Pharmaceutical products list, page 25:
- Baraclude - Bristol-Myers Squibb; DKSH; Invida; Taisho Pharmaceutical; Zuellig Pharma
- Baracoumin
- Baraflave
- Baralgan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgan M - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgan-D - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgan-DM - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgetas - Jaka-80; Jugoremedija
- Baralgin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Baralgin M - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgina - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgina M - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baralgine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baramine
- Baran-Mild N - Mickan Arzneimittel
- Baratol - Shire; Wyeth
- Baraz - Acekinetic Healthcare
- Barazae
- Barazan - Merck; Dieckmann Arzneimittel
- Barballyl
- Barbamil
- Barbamin - G. Streuli
- Barbamyl
- Barbee - Ind-Swift
- Barbenyl
- Barbicide - King Research
- Barbidal
- Barbidonna - MedPointe Healthcare
- Barbidorm
- Barbilehae
- Barbilixir - DC Labs
- Barbinal
- Barbiphen
- Barbiphenyl
- Barbipil
- Barbita
- Barbitab
- Barbitoin - Medopharm
- Barbitron - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Barbivis
- Barbloc - Alphapharm
- Barbonal
- Barbonin
- Barbonine
- Barbopent - Sanofi-Aventis
- Barbophen
- Barbosec
- Barboval - Farmak
- Barc - Del Pharmaceuticals
- Barcan - UCB Pharma
- Barcine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Barciprim - Sydenham Laboratories
- Barclyd - Biogalenique Laboratoires
- Barcold - Blubell Pharma
- Bardac
- Bardiol
- Bardorm
- Bare Radiance Protective Lip Shine - Physicians Formula
- Bareon - Hokuriku Seiyaku
- Barex - Dominguez Laboratorios
- Barexal - Ipsen Pharma
- Bargonil - Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios
- Bariard - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bariclor - Degort's Chemical
- Baricon - Tyco Healthcare; Mallinckrodt
- Baridium - Pfeiffer Company
- Baridol
- Bariederm - Uriage Laboratoires Dermatologiques
- Barigesic - Degort's Chemical
- Barigraf - Bayer Schering Pharma; Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica; Justesa Imagen
- Barigraf AD - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Barigraf Tac - Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica
- Barijodeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Barilux - Sanochemia Diagnostics; Sanochemia Pharmazeutika
- Barilux Brausetabletten - Sanochemia Diagnostics
- Barin - Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios
- Bario Cidan - Cidan
- Bario Dif - Rovi Laboratorios
- Bario Faes - Faes Farma
- Bario Faes Ultra - Faes Farma
- Bario Llorente - Llorente
- Bariofarma - Varifarma Laboratorio
- Bariogel - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos; Organifar
- Bariopacin - Serra Pamies Laboratorios
- Bariotest - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bariotin - Etifar Laboratorios Eticos-Farmaceuticos
- Bariplex - Degort's Chemical
- Baripril - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Baripril Diu - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Barital
- Baritex - Integrated Contract Manufacturing
- Baritogen Deluxe
- Bariton - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baritop - Sanochemia Pharmazeutika
- Baritop G - Sanochemia Pharmazeutika
- Baritop P - Sanochemia Pharmazeutika
- Baritrate
- Barium Andreu
- Barium Chloride - Total Health Centre
- Barium Med Complex - Dynamit Nobel Wien
- Bari-Vit - Somapharm
- Barkeit - Uni Sankyo
- Barlem - Juggat Pharma
- Barmicil - Son's Laboratorios Quimica
- Barmicil Compuesto - Son's Laboratorios Quimica
- Barn Storm Iodine Cleaner Sanitizer - Ostrem Chemical
- Barnes-Hind Cleaning and Soaking Solution - Allergan
- Barnes-Hind Wetting and Soaking Solution - Pilkington Barnes Hind
- Barnes-Hind Wetting Solution - Allergan
- Barnetil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Barnotil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Baro Bag Enema 98% - Tyco Healthcare
- Barobag - Mallinckrodt
- Barocal - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barocal Forte - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barocat
- Baro-Cat - Mallinckrodt
- Barocat Susp 1.5% - Tyco Healthcare
- Barocef - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barochem - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barodense
- Baroflave - Lannett
- Barohem Syrup - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barohem Tablets - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barohexy - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barohist-AC - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barohist-D - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barokaton Injections - Sanova Pharma
- Barokaton Tablets - Sanova Pharma
- Barokin - Young Poong Pharmaceutical; Berna
- Barole - Mega Lifesciences
- Baroloid
- Barolub FTA
- Baromezole - Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma
- Barominic - Am-Europharma
- Baron - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Baron Orange - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Baron Strawberry - Medicine Products, Thailand; Medicine Supply, Thailand
- Barone
- Baronite - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Baropac - Darrow Laboratorios
- Baropyrine - Am-Europharma
- Baros - Lafayette Pharmaceuticals
