Pharmaceutical products list, page 132:
- Memfit - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Memi Injections - Plus India
- Memi Tablets - Plus India
- Memifort - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Memi-LB - Plus India
- Memine
- Memjet - Sterkem Pharma
- Memloba - Me Di Sun
- Memo Plus Gold - Lumen; Davenben Enterprises
- Memoactive - Euroderm
- Memocap - Kotra Pharma
- Memodrin - Lavipharm Group
- Memokan - AustraPharm; Mebiphar
- Memokit - Ximena Polanco Laboratorio
- Memolife - AustraPharm; Mebiphar
- Memoloba - Orient Europharma
- Memonol - Utopian, Thailand
- Memoplant - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Memo-Puren - Alpharma
- Memoq - Pfizer
- Memoran - Soho Industri Pharmasi
- Memorandum - Lampugnani Farmaceutici
- Memorex - Provita Industria Farmaceutica
- Memorex Compuesto - Disprofarma
- Memorex Vital - Disprofarma
- Memorfix - Herald's do Brasil
- Memoria - Herbs Trading
- Memoria - Richard Bittner
- Memoril - Meditop Gyogyszeripari
- Memoril - Recordati
- Memoril - Young Il Pharm; Hoang Khang
- Memorino - Grupo Vita / Vita Cientifica
- Memorioglutan - Bunker Industria Farmaceutica
- Memoriol B6 - Baldacci Laboratorios
- Memorisan - Lopes Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Memorit - Trima Pharmaceuticals; Unipharm, Israel
- MEMORX IQ Plus - Gruppo Medica; InterMed Marketing Philippines; Zuellig Pharma
- Memory Booster - Natural Life, Argentina
- Memory Plus - Life Essence
- Memoserina S - Sanofi-Aventis
- Memosprint - Monsanto Italiana
- Memotil - Genepharma Group
- Memotropil - Polpharma; Au Viet; VP Pharma Baru
- Memovigor - Euro-Pharma
- Memovisus - Pfizer
- Memovit B12 - Magis Farmaceutici
- Memovita - OPV
- Memox - Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Memphenesin
- Mempil - General Drugs House
- Mempotal - Inquifave
- Memtone - Aimil Pharmaceuticals
- Memzotil - Pharmasant Laboratories; Central Poly Trading
- Men Complex - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Men Formula - Nature's Sunshine Products
- Men Hormone - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Men Hormone Compound - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Menabil Complex - Menarini
- Menabil Complex Syrup - Menarini
- Menabil Complex Tablets - Menarini
- Menabol - CFL Pharmaceuticals
- Menacor - Menarini
- Menactra - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Menaderm - Galeno Quimica
- Menaderm - Menarini
- Menaderm Clio - Menarini
- Menaderm N - Menarini
- Menaderm Neomicina - Menarini
- Menaderm Otologico - Menarini
- Menaderm Simple - Menarini
- Menaderm Simplex - Menarini
- Menadiol - Cambridge Laboratories
- Menadion - Medic Team, Denmark
- Menadione - Eli Lilly
- Menadol - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Menaelle - Theramex Laboratoire
- Menagen
- Menalation - J. McGloin
- Menalcol - Reig Jofre
- Menalgil - Menarini
- Menalgil B6 - Menarini
- Menalgon - Fidia Farmaceutici
- Menalgon B6 - Fidia Farmaceutici
- Menalmina - Reig Jofre
- Menamic - Osoth Inter Laboratories
- Menamig - Menarini
- Menamin - P P Lab; Picharn
- Menaphtam
- Menaril - Menarini
- Menaval - Legere Pharmaceuticals
- Menaven - Menarini
- Menazin - Medochemie
- Mencalisvit - Menarini
- Mencevax - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mencevax AC - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mencevax ACWY - GlaxoSmithKline; Firma Chun Cheong; Zuellig Pharma
- Mencevax ACWY Monodose - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mencewax - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mencip - Menarini
- Mencirax - Ativus Farmaceutica
- Mencogrin AP - Defuen
- Mencogrin Cream - Defuen
- Mencogrin Gel - Defuen
- Mencogrin Shampoo - Defuen
- Mencogrin Solution - Defuen
- Mencortex - Menarini
- Mencortex B6 - Menarini
- Mendazole - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mendel
- Mendiaxon
- Mendicet - Traphaco
- Mendicof - Sunward Pharmaceutical; Apex Pharma Marketing
- Mendilex - Alkaloid
- Mendro - Medizone
- Mendrome - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Menegradil - Fada Pharma
- Menelat - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Menem - United Biotech
- Meneparol - Menarini
- Meneparol Sol - Menarini
- Menesia
- Menest - Monarch Pharmaceuticals; King Pharmaceuticals; Raffo Laboratorios
- Menevit - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Menfazona - Menarini
- Menflixil - Solara Farmaceutica
- Menformon
- Mengivac A + C - Sanofi-Aventis
- Mengy - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Menhydrinate
- Meni - FDC
- Meni-D - Seatrace Pharmaceuticals
- Meniero - Jean-Marie Pharmacal
- Meniex - Fortbenton Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Menimycin - Tai Yu Chemical & Pharmaceutical
