Pharmaceutical products list, page 60:
- DDIno
- DDLon - Medial Pharma
- DDM 07 - Saely
- DDRetro - Alkem Laboratories
- DDS Pharmaceutical
- De A a Zinc Grossesse - Arkopharma Laboratoires
- De Icin - Viatris
- De Icol - Alcon; Summit; Viatris
- De Oxin - Almirall
- De STAT - Sherman Pharmaceuticals
- De Witt's Analgesic - E.C. De Witt
- De Witt's Antacid Oral Powder - C.B. Fleet
- De Witt's Antacid Oral Powder - E.C. De Witt
- De Witt's Antacid Tablets - C.B. Fleet
- De Witt's Antacid Tablets - E.C. De Witt
- De Witt's K and B Pills - E.C. De Witt
- De Witt's Lozenges - E.C. De Witt
- De Witts New Pills - C.B. Fleet
- De Witts Pills - Regional Health, New Zealand
- De-3 - Nutrition for Life International
- Deacos - Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Deactivator H
- Deacura - Dermapharm
- Deadict - Psychotropics India
- Deadopa
- Deadyn - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Deafort - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Deaftol - Dr. Wild
- Deaftol Lidocaine - Dr. Wild
- Deahanzadim - Hanapharm
- Dealan - Silanes Laboratorios
- Dealca TP
- Dealgic - Pfizer
- Deall - Genesis Biotec
- Dealyd - Rosch & Handel
- Deamcilina - Degort's Chemical
- Deamocard
- Deamy - Melrose Produits Chimiques
- Deana-Caps - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Deanase - Liberman, Spain
- Deaner - 3M
- Deanxit - Lundbeck; B L Hua; DKSH; Four Star; IDS Group
- Deapasil
- Deapril-ST - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Dear-21 - Uni Sankyo
- Deaten - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Death Adder Antivenom - CSL
- Deavynfar - Remir Industrial Farmaceutica
- Deb - Pfizer
- Deb Sunprotect SPF 33 - Deb Canada
- Deba
- Debacterol - Epien Medical
- Debax - Gebro Pharma
- Debby - TNP Health Care
- Debecillin
- Debecylina
- Debefenium - UCI-Farma Industria Farmaceutica
- Debei - Eurofarma Laboratorios
- Debeina - Companhia Portuguesa Higiene
- Debekacyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Debela - Brasifa Sociedade Farmaceutica
- Debelex - Pfizer
- Debenal
- Debenal-M
- Debendrin
- Debeone - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Debeone D.T. NF - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Debeone NF - Armstrong Laboratorios de Mexico
- Debequin - Degort's Chemical
- Debequin-C - Degort's Chemical
- Debgone - Symbiosis
- Debgone-M - Symbiosis
- Debiline - Ratiopharm; Nadeau Laboratory
- Debiline-H - Ratiopharm; Nadeau Laboratory
- Debinyl
- Debis - Hanlim Pharmaceutical; Hoang Khang
- Debisor - Novag Infancia
- Debizima - Miba Prodotti Chimici e Farmaceutici
- Deblaston - Madaus; Biomed, Switzerland
- Debonal - Cryopharma Pizzard y Salud
- Debricalm - Pfizer
- Debridat - Pfizer; Age D'or Healthcare; Croma Pharma; Enila Laboratorio; F. Uhlmann-Eyraud; GlaxoSmithKline; Grupo Farma; Saval Laboratorios; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Debridat AP - Pfizer; Croma Pharma; Enila Laboratorio; F. Uhlmann-Eyraud; GlaxoSmithKline; Grupo Farma; Saval Laboratorios; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Debridat B - Pfizer
- Debridat Enzimatico - Pfizer; Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Debril - Monserrat y Eclair
- Debripad - Pfizer
- Debrisan - Pfizer; Darier Laboratorios Dermatologicos; Johnson & Johnson; ProMedico
- Debrisorb - Pfizer
- Debrox - Sanofi-Aventis; Euroderm OTC
- Debroxide
- Debrum - Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals
- Debrumyl - Pierre Fabre
- Debtan - Y.S.P. Industries; Far East Pharmaceutical
- Debutinat - Donaipharm
- Dec - P P Lab; Picharn
- DEC - Synco
- Deca - Atlantic Laboratories
- Deca - Medinova
- Deca-Arodec - Willow Pharmaceuticals
- Decabid - Eli Lilly
- Decabin - Bionet India
- Decabis - Gazzoni
- Decacef - Prodotti Farmaceutici Boniscontro & Gazzone Laboratorio
- Decacide - Professional Veterinary Laboratories
- Decacil
- Decacort
- Decacortin
- Decacuran
- Decaderm - Merck
- Decaderm in Estergel - Merck
- Decadran - Merck
- Decadran Neomicina - Merck
- Decadron - Merck; Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; M & H Manufacturing; Sidus Laboratorios
- Decadron 5-12 Pak - Merck
- Decadron a la Neomycine - Merck
- Decadron avec Neomycine - Merck
- Decadron Colirio com Neomicina - Merck; Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Decadron com Neomicina - Merck
- Decadron con Ciprofloxina - Merck; Sidus Laboratorios
- Decadron con Neomicina - Merck; Sidus Laboratorios
- Decadron con Neomicina Nasal - Merck
- Decadron con Neomicina Ophthalmic - Merck
- Decadron con Nistatina - Merck
- Decadron con Tobramicina - Merck; Sidus Laboratorios
- Decadron cum Neomycin - Merck
- Decadron Depot - Merck
- Decadron med Neomycin - Merck
- Decadron met Neomycine - Merck
- Decadron mit Neomycin - Merck
- Decadron Nasal - Merck; Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Decadron Ocumeter - Merck
- Decadron Phosphat - Merck
- Decadron Phosphate - Merck
- Decadron Phosphate Ocumeter - Merck
