Pharmaceutical products list, page 175:
- Propan with Iron - ADP Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Propanex
- Propanix - Ashbourne Pharmaceuticals
- Propanol - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation; Utopian
- Propanol SR - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation
- Propanolide
- Propanolol - Biosano Laboratorios
- Propanolol - Sanitas Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutico
- Propanorm - ProMed CS Praha
- Propanosedyl
- Propanox - Royton Quimica Farmaceutica
- Propantan
- Propantel - Gastroenterologicos
- Propanthel - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Propantheline - Ascot Pharmaceuticals
- Propantheline - Heather
- Propantheline - Impax Laboratories
- Propantheline - Mylan
- Propantheline - Par Pharmaceutical
- Propantheline - PVT Form
- Propantheline - Roxane Laboratories
- Propantheline - Sandoz
- Propantheline - Tablicaps
- Propantheline - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propanz - Icarus Health Care
- Propa-Oramon - Oramon Arzneimittel
- PropapH - Del Pharmaceuticals
- Propaphenin - Rodleben Pharma
- Propara - Daffohils Pharma
- Proparacaina - Chile Laboratorios
- Proparacaine - Bausch and Lomb
- Proparacaine - Sola Barnes Hind
- Proparacaine - Taylor Pharmaceuticals
- Proparakain-POS - Ursapharm Arzneimittel
- Propargile - Holistica International Laboratoires
- Proparil - Biofarma Farmaceutica
- Proparin - Probiomed
- Propasa
- Propass - Hormel Health Labs; Agencia Lei Va Hong; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical
- Propass Protein Supplement - Hormel Health Labs; IDS Group
- Propast - Ca.Di.Group
- Propastad - Stada
- Pro-Paste - Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies
- Propaste T
- Propa-Tabletten - Dr. Rentschler Arzneimittel
- Propavan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Propavent - GlaxoSmithKline
- Propavente - GlaxoSmithKline
- Propax
- Propayerst - Wyeth
- Propayerst Plus - Wyeth
- Propazin
- Propazine - Tatchempharmpreparaty
- Propecia - Merck; BLH Trading; DKSH; Four Star; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Pro-Pecton Balsam - Produpharm Lappe
- Pro-Pecton Codein Hustentropfen - Produpharm Lappe
- Pro-Pecton Forte Hustensaft - Produpharm Lappe
- Pro-Pecton Hustensaft - Produpharm Lappe
- Pro-Pecton Hustentropfen - Produpharm Lappe
- Propedil - Yauquimia de Mexico
- Propeg Capsules - Unimarck Pharma India
- Propeg Tablets - Unimarck Pharma India
- Propel
- Propellant
- Propellax
- Propen LA - A.P.A.; Vetoquinol
- Propenem - Promedrahardjo Farmasi Industri
- Propep - Biosciences Pharmakon
- Propepsa - Gracia Pharmindo
- Properazine - Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing
- Properidol
- Properil - Alpes Chemie; Royal Pharma
- Properol - Samarth Pharma
- Propeshia - Merck
- Propess - Ferring; A. Lapidot Pharmaceuticals; AstraZeneca; Craveri; CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels; Iasis Chemipharma; Sanofi-Aventis
- Propethonum
- Prophage - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Prophedin - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Prophen - Ultramark Healthcare
- Prophenatin
- Prophene - Halsey Drug
- Pro-Phree - Abbott; Ross Products
- Prophthal - Biovital
- Prophy Paste with Fluoride Assorted - Oral-B
- Prophy Paste with Fluoride Bubblegum - Oral-B
- Prophy Paste with Fluoride Cherry - Oral-B
- Prophy Paste with Fluoride Mint - Oral-B
- Prophy Paste with Fluoride Tropical Fruits - Oral-B
- Prophylactin C - GlaxoSmithKline
- Prophylaxis Paste - Dental Resources of Canada
- Prophyllen - G. Streuli
- Prophyllin - Rystan
- Prophylux - Hennig Arzneimittel
- Propiazol - Istituto Biochimico Sperimentale
- Propibay - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Propiden - Sandoz; DuraScan Medical Products
- Propido - Prayash Healthcare
- Propil - Pfizer
- Propilan - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Propilracil - Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Propiltiouracilo - Chile Laboratorios
- Propimex - Abbott; Ross Products
- Propine - Allergan; Diethelm; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical; Maxim Intercontinental; Tradis-Gat
- Propiochrone - Schering-Plough; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology
- Propiocine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Propiodone
- Propiofar
- Propioform - Schering-Plough
- Propioformo - Schering-Plough
- Propiogenta - Schering-Plough
- Pro-Pioglitazone - Pro Doc
- Propiokan
- Propion
- Propional - Silanes Laboratorios
- Propionat - Farmigea Industria Chimico Farmaceutica
- Propi-Ophtal
- Propiosalic - Schering-Plough
- Propiosol - Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Propiral - Yauquimia de Mexico
- Propirin - Christo Pharmaceuticals; Polywell
- Pro-Piroxicam - Pro Doc
- Propisamine
- Propisol
- Prop-Job
- Pro-Pl - British Biologicals
- Proplast
- Proplax - Hebron Industria Quimica e Farmaceutica
- Proplex - Baxter; Teva
- Proplex T - Baxter; United Italian Trading
- Proplexo - Prodotti Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Proplexo C - Prodotti Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Pro-Plus - Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma
- Propoabbott - Abbott
- Propocam - Abbott
- Propociclina - Pharma-Natura
- Propofan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Propofan Suppositories - Sanofi-Aventis
- Propoflo - Abbott
- Propofol - Abbott
- Propofol - Baxter
- Propofol - Bedford Laboratories
- Propofol - Dakota Pharma
- Propofol - Fresenius
- Propofol - Gensia Sicor Pharmaceuticals
- Propofol - Hospira
- Propofol - Lederle
- Propofol - Mayne Pharma
- Propofol - Merck
- Propofol - Mylan
- Propofol - Neon Laboratories
- Propofol - Novopharm
- Propofol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Propofol - Sicor Pharmaceuticals
- Propofol - Volta Laboratorio
- Propofol Lipuro - B. Braun; DKSH; Four Star
- Propofol-BC - Sandoz
- Propofol-Medargo - Hana Pharmaceutical
- Propol - Leti Laboratorios
- Propol - Sydenham Laboratories
- Propolcream - Bucaneve Medicinali
- Propoleos - Natufarma Laboratorio
- Propolgel - S.A.N.