- Baros - Mallinckrodt
- Baros Effervescent Granules - Tyco Healthcare
- Barosma - Dolisos
- Barosma - Standard Homeopathic
- Barosperse - Tyco Healthcare; Mallinckrodt
- Barosperse Disposable Enema units 95% - Tyco Healthcare
- Barosperse II
- Barostatin - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barotine Soft - Young Poong Pharmaceutical
- Barotonal - Alpharma
- Barotrast
- Barovit - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Baroxal - Remek
- Baroxime - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barozac - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barozyme - Baroda Pharmaceutical
- Barpental
- Barpil - Biopharm Chemicals
- Barquinol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Barquinol HC - Sanofi-Aventis
- Barricade - A & L Laboratories
- Barricade 10EC
- Barri-Care Moisture Barrier - Care-Tech Laboratories
- Barrier Cream - National Care Products
- Barrier Creme - Hollister
- Barriere - WellSpring Pharmaceuticals; Allen & Hanburys
- Barriere HC - Shire; Allen & Hanburys; Pendopharm; Squire Pharmaceuticals
- Barrycidal - Barry Italia
- Barseb HC
- Barstatin
- Barstatin 100 - Barlan
- Bartal - Roche
- Bartelin N - OTW-Naturarzneimittel Regneri
- Bartelin Nico - OTW-Naturarzneimittel Regneri
- Bar-Test
- Bartol
- Bartolium - Nufarindo Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Barudon - Taeguk Pharma; Naphaco
- Bar-Vips - Vips-Med
- Baryta Acetica - Boiron
- Baryta Carbonica - Boiron
- Baryta Carbonica - Dolisos
- Baryta Carbonica - Homeocan
- Baryta Carbonica - Phyto-Sante
- Baryta Carbonica - Standard Homeopathic
- Baryta Carbonica - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Baryta Carbonica - Total Health Centre
- Baryta Carbonica Homaccord - Naturpharm
- Baryta Iodata - Boiron
- Baryta Iodata - Dolisos
- Baryta Iodata - Homeocan
- Baryta Iodata - Standard Homeopathic
- Baryta Muriatica - Boiron
- Baryta Muriatica - Dolisos
- Baryta Muriatica - Standard Homeopathic
- Baryta Muriatica - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Baryta White
- Barytes
- Barytgen - Byk; Fuji Film
- Baryum Carbonicum - Seroyal
- Baryum Carbonicum Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Baryum Carbonicum Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Baryum Chloratum Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Baryx Colloidal
- Baryxine
- Barzepin - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Basab - B.A. Farma Laboratorio
- Basacid Red 316
- Basacid Yellow 226
- Basalflex - B. Braun
- Basal-H-Insulin - Sanofi-Aventis
- Basalin - Gan & Lee Pharmaceutical; Novatec Healthcare; Zuellig Pharma
- Basaljel - Axcan Pharma
- Basaljel - Wyeth
- Basan - Leiras
- Basan-Corti
- Basaterol - Shinpoong Daewoo Pharma
- Basathrin
- Bascardial - Bastian-Werk
- Baschem 12
- Basdene - Recordati; Sanpromex
- Bas-Dextrano - B. Braun
- Base - Bestochem Formulations India
- Base De Pre-Maquillage Correctrice / Corrective Make-Up Base - Make Up for Ever
- Baseal - Pierre Fabre
- Basecidina - Faes Farma
- Basecil
- Baseflox-OZ - Arunabh Pharma
- Baseler Haussalbe - Sanico
- Baselide - Ultramark Healthcare
- Basen - Takeda Pharmaceutical; Zuellig Pharma
- Basergin
- Baserin - Raza Manufacturing; Pharmaniaga
- Basethyrin
- Basic - Camillo Corvi Farmacia
- Basic 12 - Basic Packaging Industries
- Basic Biopsy Tray - Allegiance Healthcare
- Basic Blue 9
- Basic Day Cream with UV-Protection - Biokosma
- Basic Foley Cath Kit Iodophor - Baxter
- Basic Green 4
- Basic Ointment - Lark Laboratories
- Basic Prenatal - Thorne Research
- Basic Protection with Vitamin E - Biokosma
- Basic Teint - Christian Dior
- Basic Violet BN
- Basic Violet-3
- Basic Vita Vim - Jamieson Laboratories
- Basicaina - Galenica Senese Industria Farmaceutica
- Basic-G Highly Concentrated Germicidal Solution - Shaklee
- Basic-Germicide - Shaklee
- Basifen - Basi Laboratorios
- Basikol - Arkopharma Laboratoires; Cordial Trading Corporation; Primal Healthcare & Beauty
- Basilan - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Basilicao - Simoes Laboratorio
- Basilicum Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Basilit B
- Basin - Lyka Labs
- Basina - T Man Pharma
- Basinal - Basi Laboratorios
- Basireuma - Basi Laboratorios
- Basiron - Galderma; Boehringer Ingelheim
- Basiron AC - Galderma
- Basis-Infusionslosung N - Strathmann
- Basistram - Raam de Sahuayo Laboratorios
- Basiter - Galderma
- Basiton - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Basiton Forte - Sarabhai Piramal Pharma
- Basix - Plus India
- Basix Disinfectant Sanitizer - Avmor
- Basix Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner - Avmor
- Basix-AL - Plus India
- Basix-LB - Plus India
- Basix-OD - Plus India
- Basocef - DeltaSelect
- Basocin - Galderma
- Basodexan - Procter & Gamble; Hermal Kurt Herrmann; Max Ritter Pharma
- Basofer Forte - Naturarzneimittel Regneri
- Basofer Granules - Naturarzneimittel Regneri
- Basofer Tablets - Naturarzneimittel Regneri
- Basofor
- Basofortina - Novartis
- Basol - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Basol Plus - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Basolan
- Basolest - Pharmachemie
- Basoplex - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Basoquin - Pfizer
- Basori - Myungmoon Pharm
- Basotar - Nycomed; Galderma
- B-Aspirin - Osoth Inter Laboratories
- Bassadinon
- Bassado - Pfizer
