmanel
- Fortipine - Goldshield Pharmaceuticals
- Fortiplex - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Fortiplex - Sante Naturelle
- Fortipudding - Nutricia
- Fortisip - Nutricia; Baxter; SG Healthcare; SHS International; Sime Darby Marketing
- Fortison - Roemmers-Klinos
- Fortisone - The Forty-Two, Thailand; Siam Medicare
- Fortistress - Sante Naturelle
- Fortius - Abbott
- Fortivenat - Cassella-Med
- Fortivirone - Dr. Reckeweg
- Fortodex
- Fortodyl
- Fortoferin - Bryntsalov-A
- Fortolin - Fortune Pharmacal
- Fortonal - Medic Industrial Farmaceutica
- Fortonol - Microsules Argentina
- Fortovase - Roche; Chugai Pharmaceutical; R.P. Scherer
- Fortox Forte - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fortplex - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Fortracin
- Fortradol - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Fortral - Sanofi-Aventis; KRKA
- Fortralin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fortrans - Beaufour Ipsen; Antah Pharma; Emerging Pharma; IDS Group; Sime Darby Marketing; Zuellig Pharma
- Fortravel - Viatris
- Fortrim
- Fortstar - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Fortum - GlaxoSmithKline; Cascan; Firma Chun Cheong; Zuellig Pharma
- Fortumset - GlaxoSmithKline
- Fortunan - M.A. Steinhard
- Fortusin - Solas
- Fortwin - Ranbaxy
- Forty Plus Vitamin Supplement - Garden State Nutritionals
- Forty Plus Vitamins - Clark Laboratories
- Fortyplan - Lifeplan Products
- Fortzaar - Merck; BLH Trading; Zuellig Pharma
- Forumen - Sanbe Farma
- Forunculone - Sanofi-Aventis
- Forvade
- Forverm - Elofar Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Forvey - Menarini
- Forvin - Son's Laboratorios Quimica
- Forvit - Yarindo Farmatama
- Forvital - Wyeth
- Forvite - Aspen Pharmacare
- Forviten Fuerte - Madariaga
- Forward Cleaner / Disinfectant - Johnson Wax Professional
- Forward Cleaner for Industrial and Institutional Use - Johnson Wax Professional
- Forward Cleaner Johnsons - S. C. Johnson and Son
- Forward DC Disinfectant Cleaner - Johnson Wax Professional; Diversey
- Forza-10 - Euro-Pharm International Canada
- Forzaar - Merck
- Forzest - Ranbaxy
- Forzid - Atlantic Pharmaceutical; Kalbe Farma; Lakeside Pharma; United Biotech
- Forzid - Klonal Laboratorios
- Forzin - Blubell Pharma
- Forzole Capsules - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forzole Syrup - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Forzole-D - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fosalan - Merck
- Fosalan Once-Weekly - Merck
- Fosalen - Genepharma Group
- Fosamax - Merck; DKSH; Four Star; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Fosamax Einmal Wochentlich - Merck
- Fosamax Once Weekly - Merck
- Fosamax Plus - Merck; DKSH; Four Star; Zuellig Pharma
- Fosamax Plus D - Merck; Frosst Iberica
- Fosavance - Merck; Frosst Iberica; Mediwin; Zuellig Pharma
- Fosavance Einmal Wochentlich - Merck
- Fosavance Once Weekly - Merck
- Fosbait - Panacea Biotec
- Foscald3 - FIRMA
- Foscalvit - Zuoz Pharma
- Foscan - Biolitec Pharma; Genesis Pharmaceuticals; Medison Pharma
- Foscarnet - PharmaForce
- Foscavir - AstraZeneca; Clinigen; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Teva; Zuellig Pharma
- Foscovir - AstraZeneca
- Foseal - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Foseiron - Samchully Pharm; Hoang Khang
- Fosen - Fahrenheit
- Fosend - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Fosenema - Adcock Ingram
- Fosfacol - Instituto Sanitas
- Fosfakol
- Fosfalugel - Yamanouchi
- Fosfalumina - Schering-Plough
- Fosfarginil - Chiesi
- Fosfarsile Forte Liquid - Fitobucaneve
- Fosfarsile Forte Tablets - Fitobucaneve
- Fosfarsile Junior - Fitobucaneve
- Fosfaserin - Amnol Chimica Biologica
- Fosfaseron - Serono; Itaca Laboratorios
- Fosfatan - Farmavy Industria Farmaceutica
- Fosfato Monopotasico - Biosano Laboratorios
- Fosfidral - Angelini
- Fosfitone - Fada Pharma
- Fosfo Plus - F.A.M.A. Istituto Chimico Biologico
- Fosfo-Acutil - Disprofarma
- Fosfoadital - Gobbi Novag Laboratorios
- Fosfoalugel - Instituto de Biologia y Sueroterapia