- Propol-Guard Lip Balm - Beehive Botanicals
- Propolis - Boiron
- Propolis - Dolisos
- Propolis C - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolis Comprimidos - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolis Gotas - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolis Jarabe - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolis Kids - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolis Spray - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolis Spray sin Alcohol - Knop Laboratorios
- Propolisept Urtinktur - St. Johanser Naturmittelvertrieb
- Propolisept-Salbe - St. Johanser Naturmittelvertrieb
- Propolkit - Ximena Polanco Laboratorio
- Propoloplex - Bio Active Canada
- Propomill - Ca.Di.Group
- Proponol - Help, Greece
- Propoquin - Pfizer
- Proporal - Biomedical di L. Imbriani
- Proposol-N - Micropharm
- Proposolum-N - Micropharm
- Propoten - Instituto Biochimico
- Propovan - Bharat Serums and Vaccines; Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Propoven - Fresenius
- Propoxychel
- Propoxyphene - Alra Laboratories
- Propoxyphene - Anabolic Laboratories
- Propoxyphene - Eon Labs
- Propoxyphene - Impax Laboratories
- Propoxyphene - IVAX
- Propoxyphene - Mutual Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene - Mylan
- Propoxyphene - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene - PVT Form
- Propoxyphene - Roxane Laboratories
- Propoxyphene - Sandoz
- Propoxyphene - Teva
- Propoxyphene - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene - Vintage Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene - Warner Chilcott
- Propoxyphene - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene - Whiteworth Town
- Propoxyphene Compound 65 - Eon Labs
- Propoxyphene Compound 65 - IVAX
- Propoxyphene Compound 65 - Sandoz
- Propoxyphene Compound 65 - Teva
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Able Laboratories
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Concord Laboratories
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Halsey Drug
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - IVAX
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Mallinckrodt
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Mutual Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Mylan
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Sandoz
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Superpharm
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Teva
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Vintage Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propoxyphene; Acetaminophen - Wockhardt
- Propoxyphene; Aspirin; Caffeine - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propra - CT-Arzneimittel
- Propra - Ratiopharm
- Propra Comp. - Ratiopharm
- Propra Retard - Ratiopharm
- Proprahexal - Hexal
- Propral - Orion Pharma
- Propranet - Nycomed
- Propranol - H.B. Farma Laboratorios
- Propranolil - Cifarma Cientifica Farmaceutica
- Propranolol - Actavis
- Propranolol - Apotex
- Propranolol - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - Baxter
- Propranolol - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Propranolol - Bedford Laboratories
- Propranolol - Chile Laboratorios
- Propranolol - Clonmel Healthcare
- Propranolol - DC Labs
- Propranolol - Duramed Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - EG Labo
- Propranolol - GlaxoSmithKline
- Propranolol - Helvepharm
- Propranolol - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - Interpharm
- Propranolol - Inwood Laboratories
- Propranolol - Ipca Laboratories
- Propranolol - IVAX
- Propranolol - Lederle
- Propranolol - Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - Mutual Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - Mylan
- Propranolol - Northstar Healthcare
- Propranolol - Par Pharmaceutical
- Propranolol - Pliva
- Propranolol - Pro Doc
- Propranolol - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - Ratiopharm
- Propranolol - RiteMED Phils
- Propranolol - Roxane Laboratories
- Propranolol - Sabex
- Propranolol - Samarth Pharma
- Propranolol - Sanderson Laboratorio
- Propranolol - Sandoz
- Propranolol - Smith & Nephew
- Propranolol - Solopak
- Propranolol - Stada
- Propranolol - Superpharm
- Propranolol - Teva
- Propranolol - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Propranolol - Upsher-Smith Laboratories
- Propranolol - Warner Chilcott
- Propranolol - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol Retard - Helvepharm
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Barr Laboratories
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Duramed Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - IVAX
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Mylan
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Pliva
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Sandoz
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Warner Chilcott