- Decadron with Neomycin - Merck; BLH Trading
- Decadron with Xylocaine - Merck
- Decadronal - Merck; Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Decadron-LA - Merck
- Deca-Durabol - Merck; Organon
- Deca-Durabolin - Merck; Akzo Nobel; Essex; Firma Chun Cheong; Neopharm, Israel; Organon; Pharmaco, New Zealand; Schering-Plough; United Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Deca-Duralin - Taj Pharmaceuticals
- Decafar - Reggiano Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Decafen - Sandoz
- Decagel
- Decagen - IVAX
- Decahist-DM - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- Decain Spinal Heavy - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Deca-Intabolin - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Decaject - Merz
- Decaject-L.A. - Merz
- Decal - Menarini; Rice Steele
- Decalcit - Geistlich Pharma
- Decalcit - J. Neves Laboratorio
- Deca-Lentermina Complex - Biotech Laboratorios
- Decalix
- Decalogiflox - Pfizer; Biocodex
- Decalona - Biotech Laboratorios
- Decaltrex - ERN Laboratorios
- Decalvit - Ultramark Healthcare
- Decamax - Novaduo Pharma
- Decamedin - Tanabe
- Decameribol - Meridian Medicare
- Decamevit - Pharmstandard-Ufavita
- Decamine
- Decamisol - Samchully Pharm; Hung Phuong Pharma
- Decan - Baxter; Aguettant
- Decan - Y.S.P. Industries
- Deca-Nandrobol - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Decanazole - Alkem Laboratories
- Decand - Comed Chemicals
- Decand B - Comed Chemicals
- Decand BG - Comed Chemicals
- Decand-V3 - Comed Chemicals
- Decand-V6 - Comed Chemicals
- Decaneurabol - Zydus Cadila
- Decaneurophen - Ind-Swift
- Decanic - Medihealth
- Deca-Noralone - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Decap
- Decapeptide I
- Decapeptyl - Beaufour Ipsen; A. Lapidot Pharmaceuticals; Ferring; Pacific Healthcare; Pharmaplan; Sanofi-Aventis; Sidus Laboratorios; Tecnofarma; United Italian Trading
- Decapeptyl CR - Beaufour Ipsen; Ferring; Pacific Healthcare; United Italian Trading
- Decapeptyl Daily - Beaufour Ipsen; Ferring; The Glory Medicina
- Decapeptyl Depot - Beaufour Ipsen; Ferring
- Decapeptyl Retard - Beaufour Ipsen; Ferring; The Glory Medicina
- Decapeptyl SR - Beaufour Ipsen
- Decapinol - Sinclair Pharmaceuticals
- Decapod - Misha Biotech
- Decaprednil - Orion Pharma
- Decapryn - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decaps
- Decaquinon - Eisai; DKSH
- Decaras - Rass Health Care
- Decarb - Cipla
- Decarene - Recordati
- Decaris - Janssen; DKSH; Four Star; Gedeon Richter
- Decarise - Global Medisciences
- Deca-Scab - Lafedar Laboratorios
- Decasept N - G. Streuli
- Decaserpil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decaserpyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decaserpyl Plus - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decasol - Rogar / STB
- Decasona - Alter
- Decasone - Aspen Pharmacare
- Decasoz - Sozin Flora Pharma
- Decaspir - Pulitzer Italiana
- Decaspray - Merck
- Decasun - Laksun Lifesciences
- Decaten
- Decatop - Madhav Biotech
- Decatrolin - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Decatylen - Mepha; Ceutical Trading; Fei Long Trading; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical; Megapha; Mepharm Malaysia; Protein, Mexico
- Decatylen Lozenges - Mepha; Fei Long Trading; IDS Group; Mepharm Malaysia
- Decatylen Neo - Mepha
- Decatylene - Mepha
- Decatylene Lozenges - Mepha; IDS Group
- Decatylene Neo - Mepha
- Decaugh - Fortune Pharmacal
- Decavac - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decaven - Baxter
- Decaven - L.O. Oftalmi Laboratorios
- Decaven - Vensat Bio
- Decavillin - Admac Pharma
- Deca-Vi-Sol - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Decavit - S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading; Propharm, Malaysia; Rowa Pharmaceuticals
- Decavitamin - Chinta; Pharma Square
- Decaxy - Boram Pharm
- Decazate - Approved Prescription Services
- Deccox - Alpharma; May & Baker
- Deccox-M - Alpharma
- Deccozil
- Decdak ST - Wockhardt
- Decdan - Wockhardt
- Decdan-N - Wockhardt
- Decef - East West Pharma
- Decentan - Merck
- Decet - RND Laboratories
- Decet-BD - RND Laboratories
- Decet-OD - RND Laboratories
- De-Chlor DM - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- De-Chlor DR - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- De-Chlor G - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- De-Chlor HC - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- De-Chlor HD - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- De-Chlor MR - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- De-Chlor NX - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- Decho - Milano Lab
- Decholin - Bayer Schering Pharma; Riedel Zabinka Produtos Quimicos e Farmaceuticos; Sanofi-Aventis
- Decholin Sodium - Bayer Schering Pharma; Riedel Zabinka Produtos Quimicos e Farmaceuticos; Sanofi-Aventis
- Dechophyline - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dechophyline Phenobarbital - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deciclina - Farmades