- Menin - Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Meningitec - Pfizer; AHP Schweiz; Wyeth
- Meningo A + C - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meningococcal A + C - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine A + C - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Groups A and C - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Meningokokken-Impfstoff A + C - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meningokokken-Impfstoff A + C Merieux - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meningovax A + C - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meninvact - Sanofi-Aventis; Vianex
- Meniodina - Men, Spain
- Menisole - Atlantic Pharmaceutical
- Menison - Pymepharco
- Menitorix - GlaxoSmithKline
- Menizol - Valmor Laboratorios
- Menjugate - Chiron; Allphar Services; Berna; CSL; Elea Laboratorio; Esteve Farma; Gerolymatos; Merck; Novartis; Sanofi-Aventis; United Drug
- Menjugate Kit - Chiron; Sanofi-Aventis
- Menjugatekit - Chiron
- Menobarb - Milano Lab
- Menobiol - Yves Ponroy Laboratoires
- Menocal - Antah Pharma; Berna; Welfide Korea
- Menocal - Les Aliments Nutri-Source
- Meno-Care PM - PharmaMetics Products; Max Biocare
- Menoceane - Thalgo Nutrition
- Menoconfort - Yves Ponroy Laboratoires
- Menoctyl - Menarini
- Meno-Cyl Ho-Len-Complex - Pharma Liebermann
- Menocynesine - Boiron
- Menocytl - Menarini
- Menodac - Cadila Pharmaceuticals; Zydus Cadila
- Menodoron - Pharma-Natura
- Menodoron - Weleda
- Menoease - Pharmed Medicare
- Menofem - Boehringer Ingelheim; Dr. Willmar Schwabe; Pharmaton, Switzerland
- Menofit - Ajanta Pharma
- Menoflav - Zydus Cadila
- Menoflavon - Cedar Health
- Menoflush - Pharmaceutical Enterprises
- Menoflush + 1 / 4 - Pharmaceutical Enterprises
- Menogen - Breckenridge Pharmaceutical
- Menogia - Gufic
- Menogia-MF - Gufic
- Menogon - Ferring; A. Lapidot Pharmaceuticals; Iasis Chemipharma; Pacific Healthcare; The Glory Medicina; United Drug; United Italian Trading
- Menograine - Aspen Pharmacare
- Menoguard - Ind-Swift
- Meno-Implant - Organon
- Menol - Cyno Pharmaceuticals
- Menolife - Life Medicare & Biotech
- Menolistica - Holistica International Laboratoires
- Menoliv - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Menol-Plus - Cyno Pharmaceuticals
- Menolyn
- Meno-MPA - Pharmateam Marketing
- Menomune - Sanofi-Aventis; Merck; Vianex; Zuellig Pharma
- Menomune-A / C / Y / W-135 - Sanofi-Aventis; Zuellig Pharma
- Meno-Net - Pharmateam Marketing
- Menonys - Uni Sankyo
- Menopace - Vitabiotics; Mekim
- Menopace Iso - Meyer Organics
- Meno-Patch - Trima Pharmaceuticals
- Menopatol
- Menopause - Homeocan
- Menopause L122 - Homeocan
- Menopause Relief - Herbal Concepts
- Menopause Test - Electramed
- Menopax - Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos
- Menophase - Roche; GD Searle; Pfizer
- Menoplex - Cosmetic Solutions
- Menoprem - Wyeth
- Meno-Pro - British Biologicals
- Menopur - Ferring; Pacific Healthcare; The Glory Medicina; United Italian Trading
- Menorest - Novartis
- Menorest - Renata
- Menoring - Galen
- Menor-N - Evacare
- Men-O-Rose No. 1 - L'Herbier du Midi
- Men-O-Rose No. 2 - L'Herbier du Midi
- Menosan - BioForce Services
- Menosan - Himalaya
- Menose - Kalbe Farma
- Menosedan - Quimica Haller
- Menosedan Ciclo - Quimica Haller
- Menosedan Fase - Quimica Haller
- Menosedan MPA - Quimica Haller
- Menoselect - Dreluso Pharmazeutika, Dr Elten & Sohn
- Menosoft - Elnova Pharma
- Menosor - T. P. Drug Laboratories
- Menosoy - Sterling Lab; Medi-Genix
- Menospan-MF - Abbott
- Menostar - Berlex Laboratories; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Menostat - East West Pharma
- Menostat - Medifarm Inversiones y Representaciones
- Menostilbeen
- Menostress - Dansk-Flama Instituto de Fisiologia Aplicada
- Menotec - United Biotech
- Menotensil - Solvay
- Menotime - Matara Laboratoires
- Menotran - East West Pharma
- Menotropins - Ferring
- Menova - Merck
- Menovac - Instituto Finlay; Endure Medical
- Menovasin - Apteka Pharmikon
- Menovasin - Dalkhimpharm
- Menovasin - Ekolab
- Menovasin - Irbitsky Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant
- Menovasin - Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN
- Menovasin - Sintez
- Menovasin - Vatchem-Pharmacy
- Menovis - Teofarma
- Menovit - Chemech Laboratories
- Menovit - Psychotropics India
- Menovul - Walter Bushnell
- Menoxicor - Menarini
- Menoxy-N - Pharmatech Healthcare
- Menp HP - Bio Active Canada
- Men-Phor - Geritrex
- Menpirin - Intra Laboratorios
- Menpovax 4 - Chiron; Biogenetech
- Menpovax A + C - Chiron; Biogenetech; Medicom International
- Menpros - Continental Farmaceutica
- Menrium - Roche
- Men's - Natural Factors Nutritional Products
- Men's 50 + - Natural Factors Nutritional Products
- Men's A / P - H.J. Sutton Industries