- Propranolol; Hydrochlorothiazide - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propranolum - Osorio de Moraes Laboratorios
- Propranur - StegroPharm Arzneimittel
- Proprasylyt
- Proprazolam - Moraceae Pharmaceuticals
- Proprazolam-M - Moraceae Pharmaceuticals
- Pro-PS Cream - Biovital
- Pro-PS Tablets - Biovital
- Propulm - Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche
- Propulsid - Janssen
- Propulsid Quicksolv - Janssen
- Propulsin - Janssen
- Propycil - Solvay; Admeda Arzneimittel; Haupt Pharma; Pro Concepta Zug
- Propyderm - ACO Hud
- Propygenta-NF
- Propyl - Sriprasit; Joyson
- Propyl Aseptoform
- Propyl Butex
- Propyl Chemosept
- Propyl Parasept
- Propy-Lacticare - Stiefel Laboratories
- Propylene Glycol - Dispar
- Propylene Glycol - Dominion Veterinary Laboratories
- Propylene Glycol - Professional Veterinary Laboratories
- Propyless - Schering-Plough
- Propylparasept
- Propylthiocil - Teva
- Propyl-Thiocil - Teva
- Propyl-Thiorist
- Propyl-Thiorit
- Propylthiouracil - Abbott
- Propylthiouracil - Anabolic Laboratories
- Propylthiouracil - Clonmel Healthcare
- Propylthiouracil - DAVA Pharmaceuticals
- Propylthiouracil - Drug Houses of Australia
- Propylthiouracil - Eli Lilly
- Propylthiouracil - Greater Pharma
- Propylthiouracil - Halsey Drug
- Propylthiouracil - Impax Laboratories
- Propylthiouracil - IVAX
- Propylthiouracil - Lannett
- Propylthiouracil - Mutual Pharmaceuticals
- Propylthiouracil - Perrigo
- Propylthiouracil - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Propylthiouracil - Synco
- Propylthiouracil - Tablicaps
- Propylthiouracil - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Propylthiouracil - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Propylthiouracil - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
- Propyl-Thyracil - Paladin Laboratories
- Propyl-Thyracil - Squire Pharmaceuticals
- Propynate-E - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propynate-NF - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propyon
- Propyphyllin
- Propyre T - Salvat Laboratorios
- Propyretic - Combiphar
- Propysalic - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propysalic-N - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propysalic-NF - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propysalic-NF6 - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propyzole-E - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Propyzole-NF - H & H Pharmaceutical
- Pro-Q - CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals
- ProQuad - Sanofi-Aventis; Merck
- Proquanil
- Pro-Quat - Cambrian Pro-Care Chemicals
- Proquat Germicidal Detergent Concentrate - Hacco
- Pro-Quetiapine - Pro Doc
- Proquiferon - Probiomed
- Proquin - Genepharm; Douglas Pharmaceuticals
- Proquin XR - Depomed; Esprit Pharmaceuticals
- P-Roquine - P P Lab; Picharn
- Pro-Quinine - Pro Doc
- Prorab - Wockhardt
- Prorab-D - Wockhardt
- Pro-Rabeprazole - Pro Doc
- Proracyl - Genopharm Laboratoires
- Proral - Utopian
- Proralone-Mop
- Pro-Ramipril - Pro Doc
- Proratine - Binex
- Prorazin - Ratiopharm
- Pro-Relief - Blistex
- Prorenal - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Prorex - Hyrex Pharmaceuticals
- Prorhinel - Novartis; Bournonville Pharma; Interdelta; Stiefel Laboratories
- Prorhinite - Novartis
- Prorid - Yoo Young Pharm
- Proris - Pharos Indonesia
- Proris Forte - Pharos Indonesia
- Pro-Risperidone - Pro Doc
- Prorocal - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Prorocal Plus - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Pro-Roxikam - ProMed CS Praha
- Prorynorm - Hexal
- Pros - World Medico
- Pro-Sabona Uno - Sabona
- Prosa-Bosan B69 - Professional Health Products
- Prosac - Eli Lilly
- Prosaid - BHR Pharmaceuticals
- Prosan Powder - Novartis
- Prosan Syrup - Novartis
- Prosanon - Cidan
- Prosaro - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Prosatietil - Equilibre Attitude Laboratoires
- Prosbis - Llorente
- Pro-SBL - SBL Pharmaceuticals
- Proscar - Merck; BLH Trading; DKSH; Four Star; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Proscare - Holista Health
- Proscomide
- Proscope - Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals
- Proscorbin
- Prosdina - Biotech Laboratorios
- Proseal - Intra Labs India
- Proseb - Nor Vet Sales
- Prosec - ACME Pharmaceuticals; Bell Kenz Pharma
- Prosec IV - Celon Laboratories; Bell Kenz Pharma
- Prosed DS - Star Pharmaceuticals
- Prosedal - Loeffler
- Prosedar - Schering-Plough
- Prosed-X - Biovital
- Prosedyl - Rougier Pharma
- Proseloc - Sel-J Pharma; Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Proseptal
- Proseptine
- Proseptol
- Proser - Istituto Bioterapico Nazionale
- Proserem - Arkofarm
- Proseries Green Disinfectant - Armstrong Manufacturing
- Proserin - Dalkhimpharm
- Proserin - Moskhimfarmpreparaty
- Proserin - Novosibkhimfarm
- Proserin - Veropharm
- Proserine - Pro Task
- Prosertin - Probiomed
- Proserum - Landerlan
- Proseryl
- Proseval - Solas
- Prosexol
- Prosgard - Holista Health