- Fosfo-Astenil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fosfobarigraf - Justesa Imagen
- Fosfobion - Rompharm; Sicomed
- Fosfobiotic - Bergamon
- Fosfocaps - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Fosfocil - Senosiain Laboratorios
- Fosfocil GU - Senosiain Laboratorios
- Fosfocin - Crinos; Alpharma; Infectopharm Arzneimittel und Consilium; Roche; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fosfocina - ERN Laboratorios
- Fosfocine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fosfocrisolo - Zambon
- Fosfodexa - Llorens
- Fosfo-Dom - Dominguez Laboratorios
- Fosfoevac - Bohm
- Fosfoglutil - Biologico Chemioterapico Beta Laboratorio
- Fosfoglutina B6 - Baldacci Farmoquimica
- Fosfogram - FIRMA
- Fosfoguaiacol - Giovanni Ogna & Figli
- Fosfolax - Coup
- Fosfolexin - Lifepharma
- Fosfolip - ISF
- Fosfomic
- Fosfomik - Finadiet
- Fosfomycin - Biochemie
- Fosfomycin - Sandoz
- Fosfonomycin
- Fosfor - Ayrton Saunders
- Fosfor - Liberman, Spain
- Fosforal - Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos
- Fosforal - Fournier
- Fosforil Calcium - Societa Prodotti Antibiotici
- Fosforilasi Injections - Polifarma, Italy
- Fosforilasi Sachets - Polifarma, Italy
- Fosforina - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Fosfosoda - Casen Fleet
- Fosfo-Soda Fleet - Bergamon
- Fosfosol - Virtu's Industria e Comercio
- Fosfosol Stress - Virtu's Industria e Comercio
- Fosfostilben - Labinca
- Fosfothion
- Fosfotion
- Fosfotonico - Cheminova
- Fosfotonico - Hexal
- Fosfoutipi Vitaminico - Laboratorio Terapeutico
- Fosfovita - Wierhom Pharma
- Fosfozimin - Medosan Industrie Biochimiche Riunite
- Fosfree - Mission Pharmacal
- Fosglutamina B6 - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Fosgluten Reforzado - Alter
- Fosgluten Super Reforcado - Alodial Farmaceutica
- Foshlenn - Raam de Sahuayo Laboratorios
- Fosicard - Actavis
- Fosicard H - Actavis
- Fosicol - Gracia Pharmindo
- Fosicomb - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fosicombi - Menarini
- Fosicomp - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Foside - Solvay
- Fosinace - Cipla
- Fosinil - Solvay; Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fosinopril - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Fosinopril - Arrow Generiques
- Fosinopril - Aurobindo
- Fosinopril - Cobalt Pharmaceuticals
- Fosinopril - EG Labo
- Fosinopril - Eon Labs
- Fosinopril - Invagen Pharmaceuticals
- Fosinopril - Mylan
- Fosinopril - Pro Doc
- Fosinopril - Qualimed Pharma
- Fosinopril - Ranbaxy
- Fosinopril - Sandoz
- Fosinopril - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fosinopril - Teva
- Fosinopril - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Fosinopril HCT - Actavis
- Fosinopril Plus - Teva
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Actavis
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Aurobindo
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Biogaran
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - EG Labo
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Genpharm
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Invagen Pharmaceuticals
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Mylan
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Ranbaxy
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fosinopril; Hydrochlorothiazide - Teva
- Fosinoprilnatrium - Sandoz
- Fosinorm - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fosinorm Comp - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fosipres - Menarini
- Fosipril - Arrow Pharmaceuticals
- Fositen - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fositens - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fositens Plus - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Foskina - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Metro Drug Distribution
- Foskina-B - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Foslainco - Lainco
- Foslip - Sanofi-Aventis
- Foslip Vascular - Sanofi-Aventis
- Foslymar - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fosmicin - Meiji Seika Kaisha; Nomura Trading; Thai Meiji Pharmaceutical; Thien Thao Pharmaceutical