- Mens Antiperspirant Sport Stick - H.J. Sutton Industries
- Men's Antiperspirant Stick Unscented - H.J. Sutton Industries
- Men's Biomultiple - Nutricia
- Men's Formula - Added Dimensions
- Men's Health - ForMor International
- Men's Multi Master Formula - Pro-Ma Systems
- Men's Rogaine - Pfizer
- Men's Titanium 15 - California North
- Men's Titanium 4 - California North
- Men's Vitamin and Mineral Supplement - Food-Nutrition
- Mensalgin - Soubeiran Chobet
- Mensana - Darrow Laboratorios
- Mensifem - Boehringer Ingelheim; Promeco; Siegfried Rhein
- Mensil-N - Biomiicron Pharmaceuticals
- Mensiso - Menarini
- Mensoma - Baldacci Farmoquimica
- Mensoton - Berlin-Chemie
- Menstraleve - H.W. Woods
- Menstrogen - Organon
- Menstrual Midol Complete - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Menstrualin - Diabetylingesellschaft Nachfolger Apotheker Hans Meixner
- Menstruasan - BioForce Services
- Menstrunat - Soria Natural
- Mensuosedyl - Plantes et Medecines Laboratoires
- Ment Vital - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Menta-Bal
- Mentacur - Chiesi
- Mentadem - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Mentaden - Inquifave
- Mental Alertness - Homeocan
- Mentalgina - Dr. R. R. Ragionieri
- Mentalgina - Novartis
- Mentalium
- Mentalol - Farmo Quimica del Pacifico
- Mentalol - Neckerman Industria Farmaceutica
- Mentamida - Kin Laboratorios
- Mentania - Saval Laboratorios
- Mentar - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading
- Mentat - Himalaya
- Mentat-DS - Himalaya
- Mentax - Mylan; Allergan; Bertek Pharmaceuticals; Kaken Pharmaceutical; Perrigo
- Mentax-TC - Mylan
- Mentha Lip Balm Stick Mint Infused for Fresh Breath SPF FPS 15 - Bath & Body Works
- Mentha Lip Balm Stick SPF FPS 15 - Bath & Body Works
- Mentha Piperita - Boiron
- Mentha Piperita - Holis Laboratoires
- Mentha Piperita - Standard Homeopathic
- Mentha Piperitae Tablets - Veropharm
- Mentha Pulegium - Boiron
- Mentha Pulegium - Dolisos
- Mentha Pulegium - Standard Homeopathic
- Mentha Viridis - Boiron
- Mentha Viridis - Standard Homeopathic
- Menthacin - Mentholatum
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Adonis Firma
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Agrophytopharm
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Apex, Russia
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Astrahan Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Azulen-Temryuk
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Barnaul Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Bashkiria Herbs
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Dalkhimpharm
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Ensi
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Faros-21
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Flora Pharm
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Health Company, Russia
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Jindal
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - KMV-Pharmacy
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Krasnogorskleksredstva
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Lek C Plus
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Microgen NPO
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Omsk Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Phyto-EM Agro-Industrial Company
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Phytopharm PKF
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - St-Medifarm
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Tehmedservis
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Travnik PZK
- Menthae Piperitae Folia - Tver Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Folium Briket - Evalar
- Menthae Piperitae Folium Briket - Krasnogorskleksredstva
- Menthae Piperitae Folium Powder - Apex, Russia
- Menthae Piperitae Folium Powder - Kubanlektravy
- Menthae Piperitae Folium Powder - Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Astrahan Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Barnaul Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Biosynthesis
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Ekolab
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Ivanovo Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Kirov Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Omsk Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Pskov Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Tver Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthae Piperitae Tinctura - Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory
- Menthamel - Pharmakon Arzneimittel
- Menthe Poivre Essence De - Atlas Laboratoire
- Menthe Poivree Huile De - Atlas Laboratoire
- Menthodex - Bell, Sons & Co.
- Menthodyne - Nature's Way
- Menthol and Wintergreen Heat Product - SSL International
- Menthol Cough Lozenges - H.J. Sutton Industries
- Mentholatum - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Balm - Mentholatum; Medibrands
- Mentholatum Balm NF - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Cherry Chest Rub - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Cherry Ice SPF 11 - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Cough Drops - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Cough Pastilles - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Deep Heat Rub - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Deep Heating Lotion - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Deep Heating Patch - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Deep Heating Rub - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Extra Strength Ointment - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Ibuprofen - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Nasal Inhaler - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Natural Ice Extreme Lipbalm SPF 30 - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Natural Ice Lip Protectant - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Natural Ice Lipbalm - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Natural Ice Lipbalm with Moisturizing Vitamin E and Aloe Vera - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Natural Ice SPF 14 - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Ointment - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Rub - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Softlips - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Softlips French Vanilla Lip Protectant SPF 20 - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Softlips Lipbalm - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Softlips Lipbalm UV - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Softlips Sparkle Mint Lip Protectant SPF 10 - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Softlips Tints Sun Kissed Copper - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Toothache Kit - Mentholatum
- Mentholatum Vapour Rub - Mentholatum
- Menthol-Balsam - Dr. Doerr-Pharma
- Mentholease - Pfizer
- Mentholon Original N - Schoning Pharmazeutische Praparate
- Mentholum - Boiron
- Mentholum - Dolisos
- Mentholum - Standard Homeopathic
- Mentholyptus Vaporiser Fluid - Nelson Laboratories
- Menthoneurin Cream - Byk
- Menthoneurin Gel - Byk
- Menthoneurin Liniment - Byk; Altana Pharma
- Menthoneurin Ointment - Altana Pharma
- Menthoneurin-Salbe - Altana Pharma
- Menthoneurin-Vollbad N - E. Tosse
- MenthoRub - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Menthose - Pasteur Laboratorios
- Menthymin Mono - Chauvin Ankerpharm
- Menticol - Proula Medicamentos
- Mentidose - Faran Laboratories
- Mentis - Menarini
- Mentium - Guidotti Laboratori
- Mentix - Alpes Chemie; Royal Pharma
- Mentobalsam - Farmo Quimica del Pacifico
- Mentobox Antitusivo - Alcala Farma
- Mentobox Ointment - Serra Pamies Laboratorios
- Mentobox Tablets - Edigen
- Mentocaina R - Azevedos Laboratorios
- Mentocap - Rekah
- Mentodrin - Instituto Brasileiro de Especialid Farmac
- Mentofenol - Distrifarma
- Mentofer - Signova Pharma
- Mentol Sedans Sulfamidad - Reig Jofre
- Mentolatun - EMS Industria Farmaceutica
- Mentolift - Symbiotic Drugs & Diabetic Care
- Mentolift-Plus - Symbiotic Drugs & Diabetic Care
- Mento-O-Cap - Rekah
- Mentopas - Sinsin Pharmaceutical; Philusa Corporation
- Mentopin - Brady C.
- Mentopin - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentopin Echinacea - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentopin Erkaltungsbalsam - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentopin Gurgellosung - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentopin Hustenstiller - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentopin Nasenspray - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentopin Vitamin C + ASS - Hermes Arzneimittel
- Mentor - Lifeplan Products
- Mentoval - Canonne Laboratorio
- Mentozil - Instituto Brasileiro de Especialid Farmac
- Mentra - Zydus Cadila
- Menu Antiseptic Hand Soap White Pearl - Colabor
- Menu Desinfectant Liquid - Norchem Industries
- Menu Desinfectant, Assainisseur, Desodorisant, Fongicide et Virucide - Groupe Savon Olympic
- Menu Disinfectant / Cleaner - Groupe Savon Olympic
- Menu Disinfectant, Sanitizer, Deodorizer, Fungicide and Virucide - Groupe Savon Olympic
- Menutil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Menuvit Drops - Finecure Pharmaceuticals