- Pros-Gard Zinc and Vitamin B6 - Holista Health
- Prosgutt - Farmasa Laboratorios
- Pro-Shape - Biovital
- Proshield Plus - Healthpoint
- Prosic - Galenium Pharmasia Laboratories
- Prosicca - Agepha
- Prosicca Sine - Agepha
- Prosig - Signova Pharma
- ProSight Lutein - The Harvard Drug Group
- Prosinal - Gracia Pharmindo
- Prosiston - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Prosium - Protherapix
- Prosix - Inpac Pharma
- Proskin - Biovital
- Proskin - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Proskin - Teofarma
- Proslender - Biovital
- Proslim-Lipid - Biovital
- Prosmin - Biotenk Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- ProSobee - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Diethelm; DKSH; Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- Prosodina - Liferpal MD
- Pro-Sof Plus - Vangard Laboratories
- Prosoft - Mayoly Spindler Laboratoires
- Prosogan - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Prosogan FD - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- ProSol 20% - Baxter
- ProSol 20% sulfite free in plastic container - Baxter
- Pro-Sol A - Professional Health Products
- Prosol Astringent Irrigating Medicament - Dentsply
- Prosolmin - Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios
- Prosolvit - Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios
- ProSom - Abbott
- Pro-Sone - Pro Doc
- Pro-Sonil
- Prosopalgin - Dr. Reckeweg
- Pro-Sope - Ratiopharm; Rougier Pharma
- Prosoplex-TM - Chemo Drugs
- ProSorb-D
- Pro-Sotalol - Pro Doc
- Prosoyal - FDC
- Prospa - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Prospan - Merck; Delfi Singapore; Engelhard Arzneimittel; Madaus; Meda; Pharmakevtikos Syndesmos; Pharmakos; Roemmers-Klinos; Sanova Pharma; Sime Darby Marketing; Transfarma Medica Indah; USV, India
- Prospan Acute - Merck; Delfi Singapore; Engelhard Arzneimittel
- Prospan Akut - Merck; Engelhard Arzneimittel; Madaus; Pharmakevtikos Syndesmos; Pharmakos; Roemmers-Klinos; Sanova Pharma; Sime Darby Marketing
- Prospan Cough - Engelhard Arzneimittel
- Prospan Hustensaft - Merck; Engelhard Arzneimittel; Madaus; Pharmakevtikos Syndesmos; Pharmakos; Roemmers-Klinos; Sanova Pharma; Sime Darby Marketing
- Prospan Hustentabletten - Merck; Engelhard Arzneimittel; Madaus; Pharmakevtikos Syndesmos; Pharmakos; Roemmers-Klinos; Sanova Pharma; Sime Darby Marketing
- Prospan Hustentropfen - Merck; Engelhard Arzneimittel; Madaus; Pharmakevtikos Syndesmos; Pharmakos; Roemmers-Klinos; Sanova Pharma; Sime Darby Marketing
- Prospan Hustenzapfchen - Merck; Engelhard Arzneimittel; Madaus; Pharmakevtikos Syndesmos; Pharmakos; Roemmers-Klinos; Sanova Pharma; Sime Darby Marketing
- Prospan sans sucre - Merck
- Prospec - Protein, Mexico
- Prospect - Skymax Laboratories
- Prosper - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Prosper-Fe - Skymax Laboratories
- Prospervital - Provita Pharma
- Prosphere - A.F. Laboratorios, Aplicaciones Farmaceuticas
- Prosplen - Strathmann
- Pro-Spot
- Prospray - Certol
- Prost-1 - Biovital
- Prost-2 - Biovital
- Prosta - Biovital
- Prosta Fink Forte - GlaxoSmithKline
- Prosta Fink N - GlaxoSmithKline
- Prosta Urgenin - Madaus; Ouiheng International Healthcare
- Prostab - Unicure Remedies; Singapore Genebio
- Prostabiol - Yves Ponroy Laboratoires
- Prosta-Caps Chassot N - Doetsch Grether
- Prosta-Caps Fink - GlaxoSmithKline
- Prostacare - Mega Lifesciences; Metro Drug Distribution
- Prostacom - Combiphar
- Prostacon - Vanguard Therapeutics
- Prostacor - Microgen NPO; Immunopreparat
- ProstActive - Pascual Laboratories
- Prostacur - Almirall
- Prostacur - Finadiet
- Prostadilat - Pfizer
- Prostadirex - Sanofi-Aventis; Irex Laboratoires
- Prostafilina - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Prostaflor - Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma; Sanova Pharma
- Prostafort - Knop Laboratorios
- Prostaforton - Biocur Arzneimittel
- Prostaforton Uno - Biocur Arzneimittel
- Prostagalen - Hevert-Arzneimittel
- Prostagutt - Austroplant Arzneimittel
- Prostagutt Forte - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostagutt Mono - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostagutt Tropfen - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostagutt Uno - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostagutt-F - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostaherb N - Cesra Arzneimittel
- Prostakan - Dr. Willmar Schwabe; Antah Pharma; ASI Budapest; Bio-Pharmaceuticals; Delfi Singapore
- Prostakan Forte - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostakan Mono - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Prostal - Motima Laboratoires
- Prostal - Psychotropics India
- Prostal - Sandoz
- Prostal - Teikoku Hormone
- Prostalium - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Prostall - Drugtech Laboratorio; Recalcine Laboratorios
- Prostalmon F
- Prostalog - Altana Pharma
- Prostamal - Almirall
- ProstaMed - BioForce Services
