Pharmaceutical products list, page 207:
- Tenso - Castejon
- Tenso Stop - Esteve Farma
- Tenso Stop Plus - Esteve Farma
- Tensobon - Schwarz Pharma; Coronet Crown; Upsamedica
- Tensobon Comp - Schwarz Pharma; Upsamedica
- Tensobon Comp Mini - Schwarz Pharma; Upsamedica
- Tensobon Comp Mite - Schwarz Pharma; Upsamedica
- Tensocardil - Esteve Farma
- Tensocold - Smith & Nephew
- Tensoderm - Ferraz Lynce
- Tensodilen - Novartis
- Tensodin - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Tensodox - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Tensofar - Pharma Investi de Chile
- Tensofin
- Tensoflux - Hennig Arzneimittel
- Tensogard - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Tensogradal - Almirall
- Tensol - American Equine Products
- Tensoliv - Chile Laboratorios
- Tensolve - Aspen Pharmacare
- Tensomax - Leti Laboratorios
- Tensonal
- Tensonit - IVAX
- Tensopam
- Tensophoril - Merck
- Tensopin - Leti Laboratorios
- Tensoprel - Rubio Laboratorios; Zyfas Medical
- Tensopril - Irex Laboratoires
- Tensopril - Merck; IVAX
- Tensopril D - IVAX
- Tensopyn - Pfizer
- Tensorelax - Dreikehl
- Tensoril - Apotex; Pharma 3
- Tensostad - Stada
- Tensotec - Ranbaxy; Lavipharm Group
- Tenso-Timelets - Temmler Pharma
- Tensotin - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Tensozide - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Tenstaten - Beaufour Ipsen; Recordati
- Tenston SR - Adcock Ingram
- Tenston Syrup - Adcock Ingram
- Tenston Tablets - Adcock Ingram
- Tensulan - Marjan Industria e Comercio
- Tensuril - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos
- Tensyl - Bal Pharma
- Tensyn
- Tentalux - Pharos Indonesia
- Tentepanil - Leovan M. Aedn & Cia
- Tentex - Himalaya; Transatlantic International
- Tentex Forte - Himalaya; Transatlantic International
- Tentex Royal - Himalaya; DKSH
- Tentide - Ranbaxy
- Tentil - Rafarm
- Tentrini - Nutricia; Support Produtos Nutricionais
- Tentroc - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Tenualax - Bago Laboratorios
- Tenuate - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tenuate Dospan - Sanofi-Aventis; Adcock Ingram; Bruno Farmaceutici
- Tenuate Dospan SRT - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tenuate Retard - Artegodan
- Tenuatina - Rottapharm
- Tenurid
- Tenutan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tenutex - Bioglan
- Tenvatil - Drugtech Laboratorio; Recalcine Laboratorios
- Tenvic - Investi Farma
- Tenvir - Cipla
- Tenvir-EM - Cipla
- Tenzole - Cubit Healthcare
- Tenzole-SR - Cubit Healthcare
- Tenzone - Tocogino Laboratorios
- Teobid - Sanofi-Aventis; Grupo Farma
- Teocen
- Teodelin - Leti Laboratorios
- Teoden - Biosintetica Laboratorios
- Teodosis - Welt Laboratorios
- Teodramin
- Teodrin - Prodotti Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Teofedril - Pfizer
- Teofen
- Teofilab - Multilab Farmaceuticos
- Teofilcolina - Salfa, Biochimici Dr. Ferranti
- Teofilcolina Sedativa - Salfa, Biochimici Dr. Ferranti
- Teofluid - Biogalenica
- Teofylamin - Medic Team, Denmark
- Teofyllamin - Ipex Medical
- Teogel - Cantabria
- Teogrand - Ahimsa Laboratorios
- Teokolin
- Teolair
- Teolaxin
- Teolit
- Teolixir - Biogalenica
- Teolixir Compositum - Biogalenica
- Teolong - Abbott; Knoll
- Teoloxin
- Teomuc - Biolab Sanus Farmaceutica
- Teonam - Union Korea Pharm
- Teonibsa - Inibsa Laboratorios
- Teonicol
- Teonicon Trofen
- Teonim - Mipharm
- Teonova - Camillo Corvi Farmacia
- Teophyl - Instituto de Quimica e Biologia
- Teoplus - Formenti Farmaceutici
- Teoptic - Elder Pharmaceuticals
- Teoptic - Novartis; United Drug
- Teoremac - Sanfer Laboratorios; Farmades
- Teoremin - Asta Medica
- Teosal - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Teosona - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Teosona Sol - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Teostellarid - GlaxoSmithKline
- Teoston - Ariston Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceutica
- Teotard - KRKA
- Teoval / R - Valeas
- Teovent - Pfizer
- Teovent - Schering-Plough
- Teovit - Inexfa
- Tepam - BASF
- Tepanil - 3M
- Tepanil - Norma Greece
- Tepanil Ten - 3M
- Tepavil - Almirall
- Tepaxin - Takeda Pharmaceutical
- Tepazepam - Leti Laboratorios
- Tepazepan - Almirall
- Teperin - Extractum Pharma
- Teperine
- Tepilta - ICN Pharmaceuticals; Wyeth
- Tepirone
- Teplexin - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Tepox Cal - Ciclum Farma
- Tepox Cal D - Ciclum Farma
- Teprix - Gramon Laboratorios
- Teproside - Malesci Istituto Farmacobiologico
- Tepserpine
- Tequin - Bristol-Myers Squibb; DKSH
- Tequin I.V. - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Tequin in Dextrose 5% in plastic container - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Tequinol - Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
- TER-3 - Abbott
- TER-4 - Abbott
- Tera - TAD Pharma
- Teraciton - Ariston Industrias Quimicas e Farmaceutica
- Teraclox - Teva; IVAX
- Teradal - Organifar
- Teradene - B L Hua
- Teraderm - East West Pharma
- Teradi - Global Multi Pharmalab
- Teradyl - B L Hua
- Terafluss - Madaus
- Tera-Gel - Geritrex
- Teragran - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Teragran Junior - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Teragran M - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Teragrip - Grupo Farma
- Teragrip Plus Granules - Grupo Farma
- Teragrip Plus Tablets - Grupo Farma
- Teragrip with Caffeine - Grupo Farma
- Teragripem - Grupo Farma
- Terak - Akorn
- Terakare - Medley Pharmaceuticals
- Teralen
- Teralfa - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Teraligen - Valenta Pharmaceuticals; Hau Giang Pharmaceutical
- Teralithe - Sanofi-Aventis
- Teralithe LP - Sanofi-Aventis
- Teram - Unichem Laboratories
- Teram-H - Unichem Laboratories
- Teramic - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Teramine - Legere Pharmaceuticals
- Teramine N.R. - West Penetone
- Teramol - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Teramol Forte - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Teramol Infant - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Teramox - Fournier
- Teramoxyl - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Teramoxyl Infant - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Teranar - Apogepha Arzneimittel
- Teranex - Innoderm; Metro Drug Distribution; Metro Pharma Philippines
- Teranex - Korea United Pharmaceutical
- Teranic - Biopharm Chemicals
- Teranol - Guardian Pharmatama
- Terap - Instituto Sanitas
- Terapal - Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals
- Terapep - Raptakos Brett
- Terapinyl
- Terapova - Teva; IVAX
- Terapress - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Teraprost - Malesci Istituto Farmacobiologico
- Terase - Technica Labs & Pharma
- Terasep - Fada Pharma
- Terasin - Y.S.P. Industries; Daewon Pharmaceutical; MD Pharmaceuticals
- Teratop - Unimax Laboratories
- Teratos - Grupo Farma
- Teratos - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Teraumon - A.S.A.C. Pharma
- Teravit Antioxidant - Sagmel
- Teravox - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Terazid - Madaus
- Terazoflo - Gry-Pharma
- Terazol 3 - Janssen; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Terazol 3 Dual Pak - Janssen; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Terazol 3 Vaginal - Janssen
- Terazol 7 - Janssen; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals
- Terazosin - ATOZ Pharmaceuticals
- Terazosin - Hexal
- Terazosin - IVAX
- Terazosin - Lemmon
- Terazosin - Mylan
- Terazosin - Nu-Pharm
- Terazosin - Pro Doc
- Terazosin - Ranbaxy
- Terazosin - Sandoz
- Terazosin - Sanis Health
- Terazosin - Teva
- Terazosin - Torpharm
- Terazosin - Trigen
- Terazosine - Biogaran
- Terazosine - Merck
- Terazosine - Mylan
- Terazosine - Sandoz
- Terazosine - Teva
- Terbac - Syntex
- Terbac I.M. - Syntex
- Terbac I.V. - Syntex
- Terbafin - Pacific Pharmaceuticals; Kleva
- Terbasmin - AstraZeneca; ERN Laboratorios; Pfizer
- Terbasmin Expectorante - AstraZeneca
- Terbee - BMW Pharmaco India
- Terbenol - Microsules y Bernabo
- Terbenol Duo - Microsules y Bernabo
- Terbest - Systopic Laboratories
- Terbet - Strassenburg Pharmaceuticals
- Terbet Forte - Strassenburg Pharmaceuticals
- Terbet X - Strassenburg Pharmaceuticals
- Terbicip - Cipla
- Terbicrat - Cratus Life Care
- Terbiderm - Dermapharm; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Terbifil - Sandoz
- Terbifin - Cipla; Controlled Medications
- Terbigram - Lavipharm Group
- Terbina - Affy Pharma
- Terbinafin - Actavis
- Terbinafin - Axapharm
- Terbinafin - Helvepharm
- Terbinafin - Hexal
- Terbinafin - Mepha
- Terbinafin - Sandoz
- Terbinafin - Stada; Khuong Duy Pharmaceutical
- Terbinafina - Basi Laboratorios; Viet Phap
- Terbinafina - Comercializadora Farmaceutica de Chiapas, Productos Farmaceuticos
- Terbinafina - Royal Pharma
- Terbinafine - Actavis
- Terbinafine - Almus
- Terbinafine - Alter Laboratoire
- Terbinafine - Amneal Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Andrx Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Apotex
- Terbinafine - APP Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Arrow Generiques
- Terbinafine - Aurobindo
- Terbinafine - Bedford Laboratories
- Terbinafine - Biogaran
- Terbinafine - Biohimik
- Terbinafine - Biosynthesis
- Terbinafine - Breckenridge Pharmaceutical
- Terbinafine - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
- Terbinafine - EG Labo
- Terbinafine - Gedeon Richter
- Terbinafine - Genpharm
- Terbinafine - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Invagen Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Merck
- Terbinafine - Mylan
- Terbinafine - Orchid Healthcare
- Terbinafine - Prempharm
- Terbinafine - Pro Doc
- Terbinafine - Qualimed Pharma
- Terbinafine - Ranbaxy
- Terbinafine - Ratiopharm
- Terbinafine - Roxane Laboratories
- Terbinafine - Sandoz
- Terbinafine - Sanis Health
- Terbinafine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Terbinafine - Sicor Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Terbinafine - Teva
- Terbinafine - Vertex
- Terbinafine - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine - Wockhardt
- Terbinafine - Zydus Pharmaceuticals
- Terbinafine-DP - Genepharm
- Terbinax - Drossapharm
- Terbinazol - Boram Pharm
- Terbinox - Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories; J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Terbintil - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- Terbintil Bath Additive - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- Terbinyl - Indi Pharma
- Terbisil - Gedeon Richter; Nafarma; Santa Farma Ilac
- Terbix - Altaivitaminy
- Terbized - Agio Pharmaceuticals
- Terbo - Zuventus Healthcare
- Terbo-AM - Aronex Life Sciences
- Terbokoff - Servocare Lifesciences
- Terbolan - Sanofi-Aventis
- Terbolax - Lancer Pharmaceuticals
- Terbolax D - Lancer Pharmaceuticals
- Terbosil - Silom Medical
- Terbron - Biolab; Biopharm Chemicals; Medispec; Mekim
- Terbron Expectorant - Biolab; Mekim
- Terbu - Suphong Bhaesaj
- Terbu Expectorant - Community Pharmacy
- Terbu Expectorant - Suphong Bhaesaj
- Terbuforton - Sanofi-Aventis
- Terbuken - Kener Laboratorios
- Terbul - Teofarma
- Terbul Retard - Teofarma
- Terbulin - Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries; Chinta; Great Eastern Drug; Medidata; Olic Thailand; Pharma Square; Pharmaniaga; United American Pharmaceuticals; United Laboratories
- Terbulin Expectorant - Chinta; Pharma Square
- Terbuline - Synco; S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading; Singapore Pharmaceutical
- Terbuno - Milano Lab
- Terbusin - SSP Laboratories
- Terbusin Expectorant - SSP Laboratories
- Terbuta - Christo Pharmaceuticals; Polywell
- Terbutalin - Aliud Pharma
- Terbutalin - CT-Arzneimittel
- Terbutalin - Ratiopharm
- Terbutalin - Stada
- Terbutalin Retard - Aliud Pharma
- Terbutaline - Akorn
- Terbutaline - Arrow Generiques
- Terbutaline - AstraZeneca
- Terbutaline - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Terbutaline - Impax Laboratories
- Terbutaline - Lafayette Pharmaceutical Laboratory
- Terbutaline - Lannett
- Terbutaline - Pharmaniaga
- Terbutaline - RiteMED Phils; United Laboratories
- Terbutaline - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Terbutaline - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Terbutastad - Stada
- Terbutin - Geno Pharmaceuticals
- Terbuturmant - Dermapharm
- Terbuvent-B - Invision Medi Sciences
- Tercef - Balkanpharma
- Tercian - Sanofi-Aventis; Vitoria Laboratorios
- Tercinol - Sopar Pharma
- Terco-C - B L Hua
- Terco-D - B L Hua
- Tercoda - Sinclair Pharmaceuticals
- Tercodin - InterChem; Uphace
- Tercodine - Merck
- Terconazole - Altana Pharma
- Terconazole - Fougera Pharmaceuticals
- Terconazole - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Tercospor - Janssen
- Tercoz - Chemo Drugs
- Tercyl
- Terdane - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Terdein F - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Terdein P - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Terden - Shiwa Chemicals
- Terdin
- Terdine - Silom Medical
- Terdobon - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Terebenthina - Dolisos
- Terebinthin Ointment - Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory
- Terebinthina - Boiron
- Terebinthina - Homeocan
- Terebinthina - Standard Homeopathic
- Terebinthina - Total Health Centre
- Terebinthina Chios Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Terebinthina Chios Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Terekol - Panalab Laboratorios
- Terelit - Farmasan Arzneimittel
- Terenac
- Tereonsit - Hautel
- Terexol - Libra Laboratorio; Viet Phap
- Terfacef - Sanbe Farma
- Terfadine - Union Drug Laboratories
- Terfamex - Productos Medix
- Terfanil - Compania Anonima Farmaceutica
- Terfast - Rapross Pharmaceuticals
- Terfed - Cipla
- Terfed-D - Cipla
- Terfedura - Merck
- Terfegen - General Drugs House
- Terfemax - Temis Lostalo Laboratorios
- Terfemundin - Mundipharma
- Terfen - Siam Pharmaceutical
- Terfenadin - Aliud Pharma
- Terfenadin - CT-Arzneimittel
- Terfenadin - Ratiopharm
- Terfenadin - Stada
- Terfenadin Akut - CT-Arzneimittel
- Terfenadina DG - Phoenix Laboratorios
- Terfenadine - Sandoz
- Terfen-Diolan - Engelhard Arzneimittel
- Terfenor - IVAX; H.N. Norton
- Terfenor Antihistamine - IVAX; H.N. Norton
- Terfex - Novartis
- Terfex - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Terfin - Elea Laboratorio
- Terfin - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Terfin - PharmaCoDane; Interbat
- Terfium - Hexal
- Terflurazine - Lennon, South Africa; Aspen Pharmacare
- Terfluzine - Valeant Pharmaceuticals; ICN Pharmaceuticals; Sanofi-Aventis
- Terfonyl - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Tergal - IVAX
- Tergecef - United American Pharmaceuticals; United Laboratories
- Tergil - M.M. Laboratorio
- Tergil-T - M.M. Laboratorio
- Tergitol Monionic XH
- Tergitol Nonionic XH
- Tergitol XH
- Tergitol XH Nonionic
- Tergum - Biosciences Pharmakon
- Tergynan - Recordati; FIC Medical
- Terhipo H - Wuhan Grand Pharmaceutical Group
- Teriam - Sanofi-Aventis
- Teric PE
- Terican - Landsteiner Scientific
- Tericin AT - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Teridin - KRKA
- Terif - Invision Medi Sciences
- Teril - Alphapharm; Luen Cheong Hong; Pacific Pharmaceuticals; Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Teril CR - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Terinale - Boram Pharm
- Terion - Istituto Luso Farmaco d'Italia
- Teriosal
- Terioxan - Shin Poong Pharmaceutical; Phil Shin Poong Pharma
- Teripol - Landsteiner Scientific
- Terisan - Troikaa Pharmaceuticals; Pharmasan
- Terit
- Terivalidin - Sanofi-Aventis; Gerot Pharmazeutika
- Terix - Teva
- Terizidex - Collect Importacao e Comercio
- Terizin - Seoul Pharma; Pharmaforte
- Terject H - North China Pharmaceutical
- Terkumine - Danapha Pharmaceutical
- Terlane - Mundipharma
- Terlev - Xeno Pharmaceuticals Phils; Metro Drug Distribution
- Terline - Purewin Labs
- Terline Expectorant - The Forty-Two, Thailand; Siam Medicare
- Terlinis - Neiss Labs
- Terlistat - Samarth Pharma
- Terloc - Cadila Pharmaceuticals
- Terloc - IVAX; Chile Laboratorios
- Terloc Duo - IVAX
- Terlomexin - Effik
- Terlyz - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
- Termacet
- Termalgin - Novartis
- Termalgin Codeina - Novartis
- Termalgine - Novartis
- Termalgine Plus - Novartis
- Termarol - KMS Pharm
- Termicef - Nufarindo Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Termicon - Pharmstandard-Leksredstva; Pharmstandard-Oktyabr; Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN; Pharmstandard-Tomskchempharm
- Termidon - Sanofi-Aventis
- Termikit - Helios Pharmaceuticals
- Termin - Neon Laboratories
- Terminator - Fresh Products
- Terminator - University Medical Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Terminator 2 Disinfectant Spray N Wipe - Advantage Maintenance Products
- Terminator 5 - University Medical Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Termin-C - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Terminetor - Alpha Aromatic
- Termipil - Alkem Laboratories
- Termisil - Genepharma Group; Ferron
- Termitkil
- Termizol - IVAX
- Termoamylase
- Termobalsamo - Procemsa Farmaceutici
- Termofren - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Termogenico - Biox de Mexico
- Termogrip - Ronnet Laboratoires
- Termogripe C Syrup - Luper Industria Farmaceutica
- Termogripe C Tablets - Luper Industria Farmaceutica
- Termokid - Konimex
- Termol - Uniao Quimica Farmaceutica Nacional
- Termonal - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Termonil - Liferpal MD
- Termo-Niofen - K2 Health & Wellness
- Termo-Ped - Stiefel Laboratories
- Termoprin - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Termopriona - Neo Quimica Comercio e Industria Laboratorio
- Termopsol - Pharmstandard-Tomskchempharm
- Termo-Rub DR - Mentholatum
- Termosan - Salvat Laboratorios
- Termotrin - Loren Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Termox - Solvang Pharma
- Termozym
- Ternadin - Dunar
- Ternafast - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Ternalin - Perrigo
- Ternalin-D - Perrigo
- Ternel - Mentinova
- Ternelax - Wander; Zuellig Pharma
- Ternelin - Sandoz
- Terneurine H - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Ternolol - Hovid; Goldplus Universal; Wellgo Pharmaceutical
- Ternovag - Novag Infancia
- Terocaps - Productos Medix
- Terod - Getz Pharma
- Terodul - Degort's Chemical
- Terofolaz - Technica Labs & Pharma
- Terol - Cipla
- Terol - Productos Mavi
- Terolinal - Chrispa Alfa Pharma
- Terol-LA - Cipla
- Teroltrat
- Terolut - Solvay; Algol Pharma
- Teromac - Huons; Medbridge; Ormed Pharmaceuticals
- Teromol - Aldo Union
- Teronac - Novartis; ICN Pharmaceuticals; Sandoz
- Terost - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Terostrant - Chrispa Alfa Pharma
- Terovit-Fe - Technica Labs & Pharma
- Teroxina - Bruluagsa
- Terozid Forte - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Terpalate - Ferrer Farma
- Terpan
- Terpate
- Terp-Cod - Vacopharm
- Terpect Liquid - Themis Medicare
- Terpect Tablets - Themis Medicare
- Terperan
- Terpestrol - Pharmasal Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik H. Franzke
- Terpestrol H - Medopharm Arzneimittel
- Terpestrol-Inhalant - Pharmasal Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik H. Franzke
- Terphylate - Overseas Health Care
- Terphylin - Themis Medicare
- Terpidexphan - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Terpimex Fort - NIC Pharma
- Terpin - Stada; Khuong Duy Pharmaceutical
- Terpin Benzoat - Bidiphar
- Terpin Benzoat - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Terpin Benzoat - Tpharco
- Terpin Codein - Bidiphar
- Terpin Codein - Domesco Medical Import-Export
- Terpin Codein - Donaipharm
- Terpin Codein - Ladophar
- Terpin Codein - Mediplantex
- Terpin Codein - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Terpin Codein - Mipharmco
- Terpin Codein - Pharimexco
- Terpin Codein - TV Pharm
- Terpin Codein F - TV Pharm
- Terpin Cophan - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Terpin Dextromethorphan - Mebiphar; Thanh Dat
- Terpin Dextromethorphan - Tpharco
- Terpin Dextromethorphan - Vidipha
- Terpin Goledin Caplets - NIC Pharma
- Terpin Goledin Capsules - NIC Pharma
- Terpin Hydrate; Codeine - Stanley Pharmaceuticals
- Terpin Mekong - Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Terpincod - Pharmstandard-Leksredstva
- Terpincod - Pharmstandard-Tomskchempharm
- Terpincodein - Mipharmco
- Terpincodein - Pharbaco
- Terpincodein Extra - NIC Pharma
- Terpincodein Fort - DHG Pharmaceutical
- Terpincold - Hataphar
- Terpine des Monts-Dore - Centrapharm Laboratoire
- Terpine Gonnon - Merck
- Terpine Gonnon Liquid - Merck; Pharminter Laboratoires
- Terpine Gonnon Tablets - Merck; Famar Lyon
- Terpinic - NIC Pharma
- Terpinzoat - TV Pharm
- Terpodiene
- Terpoin - SSL International
- Terpone - Rosa-Phytopharma Laboratoires
- Terpone Adultes - Rosa-Phytopharma Laboratoires
- Terpone Enfantes - Rosa-Phytopharma Laboratoires
- Terpone Nourrissons - Rosa-Phytopharma Laboratoires
- Terponil - Vitafarma, Spain
- Terposen - VIR Industria Quimica Farmaceutica
- Terracol-A - A.N.H. Products
- Terra-Cortril - Pfizer; Farmasierra
- Terra-Cortril com Polimixina B - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril Eye / Ear Ointment - Pfizer
- Terracortril Gel - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril Gel Steraject met Polymyxine-B - Pfizer
- Terracortril med Polymyxin B - Pfizer; Dr. Gerhard Mann
- Terra-Cortril met Polymyxine-B - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril mit Gentamicin - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril mit Polymyxin B-Sulfat - Pfizer
- Terracortril N - Pfizer; Dr. Gerhard Mann
- Terra-Cortril Nistatina - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril Nystatin - Pfizer
- Terracortril Ophthalmic - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril P - Pfizer
- Terra-Cortril Polymyxin B - Pfizer
- Terracortril Steraject - Pfizer
- Terracortril Topical - Pfizer
- Terradermina - Flopen
- Terrados - Pfizer
- Terraferron - Terramedic; Metro Drug Distribution
- Terrafor - Terrafor Laboratoires
- Terraject
- Terrakal - Offenbach Mexicana
- Terralin - Schulke & Mayr
- Terramicina - Pfizer; Farmasierra
- Terramicina con Polimixina - Pfizer
- Terramicina con Polimixina B - Pfizer
- Terramicina con Polimixina B Pomata Dermica - Pfizer
- Terramicina Eye Ointment - Pfizer; Farmasierra
- Terramicina Injections - Pfizer
- Terramicina Ointment - Pfizer; Farmasierra
- Terramicina P - Pfizer
- Terramicina S F - Pfizer
- Terramycin - Pfizer; Phibro Animal Health; Zuellig Pharma
- Terramycin Animal Formula - Pfizer
- Terramycin Capsules - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Terramycin Concentrated - Pfizer
- Terramycin Eye Drops - Pfizer
- Terramycin Eye Ointment - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Terramycin Injections - Pfizer; Dr. Gerhard Mann; Primal Chemical; The Glory Medicina; Zuellig Pharma
- Terramycin met Polymyxine-B - Pfizer
- Terramycin mit Polymyxin-B-Sulfat - Pfizer
- Terramycin N - Pfizer; Dr. Gerhard Mann
- Terramycin Ointment - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Terramycin Plus - Pfizer; Zuellig Pharma
- Terramycin Premix - Pfizer
- Terramycin SF - Pfizer
- Terramycin with Polymyxin - Pfizer
- Terramycin with Polymyxin B Eye - Pfizer; Primal Chemical
- Terramycin with Polymyxin B Sulfate - Pfizer
- Terramycin-Aqua - Pfizer; Phibro Animal Health
- Terramycin-Aqua Fish and Lobster Premix - Pfizer; Phibro Animal Health
- Terramycine - Pfizer
- Terramycin-E - Pfizer
- Terramycine Capsules - Pfizer
- Terramycine Hydrocortisone - Pfizer
- Terramycine Solu-Retard - Pfizer
- Terramycine Tablets - Pfizer
- Terranilo - Bial-Industrial Farmaceutica
- Terranumonyl - Columbia Laboratorios
- Terrapin Outdoor Systems Lip Balm SPF 15 - Terrapin Outdoor Systems
- Terrapin Outdoor Systems Spray On Sunscreen SPF 25 - Terrapin Outdoor Systems
- Terrapin Outdoor Systems Sunscreen Lotion SPF 15 - Terrapin Outdoor Systems
- Terrapin Outdoor Systems Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30 - Terrapin Outdoor Systems
- Terrasil - Silom Medical
- Terrasport - All Terrain
- Terrastatin
- Terravenos - Pfizer
- Terrell - Minrad; Fahrenheit
- Terre-Mer - Bio Actif
- Terricil - Edol
- Terros-Z - Technica Labs & Pharma
- Terry White Chemists Aciclovir - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Allopurinol - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Alprazolam - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Amiodarone - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Amoxycillin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Amoxycillin and Clavulanic Acid - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Atenolol - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Baclofen - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Captopril - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Cefaclor - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Cefaclor CD - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Cephalexin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Citalopram - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Clarithromycin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Clomipramine - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Diazepam - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Diclofenac - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Diltiazem - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Diltiazem CD - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Doxycycline Capsules - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Doxycycline Tablets - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Enalapril - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Famotidine - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Fluoxetine - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Frusemide - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Gabapentin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Gemfibrozil - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Gliclazide - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Indapamide - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Ipratropium - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Isosorbide Mononitrate - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Isotretinoin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Lisinopril - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Metformin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Methylphenidate - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Metoprolol - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Moclobemide - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Nifedipine - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Norfloxacin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Paroxetine - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Perindopril - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Piroxicam - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Pravastatin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Prazosin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Ranitidine - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Salbutamol - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Sertraline - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Simvastatin - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Sotalol - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Tamoxifen - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Tramadol - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Terry White Chemists Trimethoprim with Sulfamethoxazole DS - Faulding; GenRx; Symbion Pharmacy
- Tersa Bath Oil - Stiefel Laboratories; Trans Canaderm
- Tersa Tar - GlaxoSmithKline; Stiefel Laboratories; Trans Canaderm
- Tersac - Stiefel Laboratories; Trans Canaderm
- Tersaken - Kener Laboratorios
- Tersan
- Tersaseptic - GlaxoSmithKline; Bradley Pharmaceuticals; Dermaclin; Stiefel Laboratories; Trans Canaderm
- TersaTar - Stiefel Laboratories; Doak Dermatologics; International Medical, Hong Kong
- Tersa-Tar Mild - GlaxoSmithKline; Stiefel Laboratories; Trans Canaderm
- Terset
- Tersif - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Tersigan - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Tersigat - Boehringer Ingelheim; 3M
- Tersoderm Anticaspa - Defuen
- Tersoderm Cabellos Grasos - Defuen
- Tersoderm Plus - Defuen
- Tersulpha - Lennon, South Africa; Aspen Pharmacare
- Tersus - Stiefel Laboratories; Trans Canaderm
- Tertensif - Servier
- Tertral D
- Tertran
- Tertroxin - GlaxoSmithKline; Aspen Pharmacare; Boots; Goldshield Pharmaceuticals; Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Tervalon - Dr. Lazar Laboratorio
- Terveson - Doctum Pharmaceutical
- Tervit H - Ampharco
- Terwin - J.K. Biochem Healthcare
- Terzine - Seven Stars, Thailand; S. Charoen Bhaesaj Trading
- Terzo - Bennet Pharmaceuticals
- Terzolin - Janssen
- Tesacof - Novartis
- Tesafilm - Novartis
- Tesalin - Max Zeller Sohne
- Tesalin Allergy - Max Zeller Sohne
- Tesalin N - Max Zeller Sohne
- Tesalitos - Novartis
- Tesalon - Novartis
- Tesamone - Dunhall Pharmaceuticals
- Tesco - Drug International
- Tesco Max Strength Cold and Flu - Pfizer
- Tescos Max Strength Cold and Flu Relief - Pfizer
- Teserene
- Tesero Voyage - Iromedica
- Tesfen
- Tesical - Sintesina
- Teslac - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Teslak
- Teslascan - Amersham; GE Healthcare; Medial, Czech Republic; Nycomed
- Teslen
- Tesnol
- Tesofan-J - IVAX
- Tesol - Vianex
- Tesona
- Tesopalmed Forte cum Yohimbine - Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Tesopen - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Tesoprel - Celltech
- Tesor-C - Segix Italia
- Tesoren - Galeno Quimica
- Tesos - Altana Pharma
- Tespamin - Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals
- Tespamine - Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals
- Tess - Aegis
- Tess - Troikaa Pharmaceuticals; Minh Hien Pharmaceutical Trading
- Tessalin - Novartis
- Tessalon - Novartis; Catalent; Forest Laboratories; Pfizer
- Tessalon Ciba - Novartis
- Tessalon Perles - Novartis
- Tessamag con Codeina - Vargas Laboratorios
- Tessifol - Esfar Laboratorios
- Tessofort - Bustillos Laboratorios
- Test Pack Clear Blue - Volta Laboratorio
- Test Pack Plus - Abbott
- Testac - Medac
- Testamone
- Test-Anabol
- Testandro - Redur, United States
- Testandrone
- Testanon - Organon
- Tes-Tape - Eli Lilly
- Testaqua
- Testasa - Chefaro
- Testasa E - Chefaro
- Testascorbic
- Testaval 90 / 4 - Legere Pharmaceuticals
- Testavol
- Test-Comp - Unigen Life Sciences
- Testerell - Sanorell Pharma
- Test-Estro - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Testes-Uvocal - Dr. Mulli Pharma
- Testex - Altana Pharma
- Testhormone
- Testiculi - Dr. C. Szalagyl Disperga
- Testim - Auxilium Pharmaceuticals; Beaufour Ipsen; Contract Pharmaceuticals; DPT Laboratories
- Testinfex - Flopen
- Testiormina - Sanval Comercio e Industria
- Testipurum - W. Feldhoff & Comp. Arzneimittel
- Testisan - Mintlab
- Testiwop - HorFerVit Pharma
- Testo - Baldassari
- Testobase
- Testocaps - Organon
- Testoderm - Ferring; ALZA
- Testoderm TTS - Ferring; ALZA
- Testodet
- Testodrin
- Testo-Enant - Geymonat
- Testofran - Faria Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Testogel - Bayer Schering Pharma; Besins; HE Clissmann; Jenapharm
- Testogen
- Testoject
- Testolets
- Testolic - T. P. Drug Laboratories; Meridian Thailand
- Testolin
- Testomed
- Testomet - Alphapharm
- Testonique
- Testonova - Neiss Labs
- Testonus - Profarb
- Testopatch - Pierre Fabre
- Testopel - Bartor Pharmacal
- Testoprim-D - Tocogino Laboratorios
- Testopropon
- Testora
- Testoral
- Testormol
- Testos - Vetcom 1979
- Testosid
- Testosteron Depot - Jenapharm
- Testosteron Depot - Rotexmedica
- Testosterona - Chile Laboratorios
- Testosterone - Bartor Pharmacal
- Testosterone - Bedford Laboratories
- Testosterone - Bel Mar
- Testosterone - Cambridge Laboratories
- Testosterone - Dominion Veterinary Laboratories
- Testosterone - Eli Lilly
- Testosterone - Elkins Sinn
- Testosterone - Hikma Pharmaceuticals
- Testosterone - March Pharmaceuticals
- Testosterone - Organon; Merck; Zuellig Pharma
- Testosterone - Paddock Laboratories
- Testosterone - Par Pharmaceutical
- Testosterone - Rotexmedica; Helm Pharmaceuticals
- Testosterone - Sandoz
- Testosterone - SERP Laboratoire; Galien Laboratoire
- Testosterone - Synerx Pharma
- Testosterone - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Testosterone - Teva
- Testosterone - Theramex; Hyphens Pharma
- Testosterone - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Testosterone; Estradiol - STERIS Corporation
- Testotard - Chephasaar Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Testotonic B - Sam-On
- Testotop - Stada; Eastern Pharmaceuticals
- Testoviron - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Testoviron 100 - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Testoviron 250 - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Testoviron Depot - Bayer Schering Pharma; DKSH; Firma Chun Cheong; German Remedies; Perrigo; Zuellig Pharma; Zydus Cadila
- Testoviron Depot 100 - Bayer Schering Pharma; German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Testoviron Depot 135 - Bayer Schering Pharma; German Remedies; Zydus Cadila
- Testoviron Depot 250 - Bayer Schering Pharma; Jenapharm
- Testoviron Depot 50 - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Testoviron T
- Testovis - Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche
- Testovis Depot - Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche
- Testovital - Gynopharm
- Testoxyl
- Testozzard - Pizzard Laboratorios
- TestPack hCG-Urine - Abbott
- TestPack Plus hCG-Urine - Abbott
- Testred - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Testred Injections - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Testrex
- Testro AQ
- Testrone
- Testryl
- Tesubel - Blubell Pharma
- Tesuloid - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Bracco
- Tesurene - A Natureza Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Tet Tablet - Medibiotics
- Teta Extra - Fresenius
- Teta-Aktiv - Fresenius
- Tetabulin - Baxter; Mekim
- Tetabulin Inject - Baxter
- Tetabuline - Baxter
- Tetacid - Interpharm
- Tetagam - Sanofi-Aventis; Natal Bioproducts Institute
- Tetagam N - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tetagamma - Hardis
- Tetagamma P - ZLB Behring
- Tetagam-P - Sanofi-Aventis; Centeon Pharma; CSL; Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem; Primal Chemical; ZLB Behring; Zuellig Pharma; Zydus Cadila
- Tetaglobulin S - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tetaglobulina - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tetaglobuline - Sanofi-Aventis; ProMedico; Zydus Alidac
- Tetagloman - Octapharma
- Tetagrip - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tet-Aktiv - Tropon
- Tetalin - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Tetamer - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tetamun SSW - GlaxoSmithKline
- Tetamyn - Bioclon Laboratorios
- Tetan - Alembic
- Tetanea - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Tetan-H - Alembic
- Tetanibys - Antibioticos Farma
- Tetano Difter - Celltech
- Tetanobulin - Baxter; Immuno
- Tetanobulina - Baxter; Landerlan
- Tetanogamma - Sanofi-Aventis; ZLB Behring
- Tetanogamma P - Sanofi-Aventis; ZLB Behring
- Tetanol - Sanofi-Aventis; Chiron; Elea Laboratorio; Grunenthal; Novartis
- Tetanol Behring - Sanofi-Aventis; Chiron; Elea Laboratorio; Grunenthal; Novartis
- Tetanol Pur - Sanofi-Aventis; Novartis
- Tetanos Quick Stick - Ingen Laboratories
- Tetanosimultan - Baxter; Immuno
- Tetanox - Shanghai Serum Biological Technology; Global Pharmatrade
- Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed Adult - Sanofi-Aventis; Wyeth
- Tetanus Antitoxin - Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Tetanus Antitoxin - Serum Institute of India; Biogenetech
- Tetanus Gamma - Kedrion; Biogenetech
- Tetanus Immunoglobulin-VF - CSL
- Tetanus Toxoid - Serum International
- Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed - Biological Evans
- Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed - GlaxoSmithKline
- Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed - Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed - Sanofi-Aventis; ID Biomedical Corporation
- Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine Adsorbed - Serum Institute of India; Masu
- Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine Adsorbed - Teva
- Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed - Commonwealth Serum; Luen Cheong Hong
- Tetanus-Adsorbat-Impfstoff - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tetanus-Impfstoff Merieux - Sanofi-Aventis
- Teta-S - Fresenius
- Tetasorbat SSW - GlaxoSmithKline
- Tetatox - Berna
- Tetatox - InterVax; DKSH
- Tetavax - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Tetavax Multidose - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Tetaven - Baxter
- Tetavenin - Baxter; Immuno
- Tetavenine - Baxter; Immuno
- Tetaz - Kopran
- Tetefit Vitamin E - Medra Handels
- Tetesept Angidin - Merz; Merck; NaturProdukt CZ
- Tetesept Badekonzentrat Erkaltungs Bad N - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Badekonzentrat Rheuma Bad - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Bademedizin Erkaltungs Intensiv Bad N - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Balsam - Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Tetesept Calcium - Medra Handels
- Tetesept Erkaltungs - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Erkaltungs Balsam N Mentholfrei - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Hals-Activ - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Husten Saft - Tetesept Pharma
- Tetesept Liquid - Medra Handels
- Tetesept Magnesium - Medra Handels
- Tetesept Pastilles - Dr. Kolassa & Merz
- Tetesept Vitamin C - Medra Handels
- Tetglob - Bharat Serums and Vaccines
- Tethexal - Hexal
- Tetidis
- Tetig
- Tetinox - Silanes Laboratorios
- Tetlin - Ind-Swift
- Tetliv - Instituto Finlay; Endure Medical
- Tetmos
- Tetmosol - AstraZeneca; ICI India
- Tetnor
- Tetox - Sinochem Ningbo; 2 World Traders Subic
- Tetra - Atlantis, Mexico
- Tetra - Jaapharm Canada
- Tetra - P P Lab
- Tetra 1000 - Jaapharm Canada
- Tetra 4000 Bolus - Jaapharm Canada
- Tetra 55 - Jaapharm Canada
- Tetra Caplets - Reese Pharmaceutical
- Tetra Central - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Tetra Contra ICK 80 - Tetra Werke Dr. Ulrich Baensch
- Tetra Frx - United Drug; DKSH
- Tetra Fungistop - Tetra Werke Dr. Ulrich Baensch
- Tetra General Tonic - Tetra Werke Dr. Ulrich Baensch
- Tetra Hibest - Sanofi-Aventis
- Tetra Hubber - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Tetra Hubber Balsamico - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Tetra Hubber Otico - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Tetra Tripsin - Torlan Laboratorios
- Tetra-Abiadin - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Tetrabact - Cipla
- Tetrabakat - Dorsch
- Tetraben - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Tetrabenazine - Cambridge Laboratories
- Tetrabenazine - Orphan Pharmaceutical
- Tetrabid-Organon - Organon
- Tetrabiomar - Cheminova
- Tetrabioptal - Farmila-Thea Farmaceutici
- Tetrablet - Makara Pharmazeutische Fabrik
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