- Menuvit Syrup - Finecure Pharmaceuticals
- Menuvit Tablets - Finecure Pharmaceuticals
- Menuvit-P - Finecure Pharmaceuticals
- Menveo - Novartis
- Menyanthes Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Menyanthes Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Menyanthes Trifoliata - Boiron
- Menyanthes Trifoliata - Dolisos
- Menyanthes Trifoliata - Standard Homeopathic
- Menystin - Bidiphar
- MeNZB - Multichem, New Zealand
- Menzol - Menarini
- Menzol - Schwarz Pharma
- Menzotil - Central Poly Trading
- Menzza - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading
- Menzza Ice - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading
- Menzza NP - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; Harpers Trading
- Menzza OA - Hoe Pharmaceuticals; DKSH; Harpers Trading
- Meocil - Edol
- Meodinon
- Meonal
- Meonine
- Mepacyl - Pierre Rolland Laboratoire
- Mepadin
- Mepagyl - TNP Health Care; V & V Bangkok
- Mepalax - Istituto Biologico Chemioterapico
- Mepalex - Lexica Drugs & Formulations
- Mepamtin
- Mepantin
- Mepantop - Hataphar; Merap Group
- Mepar - East West Pharma
- Mepar Forte - East West Pharma
- Meparfynol
- Meparin - Medchem International; Pharma-Surrey International
- Mepastat - Orion Pharma
- Mepatar
- Mepavlon
- Mepcef - Alna Biotech
- Mepcin - Alna Biotech
- Mep-Con - Alna Biotech
- Mepedo - Samik Pharm; Merap Group
- Mepef-S - Alna Biotech
- Mepenem - Singapore Pharmawealth Lifesciences; Phil Pharmawealth
- Mepentamato
- Mepentil - Recordati
- Mepergan - Baxter; Wyeth
- Mepergan Fortis
- Meperidine - Abbott
- Meperidine - Amide Pharmaceutical
- Meperidine - AstraZeneca
- Meperidine - Barr Laboratories
- Meperidine - Baxter
- Meperidine - Caraco
- Meperidine - Duramed Pharmaceuticals
- Meperidine - Elkins Sinn
- Meperidine - Hospira
- Meperidine - International Medication Systems
- Meperidine - Mallinckrodt
- Meperidine - Mikart Pharmaceuticals
- Meperidine - Mutual Pharmaceuticals
- Meperidine - Parke-Davis
- Meperidine - Roxane Laboratories
- Meperidine - Sabex
- Meperidine - STERIS Corporation
- Meperidine - Vintage Pharmaceuticals
- Meperidine - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Meperidine - Wyeth
- Meperidine preservative free - AstraZeneca
- Meperidine preservative free - Hospira
- Meperidine preservative free - International Medication Systems
- Meperidine preservative free - Mallinckrodt
- Meperidine preservative free - Mayne Pharma
- Meperidine preservative free - STERIS Corporation
- Meperidine; Atropine - Wyeth
- Meperidol
- Meperol - LKM Laboratorio
- Meperon
- Mep-Fluron - Alna Biotech
- Mep-Fovea - Alna Biotech
- Mepha B-1000 - Gilco Pharm
- Mephadolor - Mepha
- Mephadolor Neo - Mepha
- Mephadryl
- Mephameson - Mepha
- Mephamesone - Mepha
- Mephamycin
- Mephanac
- Mephanol - Mepha; Amcron Enterprise; Ceutical Trading
- Mephaquin - Mepha; Amcron Enterprise; Ceutical Trading; Fei Long Trading; Gilco Pharm; IDS Group; JDH Pharmaceutical; Medimport, Czech Republic; Megapha; Mepharm Malaysia
- Mephaquin Lactabs - Mepha
- Mephaquine - Mepha
- Mephaserpin
- Mephate
- Mephathiol - Mepha
- Mephatussine - Mepha
- Mephatussine Compositum - Mepha
- Mephaxine - Mepha
- Mephaxine Compositum - Mepha
- Mephedan
- Mephelor
- Mephenon
- Mephensin
- Mephentine - Wyeth
- Mepherol
- Mephesin
- Mephetedrine
- Mephin
- Mephine
- Mephitis Mephitica - Standard Homeopathic
- Mephitis Putorius Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Mephitis Putorius Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Mephobarbital
- Mephosal
- Mephson
- Mephy - Lincoln Pharmaceuticals
- Mephytal
- Mephyton - Merck; Aton Pharma
- Mepiben
- Mepibil - Biologici Italia Laboratories
- Mepicain - Monico, Italy
- Mepicaton - Weimer Pharma; Biokanol Pharma; Schumit 1967
- Mepicor - Camillo Corvi Farmacia
- Mepident - Cosmo Pharmaceutical Solution & Research
- Mepidium - Recordati
- Mepidon
- Mepiforan - Baxter
- Mepiform - Molnlycke Health Care
- Mepihexal - Hexal
- Mepik - Aarpik Pharmaceuticals
- Mepilex - Molnlycke Health Care
- Mepi-Mynol - Curaden Healthcare
- Mepinaest - Gebro Pharma
- Mepiosine
- Mepirilid - Combiphar
- Mepiritev - Teva
- Mepirodipine
- Mepisolver - Solver Pharma
- Mepitel - Molnlycke Health Care
- Mepivacain - Sintetica
- Mepivacaine - B. Braun
- Mepivacaine - Graham Chemical Corporation
- Mepivacaine - Hospira
- Mepivacaine - International Medication Systems
- Mepivacaine - Novocol Pharmaceutical
- Mepivacaine - STERIS Corporation
- Mepivacaine; Levonordefrin - Graham Chemical Corporation
- Mepivamol - L. Molteni & C. Dei Fratelli Alitti