- Prostamed - Dr. Gustav Klein; Distrifarma
- Prostamed Urtica - Dr. Gustav Klein
- Prostamid - BDH Industries
- Prostamide - Gerolymatos
- Prostamol Uno - Berlin-Chemie; Berlin-Pharma
- Prostamustin - Sandoz; Azupharma
- Prostan - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Prostana - Anabolic Laboratories
- Prostandin - Ono Pharmaceutical
- Prostandril - Pliva
- Prostaneurin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Prostanil - Hexa-Medinova Laboratorio
- Prostanon - Pharmachemie; Metro Drug Distribution; New Marketlink Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Prostanorm - PharmVilar; Microgen NPO; Pharmstandard-Tomskhimpharm
- Prostanovag - Gobbi Novag Laboratorios
- Prostanus - Sandoz; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostap - Wyeth
- Prostap 3 Leuprorelin Acetate Depot - Wyeth
- Prostap SR - Wyeth
- Prostaphlin - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Apothecon
- Prostaphlin-A - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Prostaphlyn
- Prostaplant - Bioplanta Arzneimittel
- Prostaplant - Marvecs Services
- Prostaplex - Douglas Laboratories
- Prostarell - Sanorell Pharma
- Prostarin - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Prostarmon E - Ono Pharmaceutical
- Prostarmon F - Ono Pharmaceutical
- Prostasal - TAD Pharma
- Prostasan - BioForce Services; Biofarma Natural CMD
- Prostascint - Cytogen
- Prostascint Kit - Cytogen; Megapharm, Israel
- Prostaselect - Dreluso Pharmazeutika, Dr Elten & Sohn
- Prostaserene - Therabel Pharma
- Prostasyx - Syxyl
- Pro-Stat - Medical NUtrition
- Prostata - Stada
- Prostata-Echtroplex - Weber & Weber
- Prostata-Entoxin N - Klein & Steube Entoxin
- Prostata-Gastreu N R25 - Dr. Reckeweg Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Prostata-Komplex N Ho-Fu-Complex - Pharma Liebermann
- Prostata-Kurbis S - Astrid Twardy
- Prostatal - Herbarium Laboratorio Botanico
- Prostate Ease - Swiss Herbal Remedies
- Prostate Support - Reese Pharmaceutical
- Prostatidausse - Sanofi-Aventis
- Prostatil - Pulitzer Italiana
- Prostatilen - Citomed; Lekhim-Kharkov
- Prostatin F - Abbott
- Prostatin N - Kanoldt Arzneimittel
- Prostatin N Liquidum - Kanoldt Arzneimittel
- Prostatonin - Boehringer Ingelheim; Ginsana; Madaus; Pharmaton, Switzerland
- Prosta-Truw - Truw Arzneimittel Vertriebs
- Prostaturol - Laboratoire du Dr. E. Homberger
- Prosta-Urgenin Uno - Madaus; Max Zeller Sohne
- Prosta-Urgenine - Madaus; Max Zeller Sohne
- Prostavasin - Schwarz Pharma; Biosintetica Laboratorios; Gebro Pharma; Sidus Laboratorios
- Prostaveron - Robapharm; Pierre Fabre
- Prostavigol Suppositories - Harras Pharma Curarina Arzneimittel
- Prostavigol Tablets - Harras Pharma Curarina Arzneimittel
- Prostavite - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Prostawern - Pharma Wernigerode
- Prostazosina - LKM Laboratorio
- Prostease - Jamieson Laboratories; Universal Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Prostease Saw Palmetto Complex - Jamieson Laboratories; Universal Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Prostec - CSC Pharmaceuticals Handels
- Prostem - Active Healthcare
- Prostem - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Prostem Plus - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Prostene - IVAX
- Prostenongel - Kevelt
- Prosteo - Biovital
- Prostep - Elan Pharmaceuticals; Aveva Drug Delivery Systems; Draxis Health; GlaxoSmithKline; Wyeth
- Prostep TRD - Elan Pharmaceuticals; Aveva Drug Delivery Systems
- Prosteren - Cornelli Consulting
- Prosterid - Gedeon Richter
- Prosteride - Yoo Young Pharm; Atlantic Laboratories; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Prostess - TAD Pharma
- Prostess Uno - TAD Pharma
- Prostetin - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Prostex - Productos Medix
- ProstGard - Holista Health
- Prostica - TAD Pharma
- Prostide - Libbs Farmaceutica; Pharos Indonesia; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Prostide Depot - Probiomed
- Prostig - Duopharma; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Prostigmin - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Dermatech Laboratories; Diethelm; ICN Pharmaceuticals; IDS Group; Invida; JDH Pharmaceutical; Medilink; Pharmaforte; Piramal Healthcare; Roche; Transfarma Medica Indah; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostigmina - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Prostigmine - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Centre Specialites Pharmaceutiques; Devries; Duy Tan Pharma; ICN Pharmaceuticals; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; Meda; Raffo Laboratorios; Sanico
- Prostin 15M - Pfizer
- Prostin E2 - Pfizer; Paladin Laboratories; Perrigo; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostin E2 Extra-Amniotic - Wyeth
- Prostin F2 - Pfizer
- Prostin F2 Alpha - Pfizer; Perrigo; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostin F2A - Pfizer
- Prostin Pediatrico - Pfizer
- Prostin VR - Pfizer; Max India; Perrigo; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostin VR Paediatric - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostin VR Pediatric - Pfizer; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Prostina - Dey's Medical Stores
- Prostine E2 - Pfizer
- Prostine F2 Alpha - Pfizer
- Prostine VR - Pfizer
- Prostinfenem - Pfizer
- Prostiva - Aneid
- Prostivas - Pfizer
- Prostodin - AstraZeneca
- Prostogal - Dr. Willmar Schwabe; Duy Tan Pharma
- Prostogenat - Sandoz; Azupharma
- Prostonil - Sanat Products
- Prostrumyl
- Prostudox - Sintez
- Prostulin - Siomond Pharmaceuticals
- Prostulin-OD - Siomond Pharmaceuticals
- Prosturol - Farmasierra
- Prost-X L8 - Homeocan
- Prostynal - Bionova Pharma
- Prosulf - Advance Pharma; Aerocare; Diethelm Keller
- Prosulf - CP Pharmaceuticals; Propharm, Israel; Vantone Medical Supplies; Wockhardt
- Prosulf Forte - Advance Pharma; Aerocare; Diethelm Keller
- Prosulpin - ProMed CS Praha; Promed Exports
- Prosup - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- ProSure - Abbott; DKSH; The Glory Medicina; ZPC-Natural Health; Zuellig Pharma
- Prosymbioflor - Dr. Peithner
- Pro-Symbioflor - SymbioPharm; Ebi-Pharm
- Prosync Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant with Antibacterial Odor Protection - Nu Skin
- Prosync Muscle Rub - Nu Skin
- Prota - Samarth Pharma
- Protaben P
- Protacell 8
- Protact - Coloplast
- Protactyl - Hexal
- Protafan HM - Novo Nordisk
- Protagens - Alcon
- Protagent - Alcon; Bournonville Eumedica; DKSH; Firma Chun Cheong
- Protagent SE - Alcon
- Protal - Aurora Pharmaceuticals
- Protal Complex - Farmedia
- Protalgia - Reig Jofre
- Protalgine Dispersable - Probiomed
- ProtAlgon - Lavipharm Group
- Protamide - Ferraz Lynce
- Protamide - Therabel Pharma
- Protamin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Protamin - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Protamina - Pentafarma
- Protamina - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Protamine - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Protamine - Baxter
- Protamine - Biological Evans
- Protamine - Bryntsalov-A
- Protamine - Eli Lilly
- Protamine - Galenika, Serbia
- Protamine - Kamada
- Protamine - Leo Pharma; DKSH
- Protamine - Lyphomed
- Protamine - Microgen NPO
- Protamine - Omega Laboratories
- Protamine - Pfizer
- Protamine - Pharmaceutical Partners of Canada
- Protamine - Quad Pharmaceuticals
- Protamine - Sandoz
- Protamine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Protamine - Sovereign Medical
- Protamine - UCB Pharma
- Protamine - Wockhardt
- Protamine Choay - Sanofi-Aventis
- Protamine Zinc and Iletin I Beef-Pork - Eli Lilly
- Protamine Zinc and Iletin II - Eli Lilly
- Protamine Zinc and Iletin II Pork - Eli Lilly
- Protamine Zinc Insulin - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Protamine Zinc Insulin MC - Novo Nordisk
- Protamine, Zinc and Iletin I - Eli Lilly
- Protamodin
- Protamol - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Protamox - Armoxindo Farma
- Protamox Forte - Armoxindo Farma
- Protan - Protein, Mexico
- Protanal
- Protangix - Expanpharm International Laboratoire
- Protanol - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Protap - Prohealth Vitamins
- Protaphane - Novo Nordisk
- Protaphane HM - Novo Nordisk; Agencia Lei Va Hong; DKSH
- Protaphane HM Penfill - Novo Nordisk; Agencia Lei Va Hong; DKSH
- Protaphane Human - Novo Nordisk
- Protaphane InnoLet - Novo Nordisk
- Protaphane MC - Novo Nordisk
- Protaphane NovoLet - Novo Nordisk
- Protaphane Penfill - Novo Nordisk
- Protar - Percos India
- Protar Protein - Dermol Pharmaceuticals
- Protargen
- Protargol
- Protarin - Wayne, Mexico
- Protar-K - Percos India
- Protase - Dae Shin Pharm; Nhan Hoa Pharma; Quang Minh
- Protasol - Alcon
- Protat - Potter's Herbal Supplies
- Protatek
- Protaxil - Delta Laboratorios; Rottapharm
- Protaxol - Provit, Mexico
- Protaxon - Sanofi-Aventis; Opfermann Arzneimittel
- Protaxon Forte - Sanofi-Aventis; Opfermann Arzneimittel
- Protaxos - Servier; Zuellig Pharma
- Protazine - CCM Duopharma BioTech
- Proteamin - Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals
- Protease - Richmond Laboratorios
- Protease-D - Cruise Pharmacia
- Proteazone - International Medical Service
- Protec - Protec Health International
- Pro-Tec Sport Lotion SPF 20 - Allergan
- Protec T - Implementos Plasticos
- Protecadin
- Proteccion Ultra SPF 30 - Rider Laboratorios
- ProTech - Triton Consumer Products
- Protecliv - Pharbaco
- Protecor - Duopharm
- Protect - EHN
- Protect Antiseptic Skin Cleanser - Star Industries 1997
- Protectaid - Axcan Pharma; C & L Pharmaceutical; Pirri Istituto; Sinclair Pharmaceuticals
- Protecteur Levres SPF 15 - L'Oreal
- Protectfluor - Pharbita
- Protectina - Gross Laboratorio
- Protecting Day Lotion SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Protecting Self-Tan Lotion SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Protecting Spray SPF 30 - Dermatological Solutions