- Basta Finale - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Basta Rely - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Basta Tepat - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bastcillin
- Bastel
- Basti-Cal - Bastian-Werk
- Basticrat - Bastian-Werk
- Bastilong - Merck
- Basti-Mag - Bastian-Werk
- Bastiverit - Bastian-Werk
- Bastoncino - Wyeth
- Basudin
- Bat - Madhav Biotech
- Bat - Zeta Farmaceutici
- Batel
- Baten
- Bateral - Allen Laboratorios
- Bath E45 - Crookes Healthcare
- Bath Oil - Bebia Pediatric
- Batimed - Dong Nam
- Batinel - Teva
- Batistol - Serch Laboratorios
- Batixim - So.Se. Pharm
- Batkaletta - Georg A. Reinecke
- Batmen - Menarini
- Batrafan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Batrafen - Sanofi-Aventis; Abbott; Knoll
- Batrafen Laca - Sanofi-Aventis
- Batrafen Nail Lacquer - Sanofi-Aventis; Four Star; IDS Group
- Batramycin - Geistlich Pharma; Diethelm; DKSH
- Batramycine Ointment and Powder - Geistlich Pharma
- Batramycine Ointment Nasal - Geistlich Pharma
- Batramycine Paste - Geistlich Pharma
- Batramycine Pastilles - Geistlich Pharma
- Batrax Lozenges - Gewo Chemie
- Batrax Ointment and Powder - Gewo Chemie
- Batrax Ointment Nasal - Gewo Chemie
- Batrevac - Solvay; SBL Vaccin
- Batridol
- Batrizol - Medimport Laboratorios
- Batrox - Bergamo Laboratorio Quimico Farmaceutico
- Batticon S - Trommsdorff Arzneimittel
- Batugin - Kimia Farma
- Baudry - Boiron
- Baudry Pate Pectorale - Boiron
- Baume Algipan - Pierre Fabre
- Baume Analgesique - Distributions Multi-Pro
- Baume Analgesique Medicamente - Prodemdis
- Baume Aroma - Mayoly Spindler Laboratoires
- Baume Bengue - Beaufour Ipsen
- Baume Dalet - COB, Belgium
- Baume Dalet - Phygiene Laboratoires
- Baume de Chine Temple of Heaven Blanc - Panax-Import, F.Ruckstuhl
- Baume Des Pyrenees - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Baume Disalgyl - Monin-Chanteaud Laboratoires
- Baume Drops - Max Zeller Sohne
- Baume du Chalet - Plan Laboratoires
- Baume du Tigre - Phytomedica Laboratoires
- Baume Esco - G. Streuli
- Baume Esco Forte - G. Streuli
- Baume Levres Anti-Dessechement Transparent SPF 30 - Ombrelle
- Baume Ointment - Dr. Wild
- Baume Protecteur Avec Filtres UVA / UVB FPS 15 - Dr. Renaud Laboratoire
- Baume Protecteur pour les Levres No.46 - Thermyc Laboratoire
- Baume Protecteur pour les Levres No.47 - Thermyc Laboratoire
- Baume Saint-Bernard - Merck
- Baumodyne Gel - Vortech Pharmaceuticals
- B-Aureo
- Bausch and Lomb Computer Eye Drops - Bausch and Lomb; Croma Medic
- Bausch and Lomb Concentrated Cleaner - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Conditioning Solution - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Daily Cleaner - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb FizziClean - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Lens Lubricant - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Moisture Drops - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Moisture Eyes - Bausch and Lomb; Croma Medic
- Bausch and Lomb Moisturizing All Clear - Bausch and Lomb; Croma Medic
- Bausch and Lomb Multi-Purpose - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Saline Plus - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Sensitive Eyes Daily Cleaner - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Sensitive Eyes Lens Lubricant - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Sensitive Eyes Protein Removal - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Sensitive Eyes Saline - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Sensitive Eyes Thermal Protein Removal - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Softlens Cleaning Tablets - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Softlens Soaking Solution - Bausch and Lomb
- Bausch and Lomb Soothing Eye Wash - Bausch and Lomb; Croma Medic
- Bauxite - Dolisos
- Bauxol - Mintlab
- Bavitam Syrup - Candor Biotech; Aileron Life Sciences
- Bavitam Tablets - Candor Biotech; Aileron Life Sciences
- Baxacor - Helopharm W. Petrik; Bayer Schering Pharma; Sanus, Austria
- Baxal - Ital Suisse di Giancarlo Ceroni
- Baxamed - Bajamed Laboratorios
- Baxan - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Baxanitrat - Sanus, Austria
- Baxapril - Brasmedica Industrias Farmaceuticas
- Baxative - Elder Pharmaceuticals
- Baxedin - Omega Laboratories; Sino-Asia Pharmaceutical Supplies
- Baxedin Pre-Op - Omega Laboratories
- Baxemin - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Baxidin - Pierrel Farmaceutici
- Baxidyme - Bosch Pharmaceuticals; Medbase Pharmaceuticals
- Baxi-K - Baxter
- Baxil - ERFA
- Baxima - Sandoz
- Baxin - Hetero Healthcare
- Baxin-D - Hetero Healthcare
- Baxin-D-LB - Hetero Healthcare
- Baxin-LB - Hetero Healthcare
- Baxmune - Ranbaxy
- Baxo - Toyama Chemical
- Baxolyn - Bosch Pharmaceuticals; Medbase Pharmaceuticals
- Bayagel - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayaspirin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayaspirina - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayaspirina C - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayaspirina Prevent - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bay-Bassa
- Bayberryplex - Bio Active Canada
- BayCal - Bayer Schering Pharma; DKSH
- Baycaron - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baychrom A
- Baychrom F
- Baycid