- Mepivastesin - 3M; 3-On; Evergreen; Henry Schein; iNova Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Mepivastesin Forte - 3M
- Mepivicaine - Dentsply
- Mepivirgi - Keryos
- Meplar - Baliarda Laboratorios
- Meplex T 750 - Medic Laboratory
- Mepodox - Globus Remedies
- Mepol - Taurus Laboratories
- Mep-Orva - Alna Biotech
- Meposed
- Mepotin - Mepha
- Mepracid - Nabiqasim Industries; EuroAsia Pharmaceuticals
- Mepradec - Discovery Pharmaceuticals
- Mepral - Bracco
- Mepralin - Euro Generics; Interlink Pharma Marketing Corporation
- Mepramida - Rowe-Fleming Laboratorios
- Mepranil
- Mepranix - Ashbourne Pharmaceuticals
- Meprasac - OPV
- Meprate - DDSA Pharmaceuticals
- Meprate - Serum Institute of India
- Mepraz - Ampharco
- Mepraz - Baldacci Farmoquimica
- Mepraz - Globus Remedies
- Meprazan - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Mepraz-D - Globus Remedies
- Mepraz-DSR - Globus Remedies
- Meprazol - Hexal
- Meprdl
- Mepred - Nitro Organics
- Meprepose - Sanofi-Aventis
- Mepreson - Oriental Chemical Works
- Mepresone - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem; Cathay Drug
- Mepriam - Teva
- Mepride-M - Globus Remedies
- Mepril - F. Joh. Kwizda
- Meprilon - Mugi Laboratories
- Meprin
- Meprindon
- Meprizina - Pisa Laboratorios
- Mepro - Rekah
- Mepro-Analgesic
- Mepro-Aspirin - Eon Labs
- Meprobam
- Meprobamate - Alembic
- Meprobamate - Anabolic Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Barr Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Duchesnay
- Meprobamate - Elkins Sinn
- Meprobamate - Eon Labs
- Meprobamate - Heather
- Meprobamate - Impax Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Invagen Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - IVAX
- Meprobamate - Lannett
- Meprobamate - Lederle
- Meprobamate - Lee KM
- Meprobamate - M. Richard Laboratoires
- Meprobamate - Mallard
- Meprobamate - MK Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Mutual Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - Mylan
- Meprobamate - Parke-Davis
- Meprobamate - Perrigo
- Meprobamate - Pharmavite
- Meprobamate - Pharmeral
- Meprobamate - Pro Doc
- Meprobamate - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - PVT Form
- Meprobamate - Roxane Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Sandoz
- Meprobamate - Scherer Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Solvay
- Meprobamate - Stanlabs Pharm
- Meprobamate - Tablicaps
- Meprobamate - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Meprobamate - USL Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - Vangard Laboratories
- Meprobamate - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
- Meprobamate - Whiteworth Town
- Meprobamate; Aspirin - Par Pharmaceutical
- Meproban
- Meprocompren
- Meprocon
- Meprodat
- Meprodil - G. Streuli
- Meprodil - Myungmoon Pharm
- Meprodiol - G. Streuli
- Meprofen - AGIPS Farmaceutici
- Meprogesic - Adcock Ingram
- Meprogest - Infosint
- Meprol
- Meproleaf
- Meprolen - Vocate Pharmaceuticals
- Meprolol - TAD Pharma
- Meprolol Comp. - TAD Pharma
- Meprolol Retard - TAD Pharma
- Mepromol Syrup - Adcock Ingram
- Mepromol Tablets - Adcock Ingram
- Mepron - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mepronet - Nycomed
- Mepronil
- Mepronizine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meprophylline - Gallier Laboratoires
- Meprosa
- Meprosan
- Meprosetil - Meprofarm
- Meprosin
- Meprosol - Esma Formulations
- Meprosona-F - Son's Laboratorios Quimica
- Meprospan - MedPointe Healthcare; Inibsa Laboratorios
- Meprotabs
- Meprotan
- Meprotanum
- Meproten
- Meprotil
- Meprovan
- Meprox - Galeno Quimica
- Meprozine
- Mepsonate - Gland Pharma
- Meptid - Shire; Riemser Arzneimittel
- Meptidol - Wyeth
- Meptin - Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Luen Wah Medical; Zuellig Pharma
- Meptin Air - Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Zuellig Pharma
- Meptin Minitab - Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Zuellig Pharma
- Meptin Swinghaler - Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Zuellig Pharma
- Meptran
- Meptrop - Alna Biotech
- Meptrop-P - Alna Biotech
- Mepusulin - Neiss Labs
- Mepycep - Alna Biotech
- Mepyl - L. Molteni & C. Dei Fratelli Alitti
- Mepyraderm - Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals
- Mepyrapone
- Mepyren
- Mepyrimal - Adcock Ingram
- Mepyrium
- Mepyvit-CT - Alna Biotech
- Mequal
- Mequin - Atlantic Pharmaceutical
- Mequinol - Mebiphar; Thanh Dat
- Mequizine - Cellart Pharma Korea
- Merabe - Medico Remedies
- Merabin - Daewoo; Pharmaland 1982
- Merabitol
- Meracilina - Asta Medica
- Meracote - Sigma Pharmaceuticals
- Meractinomycin
- Meradan
- Meradane
- Meral - UCB Pharma
- Meralen
- Meralop - Thea Laboratoires
- Meralops - Thea Laboratoires
- Meramide - B L Hua
- Merankol Gel - Sanofi-Aventis
- Merankol Pastiglie - Bruno Farmaceutici
- Meranol - Vargas Laboratorios
- Merapiran - Finadiet
- Merapril - C.T. Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Merapur - Ferring
- Merapur HP - Ferring
- Merasyn - Adcock Ingram
- Merausin - Daihan Pharmaceutical
- Merazol - Lyka Labs; Cris Pharma House
- Merbenloc - Maigal Corporation Laboratorio
- Merbentul - Sanofi-Aventis
- Merbentyl - Sanofi-Aventis; Adcock Ingram; Florizel; Sigma Pharmaceuticals; Zuellig Pharma
- Merbromin - Biospray; Mediplants
- Mercaleukim
- Mercaleukin
- Mercalm - Pfizer; Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals; Tonipharm Laboratoire
- Mercamin
- Mercap - Medac
- Mercaptina - Zambon
- Mercaptizol - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Mercapto - Chandra Bhagat Pharma
- Mercaptopurina - GlaxoSmithKline
- Mercaptopurine - Belmedpreparaty
- Mercaptopurine - Mylan
- Mercaptopurine - Prometheus Laboratories
- Mercaptopurine - Roxane Laboratories
- Mercaptovaline
- Mercaptyl - Abbott
- Mercapurin
- Mercardox
- Mercazolil - Akrikhin
- Mercazolil - Health Pharmaceutical Company
- Merced - Menarini
- Mercilon - Organon; Akzo Nobel; Essex; Firma Chun Cheong; Merck; Neopharm, Israel; Pharmaco, New Zealand; Schering-Plough; United Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Mercilon 21 - Organon; Akzo Nobel; Essex; Firma Chun Cheong; Merck; Neopharm, Israel; Pharmaco, New Zealand; Schering-Plough; United Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Mercilon 28 - Organon; Akzo Nobel; Essex; Firma Chun Cheong; Merck; Neopharm, Israel; Pharmaco, New Zealand; Schering-Plough; United Drug; Zuellig Pharma
- Mercina - Merck
- Mercina Mite - Merck
- Mercindol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Merck Skin Testing Solutions - Merck
- Merckazitro - Merck
- Merck-Cough Linctus - Merck
- Merckenzyme - Merck
- Merck-Expectorant - Merck
- Merck-Fed - Merck
- Merck-Flu - Merck
- Merckformin - Merck
- Merck-Gesic - Merck
- Merck-P Nasal - Merck
- Mercloran
- Mercodol with Decapryn - Sanofi-Aventis
- Mercol - Pharmacos Exakta
- Mercoral
- Mercotin - Eisai
- Mercromina - Lainco
- Mercrotona - Reig Jofre
- Mercroverk - Verkos Laboratorios
- Mercryl - Menarini
- Mercryl Lauryle - Sanofi-Aventis
- Mercryl Plus - Sanofi-Aventis
- Mercryl Solution Moussante - Menarini
- Mercrylsoins - NHS, France
- Mercrylspray - Menarini
- Mercuchrom - Krewel Meuselbach
- Mercuchrom-Jod - Krewel Meuselbach
- Mercufila Coaltar - Seid Laboratorios
- Merculest
- Mercur Sol Complexe No 39 - Lehning Laboratoires
- Mercural - Berman Laboratorios
- Mercuram
- Mercuresceine - Gifrer Barbezat Laboratoires
- Mercurialis Comp. Ungt. - Wala Heilmittel
- Mercurialis Perennis - Boiron
- Mercurialis Perennis - Dolisos
- Mercurialis Perennis - Standard Homeopathic
- Mercurialis Perennis - Weleda
- Mercurin - Monik, Spain
- Mercurio Cromo - Phos-Kola Laboratorio
- Mercurio Cromo - Sobral Laboratorio Industrial Farmaceutico
- Mercurio Rojo - Calmante Vitaminado
- Mercurital
- Mercurius - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Mercurius Bi-Iodatus - Boiron
- Mercurius Cyanatus - Boiron
- Mercurius Dulcis - Boiron
- Mercurius Solubilis - Boiron
- Mercurius Vivus - Boiron
- Mercurobromo - Spyfarma Laboratorios
- Mercurochrome - Srichand United Dispensary
- Mercurochrome - United Drug; DKSH
- Mercurochrome - ZARMPI E.I.
- Mercuryl
- Mercusal
- Mercutina Brota - Escaned
- Mercuval - Biosyn Arzneimittel
- Merebral - Altana Pharma
- Meredazol - Wayne, Mexico
- Meregon - Malesci Istituto Farmacobiologico
- Merem - Guardian Pharmatama
- Merenz - Admac Pharma
- Mereprine - Inibsa Laboratorios
- Mereprine - Sanofi-Aventis; Cassella-Med
- Meresa - Dolorgiet; Sanova Pharma
- Meresa Forte - Dolorgiet; Sanova Pharma
- Meretek UBT - Meretek
- Meretek UBT Kit with Pranactin - Meretek
- Merex - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Merex - Tentan
- Merfen - Novartis
- Merfen N - Novartis
- Merfen Wasserige Tinktur - Novartis
- Merfene - Novartis
- Merfen-Orange N - Novartis
- Merfen-Styli
- Merflam - Mersifarma Tirmaku Mercusana
- Merfluan Sali Dentali - Colgate-Palmolive
- Mergexin - Mergers Drugfil
- Mergot - Lloyd's Laboratories; Solvang Pharma
- Mergotrex - Rotexmedica; Duopharma Trade Philippines
- Mergox - BPL Pharmaceuticals
- Merian
- Merical Syrup - Plus India
- Merical Tablets - Plus India
- Mericart - Merion Care
- Mericip - Merion Care
- Mericle - Daewon Pharmaceutical; Dai Bac
- Mericobal Capsules - Merion Care
- Mericobal Injections - Merion Care
- Mericobal-G - Merion Care
- Mericof - Plus India
- Mericomb - Novartis; Pierre Fabre
- Mericomb Mite - Novartis
- Mericycline
- Meriday - Servocare Lifesciences
- Meridia - Abbott; Knoll
- Meridian - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Meridil
- Meridol - Teva; GABA Laboratoires; Inibsa Laboratorios
- Meridol Injections - Unimarck Pharma India
- Meridol Perio Chlorhexidin - GABA
- Meridol Suppositories - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meridol Tablets - Sanofi-Aventis
- Meridol Tablets - Unimarck Pharma India
- Meridol-D - Pharmaceutical Enterprises
- Meridol-D - Unimarck Pharma India
- Meridone - The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
- Meriestra - Novartis
- Merieux Inactivated Rabies Vaccine (MIRV) - Sanofi-Aventis
- Merifast - Sterling Lab
- Meriflam - Merion Care
- Meriflox - Wockhardt
- Merigel - Ind-Swift
- Merigel-A - Ind-Swift
- Merigest - Novartis; Pierre Fabre
- Merigest Sequi - Novartis
- Merihist - Merion Care
- Merilid
- Merimac - Mersifarma Tirmaku Mercusana
- Merimono - Novartis; Pierre Fabre
- Merinax - Sanofi-Aventis
- Merional - Corporacion Operadora de Representaciones y Negocios; Denfleet International; IBI International; IBSA Institut Biochimique; Mekim
- Merional-HMG - Meizler
- Merip - Wyeth; Zuellig Pharma
- Meris - Alna Biotech
- Meris-D - Alna Biotech
- Merislon - Eisai; Agencia Lei Va Hong; DKSH; Zuellig Pharma
- Merisoft - Mint Life Sciences
- Merispas Injections - Unimarck Pharma India
- Merispas Suspension - Unimarck Pharma India
- Merispas Tablets - Unimarck Pharma India
- Meristel - Aqualab Laboratoires
- Meristin Suppositories - Extractum Pharma
- Meristin Tablets - Extractum Pharma; ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Merital - Roemmers Laboratorios
- Meritaxi - Merind
- Meritene - Novartis; Sandoz; Wander Health Care
- Meritin - Dae Hwa Pharm; Nam Tran
- Merix - Xeno Pharmaceuticals Phils; Metro Drug Distribution
- Merixil - Mirae Pharma
- Merixone - Wockhardt
- Merizone
- Merkamin
- Merkastan
- Merle Norman Dual Spectrum SPF 30 - Merle Norman Cosmetics
- Merlin - T.O. Chemicals 1979
- Merlit - Ebewe Pharma; Leovan M. Aedn & Cia
- Merlopam - Mersifarma Tirmaku Mercusana
- Merluzzina - R.P. Scherer
- Mermelax - Argenfarma Laboratorio
- Mermid - Merck
- Mern
- Mero - T Man Pharma
- Merobact - Invision Medi Sciences
- Merobat - Interbat
- Merobest - Shreshtha Formulations
- Merobus - Globus Remedies
- Merocad - Admac Pharma
- Merocaine - SSL International
- Merocam - Pymepharco
- Merocef - Mahakam Beta Farma
- Merocet - Sanofi-Aventis
- Merocets - SSL International
- Merocets Plus - SSL International
- Merocrit - Cipla
- Merod - Daksh Phramaceuticals
- Merofact - Medico Healthcare
- Merofen - Kalbe Farma
- Merofex - SBL Pharmaceuticals
- Merofit - Fusion HealthCare
- Merokem - Taj Pharmaceuticals
- Meroken New - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Merol - Medecine Vegetale Laboratoires
- Merol Sirop - Produits Francais Laboratoires
- Meromarksans - Marksans Pharma
- Meromate - Baxter
- Meromax - YSS Laboratories; Cathay Drug
- Meromer - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Meromycin - Ratiopharm
- Meronem - AstraZeneca; Cana; Cooper Pharma; DKSH; Four Star; Spenser Pharma UK; Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals; Teva; Zuellig Pharma
- Meronem I.V. - AstraZeneca
- Meronidal
- Meronis - Neiss Labs
- Merop - Biomedis International; United Laboratories
- Meropam - Osper Pharmaceutics
- Meropan EW
- Meropen - Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals
- Meropen - Swiss Parenterals; International Apex Pharmaceuticals
- Meropenabol - Abolmed
- Meropenem - Acs Dobfar
- Meropenem - Hospira
- Meropenem - Jodas Expoim
- Meropenem - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Meropenem - Sandoz
- Meropenem - Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical
- Meropenem - Veropharm; Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical
- Meropenin
- Meropex - Bernofarm
- Meroplan - Abbott
- Meroprem - Libra Laboratorio; Viet Phap
- Merosan - Arvincare Healthcare; Sanbe Farma
- Merospect - Chandra Bhagat Pharma
- Merotec - Zuventus Healthcare
- Merotik - Lapi
- Merotop - Sanat Products
- Merotrol - Lupin Pharmaceuticals
- Merover - Evershine Healthcare
- Merovit - Sanofi-Aventis
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