- Protecting Sun Care Lotion SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Protecting Sun Care Lotion SPF 25 - Yves Rocher
- Protecting Sun Care Lotion SPF 8 - Yves Rocher
- Protecting Suncare Lotion Prevention Soleil SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Protectin-OPT - Truw Arzneimittel Vertriebs
- Protection Lotion UVA / UVB SPF 30 - Prime Enterprises
- Protective Body Sunscreen - E. Excel
- Protective Cream - Bebia Pediatric
- Protective Gel-Cream Body SPF 20 - Vichy
- Protective Healing Cream - Numark Management
- Protective Lip Care Extreme Shine - Biotherm
- Protective Lotion Sunscreen SPF 15 - Stroms' Enterprises
- Protective Moisture Lotion SPF 15 - Jergens
- Protective Ointment - Smith & Nephew
- Protective Self Tan - Dermalogica
- Protective Self Tan SPF 15 - Calcorp 55 Enterprises
- Protective Sport Sunscreen Ecran Solaire SPF FPS 30 - Energizer
- Protective Sunscreen Ecran Solaire Protecteur Dry Oil SPF FPS 10 - Energizer
- Protecto - National Care Products
- Protecto Barrier Cream - ARJO
- Protecto Barrier Cream - National Care Products
- Protectoderm - Ingram & Bell
- Protecto-Derm - Ingram & Bell
- Protectol - King Pharmaceuticals
- Protecton - GlaxoSmithKline
- Protectona
- Protectone - Geno Pharmaceuticals
- Protector - Quimifar Laboratorio
- Protector Labial Isdin Extrem Stick SPF 45 - ISDIN
- Protectosil Plus EFA - Pharmavite 1987
- Protectyl Soleil Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion High Protection SPF 30 - Yves Rocher
- Protectyl Soleil Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion Minimal Protection SPF 10 - Yves Rocher
- Protectyl Soleil Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion Moderate Protection SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Protectyl Soleil Moisturizing Sunscreen Spray Moderate Protection SPF 15 - Yves Rocher
- Protectyl Soleil Suntan Lotion Bronzing Effect Tanning SPF 4 - Yves Rocher
- Protee - Ritz Pharma
- Proteflazid - Ecopharm NPK; Geolik Pharm; Phytopharm
- Protegel - Nutrimmune Technologies
- Protegra - Wyeth
- Protegra Antioxid - Wyeth
- Proteigeno - Lafedar Laboratorios
- Proteika PRO'gram - Proteika
- Protein Digestive Aid - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Protein Free Diet Product 80056 - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- Protein Module Berlamin Modular - Berlin-Chemie
- Protein Plus - Nutricia
- Proteina
- Protein-Free - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- Proteinsteril - Fresenius
- Proteinsteril Hepa - Fresenius
- Proteinsteril KE - Fresenius
- Proteinsteril KE Nephro - Fresenius
- Protein-Total - Invision Medi Sciences
- Proteita - Janssen
- Protek Post-Milking Teat Dip - Ecolab
- Protelos - Servier; Grunenthal
- Proteminal - Rolmex International
- Protemp - Biovital
- Proten - Alna Biotech; Otsuka Pharmaceutical
- Proten Plus - Fresenius
- Protenac - Enila Laboratorio
- Protenate - Baxter
- Prote-Neu - Biotenk Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Protensin
- Protensin-M - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Protenzima - Jorba
- Proteoferrina - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Proteolis - Neoterapici Benvegna
- Proteoseryl - Recherche Therapeutique-Splenodex Laboratoires
- Proteosulfan - Gallier Laboratoires
- Proteovir - Richmond Laboratorios
- Proteozym - Wiedemann Pharma
- Proteozyme Forte - Douglas Laboratories
- Protepar - Sanofi-Aventis
- Proterenal - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Protergan Geriat - Roche
- Protergan Pediat - Roche
- Proterine - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Proternol
- Proteron-Z - Zota Health Care; Sayona
- Proteroxyna - Mundipharma
- Proterytrin - Mundipharma
- Proteus - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Proteus - Standard Homeopathic
- Proteus Vulgaris - Boiron
- Proteval - Protein, Mexico
- Protevis - Allergan
- Protexel - LFB Biomedicaments; Francais du Fractionnement et des Biotechnologies Laboratoires
- Protexin - Landerlan
- Protexin - Novartis
- Protexin Balance - Probiotics International; Firma Popular; Goldplus Universal; Treasure Mountain Development
- Protexin Balance + - Probiotics International
- Protexin Boost and Concentrate - Novartis
- Protexin Child - Novartis
- Protexin Infant - Novartis
- Protexin Restore - Probiotics International; Firma Popular; Goldplus Universal; Treasure Mountain Development
- Protexin Vitality - Probiotics International
- Protexio SPF 50 + - Floxia International; Medicell Pharmaceutical
- Protexo - Landerlan
- Pro-T-Flor - Columbia Laboratorios
- Prothanon - Chauvin Ankerpharm
- Prothanon Cromo - Chauvin Ankerpharm
- Prothanon Gel - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Prothazin - Pharma Wernigerode
- Prothazin - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Prothazin - Rodleben Pharma
- Prothazin - UCB Pharma
- Prothazine - Pharmaniaga
- Prothazine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Prothazine - Vortech Pharmaceuticals
- Protheophylline
- Prothera - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Prothiaden - Abbott; Alter; Teofarma; Zentiva; Zuellig Pharma
- Prothiazide - Pacific Pharmaceuticals
- Prothiazine - C.T.S. Chemical Industries; Rafa Laboratories; Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Prothiazine Expectorant - C.T.S. Chemical Industries; Lefnin
- Prothicid - Themis Medicare
- Prothil - Solvay
- Prothin - Quality Pharmaceutical Laboratory; Vai Tat Hong
- Prothiobin - Medispan
- Prothiocid - Themis Medicare
- Prothionamide - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Prothionamide - Promed Exports
- Prothionamide - Simpex Pharma
- Prothionamide - Valenta Pharmaceuticals
- Prothiucil - Sanova Pharma
- Prothiurone
- Prothromadin
- Prothrombinex - CSL
- Prothrombinex-HT - CSL; Hong Kong Red Cross
- Prothrombinex-VF - CSL
- Prothrombinkomplex BaWu - Intersero
- Prothromplex - Baxter
- Prothromplex NF - Baxter
- Prothromplex NF 600 - Baxter
- Prothromplex S-TIM 4 - Baxter
- Prothromplex TIM 4 - Baxter
- Prothromplex Total S-TIM 4 - Baxter
- Prothromplex-T - Immuno Productos Biologicos e Quimicos
- Prothromplex-T TIM 4 - Adcock Ingram
- Prothuril - Uni-Pharma Kleon Tsetis Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Prothycil
- Prothydrol
- Prothyl - Septodont
- Prothyran
- Prothyrid - Sanofi-Aventis; Henning Berlin Arzneimittel
- Prothyrysat - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Proti 5 - Pharmygiene-SCAT Laboratoires
- Protiaden - Abbott; Teofarma
- Protiadene - Abbott
- Protica - Ethica Industri Farmasi
- Protical - Pharmygiene-SCAT Laboratoires
- Protid - Lunsco
- Protideal - Protiforme
- Protidepar - Zilliken
- Protidepar 100 - Zilliken
- Protiderm - Panalab Laboratorios
- Protidiet - Protidiet
- Protifar - Nutricia; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Baxter; BJC Trading; Jacobson Medical; Klinos Laboratorios
- Protifar Plus - Nutricia
- Protifed - Graha Farma
- Protifortf - Pharmygiene-SCAT Laboratoires
- Protifortifiant - Pharmygiene-SCAT Laboratoires
- Protil - Diepal-NSA
- Protilab - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Protilase - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Protilup - Lupin Pharmaceuticals; Lupinova
- Protimin Drops - Intra Labs India
- Protimin Syrup - Intra Labs India
- Protina G - Fresenius
- Protina Torre MP - Fresenius
- Protinact Powder - Acto Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Protinact Syrup - Acto Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Protina-DF - Elisa Biotech
- Protinex - Pfizer
- Protinin - Probifasa
- Protinol-C - Cubit Healthcare
- Protinules - Alembic
- Protinutril - Pfizer
- Protinz - Pure Health
- Protioamphetamine
- Protiocomb - Akrikhin
- Protionamide - Akrikhin
- Protipas - Daniel Pasteur
- Protipas-XP - Daniel Pasteur
- Protipharm - DHN Laboratoires Nutrition Clinique
- Protireal - Novartis
- Protiris - Symbiosis; Polaris Healthcare
- Protitis Suppositories - Molitor Pharma
- Protitis Tablets - Molitor Pharma
- Protitus - Mayo Laboratorios
- Protium - Altana Pharma; Abbott
- Protium I.V. - Altana Pharma; Abbott
- Protiural
- Protivar
- Protivel - Biosync Pharmaceuticals
- Protivista - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Protivista Protein - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Protobex Powder - Centaur Laboratories
- Protobex Syrup - Centaur Pharmaceuticals
- Proto-Boric - Bell Pharma
- Protocent - Crescent Therapeutics
- Protochem - Chemo Drugs
- Protocide - Trima Pharmaceuticals; Unipharm, Israel
- Protocort - Pharos Indonesia
- Protocream - Elder Pharmaceuticals
- Protofen - Kimia Farma
- Protoferron - UCB Pharma
- Protofill - Bionova Pharma
- Protogram - USP Life Sciences
- Protogut - Novartis; Sandoz
- Protogyl - Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Apex Pharma Marketing; Grafton Pharmasia; Tack Fung Medical Supplies
- Protokal - Bayer
- Protokox - Radicura Pharmaceuticals
- Protol - Biovital
- Protolex - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Protolipan
- Protoloc - USV, India
- Protomac - Windlas Biotech
- Protomark - Unimarck Pharma India
- Protome - Epitome Life Sciences
- Protome Plus - Epitome Life Sciences
- Protome-DP - Epitome Life Sciences
- Protome-NM - Epitome Life Sciences
- Protomid - Macleods Pharmaceuticals
- Protomor - Skymax Laboratories
- Proton - Herald's do Brasil
- Proton - Medinfar Laboratorio
- Protona
- Protonated
- Protone Drops - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- Protone Liquid - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- Protonic-H - Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Protonis - Alpes Chemie
- Protonix - Hizon Laboratories
- Protonix - Pfizer; Wyeth
- Protonix I.V. - Pfizer; Nycomed; Wyeth
- Proton-P - Aristopharma
- Protop - Interbat
- Protopam - Wyeth; Baxter
- Protopan - East West Pharma; Axon Drugs
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