- Decident - Nevin Laboratories
- Decidex - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Decidex Compuesto - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Decidex Plus - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Decil - J & J Dechane Laboratories
- Decilina - Klonal Laboratorios
- Decilone - Westmont Pharmaceuticals; United Laboratories
- Decilone Forte - Westmont Pharmaceuticals; United Laboratories
- Decima Nil - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Decincan
- Decinflox OPH - DHP Korea
- Decinfort OPH - DHP Korea
- Decipar - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decis - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Expert - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Forte - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Jet - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Micro - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis ProFi - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Protech - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Super - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decis Ultra - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Decitriol - Richmond Laboratorios
- Decizox - Biochemix Health Care
- Declid
- Declinax - Roche; Cambridge Laboratories
- Decliten - Quimica Ariston
- Decloban - Farmacusi
- Declofon - Pharmanel
- Declomipramine
- Declomycin - Wyeth; ESP Pharma; Glades Pharmaceuticals; Lederle; Mova Pharmaceuticals; Stiefel Laboratories
- Declor - Danlex Research Laboratories
- Declot - Zydus Cadila
- Declovir - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; DKSH; Firma Chun Cheong; Harpers Trading; Zuellig Pharma
- Decme - Novartis; Italmex
- Decmiron - The ACME Laboratories
- Decnazol - Pharlab Industria Farmaceutica
- Deco - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Deco Expectorant - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading
- Deco Syrup - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading
- Deco-AT - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Decobel - Productos Ronava
- Decocon A - Sensomed Phils
- Decocort - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; DKSH; Harpers Trading; Summit
- Decodeca - Misha Biotech
- Decoderm - Boots; Hermal Kurt Herrmann; Merck
- Decoderm 3 - Merck
- Decoderm Base - Boots
- Decoderm Basiscreme - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Decoderm Bivalent - Boots; Almirall
- Decoderm Comp - Boots; Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Decoderm Compositum - Boots; Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Decoderm Tri - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Decoderm Trivalent - Merck; Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Decoderm Trivalente - Boots
- Decofam Cough - Drug Houses of Australia; U.S. Summit
- Decofast - Medico Healthcare
- Decofed - Alpharma; The Harvard Drug Group
- Decofed-DS - Universal Medikit
- Decofed-X - Unijules Life Science
- Decofilina Sedante - Merck
- Decofluor - Salfa, Biochimici Dr. Ferranti
- Decofsin - V.S. International
- Decohistine DH - Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals
- Decohistine Expectorant - Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals
- Decol - Alde Medi Impex
- Decol Syrup - Utopian
- Decol Tablets - Utopian
- Decolane - Cubit Healthcare
- Decol-C - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- De-Cold - China Chemical & Pharmaceutical; MD Pharmaceuticals
- Decold CP - Mcneil & Argus Pharmaceuticals
- Decold Plus - Mcneil & Argus Pharmaceuticals
- Decolfed - Utopian
- Decolgen - Unam Corporation; Diethelm; Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Ace - United Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Cold and Flu Extra Strength - Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Far East Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Cold and Flu with Vitamin C - Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Far East Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Day and Night - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- Decolgen DE - Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand
- Decolgen Forte - United Laboratories; Westmont Pharmaceuticals
- Decolgen Forte PS - United Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen FX - Unam Corporation; Diethelm; Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Liquid - United Pharma; Far East Drug; Probus; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen ND - United Laboratories
- Decolgen No-Drowse - United Laboratories; Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Non Drowse - Westmont Pharmaceuticals; Far East Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Plus - Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Powder - Probus
- Decolgen Prin - Great Eastern Drug; Olic Thailand; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Siroa - United Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolgen Tablets - Far East Drug; Probus