- Baycidal - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycillin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycillin Mega - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycip - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycip XR - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycip-TZ - Bayer
- Baycol - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycor
- Baycox - Bayer
- Baycox Bovis - Bayer
- Baycox for Piglets - Bayer
- Baycox for Poultry - Bayer
- Baycuten - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycuten HC - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baycuten N - Bayer Schering Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Baycuten SD - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baydol - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baydol LP - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin - Bayer Schering Pharma; DKSH
- Bayer Aspirin 8 Hour - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Arthritis Pain Regimen Extra Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Chewable Cherry - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Chewable Orange - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Extra Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Extra Strength Back and Body Pain - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Extra Strength Plus - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Gelcaps - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Genuine - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Plus Buffered Extra Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin PM - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Regimen Adult Low Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Regimen Children's Chewable - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Regimen Low Dose - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Regimen Regular Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin Regimen sugar free - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin with Calcium Regimen - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Aspirin with Heart Advantage - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Brand of Azlocillin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Buffered - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Children's Aspirin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Children's Cold Tablets - Bayer Schering Pharma; Sanofi-Aventis
- Bayer Children's Cough Syrup - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Enteric Adult Low Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Enteric Arthritis Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Enteric Regular Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Extra Strength Aspirin for Migraine Pain - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Extra Strength Back and Body Pain - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Low Adult Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Plus - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer PM - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer PM Extra Strength - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Allergy-Sinus - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Chest Cold - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Flu Relief - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Head and Chest Cold - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Head Cold - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Headache Pain - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Maximum Strength Backache - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Maximum Strength Headache - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Maximum Strength Menstrual - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Maximum Strength Night Time Pain Relief - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Maximum Strength Sinus Pain Relief - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Night Time Cold - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Pain Relief - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Pain Relief Formula - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Select Sinus Pain Relief - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer Womens Aspirin Plus Calcium - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayer's Tonic - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayertitan
- Bayfidan
- BayGam - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baygon - Johnson Wax Professional
- BayHep - Bayer Schering Pharma
- BayHep B - Bayer Schering Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Bayleton - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baylotensin - Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals
- Bayluscid
- BayMag
- Baymat-Spray
- Baymec Pasta - Bayer
- Baymec Pour-On - Bayer
- Baymec Prolong - Bayer
- Baymix
- Baymycard - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baymycard RR - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayofly Pour-on - Bayer
- Bayol 55
- Bayol F