- Fosmicin-S - Meiji Seika Kaisha; Thien Thao Pharmaceutical
- Fosmidex - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Fosolin - Zydus Cadila
- Fospartan Ginseng - Craveri
- Fosphen - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Fosphenytoin - Abraxis BioScience
- Fosphenytoin - Akorn
- Fosphenytoin - Apotex
- Fosphenytoin - Baxter
- Fosphenytoin - Bedford Laboratories
- Fosphenytoin - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Fosphenytoin - Hospira
- Fosphenytoin - IV Therapeutics
- Fosphenytoin - Luitpold Pharmaceuticals
- Fosphenytoin - Sicor Pharmaceuticals
- Fosphenytoin - Strides Arcolab
- Fosphenytoin - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Fosphenytoin - Teva
- Fosphenytoin - Wockhardt
- Fosquival - Valmor Laboratorios
- Fosrenol - Orphan Pharmaceutical; DKSH; DSM Pharmaceuticals; Fahrenheit; Fresenius; Hind Wing; Invida; Opopharma; Shire; Zuellig Pharma
- Fossical - Medreich
- Fossil Flour
- Fossyol - Merckle
- Fosteen Dermatologic Shampoo - Rogar / STB
- Foster - Chiesi
- Foster 40-80 HVAC and Wall Disinfectant - Specialty Construction Brands; H.B. Fuller Construction Products
- Fostex - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostex Acne Medication Cleansing - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostex BPO - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostex CM - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostex Medicated - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostex Medicated Cleansing Bar - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostex Medicated Cleansing Cream - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fostimon - Genevrier Laboratoires; Corporacion Operadora de Representaciones y Negocios; IBI International; IBSA Institut Biochimique; Mekim; Tedis
- Fostine - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Fostril - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Fosty - Medicaids Pakistan
- Fosular - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Fosval - Saval Laboratorios
- Fosvital - Instituto de Medicamentos e Alergia IMA
- Fotadex - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Fotalcix - Korea Schnell Pharma
- Fot-Amsa - Antibioticos de Mexico
- Fotaram - Sanbe Farma; Endure Medical
- Fotaran - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Fotaran - VHB Life Sciences
- Fotax - M & H Manufacturing; Cirin Pharmaceuticals; Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Fotazim - Korea Etex
- Fotex - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Fotexin - ACME Pharmaceuticals; Axcess; Euro Generics
- Fotexina - Pisa Laboratorios
- Fotexina I.M. - Pisa Laboratorios
- Fotexina I.V. - Pisa Laboratorios
- Fotia Plus - Bestochem Formulations India
- Fotia-F - Bestochem Formulations India
- Fotil - Novartis; Amvis; Croma Pharma; Greater Pharma; Llogo C & C; Oui Heng Import; Santen Pharmaceutical
- Fotil Forte - Novartis; Amvis; Croma Pharma; Greater Pharma; Llogo C & C; Oui Heng Import; Santen Pharmaceutical
- Fotil Sine - Novartis
- Fotocollyre - Rafarm
- Fotocrem 8 SPF 15 - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Fotocrem P - ITF Farma Chile Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Fotocrem P SPF 24 - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Fotocrem P SPF 34 - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Fotocrem Ultra SPF 42 - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Fotofil - Industria Terapeutica Splendore - Oftalmoterapica ALFA
- Fotoprotector 15 - Ingens Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector d'Hipoglos FPS 30 - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector d'Hipoglos FPS 45 - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector d'Hipoglos FPS 65 - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector Extrem Cream - Ingens Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector Extrem Gel - Ingens Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector Extrem Lotion - Ingens Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector Isdin 25 Gel Spray - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin 25 Locion - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin 25 Pediatrics Locion - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin 25 Pediatrics Spray - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Dry Oil - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem F-25 Gel - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem Gel-Cream - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem Lotion - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem Pediatrics - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem Plus - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem UVA Gel-Crema - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem UVA Locion - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem UVA Pediatrics Crema - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Extrem UVA Plus Crema - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin F-15 Gel SPF 15 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin F-15 Stick SPF 15 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Ultra 65 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Ultra 65 Color Crema - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Ultra 65 Crema - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Ultra 65 Locion - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Ultra 90 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin Ultra 90 Crema - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin-25 Pediatrics Lotion SPF 25 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin-25 Pediatrics Spray SPF 25 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotector Isdin-25 SPF 25 - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector Isdin-50 SPF 50 - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Fotoprotector Labial d'Hipoglos FPS 15 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotectores Cream SPF 20 - Silesia Laboratorios
- Fotoprotectores Cream SPF 50 - Silesia Laboratorios
- Fotoprotectores Milk - Silesia Laboratorios
- Fotoprotectores SPF 15 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotectores SPF 20 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotectores SPF 25 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotectores SPF 50 - ISDIN
- Fotoprotectores Stick SPF 20 - Silesia Laboratorios
- Fotoral - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Fotoretin - Farmila-Thea Farmaceutici
- Fotorretin - Poen Laboratorios
- Fotosol Cassara SPF 19 - D & M Pharma
- Fotosol Emulsion FPS 30 Emulsion Protectora Solar FPS 30 - ISDIN
- Fotosol Ultra - Pablo Cassara Laboratorios
- Fotosol Ultra 50 Cassara Crema Protectora Solar FPS 50 - ISDIN
- Fotosol Ultra Cassara Emulsion Protectora Solar FPS 32 - ISDIN
- Fototar - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Fotrec DHA - Visufarma
- Fouane
- Foucacillin - Coup
- Fouch - Rafarm
- Foudaril - G.A. Pharmaceuticals
- Foul Brood Mix - Medivet Pharmaceuticals
- Foulex - Tuttle's Horse Care
- Foundation Primer Plus SPF 15 - Merle Norman Cosmetics
- Fouramine D
- Fouramine RS
- Fourderm - Cipla
- Fourderm AF - Cipla
- Fournox - S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading
- Fourrine
- Four-Ton - Body Spring
- Fourts-B - Fourrts India Laboratories
- Fouz - J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Fovane - Pfizer
- Fovas - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Fovysat - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Fovysatum - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Fowlers - Novartis
- Fowler's Anti-Diarrheal - Columbia Laboratories
- Fowler's Attapulgite - Columbia Laboratories
- Foxa - Sykocure Lifesciences
- Foxe - Esma Formulations
- Foxetin - Gador; The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Foxglove
- Foxgoria - Nida Pharma; Advanced Medi Mart
- Foxicime - Young Il Pharm
- Foxil - Istituto Bioterapico Nazionale
- Foxil - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Foxim - Kalbe Farma
- Foximet - Korea United Pharmaceutical; One Pharma
- Foximin - Euro-Pharma
- Foximstad - Pymepharco
- Foxin - Pharmaland 1982
- Foxinon - M & H Manufacturing
- Foxitin - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals; PharmAsia-Cuvest
- Foxolin - G.A. Pharmaceuticals
- Foxtil - Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional
- Foxtin - Ipca Laboratories; Zyfas Medical
- Foxydol - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Foy - Sanofi-Aventis; Ono Pharmaceutical
- Fozal - Westmont Pharmaceuticals; United Laboratories
- Fozide - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Foziretic - Merck
- Fozitec - Merck
- Fozole - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fozole-D - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fozyme - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- FP 20 - Pisa Laboratorios
- FP 787 - Avmor
- FP 99 Cleaner Disinfectant - GP Chemicals Specialty
- FP Tab - Fujimoto Pharmaceutical
- FPZ - Triton Health Care
- Fracef - Lloyd's Laboratories
- Fracidin - Rayere Farmaceuticos
- Fracine
- Fracitin - Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories; F.P. Marketing
- Fractal - Pierre Fabre
- Fractal LP - Pierre Fabre
- Frade - Gufic
- Frademicina - Janssen; Pfizer
- Fradicilina - Reig Jofre
- Fradilen - Merck
- Frador - Trinity Chiesi Pharmaceuticals
- Frador - Wilson Consumer Products
- Fradotic - Imexpharm Pharmaceutical
- Fradyl - Nycomed
- Fragador - Pharma-Natura
- Fragador - Weleda
- Fragaria Vesca - Boiron
- Fragaria Vesca - Dolisos
- Fragaria Vesca - Standard Homeopathic
- Fragiprel - Biogalenique Laboratoires
- Fragivix - Sanofi-Aventis; Sanol
- Fragment
- Fragmin - Pfizer; Eisai; Merck; Perrigo; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Vetter Pharma-Fertigung; Zuellig Pharma
- Fragmin A - Pfizer; Merck
- Fragmin B - Pfizer; Merck
- Fragmin C - Pfizer
- Fragmin D - Pfizer
- Fragmin Haemodialysis Haemofiltration - Pfizer; Merck
- Fragmin P - Pfizer
- Fragmin P Forte - Pfizer
- Fragmin Surgical and Medical Thromboprophylaxis - Pfizer; Merck
- Fragmin Treatment of VTE - Pfizer; Merck
- Fragmin Unstable Angina - Pfizer; Merck
- Fragmine - Pfizer
- Fragmin-GS - Pfizer
- Fragonal - Phygiene Laboratoires
- Fragrance Foam - Scentsy
- Fragrance-Free Spray Sunscreen SPF FPS 50 - Kinesys Pharmaceutical
- Fraicheur Bambou Deo Bille Antiperspirant - Yves Rocher
- Fraicheur Chevrefeuille Deo Bille Antiperspirant - Yves Rocher
- Fraicheur the Vert Deo Bille Antiperspirant - Yves Rocher
- Frakas - Arrow Pharmaceuticals
- Frakidex - Bausch and Lomb; Chauvin Pharmaceuticals; Hyphens Pharma; Pan-Malayan Pharmaceuticals; Rich Plan International
- Frakitacine - Bausch and Lomb
- Framagon - Bangkok Lab & Cosmetic; Bangkok Drug
- Framecef - Farma Uno
- Frame-SR - Triton Health Care
- Framex - Gedeon Richter
- Framicin - Pharlab Industria Farmaceutica
- Framil - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Framin - Fresenius
- Framitulle - Sanofi-Aventis
- Framol - Adcock Ingram
- Framybiotal - Johnson & Johnson
- Framycort - Sanofi-Aventis
- Framygen - Sanofi-Aventis
- Framykoin - Infusia Horatev; Zentiva
- Framyxone - Jolly Jatel Laboratoire
- Francetin - Mochida Pharmaceutical
- Franciclina - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Franciscea Uniflora - Boiron
- Franciscea Uniflora - Standard Homeopathic
- Francital Injections - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Francital Tablets - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Francomicina - Nuovo Consorzio Sanitario Nazionale
- Frandipin - Donaipharm
- Frandizen - Donaipharm
- Frangula Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Frangula Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Frangulina - Dr. Ottolenghi
- Franlinco - Eloge France
- Franmetin - Hataphar
- Franmoxy - Hataphar
- Franocide
- Franol - Sanofi-Aventis; DKSH
- Franol Expectorant - Sanofi-Aventis
- Franol Plus - Sanofi-Aventis
- Franolyn Expectorant - Johnson & Johnson
- Franolyn Sedative - Johnson & Johnson
- Franovul - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Franozan
- Franpicin - Hataphar
- Franrogyl - Eloge France
- Franrova - Eloge France
- Franroze
- Franso - Hataphar
- Frantamol - Hataphar
- Frantel - Eloge France
- Franvit A-D - Hataphar
- Franvit B1 - Hataphar
- Franvit B1-B6-B12 - Hataphar
- Franvit C - Hataphar
- Franvit E - Hataphar
- Franxit - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Franyl
- Franzbragil F - Agil-Pharma, Dr R. Lang
- Franzbragil M - Agil-Pharma, Dr R. Lang
- Franzbranns - Hilary's Distibution
- Franzbranntwein - Maria Clementine Martin Klosterfrau
- Franzbranntwein mit Fichtennadelol - Dr. Hetterich Chemische Fabrik
- Fraquinol
- Frass-Ratron
- Frastim - RPG Life Sciences
- Frauline - Abbott
- Fraurs - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Fravit - Degort's Chemical
- Fravit B12 - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Fravitan - Degort's Chemical
- Fraxidol - Edmond Pharma
- Fraxiforte - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxime - Korea Pharma
- Fraxinum Americana - Homeocan
- Fraxinus - Phyto-Sante
- Fraxinus American - Dolisos
- Fraxinus Americana - Boiron
- Fraxinus Americana - Dolisos
- Fraxinus Americana - Homeocan
- Fraxinus Americana - Seroyal
- Fraxinus Americana - Standard Homeopathic
- Fraxinus Americana - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Fraxinus Americana Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Fraxinus Americana Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Fraxinus Excelsior - Boiron
- Fraxinus Excelsior - Dolisos
- Fraxinus Excelsior - Homeocan
- Fraxinus Excelsior - Seroyal
- Fraxiparin - Sanofi-Aventis; F. Joh. Kwizda
- Fraxiparin Duo - Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxiparin Multi - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxiparina - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxiparina Forte - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxiparine - GlaxoSmithKline; C.T.S. Chemical Industries; Firma Chun Cheong; Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Fraxiparine Forte - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Fraxiparine Multi - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxipos N - Ursapharm Arzneimittel
- Fraxodi - GlaxoSmithKline; Sanofi-Aventis
- Fraxone - Ranbaxy
- Fray Romano - Ximena Polanco Laboratorio
- Frazim - Francia Farmaceutici Industria Farmaco Biologica
- Frazine - Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical
- Frazole - Zim Laboratories; Starpharm; Suhitas Pharmaceuticals
- Frazoline - Recordati; Rich Plan International
- Frazon - Ferron
- FreAmine - Fresenius; Biomed, New Zealand; Kendall McGaw
- FreAmine 3% Electrolitos - Pfizer
- FreAmine 8.5% - B. Braun
- FreAmine HBC - B. Braun
- Freamine HBC 6.9% - B. Braun
- FreAmine Hepatico - Pfizer
- FreAmine II 8.5% - B. Braun
- FreAmine III - B. Braun; Baxter; Luen Cheong Hong; Pfizer
- FreAmine III 10% - B. Braun
- FreAmine III 3% with Electrolytes - B. Braun
- FreAmine III 8.5% - B. Braun
- FreAmine III 8.5% with Electrolytes - B. Braun
- Frebac - MacroPhar
- Frebini - Fresenius
- Fre-Bre - Self-Care Products
- Frecuental - Lacefa Laboratorios
- Fredam - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Fredcina - Bunker Industria Farmaceutica
- Frednil - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Fredol - Medipharm, Chile
- Fredoxyl - Fredun Pharmaceuticals; Bao Tan
- Fredyr - Rafarm
- Fredyren - Rafarm
- Free and Clear - Pharmaceutical Specialties
- Free M - Universal Medicare
- Freecad - Wockhardt
- Freeclo - Actavis
- Freedavite - Freeda Vitamins
- Freederm - Diomed Developments
- Freederm - Intra Labs India
- Freederm pH-Balance - Schering-Plough
- Freederm Tar - Schering-Plough
- Freederm Zinc - Schering-Plough
- Freedom - Magnus Biotech
- Freedom Forte - Magnus Biotech
- Freedox - Pfizer
- Freeflex - Universal Medicare; Cagipharm
- Freeflex Cloruro Sodico - Fresenius
- Freeflex Forte - Universal Medicare
- Freeflex Glucosa - Fresenius
- Freeflex Glucosalina - Fresenius
- Freeflex Ringer Lactato - Fresenius
- Freegas - Prati-Donaduzzi
- Freemove - Prayash Healthcare
- Freenal - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Freescab - BMW Pharmaco India
- Freesept - Rider Laboratorios
- Freestyle - Abbott
- Freestyle Papillon - Ypsomed
- Freetop - Janssen
- Freeuril
- Freeze - May & Baker
- Freez-Eez - Germiphene
- Freezex - Hawthorne Products
- Freezex Hoof Freeze - Hawthorne Products
- Freezone - Wyeth; Aspen Pharmacare; Medtech Laboratories
- Freezone One Step Corn and Callus Remover Pads - Medtech Products
- Frego - Kalbe Farma; Mega Lifesciences
- Freimax - Caldeira & Marques
- Freka-Cetamol - Fresenius
- Freka-Cid - Stada; Antah Pharma; Khuong Duy Pharmaceutical
- Freka-Clyss - Fresenius
- Frekaderm - Fresenius
- Freka-Derm - Fresenius
- Freka-Drainjet - Fresenius
- Freka-Drainjet Purisole - Fresenius
- Freka-Feindesinfektion - Fresenius
- Freka-Nol - Fresenius
- Frekaphyllin
- Freka-Sept 80 - Fresenius
- Freka-Steril - Fresenius
- Frekatuss - Fresenius
- FrekaVit - Fresenius
- Frekentine
- Frekven
- Fremet - Recordati
- Fremid - Euro-Med Laboratories Phil
- Fremov Capsules - East West Pharma
- Fremov Gel - East West Pharma
- Fremov-ME - East West Pharma
- Frenac Plus - Waves-Biotech
- Frenac-MR - Waves-Biotech
- Frenacol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Frenactil - Janssen; Sanofi-Aventis
- Frenactyl
- Frenadol - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Frenadol Complex - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Frenadol PS - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Frenador - Ibfarma Industria de Biotecnologia Farmaceuticos
- Frenal - Pfizer; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Frenal Compositum - Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals; Monsanto Italiana
- Frenal Rinologico - Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals; Monsanto Italiana
- Frenaler - Chile Laboratorios
- Frenaler - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Frenaler-D - Chile Laboratorios
- Frenantol - Anglo French Laboratories
- Frenaseltz - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Frenasma - Faran Laboratories
- Frenatus - Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Frencerol - Nam Ha
- French Parad'ox Plus - Arkopharma Laboratoires; Age D'or Healthcare
- Frend - Klar Sehen
- Frendox - Errekappa Euroterapici
- Frene - Boiron
- Frenespan - Otsuka Pharmaceutical
- Frenin - Samarth Pharma
- Frenogastrico
- Frenolon - Celltech
- Frenolyse - Sanofi-Aventis
- Frenopect - Sanavita Pharmaceuticals
- Frenopect Retard - Sanavita Pharmaceuticals
- Frenotos - Columbia de Argentina Laboratorios
- Frenotos - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Frenotos Muc - Columbia de Argentina Laboratorios
- Frenotosse - Cimed Industria de Medicamentos
- Frenotossil - Infabra Industria Farmaceutica Brasileira
- Frenovex - Hearst Laboratorios do Brasil
- Frentirox
- Frenurin - UCI-Farma Industria Farmaceutica
- Frerichs Maldifassi - Pharbenia Societa del Gruppo Bayer
- Fres Diab - Simex Phanrmaceutical Indonesia
- Frescansol - Volta Laboratorio
- Fresco - Genesis Biotec
- Fresco - Rekah
- Fresenius OPD - Rowa Pharmaceuticals
- Fresenizol - Fresenius
- Fresh 100 - Multi-Clean
- Fresh and Go Toothpaste Adult - Bolton Dental Manufacturing
- Fresh and Go Toothpaste Children - Bolton Dental Manufacturing
- Fresh Cooling Body Mist Sunblock SPF 30 - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Cooling Body Mist Sunblock SPF 45 - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Cooling Body Mist Sunscreen SPF 30 - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Cooling Body Mist Sunscreen SPF 45 - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Cooling Sunblock Gel SPF 30 - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Cooling Sunblock Gel SPF 45 - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Daily Hydrating Fluid SPF 15 - Garnier
- Fresh Essentials Daily Nourishing Moisturizer - Johnson & Johnson
- Fresh Facial Cream SPF 15 - Nature's Gate Herbal Cosmetics
- Fresh Power Gold - Gemini Packaging
- Fresh Scent Clorox Clean-Up Bleach Cleaner - The Clorox Company
- Fresh Taste Antiseptic Mouthwash - Scott Chemical
- Fresh Tears - Allergan
- Freshburst Listerine - Pfizer
- Freshex - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- Fresh-Gear - Georgia Steel & Chemical
- Freshgum - OPV
- Freshkin - Pymepharco
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