- Decolgen-P - Sinkhai Healthcare
- Decolic - F.T. Pharma
- Decolic - Kontest Chemicals
- Decolic Infant - Kontest Chemicals
- Decolic Injections - Kontest Chemicals
- Decolic-V - Kontest Chemicals
- Decolite - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Decol-N - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Decolone - Merion Care
- Decol-P - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Decolsin - Probus
- Decolsin - United Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Decolsin Reformulated - United Laboratories; Westmont Pharmaceuticals
- Decomb Forte - Alde Medi Impex
- Dec-Ombolin - OM Biotec
- Decomed - Elmor Laboratorios
- Decomic - Klar Sehen
- Decomine - East West Pharma
- Decomit - Beximco Pharmaceuticals; Advanced Medi Mart
- Decomyk - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Decon - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Decon - Jaapharm Canada
- Decon - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decon - The Forty-Two, Thailand; Siam Medicare
- Decon Lavanda - IP Farma
- Decon N S - Jaapharm Canada
- Decon Ovuli - IP Farma
- Deconal - Nycomed
- Deconal F - F.T. Pharma
- Deconamine - Bradley Pharmaceuticals; International Medical, Hong Kong
- Deconamine CX - Bradley Pharmaceuticals
- Deconamine SR - Bradley Pharmaceuticals; International Medical, Hong Kong; Kenwood Laboratories
- Deconbol - Almet Corporation
- Decondine - Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing
- Deconex - Altomega Drugs
- Deconex 50FF - Borer Chemie
- Deconex 53IN - Borer Chemie
- Decongene - Stabilimenti Chimico-Farmaceutici Dott. R. Ravasini
- Decongest - Ratiopharm; Hind Wing
- Decongest Nasal - Rougier Pharma
- Decongestabs - Parmed Pharmaceuticals
- Decongestant - Jamp Pharma
- Decongestant - Moore Medical Corporation
- Decongestant - Pharmascience
- Decongestant - Prodemdis
- Decongestant - Rougier Pharma
- Decongestant - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Decongestant Antihistaminic Syrup - Pharmascience
- Decongestant Capsules - Boots
- Decongestant Cough Elixir - GlaxoSmithKline
- Decongestant Cough Elixir Junior - GlaxoSmithKline
- Decongestant Expectorant - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Decongestant Eye Drops - GlaxoSmithKline
- Decongestant Nasal Mist - Prodemdis
- Decongestant Nasal Mist Long Lasting - Confab Laboratories
- Decongestant Nasal Mist Long Lasting - Prodemdis
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Confab Laboratories
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - GlaxoSmithKline
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - KSL Pharmaceuticals
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Pharmascience
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Prodemdis
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Ratiopharm
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Rougier Pharma
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Stanley Pharmaceuticals
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Supplements Aromatik
- Decongestant Nasal Spray - Wes Pak Products
- Decongestant Nasal Spray with Moisturizers - Pharmascience
- Decongestant Nasal Spray with Moisturizers - Supplements Aromatik
- Decongestant Nose Drops - Confab Laboratories
- Decongestant Nose Drops - Prodemdis
- Decongestant SR - Novartis
- Decongestant Tablets - Boots
- Decongestant Tablets - Stanley Pharmaceuticals
- Decongestant Tablets - Unichem, United Kingdom
- Decongestant Tablets with Paracetamol - Boots
- Decongestant with Moisturizers - Jamp Pharma
- Decongestant with Moisturizers - Pharmascience
- Decongestin - Nu-Life Nutrition
- Decongestine - Sauter Laboratories
- Decongestionnant - Lalco Laboratoire
- Decongex Plus - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Decongex Plus Expectorante - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Deconhist LA - IVAX
- Decono - Milano Lab
- Deconomed - Iopharm Laboratories
- Deconsal II - Cornerstone Therapeutics
- Deconsal Pediatric - Adams Laboratories
- Deconsal Sprinkle - Adams Laboratories
- Decontractil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decontractyl - Sanofi-Aventis; Thuan Gia Pharmaceutical Trading
- Decontractyl Baume - Sanofi-Aventis; Robert and Carriere Laboratories
- Decontractyl New - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decontractyl Ointment - Sanofi-Aventis; Anglo French Laboratories
- Decontractyl Tablets - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decontrak-Tin - Acti-Bile
- Decontril - Pulitzer Italiana
- Decordex - Nida Pharma; Advanced Medi Mart
- Decorenone - Italfarmaco
- Decorex - Pisa Laboratorios
- Decorfen - Greenpharma Quimica e Farmaceutica
- Decorin - Novartis
- Decormin - ACE Pharmaceuticals
- Decorpa - Pierre Fabre; Norgine Pharma Laboratoires
- Decortancyl
- Decortilen Injections - Merck
- Decortilen Tablets - Merck
- Decortin - Merck