- Bayolin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayoline - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bay-o-Pet Haut-Spray - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Kaurollchen - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Kaustreifen mit Spearmint - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Megaflex - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Murnil-Pulver - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Murnil-Tabletten - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Ohren-Spulung - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Shampoo Sensitive - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Shampoo Sensitive fur langhaarige Hunde - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Shampoo Sensitive fur Welpen - Bayer
- Bay-o-Pet Zahnpflege Kaustreifen - Bayer
- Bayotensin - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayotensin Mite - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baypen - Bayer Schering Pharma; Perrigo
- Baypival
- Baypresol - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baypress - Bayer Schering Pharma; DKSH; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Baypress Mite - Bayer Schering Pharma; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Baypril - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayprin EC - Bayer
- BayRab - Bayer Schering Pharma; Luen Cheong Hong; Probifasa; Zuellig Pharma
- Bayrena
- BayRho-D - Bayer Schering Pharma; Gador; Luen Cheong Hong; Perrigo; Probifasa; Sintofarma Laboratorios
- Bayrites
- Bayro - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayro Crema - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayro Forte - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayro Gel - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayro I.M. - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayro Termo - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayrogel - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayro-Therm - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayrotren - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayrovas - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baysan
- Baysilon
- Baytalcid - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baytan
- Baytan Secur - Bayer Schering Pharma
- BayTet - Bayer Schering Pharma; Luen Cheong Hong; Probifasa
- Baytex - Bayer
- Baythion
- Baythion EC - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bayticol Dip and Spray - Bayer
- Bayticol Dip and Spray Cattle - Bayer
- Bayticol Dip and Spray Horses - Bayer
- Bayticol EC - Bayer
- Bayticol Plus Collar - Bayer
- Bayticol Pour-On - Bayer
- Bayticol Pour-On Pipetas - Bayer
- Baytitan
- Baytril - Bayer
- Baytril Das Original Injektionslosung - Bayer
- Baytril Flavour - Bayer
- Baytril Max - Bayer
- Baytril Otic - Bayer
- Baytril Turkey Egg Dip Concentrate - Bayer
- Baytril Veterinary - Bayer
- Bayvantic - Bayer
- Bayvarol - Bayer
- Bayverm Pasta - Bayer
- Bayverm PI - Bayer
- Baywood Fizz Vitamin and Mineral Supplement - Baywood International
- Bayzolam - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Baza Cleanse and Protect - Coloplast
- Baza Protect - Coloplast
- Baza Protect II - Coloplast
- Bazagin - NIC Pharma
- Bazalin - Astellas Pharma
- Baza-Pro - Coloplast
- Bazetham - Pliva; Famar
- Bazince - Shince Pharmaceuticals
- Bazoton - Schering-Plough; Abbott
- Bazoton N - Schering-Plough; Abbott
- Bazoton Uno - Schering-Plough; Abbott
- Bazuctril - Chrispa Alfa Pharma
- Bazuden
- Bazudin
- Bazuka - Dendron; Diomed Developments
- Bazuka Extra Strength - Dendron; Diomed Developments
- Bazzy - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- BB Fleet - Pisa Laboratorios
- BB Test - Innotech International
- BB14 Detergent - Norchem Industries
- B-Banc - Vanguard Therapeutics
- BBCZ Comp - Weleda
- BBdent Gel Topico - Maver Laboratorios
- B-Beta - Ferron
- BB-K8 - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- B-Bloc - Mandar Pharmaceutical
- BC - GlaxoSmithKline
- BC - Health Plus
- BC 500 - Wyeth
- BC 500 with Iron - Wyeth
- BC Cold-Sinus - GlaxoSmithKline
- BC Multi Symptom Cold Powder - GlaxoSmithKline
- BC Powder - GlaxoSmithKline
- BC Powder Arthritis Strength - GlaxoSmithKline
- BC Powder Original Formula - GlaxoSmithKline
- BC-300 - Micro Labs
- BCAA 4% - Baxter
- BCAD 1 - Mead Johnson Nutritionals; DKSH
- BCAD 2 - Mead Johnson Nutritionals
- B-Cal - Brawn Laboratories
- B-Caroteno - A.M. Farma Activ Laboratorio
- B-C-Bid - Shire
- BCG - Serum International
- BCG Danish Strain 1331 - Statens Serum Institute; DKSH
- BCG Immunotherapy - Sanofi-Aventis
- BCG Inmunoterapia SSI - Andromaco Laboratorios
- BCG Therapeutic - Connaught Laboratories
- BCG Vaccine - Evans
- BCG Vaccine - GlaxoSmithKline
- BCG Vaccine - ID Biomedical Corporation
- BCG Vaccine - Microgen NPO
- BCG Vaccine - Sanofi-Aventis
- BCG Vaccine - Serum Institute of India
- BCG Vaccine SSI - Statens Serum Institut
- BCG Vaccine, freeze-dried - Sanofi-Aventis
- Bcgyash - Yash Medicare
- BC-I Concentrate - Renal Systems
- BCI Fluvoxamine - Baker Cummins
- BCI Metformin - Baker Cummins
- BCI Salbutamol - Baker Cummins
- Bclomox - Briskon Laboratories
- BCM - Pfizer
- B-Cobal - Advance Pharma; Harpers Trading
- Bcolen Plus - Galpha Laboratories
- Bcolen-M - Galpha Laboratories
- B-Com Nerve - Blue Sky Trading
- Bcom Plus Syrup - Global Medisciences
- Bcom Plus Tablet - Global Medisciences
- B-Combin - Nycomed
- Bcom-L - Plus India
- B-Complex - Biomed International Products
- B-Complex - Ecological Formulas
- B-Complex - Enrich International
- B-Complex - Golden Neo-Life Diamite
- B-Complex - Great Earth Companies
- B-Complex - J.R. Carlson Laboratories
- B-Complex - Nature's Sunshine Products
