Pharmaceutical products list, page 190:
- Schmerzex - Altana Pharma
- Schneckensaft N - Riemser Arzneimittel
- Schneckensirup - Alsitan
- Schnupfen Endrine - Chiesi
- Scholl 2-Drop Corn Remedy - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Athlete's Foot Cream - SSL International; Harpers Trading; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Athlete's Foot Gel - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Athlete's Foot Powder - SSL International; Harpers Trading; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Athlete's Foot Spray Liquid - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Athlete's Foot Spray Powder - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Callous Removal Pads - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Callus Removal - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Clear Away - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Complete Corn Treatment Kit - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn / Callous Removers - SSL International; Dexxon; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn and Callus Removal Liquid - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn Removal - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn Removal Plasters Fabric - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn Removal Plasters Washproof - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn Remover - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn Salve - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Corn, Callus Plaster Preparation - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Dry Antiperspirant Foot Spray - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl One Step - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Polymer Gel Corn Removal Pads - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Seal and Heal - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Seal and Heal Verruca Removal Gel - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Verruca Removal - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Verruca Removal System - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Wart Remover - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Warzenfilm - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Scholl Zino - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Schollkraut - Ratiopharm
- Schoolife - Lifeplan Products
- Schostacovsky Balsam - Pharmstandard-Phytopharm-NN
- Schoum - Pharmygiene-SCAT Laboratoires; Omega Pharma
- Schrundensalbe Dermi-Cyl - Pharma Liebermann
- Schucasid - Korea Schnell Pharma
- Schufen - Kenyaku; Asian TJD Enterprise; Ebewe Pharma; HealthCare PharmaScience; Schumit 1967
- Schungite
- Schupps Baldrian Sedativbad - Schupp
- Schupps Fichte-Menthol Olbad - Schupp
- Schupps Heilkrauter Erkaltungsbad - Schupp
- Schupps Heilkrauter Rheumabad - Schupp
- Schupps Kohlensaurebad - Schupp
- Schupps Latschenkiefer Olbad - Schupp
- Schupps Melissen Olbad - Schupp
- Schwarze-Salbe - Lichtenstein Pharmazeutica
- Schwarzwalder Heublumen-Extrakt - Schupp
- Schwedenjorg Mild - Mayrhofer Pharmazeutika
- Schweden-Mixtur H - Hanseler
- Schweden-Mixtur H Nouvelle Formulation - Hanseler
- Schwedentrunk - Infirmarius-Rovit Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Schwedentrunk Elixier - Infirmarius-Rovit Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Schwedentrunk mit Ginseng - Infirmarius-Rovit Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Schwefelbad Dr. Klopfer - Austroplant Arzneimittel; Doetsch Grether; Protina Pharmazeutische
- Schwefelbad-Saar - C.P.F, Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik
- Schwefel-Diasporal Cream - Protina Pharmazeutische
- Schwefel-Diasporal Lotion - Protina Pharmazeutische
- Schwefel-Diasporal Solution - Protina Pharmazeutische
- Schwefel-Diasporal Tincture - Protina Pharmazeutische
- Schwef-Heel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Schwohepan S - Pharma Schworer
- Schwoneural N - Pharma Schworer
- Schworalgan - Pharma Schworer
- Schworheumal - Pharma Schworer
- Schworocard - Pharma Schworer
- Schworocor A - Pharma Schworer
- Schworosin - Pharma Schworer
- Schworotox A - Pharma Schworer
- Schworotox N - Pharma Schworer
- Sciargo - Potter's Herbal Supplies
- Sciat HP - Bio Active Canada
- Sciatalgen - Wyeth
- Sciatinix HP - Terra Botanica Products
- Sci-B-Vac - SciGen; IDS Group; Zuellig Pharma
- Sci-Comp - Weleda
- SciLin M30 - SciGen; IDS Group; Metro Drug Distribution; The Glory Medicina
- SciLin N - SciGen; IDS Group; Metro Drug Distribution; The Glory Medicina
- SciLin R - SciGen; IDS Group; Metro Drug Distribution; The Glory Medicina
- Scilla Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Scilla Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Scilla Maritima - Boiron
- Scilla Maritima - Dolisos
- Scilla Maritima - Homeocan
- Scilla Maritima - Standard Homeopathic
- Scillacor - Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk
- Scillamiron - Abbott
- Scillase N - Ziethen
- SciLocyte - SciGen; Metro Drug Distribution
- Scimax Filgrastim - GeneScience Pharmaceuticals; Primal Chemical
- Scinnamina
- Scintadren - Amersham; Nycomed
- Scintifor C - Italfarmaco
- Sciomir - C.T. Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Sciroppo Berta - Berta
- Sciroppo Fenoglio - AFOM Medical
- Sciroppo Merck all'Efetonina - Merck; Bracco
- S-Citadep - Cipla
- Scitin - Wermar Pharmaceuticals
- SciTropin - SciGen; Zuellig Pharma
- SciTropin A - SciGen; Metro Drug Distribution; Sandoz
- Sclamine - Llorente
- Sclane Injections - Llorente
- Sclane Tablets - Promesa Synthelabo
- Sclaventerol
- Sclavo-Test P.P.D. - Sclavo Diagnostics International
- Sclerace - Novartis; Sandoz
- Scleramin - Istituto Bioterapico Nazionale
- Scleranthus - Bach Flower Remedies
- Scleranthus / Alene - Alypsis
- Scleranthus Annuus, Flos - Homeocan
- Scleranthus Flower Essence Homaccord - Naturpharm
- Scleremo - Bailleul Laboratoires
- Scleril - AGIPS Farmaceutici
- Sclerobion - Merck
- Sclerocalcine - Lehning Laboratoires
- Sclerodex - Omega Laboratories
- Sclerodine - Omega Laboratories
- Sclero-Drainol - Boiron
- Sclerofin - IVAX
- Sclerol - Curewell Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
- Scleromate - Glenwood
- Scleron - Weleda
- Sclerosol - Bryan
- Sclerovein - Resinag
- Sclerovis H - Amnol Chimica Biologica
- Scliv - Savoy Biotech
- S-Cloxin - Inpac Pharma
- SCM-10 - Forgo Pharmaceuticals
- SCMC - Beacons Pharmaceuticals; CCM Pharmaceuticals; Upha Corporation
- SCMC Promethazine - Upha Corporation
- S-Coaltar - Pierre Fabre
- Scobenol
- Scoburen - Renaudin Laboratoire
- Scobutrin - Landson
- Scocef - Sinensix Pharma
- Scodime - Scoshia Remedy
- Scogaba-M - Scoshia Remedy
- Scogat - Scoshia Remedy
- Scolaban - Coopers Agropharm
- Scolactin - Scoshia Remedy
- Scolax - Chandra Bhagat Pharma
- Scolazil
- S-Cold Plus - Madhav Biotech
- S-Cold Plus Jr - Madhav Biotech
- Scolid - Scoshia Remedy
- Scolid Plus - Scoshia Remedy
- Scoline - Mayne Pharma; Aspen Pharmacare; Celltech; GlaxoSmithKline; UCB Pharma
- Scolmin - Biolink Pharma; Nutramedica
- Scolybil - Windson Produtos Quimicos e Farmaceuticos
- Scomik - Sinensix Pharma
- Scomilk - Fada Pharma
- Sconase - Scoshia Remedy
- Scop - Novartis
- Scopace - Hope Pharmaceuticals
- Scopaject - Merck
- Scopamin - Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
- Scopamin Plus - Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
- Scopanil - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Scopas - Asian Pharmaceutical
- Scope - Procter & Gamble
- Scopex - Adcock Ingram
- Scopex Co - Adcock Ingram
- Scopinal - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Scopma - Ifars Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Scopma Plus - Ifars Pharmaceutical Laboratories
- Scopoderm - Novartis; eNZpharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Scopoderm TTS - Novartis; eNZpharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Scopolamine - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Scopolamine - Hospira
- Scopolamine - Omega Laboratories
- Scopolamine - Renaudin Laboratoire
- Scopolamine - Synco
- Scopolamine - Teva
- Scopolamine Dispersa - OmniVision
- Scopolaminum - Homeocan
- Scopos - Sanofi-Aventis
- Scorbacid
- Scorbatate - Seroyal
- Scorbex - Aspen Pharmacare
- Scorbo-Betaine - Fournier
- Scorbu-C
- Scordal Capsules - Pharmazeutische Fabrik Kattwiga
- Scordal Drops - Pharmazeutische Fabrik Kattwiga
- Scorotox - Pharmazeutische Fabrik Kattwiga
- Scoroxim - Fada Pharma
- Scorpion Venom Antiserum - Haffkine Bio-Pharmaceutical Corporation
- Scot - Blubell Pharma
- Scot Plus - Blubell Pharma
- Scotcil
- Scot-D - Blubell Pharma
- Scotil - Solitaire Pharmacia
- Scot-MR - Blubell Pharma
- Scotrasix - Sinensix Pharma
- Scotrum - Scoshia Remedy
- Scotrum-S - Scoshia Remedy
- Scotrum-TZ - Scoshia Remedy
- Scott Antibacterial Skin Cleanser - Kimberly-Clark
- Scott Brand Disinfectant Wipes - Kimberly-Clark
- Scott Dandruff Shampoo - Lander Canada
- Scott Sani-Fresh Antiseptic Cleanser - Sani-Fresh International
- Scott Sani-Fresh NRO Antiseptic Cleanser - Sani-Fresh International
- Scottopect Drops - Nycomed
- Scottopect Gel - Nycomed
- Scottopect Liquid - Nycomed
- Scott's - GlaxoSmithKline
- Scott's Chewyvit C Blackcurrant - Sterling Products Indonesia
- Scott's Chewyvit C Blackcurrant & Peach - Sterling Products Indonesia
- Scott's Chewyvit C Mixberries - Sterling Products Indonesia
- Scott's Cod Liver - GlaxoSmithKline; DKSH
- Scott's Cod Liver Oil - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group
- Scott's Cod Liver Oil Capsule - Sterling Products Indonesia
- Scott's Emulsion - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group
- Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver and Elin Oil - Classical Remedia
- Scott's Emulsion Orange - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group