- Decortin H - Merck
- Decortin Rheuma - Merck
- Decortin-H-KS - Merck
- Decortisyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Decort-N - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Decorton - Salfa, Biochimici Dr. Ferranti
- Decos - Sriprasit
- Decose - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Decosept - Borer Chemie
- Decosil - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Decostriol - Jenapharm; Jacobson Medical; Jesalis Pharma; Pharmaland 1982
- Decosyn - Drug Houses of Australia
- Decotram - Worth Medicines India
- Decotram-PD - Worth Medicines India
- Decoxy
- Decozol - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Delfi Singapore; Harpers Trading; Summit
- Decozoom - Syntro Health Care
- Decrelip - Ferrer Farma
- Decresco - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Decreten - Alpharma
- Decrilip - Sanbe Farma
- Decrin - Roche
- Decrina - Intra Labs India
- Decsun - Little Greave Pharmaceuticals
- Dectancyl - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dectomax - Pfizer
- Dectomax Pour-On Solution - Pfizer
- Decubal - Alpharma; Actavis
- Decubal Clinic - Actavis
- Deculin - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Decurin - Dr. Gray Productos Farmaceuticos
- Decurvon
- Decwell - Hanburys Health Care
- Decylenes - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Decyline Cream - Corsa Industries
- Decyline Ointment - Corsa Industries
- Decyline Powder - Corsa Industries
- Decyp-P - Alde Medi Impex
- Deczone - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Deczone-S - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Deczone-T - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Deczone-TP - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Deda - HK Pharma
- Dedelo
- Dedevap
- Dedicated Brand Premium Topical Foam Fluoride - ABJ Custom Packaging
- Dedile - IVAX
- Dediol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Dedolor - Fujisawa
- Dedostryl - Antor
- Dedoxyn - DWD Pharmaceuticals
- Dedralen - Italfarmaco
- Dedrei - Opfermann Arzneimittel
- Dedrogyl - Sanofi-Aventis; DB Pharma Laboratoires; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology
- Dedron - Sanjivani Paranteral
- Deeclo - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Dee-Co
- Dee-Osterol
- Deep Cold Arthritic Hand Lotion - Mentholatum
- Deep Cold Gold - Mentholatum
- Deep Cold Ice Spray - Mentholatum
- Deep Cold Pain Patch - Mentholatum
- Deep Cold Plus - Mentholatum
- Deep Cold Therapy - Mentholatum
- Deep Crimson Madder
- Deep Freeze - Mentholatum
- Deep Freeze Cold - Mentholatum
- Deep Heat Cream - Mentholatum; Hyde Pharmaceuticals
- Deep Heat Massage - Mentholatum
- Deep Heat Maximum Strength - Mentholatum
- Deep Heat Rub - Mentholatum; Hyde Pharmaceuticals; Medibrands
- Deep Heat Rub Plus - Mentholatum
- Deep Heat Spray - Mentholatum; Vianex
- Deep Heating Lotion - Mentholatum
- Deep Heating Patch - Mentholatum
- Deep Heating Rub - Mentholatum; Diethelm
- Deep Heating Spray - Mentholatum
- Deep Heating Ultra Strength Rub - Mentholatum
- Deep Moisture Renewal with SPF 15 - Blistex
- Deep Relief - Deco
- Deep Relief - E. J. Gezzi Laboratorios
- Deep Relief - Mentholatum
- Deep Woods OFF - S. C. Johnson and Son
- Deep Wrinkle Moisture - Johnson & Johnson
- Deepas - Zota Pharmaceuticals
- Deep-Down Rub - GlaxoSmithKline
- Deepen-DSR - Bionet India
- Deepwater Fish Oil Concentrate - Jamieson Laboratories
- Dee-Ron
- Dee-Ronal
- Dee-Roual
- Deetipat - Ferrosan
- Defam - Andromaco Industria Farmaceutica
- Defanac - Ranbaxy
- Defanyl - Eisai
- Defarol - ADiPharm
- Defatig - Allergan
- Defaxina - A.S.A.C. Pharma
- Defcin - Cinerea Biotech
- Defcort - Macleods Pharmaceuticals
- Defechol - Pharbaco
- DeFed - Ferndale Laboratories
- Defenac - Ranbaxy
- Defenac-P - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Defencid - Duopharm
- Defend - Anderson Chemical Company
- Defender - Delaval
- Defen-LA - First Horizon Pharmaceutical
- Defense - Nu-Life Nutrition
- Defense - Y.S.P. Industries; Y.K. Pharma
- Defense Formula - Future Formulations
- Defense Plein Soleil - Guinot
- Defense UV - Guinot
- Deferon Capsules - Dey's Medical Stores
- Deferon Liquid - Dey's Medical Stores
- Deferoxamine - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Deferoxamine - Bedford Laboratories
- Deferoxamine - Hospira
- Deferum
- Defesto C - Allphar Services
- Defglu - Neiss Labs
- Defi Quat - Phidias Produits Sanitaires
- Defibrase - Serono; Gerot Pharmazeutika; Pentapharm
- Deficical B12 - Gross Laboratorio
- Defidin - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Defidin-A - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Defiltran - Alpharma; Aerocid Laboratoires; Dexo Laboratoire
- Defin - Liferpal MD
- Definity - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Lantheus Medical Imaging
- Defirin - Iasis Chemipharma
- Defislez - Sintez
- Defix - Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, Protein Fractionation Centre
- Defixal - Leti Laboratorios
- Defjee - Evershine Healthcare
- Deflachek - Indoco Remedies
- Deflam - CCL Pharmaceuticals
- Deflam - Wyeth
- Deflamat - Fujisawa; Actavis; Andromaco Laboratorios; Astellas Pharma; Sankyo
- Deflamat NF Infantil - Fujisawa; Andromaco Laboratorios
- Deflamene
- Deflamm - Fujisawa
- Deflamol - Sofibel Laboratoire; Fumouze Laboratoires
- Deflamol A3 - Fumouze Laboratoires
- Deflamon - Bieffe Medital; Societa Prodotti Antibiotici
- Deflamox - Sanfer Laboratorios
- Deflamox Plus - Hormona Laboratorios
- Deflan - Guidotti Laboratori
- Deflanil - Libbs Farmaceutica
- Deflar - Intra Labs India
- Deflaren - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Deflastar - Invision Medi Sciences
- Deflazacort - Sandoz
- Deflect - Deb Canada
- Deflect SPF 33 Professional Sunscreen - Deb Canada
- Deflegmin - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Duy Tan Pharma; Polfa
- Defley - Zodley Pharmaceuticals
- Deflogen - Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Deflogix - Vedim Pharma
- Deflogon - Damor Farmaceutici
- Deflorin
- Deflox - Abbott
- Deflox - Merck
- Deflox - Syntho Pharmaceuticals
- Defluin - Merck
- Defluin Plus - Merck
- Defluina - Ebewe Pharma
- Defluina - Sanofi-Aventis
- Defluina - Teofarma
- Defluina N - Sanofi-Aventis
- Defluina Peri - Sanofi-Aventis
- Defluina Peri Mite - Sanofi-Aventis
- Deflux - Lafit Laboratorios Fitoterapico
- Defobin - Zentiva
- Defocart - Solitaire Pharmacia
- Defocef - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- De-Fol-Ate
- Defomag - Central Poly Trading
- Defomil - Nakornpatana Pharm
- Defonamid - Blucher-Schering
- Defonin
- Deforka - Phil Inter Pharma
- Defovil - Synmedic Laboratories
- Defox - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Deftan - Merck
- Defungo - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Defy - Akorn
- Defza - Dewcare Concept
- Defzact - Medico Healthcare
- Degabina - P. L. Rivero Laboratorios
- DeGalin - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Degalol
- Degan - Lek
- Deganol
- Degarelix - Ferring
- Degas - Wyeth; Novartis; R.X. Company
- De-Gas - Wyeth
- Degas Extra - Wyeth
- Degas Infant Drops - Wyeth
- Degest - Akorn
- Degest 2 - Allergan; Sola Barnes Hind
- Degirol - Darya-Varia Laboratoria
- Deglucos - Suphong Bhaesaj
- Degona - Prodotti Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Degoran - Sandoz
- Degoran C - Novartis
- Degoran Cold and Flu - Novartis
- Degoran Cough - Novartis
- Degoran Effervescent Tablets - Novartis
- Degoran Oral Liquid - Novartis
- Degoran Plus - Novartis
- Degoran Tablets - Novartis
- Degorflan - Degort's Chemical
- Degortkap - Degort's Chemical
- Degorvit Plus - Degort's Chemical
- Degraisseur Plus - Sani-Marc
- Degraisseur-Desinfectant - Les Chimiques B.O.D.
- Degraler - Bago Laboratorios
- Degran - Ranbaxy; Diethelm Keller
- Degranol - Aspen Pharmacare
- Degranol - Landerlan
- Degras
- Degree Aerosol Antiperspirant - Unilever; Helene Curtis
- Degree Antiperspirant Aerosol - Lever Pond's
- Degree Antiperspirant Invisible - Lever Pond's
- Degree Antiperspirant Ultra Dry - Lever Pond's
- Degree Body Heat Activated Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Body Heat Activated Gel - Unilever
- Degree Fresh Oxygen Fragrance Invisible Solid Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Fresh Oxygen Fragrance Soft Solid Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Invisible Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Ironman Protection Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Original Solid Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Roll-On Antiperspirant - Lever Pond's
- Degree Solid Antiperspirant - Lever Pond's
- Degree Spectrum Protection - Unilever
- Degree Spectrum Protection Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Ultra Clear Invisible Solid Antiperspirant - Unilever
- Degree Women Soft Solid Anti-Perspirant - Unilever
- Degrium - Ferron
- Degurge-DSR - Tablets India
- Dehacodin
- DeHaF - Soho Industri Pharmasi
- Dehag Sulfate GL Emulsion
- Dehatacil - Hataphar
- Dehidrobenzperidol - Kern Pharma
- Dehist - Forest Laboratories
- Dehista - Berlico Mulia Farma
- Dehistin
- Dehistine - Cypress Pharmaceutical
- Dehorning PST Dr Naylors - H W Naylor
- Dehychol
- Dehycol
- Dehycon
- Dehydag Sulfate GL
- Dehydag Sulphate GL Emulsion
- Dehydrag Sulfate GL Emulsion
- Dehydral - Valeo Pharma; Stiefel Laboratories
- Dehydralytes - Medibiotics
- Dehydrated Alcohol - Abbott
- Dehydrated Alcohol - Hospira
- Dehydrated Alcohol - Sandoz
- Dehydrated Alcohol DBL - David Bull Laboratories; Faulding
- Dehydratin
- Dehydro Sanol - Sanol
- Dehydro Sanol Tri - Sanol
- Dehydro Sanol Tri Mite - Sanol
- Dehydrobenzperidol - Janssen; Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology; OTL Pharma
- Dehydrosin - Mayrhofer Pharmazeutika
- Dehydrosol - San Marino Laboratories
- Dehymuls SML
- Dehypon KE 3557
- Dehyquart CBB
- Dehystolin
- Deicol - Leti Laboratorios
- Deidrocolico Vita
- Deidroepar - I.E.M.A.