- B-Complex - Nutraceutical International Corporation
- B-Complex - Sante Naturelle
- B-Complex - Seven Seas
- B-Complex - Shaklee
- B-Complex Forte - Pharex Health Corporation; Zuellig Pharma
- B-Complex Threshold - GNLD International
- B-Complex with C Chewable - Nutraceutical International Corporation
- B-Complex with Lipotropic Factors - Northern Lights Fitness Products
- B-Complex with Vitamin C, Biotin, Folic Acid - WN Pharmaceuticals
- B-Cool - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- BC-Vit - Bactolac Formulations
- BC-Zole Drops - Helax Helath Care
- BC-Zole Ointment - Helax Helath Care
- BD E-Z Scrub 408 - Becton Dickinson
- B-D Micro-Fine - Sanofi-Aventis
- BDCell - Myungmoon Pharm
- BDD - Dong Nam
- BDF Omega-3 - Bidiphar
- Bd-GARD - Mahakam Beta Farma
- BDM - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- B-Dol - Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals
- BD-Rox - Panacea Biotec
- Beacillin
- Beacodyl - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beacolux - Upha Corporation
- Beacolytic - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beacon K - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beacon K SR - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beacons - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beacons Cough Mixture - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beacons DQ Loz - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; Unipharm Trading
- Beacons Gripe Water - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beactafed - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beactafed Co - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beadalet - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beafemic - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beaflu Plus - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beafort - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beagarol - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beagenco - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beagenta - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beaglobe - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beagocrine - Upha Corporation
- Beagyne - Effik
- Beahexol - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beakopectin - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation
- Beamat - Italmex
- Beamodium - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beamoken A - Kendrick Laboratorios
- Beamotil - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; CCM Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation
- Beamoxy - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Be-Ampicil - Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals
- Beanamine Expectorant - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beano - GlaxoSmithKline; AkPharma
- Beano Drops - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beano Drops 780Units / Ml - AkPharma
- Beano Tablets - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beano Tablets 150 Galunits / Tab - AkPharma
- Beapen - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beapen VK - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beaphenicol - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; CCM Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation
- Beapizide - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beaplex - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beaplex SC - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beaptin SR - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Bear Brand 1+ - Nestle
- Bear Brand 2 Prebio 1 DHA + ARA - Nestle; DKSH
- Bear Essentials - Health Asure; Hall Laboratories
- Bearantel - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- BeaRAX - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Bearbidan - Hatipharco
- Bearcef - Daewoong Pharmaceutical; Naphaco; Pharmaforte
- Bearcefin - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Bearclor - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Bearco-F - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Bear-E-Yum - Mallinckrodt
- Beargel - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Bearoxyl - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Beartaxim - Daewon Pharmaceutical
- Beartec - Daewoong Pharmaceutical; Merap Group
- Bearverin - Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- B-Easy - Viva Life Science
- Beatac - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beatacycline - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; CCM Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation
- Beatafed - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beatafed Compound - Upha Corporation
- Beathorphan - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beathricin - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beatifen - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beatine
- Beatizem - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beatoconazole - Beacons Pharmaceuticals
- Beatolin - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beatolin Expectorant - Upha Corporation
- Beatrolol - Upha Corporation
- Beats - Biological Evans
- Beaucoup - Ecolab
- Beaucoup Germicidal Detergent - Huntington Laboratories
- Beaute Initiale Creme Energisante Multi-Protection - Chanel
- Beaute Initiale Eye - Chanel
- Beaute Initiale Fluide Energisant Multi-Protection - Chanel