- Scott's Emulsion Original - GlaxoSmithKline; Agencia Lei Va Hong; Cheng Heng Hong; IDS Group; Sterling Products Indonesia
- Scott's Emulsion Vita - Sterling Products Indonesia
- Scott's Hi-Calcium - GlaxoSmithKline
- Scott's Hi-Calcium Tums - GlaxoSmithKline
- Scott's NutriTab - GlaxoSmithKline
- Scott's Sunshine - GlaxoSmithKline
- Scot-Tussin Allergy - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin Cough and Cold Medicine - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin Cough Formula - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin DM - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin DM Cough Chasers - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin Expectorant - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin Original 5-Action - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scot-Tussin Senior Clear - Scot-Tussin Pharmacal
- Scour Bolus Plus - Vetoquinol
- Scour Solution - Vetoquinol
- Scour Solution Coop - Interprovincial Co-Op
- Scour Suspension - Dominion Veterinary Laboratories
- Scour Treat - Citadel Animal Health
- Scour X - Shulcon Industries
- Scourge
- Scour-Plug - Can-Vet Animal Health Supplies
- Scozyme Drops - Scoshia Remedy
- Scozyme Syrup - Scoshia Remedy
- SCR - J. Pickles & Sons
- Scrat - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical; Hong Long
- Scratsuspension - Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical
- Screen - Fabutan Sun Tan Studios
- Screene - Zydus Cadila
- Screene-15 - Zydus Cadila
- Screene-30 - Zydus Cadila
- Scribcin - Wescrib
- Scriptogesic - Adcock Ingram
- Scripto-Lyte - Adcock Ingram
- Scripto-Metic - Adcock Ingram
- Scriptopam - Adcock Ingram
- Scriptozone - Pharmagen
- Scro HP - Bio Active Canada
- Scrobin
- Scroforce - Bio Active Canada
- Scrofularia - Phyto-Sante
- Scrofularia Compose - Boiron
- Scrofularia Nodosa - Boiron
- Scrofularia Nodosa - Dolisos
- Scrofularia Nodosa - Seroyal
- Scrophonix HP - Terra Botanica Products
- Scrophularia Nodosa - Homeocan
- Scrophularia Nodosa - Standard Homeopathic
- Scrophularia Nodosa Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Scrophularia Nodosa Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Scroplex - Bio Active Canada
- Scrub Free Disinfex Disinfectant Bathroom Spray - Jempak GK
- Scrub 'N Swipes - Germiphene
- Scrub Stat 4 Foam - Huntington Laboratories
- Scrub-A-Dub Germicidal Cleaner - Stock-Well Supply
- Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner - S. C. Johnson and Son
- Scrubcare Antimicrobial Skin Lotion - Metrex Research
- Scrubs Do-It All Disinfectant Cleaner Wipes - ITW Dymon
- Scrub-Stat IV - Huntington Laboratories
- Scrubteam Surgical Spongebrush - 3M
- SC-Talo - Alkem Laboratories
- Scud - Zuventus Healthcare
- Scullcap and Gentian Tablets - Dorwest Herbs
- Sculptra - Sanofi-Aventis
- Scurenaline
- Scurocaine
- Scutamil C - Egis
- Scutellaria - Thompson's Homeopathic Supplies
- Scutellaria Lateriflora - Boiron
- Scutellaria Lateriflora - Homeocan
- Scutellaria Lateriflora - Seroyal
- Scutellaria Lateriflora - Standard Homeopathic
- Scutellaria Laterifolia - Dolisos
- SCV 300 - Sigma Laboratorios
- Scyllite
- Scyllitol
- Scyllo-Inositol
- SD - Serum International
- SD Deprenyl - HRA Pharma
- SD-Hermal - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- SDL - Bencard Allergie
- SDN 200 - Sigma Laboratorios
- S-Docid - Medicpharma
- S-Dol - Madhav Biotech
- S-Dol-D - Madhav Biotech
- SD's Tea - Health Way Products
- SDV - Teomed
- SE Baldrian / Melisse - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Brennnessel - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Ginkgo - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Hypericum - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Mariendistel - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Rosskastanie - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Sagepalme - W. Spitzner Arzneimittelfabrik
- SE Triple - Love Feeds
- Sea and Ski All Day 30 - Radiant Technologies
- Sea and Ski SPF 15 Advanced Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 15 Sport Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 30 Advanced Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 30 Sport Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 50 Advanced Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 50 Baby Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 50 Faces Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 50 Kids Sunblock - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 50 Platinum Sunscreen - Faulding
- Sea and Ski SPF 50 Sport - Faulding
- Sea Breeze - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sea Breeze Antiseptic Facial Skin Cleaning Oily - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sea Breeze Antiseptic Facial Skin Cleaning Original Formula - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sea Breeze Antiseptic Skin and Scalp Cleaning - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sea Clens Wound Cleanser - Coloplast