- Deimec - Daewon Pharmaceutical
- Deinait
- Deiron - Faes Farma
- Deiten - Istituto Biologico Chemioterapico
- DEKA - Dayton Laboratories
- Dekacort
- Dekadin
- Dekamega - Almirall
- Dekamin - Monico, Italy
- Dekamycin V
- Dekar 2 - Pentamedical
- Dekatin - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Deketon
- Dekinet - Rafa Laboratories
- Dekka - Pond's Chemical Thailand
- Dekkalon - Sinopharm; Pharmahof
- Dekortin
- Dekot - Auspi Medicaments
- Dekristol - Jenapharm
- Deksa - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Dek-Tabs
- Del Aqua - Crown Laboratories
- Delabarre - Sofibel Laboratoire; Fumouze Laboratoires
- Delabarre Bio-Adhesif - Fumouze Laboratoires
- Delac S
- Delacillin
- Delacor - Charoon Bhesaj
- Delacort
- De-Lact - Nutricia; Douglas Pharmaceuticals
- Delacurarine
- Deladiol - STERIS Corporation
- Deladumone - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Delage - MMC Healthcare
- Delagil - Dermapharm
- Delagil - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Delak - Raffo Laboratorios
- Delaket - Chiesi
- Delakete - Farmalab Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Delakmin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delalutin - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Delamin - Hindustan Antibiotic
- Delamin LB - Hindustan Antibiotic
- Delanin - Charoon Bhesaj
- Delapav
- Delapride - Chiesi
- Delaro - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Delatar - Sandoz; Lek
- Delatest
- Delatestryl - Savient Pharmaceuticals; Indevus Pharmaceuticals; Theramed; Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Delaxin - Ferndale Laboratories
- Delaxin - Scoshia Remedy
- Delaxin-M - Scoshia Remedy
- Delayed Release Aspirin - Zydus Cadila; German Remedies
- Delazinc - Mericon Industries
- Delbiase - Chiesi
- Delbitol - Citadel Fine Pharmaceuticals
- Delbulasa - Alpharma Laboratorios
- Delbysen - Renovati Pharma
- Delcaine
- Delchlor
- Delcid - Casca Remedies
- Delcillin
- Delcobese - Teva
- Delcon - Citadel Fine Pharmaceuticals
- Delcon Plus - Citadel Fine Pharmaceuticals
- Delcoprep - DeltaSelect
- Delcorlon - Synco; Singapore Pharmaceutical
- Delcort - Shire
- Delcortin
- Delcortol
- Delcut - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Delecit - MDM, Italy
- Delegol - Bayer
- Delegol Vet - Bayer
- Delepsine - Orion Pharma
- Deleptin - Stada
- Delestrogen - King Pharmaceuticals; Theramed
- Deletus - Nicholas Piramal
- Deletus A - Nicholas Piramal
- Deletus D - Nicholas Piramal
- Deletus P - Nicholas Piramal
- Deletus-BX - Nicholas Piramal
- Delewal - Aamorb Pharmaceuticals
- Delfen - Janssen; Advanced Care Products; Ethnor; Johnson & Johnson; Personal Products Company
- Delfina Plus - Positif Life Sciences
- Delflex A
- Delflex A Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 1.5% Dextrose - Fresenius
- Delflex A Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 2.5% Dextrose - Fresenius
- Delflex A Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 4.25% Dextrose - Fresenius
- Delflex Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 0.5% Dextrose - Fresenius
- Delflex Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 1.5% Dextrose Low Ca Low Mg - Fresenius
- Delflex Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 2.5% Dextrose Low Ca Low Mg - Fresenius
- Delflex Peritoneal Dialysis Solution with 4.25% Dextrose Low Ca Low Mg - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 1.5% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 1.5% low Magnesium in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 1.5% low Magnesium low Calcium in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 2.5% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 2.5% low Magnesium in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 2.5% low Magnesium low Calcium in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 3.5% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 4.25% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 4.25% low Magnesium in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex with Dextrose 4.25% low Magnesium low Calcium in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex-LM with Dextrose 1.5% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex-LM with Dextrose 2.5% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex-LM with Dextrose 3.5% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delflex-LM with Dextrose 4.25% in plastic container - Fresenius
- Delfos - AGIPS Farmaceutici
- Delgacin Fibras - Higate Medical
- Delgadol - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Delgadol Fibra - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Delgadol Slim - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Delgadol Vita - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Delgafen - Geva Laboratorios
- Delgamer - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delgar - Apsen Farmaceutica
- Delgesic - Karlspharma Pharmazeutische Produkte
- Delgian - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delical - DHN Laboratoires Nutrition Clinique
- Delica-Sol - Medichemie
- Delicate Skin Pasta - Ricerca Cosmetica Avanzata
- Delicieuse Creme De Jour a la Roche - Garraud-Paris
- Delidose - HRA Pharma; Orion Pharma
- Delilac Vanilla - Tempo Scan Pacific; Global Erasmas; Lyempf
- Delimmun - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delimon - Pharmathen Pharmaceutical
- Delin - Atlantic Laboratories; Agencia Lei Va Hong
- Delin Injections - Ind-Swift
- Delin Tablets - Ind-Swift
- Delinar - Teva
- Delipic - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical; Hong Long
- Delipid - Cooperativa Farmaceutica Societa
- Delipid - T Man Pharma
- Delipoderm - Reig Jofre; Theramex Laboratoires
- Deliproct - Bayer Schering Pharma; Intendis
- Delirek - Shreya Life Sciences
- Delirex - Sanova Pharma
- Delisan - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Delisprin - Aristo Pharmaceuticals
- Delitan - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Delitan Forte - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Delitex Haarwasche N - Infectopharm Arzneimittel und Consilium
- Delitex N - Infectopharm Arzneimittel und Consilium
- Delitroxin - Pharmathen Pharmaceutical
- Deliva
- Deliver - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Delix - Grafton Pharmasia
- Delix - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delix Plus - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delix Protect - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delix Protect Startset - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delixi - Infectopharm Arzneimittel und Consilium
- Delixir - Hamilton Pharmaceuticals
- Della Udder Wash - Alfa Laval Agri
- Della-Blue Teat Dip Non-Iodine - Alfa Laval Agri
- Dellacort
- Dellacort A
- Della-One - Alfa Laval Agri; Delaval
- Della-Prep - Alfa Laval Agri
- Della-Pretech Plus - Delaval
- Della-Pretech Teat Dip - Delaval
- Della-Pro - Delaval
- Della-San - Delaval
- Della-Soft ACT - Delaval
- Della-Soft Sanitizing Teat Dip - Alfa Laval Agri
- Del-Lend - Eversil Produtos Farmaceuticos Industria e Comercio
- Dellova - Clement-Thionville Laboratoire
- Delmeson - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delmofulvina - Coli Farmaceutici
- Delmoneurina
- Delmuno - Sanofi-Aventis
- Del-Mycin - Crown Laboratories
- Delnil - Sandoz; DuraScan Medical Products
- Delnim - BMW Pharmaco India
- Delnim-P - BMW Pharmaco India
- Delnim-SP - BMW Pharmaco India
- Delock-MR - Arvincare Healthcare
- Delok - Abbott
- Delon Tropic High Protection Sun Spray SPF 30 - Delon 1990 Laboratoires
- Delonal - Essex
- Delonin Amide
- Delopa - XL Laboratories
- Delopedil - OPV; Merap Group
- Delormetazepam
- Delorta - Abbott
- Delos - Dallas Laboratorio
- Delotid - DWD Pharmaceuticals
- Delph Sun Lotion SPF 15 - Fenton Pharmaceuticals
- Delph Sun Lotion SPF 25 - Fenton Pharmaceuticals
- Delph Sun Lotion SPF 30 - Fenton Pharmaceuticals
- Delph Sun Lotion SPF 50 - Fenton Pharmaceuticals
- Delphi - ERFA; Wyeth
- Delphicol - Wyeth
- Delphicort - Riemser Arzneimittel; Dermapharm
- Delphimix - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Delphimix 1 - Wyeth
- Delphinac - Wyeth; Riemser Arzneimittel
- Delphininum - Total Health Centre
- Delpral - Sanofi-Aventis
- Delrosa - Inovail Healthcare Philippines
- Delrosa - Invida
- Delrosa Orange - Invida; Agencia Lei Va Hong; IDS Group
- Delrosa Rosehip - Invida; Agencia Lei Va Hong; IDS Group
- Delsacid - Selvi Laboratorio Bioterapico
- Delsal - Meyer Productos Terapeuticos
- Delsan
- Delsartan - Micro Labs
- Delsone - Psychotropics India
- Delsoralen - Darya-Varia Laboratoria
- Delsterol
- Delsym - Novartis; Adams Respiratory Therapeutics; Celltech; Reckitt Benckiser; Roche; Sanofi-Aventis
- Delsym Cough Formula - Novartis
- Delsym DM - Novartis
- Delta 80 - IDI Farmaceutici
- Delta 80 Plus - IDI Farmaceutici
- Delta Charcoal - Sriprasit
- Delta E
- Delta F
- Delta T - Merck
- Delta Tomanil B12 - Altana Pharma
- Delta-Albaplex - Pfizer
- Deltacarbon - Sriprasit
- Deltacef - Pulitzer Italiana
- Deltacid - Solvay
- Deltacid Plus - Solvay
- Deltacide
- Deltacillin - Aspen Pharmacare
- Deltacina - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Delta-Cortef - Pfizer
- Delta-Cortelan
- Deltacortene - Bruno Farmaceutici
- Deltacortenol
- Deltacortilen - Societa Industria Farmaceutica Italiana
- Deltacortisone
- Delta-Cortisone
- Deltacortone
- Delta-Cortone
- Deltacortril - Pfizer
- Deltacortril Enteric - Pfizer
- Delta-D - Freeda Vitamins
- Delta-Diona - Reuffer Laboratorios
- Delta-Dome - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Delta-EF-Cortelan
- Deltaflan - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
- Deltaflogin - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
- Deltafluorene
- DeltaGard
- Deltagran
- Delta-Hadensa - Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Delta-K - Ranbaxy
- Deltalab - Multilab Farmaceuticos
- Deltalaf - Lafage Laboratorios
- Deltalin - Eli Lilly
- Deltalipid - DeltaSelect
- Deltamid - SMB Farma Laboratorios; Sophia Laboratorios
- Deltamid Ofteno - SMB Farma Laboratorios
- Deltamid Ofteno - Sophia Laboratorios
- Deltamid Ungena - Sophia Laboratorios
- Deltamidrina - Tubilux Pharma
- Deltamin
- Deltamine
- Deltamitren - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Deltan
- Deltanyne
- Delta-Phoricol - Alinter
- Deltaphos - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Deltaphos Rienda - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Deltapio - Luper Industria Farmaceutica
- Deltar - Phoenix Laboratorios
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