- Beaute Initiale Fluide Energisant Multi-Protection Hale Progressif - Chanel
- Beautel Supplement de Vitamines et Mineral - Nobel Pharm
- Beauticontrol All Clear Toner - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Balancing Moisturizer - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Cell Block C - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Color Freeze Liquid Makeup - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Sunlogics O-F SPF 8 - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Sunlogics Sun Shield - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Sunlogics UV Lip and Eye Stick SPF 15 - Beauticontrol
- Beauticontrol Sunlogics Water Resistance SPF 30 - Beauticontrol
- Beautycap - Hankook Korus Pharm
- Beavate - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beavate N - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beazyme - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Beba HA - Nestle
- Bebate
- Bebe Dep - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Bebe Flat - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Bebe Son - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Bebecrem - Lacefa Laboratorios
- Bebedermis - Abbott
- Bebedol - VHB Life Sciences
- Bebegel - Viatris; Meda
- Bebektin - Janssen
- Bebelac 1 - Nutricia; Andromaco Laboratorios; Danone Dumex
- Bebelac 2 - Nutricia; Andromaco Laboratorios; Danone Dumex
- Bebelac 3 - Nutricia
- Bebelac 4 Chocolate - Nutricia
- Bebelac 4 Honey / Vanilla - Nutricia
- Bebelac Complete - Nutricia
- Bebelac EC - Nutricia; Global Erasmas; Lyempf; Tempo Scan Pacific; Zuellig Pharma
- Bebelac FL - Nutricia; Zuellig Pharma
- Beben - Pfizer
- Beben Clorossina - Pfizer
- Beben Gel - Parke-Davis
- Bebesales - Pfizer
- Bebesan N - Sanopharm
- Bebexin - Demo
- Bebia - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bebia Antiseptic Soap - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bebia Bath Oil - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bebia Cream - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bebia Ointment Pommade - Bebia Pediatric
- Bebiclean - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bebidol - TNP Health Care; Codupha; V & V Bangkok
- Bebimix - Sella A. Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutica
- Bebitar - Stiefel Laboratories
- Bebulin - Baxter; Immuno Productos Biologicos e Quimicos
- Bebulin S-TIM 4 - Baxter
- Bebulin TIM 3 - Baxter
- Bebulin TIM 4 - Baxter; B. Braun
- Bebulin VH - Baxter; Osterreichisches Institut fur Haemoderivate
- Bebuline S-TIM 4 - Baxter
- Bebyderm - Hexal
- Bec - Maruko Pharmaceutical
- Becabil - Carol
- Becaclary - Becamex IDC Corporation
- Becacort - Upha Corporation
- Becadex Drops - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becadex Tablets - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becadexamin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becadexamine - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becafurazone
- Becaltrin - Natus Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Became - Y.S.P. Industries
- Becamex - DNA Pharmaceuticals
- Becanta
- Becantal - Sanofi-Aventis
- Becantex - Pharos Indonesia
- Becantex Syrup - Sanofi-Aventis; Companhia Portuguesa Higiene
- Becantex Tablets - Sanofi-Aventis
- Becantosse - Dinafarma Laboratorio
- Becap-CZ - Gujarat Terce Laboratories
- Becaps - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Becaptan
- Becardin - Ebewe Pharma; Primal Chemical
- Becarin - Upha Corporation; CCM Pharmaceuticals
- Becaspira - Becamex IDC Corporation
- Because - Schering-Plough
- Becazithro - Becamex IDC Corporation
- Becderm - Cipla
- Becderm-N - Cipla
- Bece - Codilab Industria e Comercio de Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Bececar - Interbat
- BECeco - Sandoz; Ecosol
- BECeco Easyhaler - Sandoz; Ecosol
- Becede - Vannier Laboratorio
- Becedyn - Bayer; Zuellig Pharma
- Becef - Alkem Laboratories
- Becefort Syrup - Phapros
- Becefort Tablets - Phapros
- Becelac - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Becelac Forte - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Becelac-PB - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Becenum
- Becenun - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Becepal Crudo - Juste Quimico-Farmaceutica
- Becetab - East West Pharma
- Becetamol - Gebro Pharma
- Becetamol C - Gebro Pharma
- Beceze - IVAX
- Bechicon - Tosi Farmaceutici
- Bechilar - Montefarmaco
- Bechisan - Salus Researches
- Bechitus - Recordati
- Bechizolo - Tosi Farmaceutici
- Bechlomin - Jean-Marie Pharmacal; Agencia Lei Va Hong
- Becholine D - Medical Research Trust
- Becilan - DB Pharma Laboratoires; Galien Laboratoire
- Beciosal - Candor Biotech
- Beclacin
- Beclamethazone - Ranbaxy
- Beclamethazone Easyhaler - Ranbaxy
- Beclase - De Mayo Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceuticas
- Beclasma - Raffo Laboratorios
- Beclasone - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Beclasone-C - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Beclasone-GM - Emcure Pharmaceuticals
- Beclate - Cipla; Antah Pharma; Controlled Medications; Healol Pharmaceuticals; LBS Laboratory
- Beclate Aquanase - Cipla; Antah Pharma; Controlled Medications; Healol Pharmaceuticals
- Beclate CFC Free - Cipla; Antah Pharma; Healol Pharmaceuticals
- Beclate HFA Inhaler - Cipla; Controlled Medications