- SEA ORS - SEA Pharm
- SEA ORS Sodium-75 - SEA Pharm
- Sea Results Line Resolution Cream SPF 30 - H2O Plus
- Sea Snake Antivenene - Commonwealth Serum; Luen Cheong Hong
- Sea Snake Antivenom - CSL
- Sea Vital - Admac Pharma
- Seabell - Pond's Chemical Thailand
- Seaboz - Zodak
- Seacal - ForMor International
- Sea-Cal - Bioceuticals
- Seachirox - Finepharm
- Seaclot - Overseas Laboratories
- Seacod Active - Universal Medicare
- Seacor - Societa Prodotti Antibiotici
- Seaford Multivite - Seaford Pharmaceuticals
- Seajoints - Me Di Sun
- Seaking - Cipla
- Seaking Plus - Cipla
- Seal and Heal - SSL International; Schering-Plough
- Seal On - Alltracel Pharma; Beta Healthcare; Mekim
- Sealax - Seaford Pharmaceuticals
- Sealdin - Lacer
- Sea-Legs - Boots; SSL International
- Seale's Lotion - Genesis Pharmaceuticals
- Seamas
- SeaMist - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Sea-Omega - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Search - GlaxoSmithKline
- Searlequin
- Sea-Sel 75 - Da Vinci Laboratories
- Seasonale - Duramed Pharmaceuticals; Barr Laboratories; Teva
- Seasonique - Duramed Pharmaceuticals; Barr Laboratories; Teva
- Seasorb - Coloplast
- SeaSorb Soft - Coloplast
- Seatone - Peter Black Healthcare
- Seawater Magnesia
- Seaweed Mattifying Moisture Lotion SPF 15 - The Body Shop Canada
- Seaze - Arrow Pharmaceuticals
- Seazox - Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
- Sebacide - Paddock Laboratories
- Sebacil
- Sebacil Losung - Bayer
- Sebacil Pour-On - Bayer
- Sebacnol Gel - Boots
- Sebacnol Lotion - Boots
- Sebaklen - Fumouze Laboratoires
- Sebalyt Shampoo - 3M
- Sebamed - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 Lifting Eye Cream - Sebapharma; Ouiheng International Healthcare
- Sebamed Anti-Ageing Q10 Protection Cream - Sebapharma; Ouiheng International Healthcare
- Sebamed Anti-Dry Derma Soft Wash Emulsion - Sebapharma; Mekim
- Sebamed Anti-Dry Hydrating Body Lotion - Sebapharma; Mekim
- Sebamed Anty-Dry Crema Corporal Hidratante - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Anty-Dry Crema Facial Cuidado Nocturno - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Anty-Dry Crema Facial Defensa Diurna - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Clear Face Crema para Barros y Espinillas - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Clear Face Dermolimpiador Facial - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Clear Face Espuma Facial - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Clear Face Gel Facial Hidratante - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Clear Face Gel Para Barros y Espinillas - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Clear Face Locion Facial Astringente - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Crema Corporal Hidratante - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Crema Facial Hidratante - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Crema Manos y Unas - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Dermolimpiador Facial - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Diaper Rash Cream - Sebapharma; Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Gel Facial y Corporal - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebamed Lip Defense SPF 25 - Sebapharma; Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Liquid Cleanser - Sebapharma; Mekim
- Sebamed Moisturizing Body Lotion - Sebapharma; Mekim
- Sebamed Multi Protect Suncream SPF 30 - Sebapharma; Ouiheng International Healthcare
- Sebamed Multi Protect Suncream SPF 50+ - Sebapharma; Ouiheng International Healthcare
- Sebamed Shower Oil - Sebapharma; Mekim
- Sebamed Sun Cream SPF 16 - Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Sun Cream SPF 20 - Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Sun Cream SPF 28 - Sebapharma; Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Sun Cream SPF 8 - Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Sun Lotion SPF 16 - Sebapharma; Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Sun Lotion SPF 20 - Sebapharma; Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Sun Lotion SPF 8 - Lofco Canada
- Sebamed Suncream 20 - Sebapharma; Oui Heng Import
- Sebamed Suncream 28 - Sebapharma; Oui Heng Import
- Sebamed Sunlotion SPF 20 - Sebapharma; Lofco Canada; Oui Heng Import
- Seba-Nil - Healthpoint Medical
- Sebapain - Berman Laboratorios
- Sebaquin - Summers Laboratories
- Sebar
- Sebasorb - Summers Laboratories
- Sebaveen - Dermoteca; Rydelle Laboratories Business, Johnson Wax
- Sebaxyl - Mediphar
- Sebbafon - Pfizer
- Sebco - Derma UK
- Sebcur - Dermtek Pharmaceuticals
- Sebcur-T - Dermtek Pharmaceuticals
- Sebella - Wyeth
- Sebercim - GlaxoSmithKline
- Sebex - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Sebexol - Devesa Dr. Reingraber
- Sebexol cum Urea - Devesa Dr. Reingraber
- Sebex-T - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Sebical
- Sebidin - GlaxoSmithKline
- Sebidin Plus - GlaxoSmithKline
- Sebifin - Ranbaxy
- Sebiprox - Stiefel Laboratories; Qualicare
- SebiRinse - Ego Pharmaceuticals; Douglas Pharmaceuticals; Lision Hong
- Sebitar - Ego Pharmaceuticals; Douglas Pharmaceuticals; Grafton Pharmasia; Lision Hong; Somedico; Zuellig Pharma
- Sebium AKN - Fedele; Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Sebium Crema - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Sebium Gel Moussant - Dispolab Farmaceutica
- Sebium H2O - Dispolab Farmaceutica; Fedele
- Sebium K2 - Polaris Biolab
- Sebivo - Novartis; Four Star; Zuellig Pharma
- Sebizole - Douglas Pharmaceuticals; Apex Pharma Marketing; Grafton Pharmasia; Hind Wing; Schmidt BioMedTech
- Sebizon - Schering-Plough; Bayer Schering Pharma
- Sebo - Chew Brothers
- Sebo Concept D / A - Marcel de Suvres
- Sebo Creme - Dermatologica Widmer
- Sebo Lotion - Dermatologica Widmer
- Sebo Scalp Tonic - Chew Brothers
- Sebo Shampooing - Dermatologica Widmer
- Sebocalm - Gresval Laboratoires
- Seboclear - Szama Laboratorios
- Seboderm - Sodip
- Sebogel - Bergamon
- Sebohermal - Bruschettini
- Sebohermal Emulsion - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Sebohermal Tincture - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Sebo-Lenium - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sebolic - D & M Pharma
- Sebolic Barra para Rostro y Cuerpo Jabon Seborregulador - Finn Vita Laboratorio
- Sebolic Champu Seborregulador - Finn Vita Laboratorio
- Sebolic Fluido SPF 30 - Mederma
- Sebolic Jabon - Finn Vita Laboratorio
- Sebolic K - Mederma
- Sebolic Shampoo - Finn Vita Laboratorio
- Sebolith - Dermatologica Widmer
- Sebolox - Drossapharm
- Sebolux - Virbac
- Sebolux Shampoo for Dogs - Virbac
- Sebomin - Actavis; Alpharma
- Sebomin MR - Actavis; Alpharma
- Sebophane - Saninter
- Sebopona Flussig - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Sebopona Flussig mit Teer - Hermal Kurt Herrmann
- Sebo-Psor - Dermatologica Widmer
- Seboren - Indoco Remedies
- Seborrol - Ego Pharmaceuticals; Douglas Pharmaceuticals; Lision Hong
- Sebosel - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries; Union Medical, Thailand
- Sebo-Soufrol - Gebro Pharma
- Sebosquam - Paraphar Laboratoires
- Seboval - Stiefel Laboratories
- Sebowash - Cipla
- Sebozole - Muromsk Instrument Plant
- Sebrane - Menarini
- Sebrane Rhume - Menarini
- Sebren - IVAX
- Sebryl - Bioclon Laboratorios
- Sebryl Plus - Bioclon Laboratorios
- Sebstopp - Pharmacos Exakta
- Sebucare - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sebulex - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sebulex - Panalab Laboratorios
- Sebulon - Westwood-Squibb
- Sebumselen - Juventus
- Sebusan
- Sebutone - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Diethelm; Westwood-Squibb
- Secabiol - Normon Laboratorios
- Secacornin
- Secaderm - Roche; Bayer Schering Pharma
- Secadine - Merck
- Secadrex - Sanofi-Aventis; Italfarmaco
- Secafobell - Dreluso Pharmazeutika, Dr Elten & Sohn
- Secalan - Max Ritter Pharma
- Secalbum - Nutricia-Bago
- Secale - Hevert-Arzneimittel
- Secale Cereale - Dolisos
- Secale Cornutum - Seroyal
- Secale Cornutum - Standard Homeopathic
- Secale Med Complex - Dynamit Nobel Wien
- Secale Silicea Comp. - Wala Heilmittel
- Secalia - Micro Labs
- Secalip - Fournier; Solvay
- Secallex - Boram Pharm
- Secalosan N - Hanosan
- Secalysat - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Secalysat EM - Johannes Burger Ysatfabrik
- Secamin - Lab Laboratorios
- Secand - Alpes Chemie; Royal Pharma
- Secaris - Pharmascience; Pendopharm
- Secatoxin Forte - IVAX
- Seccure - Seccure; Fact
- Secef - Novartis; Cimex Pharmazeutika; Sandoz
- Secerna - FidesLine Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Seckaa - Troikaa Pharmaceuticals
- Seclar
- Seclin - Panthox & Burck Istituto Biochimico Italo Svizzero
- Seclodin - Wyeth; Much Pharma
- Secnaxidol - EMS Industria Farmaceutica
- Secnics - Delta Instituto Terapeutico
- Secnid - Cifarma Cientifica Farmaceutica
- Secnida - Synmedic Laboratories; Phu Yen
- Secnida Forte - Synmedic Laboratories; Phu Yen
- Secnidal - Sanofi-Aventis
- Secnidal Forte - Sanofi-Aventis
- Secnidalin - Ducto Industria Farmaceutica Laboratorio
- Secnidaz - SPM
- Secnidazole - GD Searle; Ethypharm Laboratoires
- Secnihexal - Hexal
- Secnil - Nicholas Piramal
- Secnil Forte - Nicholas Piramal
- Secni-Plus - Farmoquimica
- Secnipro - XL Laboratories
- Secnitec - Greenpharma Quimica e Farmaceutica
- Secnitor - Torrent Pharmaceuticals
- Secnitrol - Biofarma Farmaceutica
- Secnivax - Vivax Pharmaceuticals
- Secnizol - Medopharm; Tenamyd Canada; UCI-Farma Industria Farmaceutica
- Secnol - IPRAD Laboratoires; Tedis
- Seco - Sriprasit
- Secobarbital - Anabolic Laboratories
- Secobarbital - Barr Laboratories
- Secobarbital - Elkins Sinn
- Secobarbital - Everylife
- Secobarbital - Halsey Drug
- Secobarbital - IVAX
- Secobarbital - KV Pharmaceutical
- Secobarbital - Lannett
- Secobarbital - Parke-Davis
- Secobarbital - Perrigo
- Secobarbital - Purepac Pharmaceuticals
- Secobarbital - Ranbaxy
- Secobarbital - Valeant Pharmaceuticals
- Secobarbital - Vitarine
- Secobarbital - Watson Pharmaceuticals
- Secobarbital - West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
- Secobarbital - Whiteworth Town
- Secobarbital - Wyeth
- Secokapton - Mag. Dr. Till Strallhofer
- Secol - Odan Laboratories
- Secometrin
- Seconal - Eli Lilly; Flynn Pharma; Pharmascience; Ranbaxy
- Seconesinz
- Secorbate
- Secorvas
- Secotex - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Secotex OCAS - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Secpel - Medinfar Laboratorio
- Secpel Composto - Medinfar Laboratorio
- Secran - Scherer Laboratories
- Secrebil - Pietro Isnardi
- Secrebil B - Chiesi
- SecreFlo - RepliGen; Chirhoclin
- Secrelux - Sanochemia Diagnostics
- Secremax - RepliGen; Chirhoclin
- Secremet - Bal Pharma
- Secrepat - Abbott
- Secrepina - AstraZeneca
- Secresol - Permamed
- Secret 28 - Elea Laboratorio
- Secret Anti-Perspirant Baby Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Baby Scented Roll-On - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Dry Roll-On - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Roll-On - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Roll-On Baby Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Roll-On Regular - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Roll-On Spring Breeze - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Roll-On Unscented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Soft Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid Baby Powder - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid Baby Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid Fresh Advantage - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid Regular Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid Sporty Clean - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Antiperspirant Solid Unscented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Clean Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Fresh Advant Antiperspirant Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Gentle Care Antiperspirant and Deodorant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Gentle Care Antiperspirant and Deodorant Unscented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Invisible Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Clear Gel Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Invisible Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Protection Antiperspirant Clear Gel - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Protection Antiperspirant Soft Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Protection Antiperspirant Soft Solid Baby Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Soft Solid Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Platinum Soft Solid Baby Powder Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Regular Antiperspirant Roll-On - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Regular Antiperspirant Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Regular Antiperspirant Solid Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Renew Antiperspirant Invisible Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Renew Antiperspirant Soft Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Roll-On Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Gel Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Gel Solid Baby Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Gel Solid Regular Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Gel Solid Sporty - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Gel Solid Unscented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Invisible Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sheer Dry Antiperspirant Invisible Solid Baby Powder - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sporty Clean Antiperspirant Roll-On - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Sporty Clean Antiperspirant Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Spring Breeze Antiperspirant Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Spring Breeze Antiperspirant Scented Roll-On - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Spring Breeze Antiperspirant Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Ultra Dry Soft Solid Antiperspirant - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Ultra Dry Soft Solid Antiperspirant Baby Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Ultra Dry Soft Solid Antiperspirant Regular Scented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Ultra Dry Soft Solid Antiperspirant Unscented - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Unscented Antiperspirant Aerosol - Procter & Gamble
- Secret Unscented Antiperspirant Solid - Procter & Gamble
- Secretag - Bal Pharma
- Secretil - Caber Farmaceutici
- Secretin - Ferring
- Secretin - Osoth Inter Laboratories
- Secrogyl - Donaipharm
- Secron - E.C. De Witt
- Sectam - Locatelli Farmaceutici
- Sectop - Ind-Swift
- Sectral - Sanofi-Aventis; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories; ESP Pharma; Four Star; IDS Group; Italfarmaco; Promius Pharma; Zuellig Pharma
- Sectral LP - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sectrazide - Sanofi-Aventis
- Secubar - Novartis; Sandoz
- Secubar Diu - Novartis; Sandoz
- Secuentex-21 - Pfizer
- Se-Cure - Everett Laboratories
- Secure HLD-Chemosterilant - STERIS Corporation
- Securgin - Menarini
- Securit
- Securite Soleil Enfants - Esthederm Institut
- Security Sterilant Disinfectant - Metrex Research
- Security Surface Disinfectant - Metrex Research
- Securo - ICN Pharmaceuticals
- Securon - Abbott
- Securon I.V. - Abbott
- Securon SR - Abbott
- Securopen - Bayer Schering Pharma
- Securpres - Pfizer
- Secwin Forte - Anglo-French Drugs & Industries
- Seczi - BMW Pharmaco India
- Seczol - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Seczol - Medley Industria Farmaceutica
- Seczol - Valmor Laboratorios
- Seczolin - Intas Pharmaceuticals
- Seda Baxacor - Helopharm W. Petrik; Sanus, Austria
- Seda Kneipp N - Kneipp-Werke
- Seda Nitro Mack - Pfizer
- Sedabamate
- Sedabar
- Sedabarb - Be-Tabs Pharmaceuticals
- Sedabel - Sedabel Laboratorio
- Sedaben - Labima
- Sedabron - Spefar Venezolanos Laboratorios
- Seda-Bute
- Sedacalm - CCS Pharmaceuticals
- Sedacalman - Schwarzwalder Natur-Heilmittel
- Sedacam-P - Alna Biotech
- Sedacid - BV Pharma
- Sedacollyre - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Sedacoron - Ebewe Pharma; Ever Neuro Pharma; Firma Vai Hong; Pharma Avalanche; Sandoz; Zuellig Pharma
- Sedacris - Elea Laboratorio
- Sedactrim - Sedar Industria Farmaceutica
- Sedactrim Balsamico - Sedar Industria Farmaceutica
- Sedacum - Dexa Medica Pharm & Chem
- Sedacur - Schaper & Brummer
- Sedacur Forte - Schaper & Brummer
- Seda-Do - Grasler Pharma
- Sedadom - Sanidom Handels
- Sedafamen
- Seda-Gel - Key Pharmaceuticals
- Seda-Gel Lotion - Key Pharmaceuticals
- Sedagin - Biocontrolfarm
- Seda-Grandelat - SynPharma
- Sedagripe - Novaquimica Sigma Pharma-Nature's Plus
- Sedagul - Dr. Wild
- Sedahopf - Hennig Arzneimittel
- Seda-Ildamen - Asta Medica; Baxter; Viatris
- Seda-Intensain - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sedakatt - Pharmazeutische Fabrik Kattwiga
- Sedakter - Corsa Industries
- Sedalande - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sedalen Cort - Montefarmaco
- Sedalene - Cristalia Produtos Quimicos Farmaceuticos; Gunther do Brasil Produtos Farmaceuticos
- Sedalex - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Sedalgina - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Sedalgin-Neo - Balkanpharma
- Sedalin - Chi Sheng
- Sedalin - Dinafarma Laboratorio
- Sedalin - Elin Pharmaceuticals
- Sedalin - Prodotti Laboratorio Farmaceutico
- Sedalint Baldrian - Madaus
- Sedalint Kava - Madaus
- Sedalipid - Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk
- Sedalis
- Sedalit - Pharmstandard-Leksredstva
- Sedalito - Merck
- Sedalito Infantil - Merck
- Sedalium - Janssen
- Sedal-M - Sopharma; Milve Pharmaceuticals
- Sedalmerck - Merck
- Sedalmerck TH - Merck
- Sedalozia - Iphym Pharma & Plantes
- Sedalpan - Teofarma
- Seda-Miroton - Abbott
- Seda-Movicard - Ravensberg
- Sedamyl
- Sedanil
- Sedanium-R - Coup
- Sedanoct - Woelm Pharma
- Sedans - Istituto Ganassini di Ricerche Biochimiche
- Sedante Arceli - E. J. Gezzi Laboratorios
- Sedante Dia - La Serranita
- Sedante Nativa - Argenfarma Laboratorio
- Sedante Noche - La Serranita
- Sedantional
- Sedantoin
- Sedantoinal
- Sedantol - Farmoterapica Dovalle Industria Quimica Farmaceutica
- Sedantol - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Sedanxol - Tropon
- Sedanyl
- Sedapain - Garec Pharmaceuticals
- Sedapain - Nihon Iyakuhin Kogyo
- Sedapam
- Sedapap - Merz; Mayrand
- Seda-Pasc N - Pascoe Pharmazeutische Praparate
- Sedapercut
- Sedaperone Vet
- Sedaplaie - Zambon; Celltech
- Seda-Plantina - Plantina Biologische Arzneimittel
- Sedaplex - Thorne Research
- Sedaplus - Chephasaar Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik; Rosen Pharma
- Sedapon D - Essex
- Seda-Presomen - Solvay
- Sedapressin - Biospray
- Sedapulpe - Biodica Laboratoires
- Seda-Quell - Key Pharmaceuticals
- Seda-Rash - Key Pharmaceuticals
- Sedaraupin
- Sedaraupina
- Sedarene - Jolly Jatel Laboratoire
- Sedarene Capsules - Jolly Jatel Laboratoire
- Sedarene Suppositories - Jolly Jatel Laboratoire; Wintec Pharma
- Seda-Repicin - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Sedariston Konzentrat - Steiner & Co. Deutsche Arzneimittel Gesellschaft
- Sedariston Plus - Steiner & Co. Deutsche Arzneimittel Gesellschaft
- Sedartryl - Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Sedartryl - Prater Laboratorio
- Sedaselect - Dreluso Pharmazeutika, Dr Elten & Sohn
- Sedaselect D - Dreluso Pharmazeutika, Dr Elten & Sohn
- Sedasept - F. Uhlmann-Eyraud
- Sedasept - Michaux Laboratoire
- Sedasmal - Sagopha
- Sedasol Eco Natura - Sandoz; Ecosol
- Sedasol Econatura - Sandoz; Ecosol
- Sedasor - Soria Natural
- Sedaspir - Bride Laboratoire
- Sedaspray - Alcon
- Seda-Stenocrat-N - Dr. Willmar Schwabe
- Sedastip - Milte Italia
- Sedasyx - Syxyl
- Sedatab - P P Lab
- Seda-Tablinen
- Sedate - Venus Remedies
- Sedate-P - Venus Remedies
- Sedatermin - Hortel
- Sedatif - Key Sun Laboratories
- Sedatif PC - Boiron; Prisfar; Serolab
- Sedatif Tiber - Poirier Laboratoires Pharmaceutiques
- Sedatif Tiber - Produits Francais Laboratoires
- Sedatin
- Sedatine
- Sedativae Species N2 - Health Company, Russia
- Sedativae Species N2 - St-Medifarm
- Sedatival - Raffo Laboratorios
- Sedatival - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Sedatival F.P. - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Sedativum-Hevert - Hevert-Arzneimittel
- Sedatol Capsules - EG Labo
- Sedatol Syrup - EG Labo
- Sedatonyl - Merck
- Sedatoss - Janssen
- Sedatromin
- Sedatruw S - Truw Arzneimittel Vertriebs
- Sedatus - Elvetium
- Sedatuss - Trianon Laboratories
- Sedatuss DM - Trianon Laboratoires
- Sedatux - EMS Industria Farmaceutica
- Sedaural - Key Pharmaceuticals
- Sedauric - Laborsil Industria Farmaceutica
- Sedaval - Holista Health
- Sedaxylan - Eurovet Animal Health
- Sedazil
- Sedazin - Lagap
- Sedazine - Fort Dodge Laboratories
- Sedekopan
- Sedemol - Sopar Pharma
- Sedepron - Chinoin Productos Farmaceuticos
- Sederaupin
- Sedergine - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Uriach
- Sedergine C - Bristol-Myers Squibb; Uriach
- Sederlona - Roche
- Sedermyl - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Sedesterol - Poen Laboratorios
- Sedestran
- Sedeval
- Sedeven - Svizera Healthcare
- Sedevil Syrup - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Sedevil Tablets - Collins Productos Farmaceuticos
- Sedex - Janssen
- Sedi - Putchubun Dispensary
- Sediat - Dr. R. Pfleger
- Sedibaine - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sedi-Bosan B30 - Professional Health Products
- Sedicat
- Sedicepan - Serra Pamies Laboratorios
- Sedicin - Crombie Kennedy Nasmark
- Sediclon - Degort's Chemical
- Sediel - Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals
- Sedigoa
- Sedigrippal a la Vitamine C - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Sedilan
- Sedilax - Teuto-Brasileiro Laboratorio
- Sedilene Procto - Montefarmaco
- Sedilit - Instituto Sanitas
- Sedilix - Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Apex Pharma Marketing; Grafton Pharmasia
- Sedilix DM - Xepa-Soul Pattinson; Apex Pharma Marketing; Grafton Pharmasia; Tack Fung Medical Supplies; Thien Minh Group
- Sedilor - Dolisos
- Sedimide
- Sedin
- Sedinal - Melisana
- Sedinef - Y.S.P. Industries
- Sedinfant - Sabona
- Sedinfant N - Biocur Arzneimittel
- Sedinol - SA Druggists Self Med; Aspen Pharmacare
- Sediomed S - Dr. R. Pfleger
- Sedionbel - Alter
- Sedioton - Wyeth
- Sedipam
- Sedipin - Sel-J Pharma; Plethico Pharmaceuticals
- Sediranido
- Sedisan - Bioquimico Mexicano Laboratorios
- Sedisperil
- Sedital - Vis Farmaceutici Istituto Scientifico delle Venezie
- Sediten - Taro Pharmaceutical Industries
- Sediver - Productos Maver
- Sedivet - Boehringer Ingelheim
- Sedizepan - Septa Chemifarma
- Sedizorin
- Sedlinct - Novartis
- Sedlyn
- Sedmynol
- Sednafen
- Sedno - BV Pharma
- Sednotic
- Sedo - Rapide, Spain; Baxter
- Sedo Alufilm - Boots
- Sedoapharbaco - Pharbaco
- Sedobex - Ecobi Farmaceutici
- Sedobion - Sintofarma Laboratorios
- Sedobrina - Vinas
- Sedocalcio - Chimico Deca Laboratorio
- Sedocardin - A. Pfluger Homoopathisches Laboratorium
- Sedo-Carena - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sedodermil - Vifor Pharma
- Sedo-Efeu - UCB Pharma
- Sedofan - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Sedofan DM - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Sedofan II - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Sedofan P - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Sedofan T - Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Julphar
- Sedofantil - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Sedofarin - Pensa, Spain
- Sedofen
- Sedofit - Body Spring
- Sedogastrol - Recalcine Laboratorios
- Sedogelat - Metochem-Pharma
- Sedogelat Classic - Metochem-Pharma
- Sedogelat Forte - Metochem-Pharma
- Sedol - Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio
- Sedol - Officina Farmaceutica Fiorentina Istituto Biochimico
- Sedol - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sedometil
- Sedomycin
- Sedonal
- Sedonat - Soria Natural
- Sedonerva - Neoterapici Benvegna
- Sedonervil Complex - Briquensa
- Sedonettes
- Sedoneural
- Sedonium - Lichtwer Pharma; Medichemie; Vifor Pharma
- Sedonotricel - Hortel
- Sedopal - Lehning Laboratoires
- Sedopan - Norma Greece
- Sedopect - Andromaco Laboratorios; Silesia Laboratorios
- Sedophen
- