Pharmaceutical products list, page 61:
- Deltaran - Strathmann
- Deltaren - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
- Deltarhinol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deltarhinol-Mono - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deltarinolo - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deltasay - Biofarma Farmaceutica
- Deltasim - Delta Generic
- Deltasiton - Faes Farma
- Deltasolone - Sanofi-Aventis; Apex Pharma Marketing; Sunward Pharmaceutical
- Deltasone - Pfizer
- Delta-Sone - Pfizer
- Deltasoralen - Delta Laboratories
- Deltastab - Sovereign Medical; Waymade Healthcare
- Delta-Stab - Sovereign Medical; Waymade Healthcare
- Deltathione
- Delta-Tomanol - Byk
- Delta-Tritex - Dermol Pharmaceuticals
- Deltavac - Trimen
- Deltavagin - Finderm Farmaceutici di Scaccia Fabbio
- Deltavit - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
- Deltazen - Sanofi-Aventis; Irex Laboratoires
- Deltazen LP - Sanofi-Aventis; Irex Laboratoires
- Deltazina
- Deltazine Adrenalinee 1 / 100000 - Ato Zizine Laboratoire
- Deltazine Adrenalinee 1 / 200000 - Ato Zizine Laboratoire
- Deltazine sans Vasoconstricteur - Ato Zizine Laboratoire
- Deltidrosol - Poli Industria Chimica
- Deltin - Istituto Farmacoterapico Italiano
- Deltisan - Valma Laboratorio
- Deltisilone
- Deltison - Recip, Sweden
- Deltisona - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deltisona B - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deltisone - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delto-Cyl Ho-Len-Complex - Pharma Liebermann
- Deltoram-GP - Farmacos Continentales
- Deltoside
- Deltra
- Deltrate 20
- Deltron - Novagen Pharmaceuticals
- Deltron - Pharmacos Exakta
- Deltrox - Dupomar
- Deltyl Extra
- Deltylextra
- Delufen - Richard Bittner
- Delursan - Axcan Pharma
- Delussa Black FW
- Delvas - Approved Prescription Services
- Del-Vi-A - Del Ray Laboratories
- Delvinal
- Delvit - P & B Laboratories
- Delzinon
- Delzol-W
- Dem - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Dema - T Man Pharma
- Demac - Osotspa
- Demacot - Dae Hwa Pharm; Hoang Khang
- Demadar
- Demadex - Roche; Jouveinal; Meda
- Demalgon - Extractum Pharma
- Demalgonil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Demalit - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Demanol - Eskom NPK
- Demar - Politecnicos Nacionales Laboratorios
- Demarol
- Demasorb
- Demator - RPG Life Sciences
- Demavet
- Demazin - Schering-Plough
- Demazin 12 Hour Repetabs - Schering-Plough
- Demazin 6 Hour - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Anti-Allergy - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Anti-Tussive - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Clear - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Clear Infant - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Cold and Flu - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Cough and Cold - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Cough Cold and Flu - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Day / Night Relief - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Decongestant - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Expectorant - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Infant - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Non-Drowsy - Schering-Plough
- Demazin NS - Schering-Plough
- Demazin Sinus - Schering-Plough
- Demazin SR - Schering-Plough
- Demazole - Adley Formulation
- Demdec - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Deme - Duopharma; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Demebronc - Wyeth
- Demeclocycline - Amneal Pharmaceuticals
- Demeclocycline - Barr Laboratories
- Demeclocycline - Covenant Pharma
- Demeclocycline - Impax Laboratories
- Demeclor
- Demelan - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- De-Menthasin - E. Scheurich Pharma
- Demeon D
- Demeprazol
- Demergin - Demo
- Demerol - Sanofi-Aventis; Abbott; Hospira
- Demerol APAP - Sanofi-Aventis
- Demerung - Biotecnoquimica Laboratorio
- Demeso
- Demetil - Farmila-Thea Farmaceutici
- Demetraclin
- Demetrin - Pfizer; Parke-Davis
- Demex - Berlin-Chemie
- Demiax - Merck
- Demicina - Medosan Industrie Biochimiche Riunite
- Demiderm - Schering-Plough
- Demilets
- Demine - Armour Remedies India
- Deminofen
- Demi-Regroton - Merck; Sanofi-Aventis
- Demisone - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Demix - Ashbourne Pharmaceuticals
- Demo - Nordic Formulations
- Demo Baume - Democal
- Demo Cineol - Sabex; Sandoz
- Demo Cineol Adulte - Sabex; Sandoz
- Demo Cineol Bebe - Sandoz
- Demo Cineol Enfants - Sandoz
- Demo Collyre No 2 - Democal
- Demo D - Osmed Formulations
- Demo Elixir Pectoral N - Democal
- Demo Gouttes Bronchiques - Democal
- Demo Gouttes Contre la Toux - Democal
- Demo Gouttes Pour les Yeux No 1 - Democal
- Demo Hustenelixier N - Vifor Pharma
- Demo Pates Pectorales - Democal
- Demo Pommade Contre les Refroidissements - Democal
- Demo Pommade Contre les Refroidissements pour Bebes - Democal
- Demo Sirop Bronchique N - Democal
- Demo Sirop Contre la Toux - Democal
- DemoAngina - Democal
- Democineol Bebe - Sabex
- Democineol Enfants - Sabex
- Democracin
- Democyl - Democal
- Demodek - Drag Pharma Invetec
- Demodenal - Democal
- Demodenal Compositum - Democal
- Demoderhin - Democal
- Demodon - Democal
- Demodon Neo - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demogripal - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demogripal C - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demogripp - Democal
- Demol - Nitin Pharmaceuticals
- Demolaxin - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- DemoLibral - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demolox - Wyeth
- Demo-MR - Nordic Formulations
- Demon
- Demonatur Blasen und Nierendragees - Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Capsules Ail-Aubepine - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Capsules Contre les Refroidissements - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Dragees Calmantes - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Dragees pour les Reins et la Vessie - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Erkaltungskapseln - Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Ginkgo - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Ginkgo Forte - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demonatur Gouttes pour le Foie et la Bile - Democal; Vifor Pharma
- Demo-P - Nordic Formulations
- Demopart - Ferring
- Demopectol Bronchialpastillen - Vifor Pharma
- DemoPectol Bronchialsirup - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- DemoPectol Bronchialtropfen - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- DemoPectol Drops - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demopectol Junior - Vifor Pharma
- DemoPectol Syrup - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demoplas Comp Suppositories - Adenylchemie
- Demoplas Comp Tablets - Adenylchemie
- Demoplas Injections - Adenylchemie; Pfizer
- Demoplas Suppositories - Adenylchemie
- Demoplas Tablets - Adenylchemie
- Demoprin Nouvelle Formule - Democal
- Demo-Rhinil - Democal
- Demorphan
- Demorphine
- Demo-S - Nordic Formulations
- Demosec - Shanxi Powerdone Pharmaceutical
- Demosept - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demosept Jod - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demo-SP - Nordic Formulations
- Demostan Gel - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demostan N Cream - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demostan N Gel - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demostan Ointment - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demosulfan
- Demosvelte N - Democal
- Demotest - Pierre Fabre
- Demotherm Pommade Contre le Rhumatisme - Democal
- Demotil
- Demotini - Cooper
- DemoTussil - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- DemoTussol - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demovarin - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demovarin Forte - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demoven N - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demovit - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demovit C - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demovit Super - Vifor Pharma; Democal
- Demox - Acekinetic Healthcare
- Demox - Demotex 1986
- Demoxin-CB - Alde Medi Impex
- Demozem - Evers Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Dempol - Esoform
- Demser - Merck
- Demsil - Vocate Pharmaceuticals
- Demsodrox
- Dem-Sul-Zine - P.V.U.
- Demucine - Leti Laboratorios
- Demulcin - Ferraton Farmaceutisk Fabrik
- Demulen - Pfizer; GD Searle
- Demusin - Asociados Nupel Laboratorios
- Demykon
- Demykosan - Bayrol Chemische Fabrik
- Demykosan S - Bayrol Chemische Fabrik
- Den 141 - Les Importations Herbasante
- Denacen - Marjan Industria e Comercio
- Denaclof - Novartis
- Denafed Capsules - Candor Biotech
- Denafed Syrup - Candor Biotech
- Denagard - Novartis
- Denagard Liquid Concentrate - Novartis
- Denagard Medicated Premix - Novartis
- Denagard Soluble Powder - Novartis
- Denamol - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Denan - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Dena-N - Zota Health Care; Sayona
- Denapol
- Denapon
- Denapranil - CCM Duopharma BioTech
- Denapril - Medinfar Laboratorio
- Denar - Chemo Drugs
- Denason - Greenpharma Quimica e Farmaceutica
- Denausal - Vacopharm
- Denavir - Novartis; GlaxoSmithKline
- Denax
- Denaxpren - Coll Farma
- Denazox - Remedica; Nafarma; Pharmadica
- Dencare - Vensat Bio
- Dencerin - BMW Pharmaco India
- Denclor - Ultramark Healthcare
- Denco - Carter Horner
- Denco Beta Preg - Carter Products
- Dencoccult - Carter Products
- Dencold Suspension - BMW Pharmaco India
- Dencold Tablets - BMW Pharmaco India
- Dencorub - Carter Products
- Dencorub Anti-Inflammatory - Carter Products
- Dencorub Arthritis - Carter Products
- Dencorub Arthritis Ice - Carter Products
- Dencorub Extra Strength - Carter Products
- Dencorub Gel - Ponce & Benzo Sucesores
- Dencorub Pain Relieving Cream - Carter Products
- Dencorub Spray - Ponce & Benzo Sucesores
- Dencorub Uncion - Ponce & Benzo Sucesores
- Dencure - Elfin Pharma
- Dencyl - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dendrid - Alcon
- Dendritis
- Denecort - Cipla; Phil Pharmawealth
- Denerel - Medochemie; Derek Marketing; Komedic; Medline, Thailand
- Denerval - Jaba Farmaceutica
- Denex - Medochemie; Derek Marketing; Komedic; Medline, Thailand; Star Medical Supplies
- Denex-P - Excare Laboratories
- Denex-PF Gel - Excare Laboratories
- Denex-PF Mouthwash - Excare Laboratories
- Denex-S - Excare Laboratories
- Denfast - BMW Pharmaco India
- Denfos - Biofarma Laboratorio; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Dengu - Sagopha
- Deniban - Sanofi-Aventis; Boehringer Ingelheim
- Denilac - Dong Nam
- Denilyte-E - Denis Chem Lab
- Denilyte-G - Denis Chem Lab
- Denilyte-M - Denis Chem Lab
- Denilyte-P - Denis Chem Lab
- Denim - B L Hua
- Denim DS - Maneesh Health Care
- Denim Juicy - Maneesh Health Care
- Denim MD - Maneesh Health Care; Blossoms Biologicals
- Denim P - Maneesh Health Care; Blossoms Biologicals
- Denim Plus - Maneesh Health Care
- Deniren - Pfizer
- Denisoline - Aerocid Laboratoires
- Denium - Pharmaniaga
- Denix HP - Terra Botanica Products
- Denizen - Mipharmco
- Denkacort - Star Medical Supplies; Universal Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Denkagin Pain Relief - Denk Pharma
- Denkan - CCM Duopharma BioTech
- Denkavepon
- Denlot - Thien Thao Pharmaceutical
- Denof - Bennet Pharmaceuticals
- Denol - Gerolymatos; Elder Pharmaceuticals; Primal Chemical
- De-Nol - Yamanouchi; Astellas Pharma; Brocades Pharma; CSL; Gerolymatos; Indrugco; Perrigo; Pharma-Regist; Primal Chemical; U.S. Summit
- De-Noltab - Astellas Pharma
- Denomix - Combiphar
- Denopot - Sanify Healthcare
- Denopt - Terra Botanica Products
- Denoral - Sanofi-Aventis
- Denoral Syrup - Sanofi-Aventis
- Denoral Syrup, France - Sanofi-Aventis
- Denoral Tablets - Sanofi-Aventis
- Denorex - Wyeth; Aspen Pharmacare; Neopharm, Israel
- Denorex Daily - Wyeth
- Denorex Everyday Strength - Denorex Company; Ultimark Products
- Denorex Extra Strength Medicated Shampoo - Denorex Company; Ultimark Products
- Denorex Extra Strength Medicated Shampoo with Conditioners - Denorex Company; Ultimark Products
- Denorex Herbal - Wyeth
- Denorex Medicated Shampoo Balanced Strength - Denorex Company
- Denorex Medicated Shampoo Balanced Strength with Conditioners - Denorex Company
- Denorex Medicated Shampoo Regular - Denorex Company; Ultimark Products
- Denorex Medicated Shampoo Spring Fresh - Denorex Company; Ultimark Products
- Denorex Medicated Shampoo with Conditioners - Denorex Company; Ultimark Products
- Denorex Original - Wyeth
- Denorex Plus - Wyeth
- Denoseal - Fourrts India Laboratories
- Denoseal-F - Fourrts India Laboratories
- Denosin - Bidiphar
- Denosol - Doerenkamp; Melisana
- Denpot-KF - Sanify Healthcare
- Denpru - Fada Pharma
- Denquel - Procter & Gamble
- Densafe - Elfin Pharma
- Densera - BMW Pharmaco India
- Densera-D - BMW Pharmaco India
- Densera-N - BMW Pharmaco India
- Densica Alpha - Cosme Farma Laboratories
- Densical - Zambon; Rubio Laboratorios
- Densical D - Zambon; Vitoria Laboratorios
- Densical Vitamine D3 - Zambon
- Densinfluat
- Density Factors - Future Formulations
- Denson - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Densopax - Justesa Imagen
- Dent One - Little Greave Pharmaceuticals
- Dent One Tooth Paste - Little Greave Pharmaceuticals
- Denta Plus - Rising Pharmaceuticals
- Dentachlor - Nor Vet Sales
- Dentadol - Phil Inter Pharma
- Dentafar - Vidipha
- Dentafijal - Ciclum Farma
- DentaGel - Rising Pharmaceuticals
- Dentagesic - Maver Laboratorios
- Dentain - Centaur Pharmaceuticals
- Dentakind - Mankind Pharma
- Dental Floss with Fluoride - Oral-B
- Dental Gel for Kids Tasty Fruit Flavour - Melaleuca
- Dental Ointment - Abbott
- Dental Tape with Sodium Fluoride - Oral-B
- Dentalgar - Produits Marc-O 1987
- Dentaliv - Mintlab
- Dentalivio - Instituto de Medicamentos e Alergia IMA
- Dental-Phenjoca - Labor Worndli
- Dentamet - Altaivitaminy
- Denta-Mint Topical Fluoride Solution - Colgate-Palmolive
- Dentan - Ipex Medical
- Dentapaine - Reese Pharmaceutical
- Denta-Pep Rinse Aerosol - Wallace Orapharm
- Dentaplus - Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN
- Dentarec - K2 Health & Wellness
- Dentarfar - Vidipha
- Dentasep - Stedman Pharmaceuticals
- Dentasep-F - Stedman Pharmaceuticals
- Dentasept
- Dentaton Antisettico - Ghimas
- Dentecalcio - Melpoejo Laboratorio
- Dentese - J. McGloin
- Dentex - Colgate-Palmolive; Centre Specialites Pharmaceutiques
- Dentgital - F.T. Pharma
- Denti Gum C - Brovar S & P
- Denti Gum CF - Brovar S & P
- Denti Gum F - Brovar S & P
- Denticare - Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Denticare Acidic Topical Foam Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Anti-Cavity Sodium Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Anti-Cavity Sodium Fluoride Oral Rinse - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Chlorhexidine Gluconate - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Denti-Freeze Topical Anesthetic Gel - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Disclosing Solution - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Fluoride Treatment 60 Sec - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Hemostatic Solution - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Neutral Sodium Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Neutral Sodium Fluoride Gel - A.R. Medicom