- Beclate Inhaler - Cipla; Antah Pharma; Controlled Medications; Healol Pharmaceuticals
- Beclate Rotacaps - Cipla; Antah Pharma; Controlled Medications; Healol Pharmaceuticals
- Beclate-C - Cipla
- Beclate-N - Cipla
- Beclazide MR - Berlin Pharmaceutical Industry
- Beclazone - IVAX; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Airflow Products; Averroes Pharmaceuticals; Baker Norton Pharmaceuticals; Codupha; F.P. Marketing; Green Cross Corporation; Hong Kong Medical Supplies; International Medical, Hong Kong
- Beclazone Eco - IVAX; Norton Waterford
- Beclazone Eco Easi Breathe - IVAX; Norton Waterford
- Beclex-GM - Lexus Organics
- Beclo - Sandoz; Azupharma
- Beclo Aqua - Galen
- Beclo Asma - Aldo Union; Drug Houses of Australia; Green Cross Corporation; Hong Kong Medical Supplies
- Beclo Asma CFC Free - Aldo Union; Drug Houses of Australia; Green Cross Corporation; Hong Kong Medical Supplies
- Beclo Rhino - Meda; Allphar Services; Viatris
- Beclo Rino - Estedi
- Beclo Siozwo - Febena Pharma
- Becloair - Biodeal Laboratories
- Beclobreathe - Sandoz
- Beclocid - Intermed Pharma
- Beclocid-G - Intermed Pharma
- Beclocin-O - Haledew Remedies
- Beclocip HFA - Medispray Laboratories; LF Asia Pharmaceutical Division; TTN Thitiratsanon
- Beclocort-N - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Becloderm - Intermed Pharma
- Becloderm-C - Intermed Pharma
- Becloderm-N - Intermed Pharma
- Beclodisk - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becloenema - Estedi
- Becloforte - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becloforte CFC-free - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becloforte Inhaler - Allen & Hanburys
- Beclofortil - Medifarm Inversiones y Representaciones
- Beclogen - Generics UK
- Beclohale - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Beclohexal - Hexal
- Beclohexal Easyhaler - Hexal
- Beclojet - Chiesi; Pharmaregie Distribution
- Beclolab-CG - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Beclolab-NC - Laborate Pharmaceuticals
- Beclomet - Apex Pharmacy
- Beclomet - Elmor Laboratorios
- Beclomet - Ferrer Farma
- Beclomet - Galenica, Greece
- Beclomet - Harn Thai Pharma
- Beclomet - Lannacher Heilmittel
- Beclomet - Orion Pharma
- Beclomet - Pharmacon, Singapore
- Beclomet Compositum - Elmor Laboratorios
- Beclomet Easyhaler - Orion Pharma; Apex Pharma Marketing; Harn Thai Pharma; Rigel Pharma
- Beclomet Nasal - Orion Pharma; Apex Pharma Marketing
- Beclomet Nasal Aqua - Orion Pharma; Apex Pharma Marketing; Harn Thai Pharma; Rigel Pharma
- Beclometason - Ratiopharm
- Beclometason - Sandoz
- Beclometasona - Sanitas Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutico
- Beclometasone - Teva
- Beclomethasone - Apotex
- Beclomethasone - Jewim; Neopharm, Thailand
- Beclomethasone - Kenral
- Beclomethasone - Pharmaco Canada
- Beclomethasone - Prempharm
- Beclomin - Jean-Marie Pharmacal
- Beclomin Lotion - Leben Laboratories
- Beclomin Ointment - Leben Laboratories
- Beclonarin - Dr. F. Rappai Pharmazeutika
- Beclonasal - Orion Pharma
- Beclonato - Ducto Industria Farmaceutica Laboratorio
- Beclone - Leurquin Mediolanum Laboratoire
- Beclophar - Novartis
- Beclorhinol - Chiesi
- Beclorino - Medifarm Inversiones y Representaciones
- Beclosal - Medispray Laboratories; LF Asia Pharmaceutical Division; TTN Thitiratsanon
- Beclosema - Etex Farmaceutica
- Beclosil - Medifarm Inversiones y Representaciones
- Beclosol - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beclosol AQ Nasal - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beclosona - Spyfarma Laboratorios
- Beclospin - Chiesi
- Beclospir - Saint-Petersburg Pharmaceutical Factory
- Beclospray - Chiesi; Merck
- Beclotaide - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beclotamol - Zambon
- Beclotis-C - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Beclotis-CG - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Becloturmant - Chiesi
- Becloturmant HFA - Chiesi
- Becloturmant Jetspacer - Chiesi
- Beclov - Sanbe Farma
- Becloval
- Beclovent - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beclovent Rotacaps - GlaxoSmithKline
- Beclozen - Haledew Remedies
- Becmet-CG Cream - Ind-Swift
- Becmet-CG Drops - Ind-Swift
- Becmet-G - Ind-Swift
- Becmet-GM - Ind-Swift
- Becmet-N - Ind-Swift
- Becmet-S - Ind-Swift
- Becnau - Tipharco
- Beco - Mepha
- Becoaloxan - Meyer BPC Pharmaceuticals
- Becobol - Ultramark Healthcare
- Becocalcid - Meyer BPC Pharmaceuticals
- Becocent - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becoderm - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becodisks - GlaxoSmithKline; Allen & Hanburys
- Becodisks Forte - GlaxoSmithKline
- Becodryl - J.K. Biochem Healthcare
- Becof - Caps Pharmaceuticals
- Becofine - Finecure Pharmaceuticals
- Becofort Capsules - Ampharco
- Becofort Tablets - Ampharco
- Becogem - Merck
- Becolim - Atlantic Laboratories; Agencia Lei Va Hong
- Becolim Forte - Atlantic Laboratories; Agencia Lei Va Hong
- Becolitor - Meyer BPC Pharmaceuticals
- Becolizyn - NIC Pharma
- Becoloxin - Upha Corporation
- Becom Injection - Global Medisciences; British Dispensary
- Becom Plus Syrup - Global Medisciences
- Becom Plus Tablets - Global Medisciences
- Becom Tablets - Global Medisciences; BLH Trading; British Dispensary
- Becombion - Merck; Serono; Zuellig Pharma
- Becombion Forte - Merck; Serono; Zuellig Pharma
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