- Denticare Neutral Topical Foam Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denticare Prophylaxis Paste with Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Prophylaxis Paste with Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Stannous Fluoride - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Stannous Fluoride Gel - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care System Fluoride Mint Tooth Gel - Melaleuca
- Denti-Care Topical Anesthetic Gel - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Topical Anesthetic Liquid Spray - A.R. Medicom
- Denti-Care Topical Anesthetic Spray - A.R. Medicom
- Denticina Dr. Gonzalez - C. Gonzalez
- Denti-Clean Extra-Whitening Toothpaste - Melaleuca
- Dentiform - Roche
- Dentigoa - E. Scheurich Pharma
- Dentigoa N - E. Scheurich Pharma
- Dentikrisos - Quimifar Laboratorio
- Dentin - Rekah
- Dentinale - Montefarmaco
- DentinBloc Dentin Desensitizer
- Dentinox - Chemipal
- Dentinox - Dentinox
- Dentinox - Solvay
- Dentinox Colic Drops - People's Pharmacy
- Dentinox Colic Drops - Trinity Trading; Diomed Developments
- Dentinox Cradle Cap - Diomed Developments; Indrugco; People's Pharmacy
- Dentinox Cradle Cap Treatment Shampoo - Diomed Developments
- Dentinox Drops - Altana Pharma; Byk
- Dentinox Gel - Altana Pharma; Byk
- Dentinox Infant Colic Drops - Diomed Developments; Indrugco; People's Pharmacy
- Dentinox Infant Cradle Cap - Diomed Developments; Indrugco; People's Pharmacy
- Dentinox N - Dentinox; Penta Pharma
- Dentinox Teething Gel - Diomed Developments; Indrugco; People's Pharmacy; Trinity Trading
- Dentipatch - Noven Pharmaceuticals
- Dentirol Fluor - Dentirol
- Dentisan - Multilab Farmaceuticos
- Dentispray - Ferraz Lynce; Andromaco Laboratorios; Master Laboratorio Farmaceutico; Vinas
- Dentition Sirop Dental - Nadeau Laboratory
- Dentix - Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Dentobaume - Tradiphar Laboratoire
- Dentocaine with Epinephrine - Phoenix Pharmaceuticals
- Dentocar - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dentocure - Johnson & Johnson
- Dentogel - Indoco Remedies
- Dentogen - Anglian Pharma
- Dentohexin - G. Streuli
- Dentohexine - G. Streuli
- Dent-O-Kain - Geritrex
- Dentol Topico - Calmante Vitaminado
- Dentolamina - Inibsa Laboratorios
- Dentolina Plus - Argentino Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Dentomicin - Seid Laboratorios
- Dentomycin - Kreussler Chemische Fabrik
- Dentomycin - Wyeth; Blackwell Supplies
- Dentomycine - AHP Schweiz
- Dentophar - Qualiphar
- Dentosan Azione Intensiva - Pfizer
- Dentosan Carie and Alito - Pfizer
- Dentosan Clorexidina - Pfizer
- Dentosan Extra Fluor - Pfizer
- Dentosan Junior - Pfizer
- Dentosan Mese - Pfizer
- Dentosan Parodontale - Pfizer
- Dentosan Placca and Carie - Pfizer
- Dentosan Prevent - Pfizer
- Dentosan Sensibile - Pfizer
- Dentosedina - Teofarma
- Dentovax - Bouty
- Dentoxil - Master Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Dentra Gel - Intra Labs India
- Dentra Gum Paint - Intra Labs India
- Dentra Mouthwash - Intra Labs India
- Dentra Paste - Intra Labs India
- Dentra-K - Intra Labs India
- Dentron - Sanify Healthcare; Star Biomed
- Dentrosym - Symbiosis; Materkin Healthcare
- Dent's Extra Strength Toothache Gum - Grandpa Brands
- Dent's Lotion-Jel - Grandpa Brands
- Dent's Maximum Strength Toothache Drops - Grandpa Brands
- Dentsiblen Mouthwash - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dentsiblen Toothpaste - GlaxoSmithKline
- Denture Orajel Gel - Commerce Pharmaceutics
- Dentyl pH - Grafton Pharmasia
- Denubil - Pierre Fabre
- Denufam - Caprifarmindo Laboratories
- Denulcer - Ciclum Farma
- Denvar - Merck
- Denvercrem - Denver Farma
- Denxol - La Pharmaceuticals
- Denydryl
- Denyl - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Denzapine - Denfleet International
- Denzo - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Deo - Milano Lab
- Deo Douceur Creme Anti-Transpirante - Biotherm
- Deo Douceur Roll-On Anti-Transpirant - Biotherm
- Deobact - Hamilton Pharmaceuticals
- Deocil - Diffucap-Chemobras Quim Farm
- Deodorant Antisudorifique - Vichy
- Deodorant Dermo Tolerance Bille - Vichy
- Deodorant Dermo Tolerance Stick - Vichy
- Deodorant Douceur - Biotherm
- De-ol - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Metro Drug Distribution; New Marketlink Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Deolin - Unison Laboratories; Medline, Thailand
- Deomist - Tennier Absorbent Products
- Deopens - Brunel Laboratories
- Deopid - Masa Lab
- Deorvit - Picco Pharma
- Deosan - BioMedica Life Sciences
- Deosan - Diversey
- Deosan Green Label Steriliser
- Deosone - P.C. India Pharma
- Deotrin - Bunker Industria Farmaceutica
- Deoval
- Deoxical - Galeno Quimica
- Deoxidant - Radicura Pharmaceuticals
- Deoxykanamycin B
- Deoxymykoin - Zentiva
- Deoxy-Norephedrine
- DEP - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical; Uphace
- Depa - Alra Laboratories
- Depacon - Abbott
- Depade - Mallinckrodt
- Depain - Laser
- Depain Gel - Saga Laboratories
- Depain Plus - Vesta Medicines
- Depakene - Sanofi-Aventis; Abbott; Banner Pharmacaps; DPT Laboratories; Kyowa Hakko; Zuellig Pharma
- Depakin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakin Chrono - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakine - Sanofi-Aventis; Abbott; DKSH
- Depakine Chrono - Sanofi-Aventis; DKSH
- Depakine Chrono Retard - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakine Chronospere - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakine Chronosphere - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakine Enteric - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakine Zuur - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakote - Abbott; Sanofi-Aventis
- Depakote CP - Abbott
- Depakote ER - Abbott; Zuellig Pharma
- Depakote Sprinkle - Abbott
- Depalept - Sanofi-Aventis; C.T.S. Chemical Industries
- Depalept Chrono - Sanofi-Aventis; C.T.S. Chemical Industries
- Depam - Neiss Labs
- Depamag - Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Depamide - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depamine
- DepAndro - Forest Laboratories
- DepAndrogyn - Forest Laboratories
- Depan-F - Unison Laboratories; Firma Welfare Instrument; Health Alliance International; Medispec
- Depanthenol - Hemofarm
- Depanthol - Nizhpharm
- Deparal
- Deparkin - Zentiva
- Deparon - Great Eastern Drug
- Deparon - Merck
- Depas - Fournier
- Depas - Zota Pharmaceuticals
- Depasan - Solvay
- Depci - Auspi Medicaments
- Depcid-O - East African India Overseas
- Depci-TZ - Auspi Medicaments
- Depectin - Amico Laboratories
- Depel - Zee Laboratories
- Depen - MedPointe Healthcare; Carter Horner
- Dependal-M - GlaxoSmithKline
- Depersolon - Gedeon Richter
- Depesert - Merck
- Depex - Sandoz
- Depgard - Sanat Products
- DepGynogen - Forest Laboratories
- Dephandon - Acdhon
- Depicor - Merck
- Depiderm - Uriage Laboratoires Dermatologiques; Viet Nu
- Depidol - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- D-Epifrin - Allergan; Eco-Med-Poll Prague
- Depig - Intermed Pharma
- Depig-F - Intermed Pharma
- Depigman - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Depigoid - Leti Pharma
- Depig-TM - Intermed Pharma
- Depik - Aarpik Pharmaceuticals
- Depik Forte - Aarpik Pharmaceuticals
- Depik Plus - Aarpik Pharmaceuticals
- Depil
- Depin - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- Depin Retard - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- Depinar - Armour Pharmaceutical
- Depin-E - Cadilla Healthcare; Pharmadica; Zyfas Medical
- Depin-E Retard - Cadilla Healthcare; Pharmadica
- Depival - Psyco Remedies
- Depix
- Depixol Injection - Lundbeck; Zuellig Pharma
- Depixol Low Volume - Lundbeck
- Depixol Tablets - Lundbeck
- Depizide - Pond's Chemical Thailand
- Deplam-S - Mankind Pharma
- Deplatol - Walter Bushnell
- Deplatt - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Deplatt-A - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Deplatt-CV - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Deplecat - Baxter
- Deplin - Sykocure Lifesciences
- DepMedalone - Forest Laboratories
- Depnil - Cipla
- Depnon - Organon
- Depo Moderin - Pfizer
- Depocid
- Depocillin - Astellas Pharma; Intervet
- Depo-Clinovir - Pfizer
- Depocoid - Wyeth
- Depocon - Duopharma
- Depocon - Pfizer
- DepoCyt - Enzon Pharmaceuticals; Pacira Pharmaceuticals; Paladin Laboratories; SkyePharma
- DepoCyt Liposomal - Enzon Pharmaceuticals
- DepoCyte - Napp Pharmaceuticals; Mundipharma; Norpharma; SkyePharma
- Depodillar - GlaxoSmithKline; Roche
- DepoDur - Endo Pharmaceuticals; EKR Therapeutics; Pacira Pharmaceuticals; SkyePharma
- Depo-Estradiol - Pfizer
- Depofin - Allen Laboratorios
- Depogamma - Worwag Pharma
- Depogen - Hyrex Pharmaceuticals
- Depo-Gestin - ANB Laboratories
- Depoject - Merz
- Depolan - Nordic Drugs
- Depolut - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Depo-M - Vesco Pharmaceutical
- Depomax - Biomax Biotechnics
- Depomax-S - Biomax Biotechnics
- Depo-Medrate - Pfizer
- Depomedrol - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrol - Pfizer; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Max India; Perrigo; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Depo-Medrol com Lidocaina - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrol cum Lidocain - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrol cum Lidokain - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrol mit Lidocain - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrol Veterinary - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrol with Lidocaine - Pfizer; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Depo-Medrone - Pfizer; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology
- Depo-Medrone med Lidokain - Pfizer
- Depo-Medrone with Lidocaine - Pfizer
- DepoMetysol - OPV
- Depon - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Depon Maximum - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Depon Vitamin C - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Depo-Nisolone - Pfizer
- Deponit - Schwarz Pharma; Allphar Services; Altana Pharma; Bayer Schering Pharma; BJC Trading; Gebro Pharma; Globopharm; LTC Lohmann Therapiesysteme; Medis Pharma; Orion Pharma; Ranbaxy; UCB Pharma; Zyfas Medical
- Deponit NT - Schwarz Pharma; Firma Chun Cheong; GlaxoSmithKline; Zuellig Pharma
- Deponit TTS - Schwarz Pharma
- Depopred - Hyrex Pharmaceuticals; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Depo-Predate - Legere Pharmaceuticals
- Depo-Prodasone - Pfizer
- Depo-Progesno - Milano Lab
- Depo-Progesta - General Drugs House
- Depo-Progestin - DKT International
- Depo-Progevera - Pfizer
- Depo-Promone
- Depoprovera - Pfizer
- Depo-Provera - Pfizer; Max India; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Depo-Ralovera - Pfizer
- Deporeva - Elder Pharmaceuticals; QB International Trade
- Deposal - Neoterapici Benvegna
- Deposet - VHB Life Sciences
- Deposiston - Jenapharm
- Depostat - Bayer Schering Pharma; Cambridge Laboratories
- Deposteron - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Depo-SubQ Provera - Pfizer
- Depo-SubQ Provera 104 - Pfizer
- Deposul
- Depotest - Hyrex Pharmaceuticals
- Depo-Test - Unigen Life Sciences
- Depo-Testadiol - Pfizer
- Depotestogen - Hyrex Pharmaceuticals
- Depo-Testosterone - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Depot-H15-Insulin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depot-Hal - Hal Allergie; Delta Arzneimittel; Haarlems Allergenen Laboratorium
- Depot-H-Insulin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depot-Insulin Bovine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depot-Insulin Horm - Hormon-Chemie Munchen
- Depot-Insulin Porcine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depot-Insulin S - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depot-Padutin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Depotpen - GlaxoSmithKline
- Depot-Pred - Oubari Pharma
- Depotrone - Adcock Ingram
- Depotrust - Umeda; DKT Philippines
- Depotsulfonamide
- Depot-Thrombophob-N - Abbott
- Depovernil
- Depovig - Madhav Biotech
- Deppreo - Unimed Pharmaceuticals
- Deprakine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deprakine Depot - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deprakine Retard - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depral - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Depramina - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Deprancol - Pfizer
- Depranil - Duopharma
- Depranil - La Pharmaceuticals
- Depranil Plus - La Pharmaceuticals
- Depraser - Farma Lepori
- Deprax - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Deprax - Farma Lepori
- Deprax - Saval Laboratorios
- Deprazolin - Zentiva
- Deprece - Almirall
- Deprectal - Psicofarma Laboratorio
- Deprectal-S - Psicofarma Laboratorio
- Deprefax - Pfizer
- Deprefolt - Actavis
- Depreforce - Bio Active Canada
- Deprelin - Farmo Quimica del Pacifico
- Deprelio - Estedi
- Deprenon - Zentiva
- Deprenorm - Canonpharma Production
- Deprenorm MR - Canonpharma Production
- Deprenyl - Sanofi-Aventis; HRA Pharma; Orion Pharma
- Depress - Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional
- Depressan - Altana Pharma
- Depressase - Sandoz
- Deprex - Interbat
- Deprex - Zentiva
- Deprexan - Trima Pharmaceuticals; Unipharm, Israel
- Deprexen - Lisapharma
- Deprexin - Gedeon Richter; Mekim; Sime Darby Marketing
- Deprexone - JRalph Pharma; Pharma 3
- Deprezac - Actavis
- Depridol - Extractum Pharma
- Deprilan - Biosintetica Laboratorios
- Deprilept - Lundbeck
- Deprim - Sandoz; Lek
- Deprim Forte - Sandoz; Lek
- Deprimil - Merck
- Deprizac - Intas Pharmaceuticals; Phil Pharmawealth
- Depro - Novaduo Pharma
- Deprocid - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deproic - Solvay; Ratiopharm; Technilab Pharma
- Deproist Expectorant with Codeine - Novartis
- Deprol - MedPointe Healthcare
- Depromic
- Depronal - Pfizer
- Depropin - CCM Duopharma BioTech
- Deprox - Ind-Swift
- Deproxin - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Deprozan - Meridian Pharma
- Deprozol - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Depryl - Cipla
- Depsan - Teva
- Depsert - Reliance Life Sciences
- Depsococaine
- Depsodep - Psychotropics India
- Depsol - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Depsol Forte - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Depsol Plus - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Depsonil - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Depsonil-DZ - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Depsonil-DZ Forte - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Depsonil-PM - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Depten - Psyco Remedies
- Depten - Zydus Cadila
- Depten-AZ - Psyco Remedies
- Depten-OZ - Psyco Remedies
- Depther Forte - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Depther Injections - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Depther Tablets - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Deptil Mycocide S - Hypred
- Deptran - Alphapharm
- Deptran - Enila Laboratorio
- Deptune - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Depump - Tablets India
- Depuran - Sanofi-Aventis; Aspen Pharmacare; Woelm Pharma
- Depuratex - Lalco Laboratoire
- Depuratif des Alpes - Sodia Laboratoires
- Depuratif Des Trappistes - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Depuratif Parnel - Poirier Laboratoires Pharmaceutiques; Phytoprevent Laboratoires
- Depuratif Richelet - Richelet Laboratoires
- Depurativo - IDI Farmaceutici
- Depurativo Richelet - Vitafarma, Spain
- Depurativum Instant - Roche
- Depurativum Vegetabile - Sanofi-Aventis
- Depuraton - Biodo
- Depuratum - Lehning Laboratoires
- Depurfat - Herbaline di Ugo Venara
- Depurol - Alpes Chemie; Royal Pharma
- Depurol Retard - Alpes Chemie; Royal Pharma
- Depwell - Mediez Pharma
- Depygon - Sriprasit
- Depyrel - Teva
- Depyret - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Depzac - Cipla
- Depzil - Psyco Remedies
- DEQ - Atlantic Laboratories; Agencia Lei Va Hong
- Dequa / Delin - Atlantic Pharmaceutical
- Dequacaine - Boots; Crookes Healthcare
- Dequa-Coff - Aspen Pharmacare
- Dequadin - Aspen Pharmacare; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Boots; Cheng Heng Hong; Crookes Healthcare; DKSH; Eurospital; GlaxoSmithKline; IDS Group; Inibsa Laboratorios; WellSpring Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Dequadin C - Farmoquimica
- Dequadin Complex - Inibsa Laboratorios
- Dequadin Cool Pastilles - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dequadin Cool Pastilles Lemon - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dequadin Cool Pastilles Menthol - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dequadin Lemon - Aspen Pharmacare; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Boots; Cheng Heng Hong; Crookes Healthcare; Eurospital; GlaxoSmithKline; IDS Group; Inibsa Laboratorios; WellSpring Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Dequadin Lozenges - GlaxoSmithKline; Crookes Healthcare; WellSpring Pharmaceuticals
- Dequadin Lozenges Lemon - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dequadin Lozenges Mint - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dequadin Lozenges Orange - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dequadin Mouth Paint - Aspen Pharmacare
- Dequadin Mouth Ulcer Paint - Boots
- Dequadin Oral Paint - GlaxoSmithKline; WellSpring Pharmaceuticals
- Dequadin Orange - Aspen Pharmacare; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Boots; Cheng Heng Hong; Crookes Healthcare; Eurospital; GlaxoSmithKline; IDS Group; Inibsa Laboratorios; WellSpring Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Dequadin Paint - Boots
- Dequa-Flu - Aspen Pharmacare
- Dequafungan - Provita Pharma
- Dequalid - Wolfs, Belgium
- Dequalinetten - Provita Pharma
- Dequalinium - Drug Houses of Australia
- Dequalinium - Wolfs, Belgium
- Dequa-Loz - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Dequamed - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dequasept - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- Dequasin Extra - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group
- Dequasin Extra Blackberry - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group
- Dequasin Extra Lemon and Honey - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group
- Dequasine - Miller Pharmacal Group
- Dequaspray - Crookes Healthcare
- Dequavagyn - Provita Pharma; Kreussler Chemische Fabrik
- Dequavet
- Dequest
- Dequin - Degort's Chemical
- Dequin - Inibsa Laboratorios
- De-Quit - Gentech Healthcare
- Dequonal - Kreussler Chemische Fabrik; Globopharm; Nycomed
- Dequosangola - Eurospital
- Dera - Ingram & Bell
- Deracyn
- Derain - Leti Laboratorios
- Deralbine - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Deralin - Alphapharm; Teva
- Deralin-M1 - Scoshia Remedy
- Deralin-M2 - Scoshia Remedy
- Deramaxx - Novartis
- Deramaxx Flavor - Novartis
- Deramol Kids - LBS Laboratory
- Derangements Gastro-Intestinaux - Lalco Laboratoire
- Derantox - Curatio Healthcare
- Derapen - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Derapen SQ - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Derapen SQ / LA - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Deratin - Bio Vita
- Deratin - Normon Laboratorios
- Deratol
- Derbac-C - SSL International
- Derbac-M - SSL International; DKSH
- Derbec-N - Alkem Laboratories
- Derbitan Antibiotico - Normon Laboratorios
- Derby Cool - Ind-Swift
- Dercason - Global Multi Pharmalab
- Dercolina - Casasco Laboratorios
- Dercome - Dr. August Wolff Arzneimittel
- Dercos Aminexil SP94 - Vichy
- Dercos Anticaida - Vichy
- Dercotex - Sertex Laboratorio
- Dercusan - Viatris
- Dercut Drops - PEKANA Naturheilmittel
- Dercut Lotion - PEKANA Naturheilmittel
- Dercut Ointment - PEKANA Naturheilmittel
- Dercutane - Cantabria
- Dereme - Menarini
- Deresperine
- Derfina - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Derfon
- Der-Gel - Metagenics
- Dergemate - General Drugs House
- Dergiflux - Gallier Laboratoires
- Dergolyoc - Abbott
- Dergotamine - Abbott
- Dergramin
- Deriat - Unimed Pharmaceuticals
- Deriban
- Dericef - Psyco Remedies
- Dericip - Cipla
- Dericip Plus - Cipla
- Derifil - Rystan; Iketon Farmaceutici
- Deriform - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Deriform Respules - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Derihaler - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Deril - Istituto Bioterapico Nazionale
- Derilate - Hosbon
- Derimer
- Derinase Plus - Pfizer
- Derinat - Technomedservis
- Derinide - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Derinox - Therabel Pharma; Sodip
- Deripen
- Deriphyllin - German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Deriphyllin OD - German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Deriphyllin Retard - German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Deripil - Galderma
- Deripil - Psychotropics India
- Deripil Retard - Psychotropics India
- Derisone - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Derispan - Pymepharco
- Deriton - Nutrimetics International
- Deriva - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals; Uni Drug House
- Deriva-C - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Deriva-CMS - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Deriva-MS - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Derivatio H Injections - A. Pfluger Homoopathisches Laboratorium
- Derivatio H Tablets - A. Pfluger Homoopathisches Laboratorium
- Derivoco - Defuen
- Derivon Cream - Gerot Pharmazeutika
- Derivon Liniment - Gerot Pharmazeutika
- Derlaxim - Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical; Growena Impex
- Derm A - Derm Pharma; JLC Miller
- Derm Hydralin - Roche
- Derm Oil - Trans Canaderm
- Derm Oil Forte - Trans Canaderm
- Derma Bad - Lichtenstein Pharmazeutica
- Derma Care - Fischer Pharmaceuticals
- Derma Care - Nelson Laboratories
- Derma Controle: Gel Nettoyant Moussant - Yves Rocher
- Derma Controle: Gel Normalisant - Yves Rocher
- Derma Controle: Lotion Purifiante - Yves Rocher
- Derma Gold - Psychotropics India
- Derma Keri - Darier Laboratorios Dermatologicos
- Derma Viva - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Derma-4 - Norden Laboratories
- Dermabase - Paddock Laboratories
- Dermabaz - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermabel - Alpes Chemie; Royal Pharma
- Dermabet - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Dermabion - KRKA
- Dermabion - Roussel Vietnam
- Dermabiotic - Elmor Laboratorios
- Dermabiotico - Saval Laboratorios
- Derma-Blanch
- Dermablend - Cosmetique Active; Sephytal
- Dermablend Clarifying Lotion - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermablend Cleansing Milk - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermablend Colloidal Oatmeal Lotion - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermablend Skin Moisturizer Lotion - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermablend Sunblock Cream SPF 24 - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermablend Sunblock Lotion SPF 24 - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermablend Zinc Oxide Cream with Aloe - Stalder Laboratories; BCP Dermatological
- Dermabond - Johnson & Johnson; Ethicon
- Dermac Cream - Stiefel Laboratories
- Dermac Crema - Stiefel Laboratories
- Dermac Jabon - Stiefel Laboratories
- Dermac Soap - Stiefel Laboratories
- Dermacaine
- Dermacalm - Sauter Laboratories
- Dermacalm-D - Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma
- Dermacalm-D mit Dexpanthenol - Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma
- Dermacare - Darrow Laboratorios
- Derma-Care - Neopharm, Israel
- Dermacare Cream - Psychotropics India
- Dermacare Hermal - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Dermacare Soap - Psychotropics India
- Dermacare V Antiseptic Lotion Soap - Easy Way Cleaning Products
- Dermacare W Wheat Germ Oil for Birds - Rolf C. Hagen
- Dermacerium - Silvestre Laboratorios Quimica & Farmaceutica
- Dermacetin-Ped - Stiefel Laboratories
- Dermachrome - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacid - Darier Laboratorios Dermatologicos
- Dermacide - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dermacide Soap - CS Dermatologie
- Dermacide Solution - CS Dermatologie; Sinclair Pharmaceuticals
- Dermaclean - STOM
- Dermacne - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Dermacne Lotion Traitment - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Dermacne Nettoyant - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Dermacne Savon - Les Laboratoires Bio-Sante
- Dermaco - Mediherb
- Dermacoat - Century Pharmaceuticals
- Dermacol - Naphaco
- Dermacol - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries
- Dermacolor - Charles H Fox
- Dermacom - Tecnofarma
- Dermacombin - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries; Union Medical, Thailand
- Dermacool - Virbac
- Dermacool HC - Virbac
- Dermacool Spray for Dogs - Virbac
- Dermacool Spray with Lidocaine Hydrochloride Top - Virbac
- Dermacort - Drug Houses of Australia
- Dermacort - Ratiopharm
- Dermacort - Tanabe
- Dermacortine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacreme - Potter's Herbal Supplies
- Dermacrom - Galderma
- Dermacure - Taxandria Pharmaceutica
- Dermacyd - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacyd Femina - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacyd Femina Breeze - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacyd Femina Delicata - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacyd Infantil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermacyd Pocket - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dermaderm - Ampharco
- Dermades - Pharmacore Labs
- Dermadew - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Dermadex - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dermadex - MTC Pharmaceuticals
- Dermadex - Teofarma
- Dermadex - Tianjin Pharmaceuticals Group Corporation; Endure Medical
- Dermadex Chinolinico - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dermadex Neomicina - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dermadex NN - GlaxoSmithKline
- Dermadine - Cipla
- Dermadram
- Dermadrate - Dermatech Laboratories; Balmar; Hind Wing; Sime Darby Marketing
- DermaDrate Dry Skin Treatment - Dermatech Laboratories; Delfi Singapore
- Dermadrox - Geritrex
- Dermadrox Ointment - Geritrex
- Dermaethyl - Medice Arzneimittel Putter
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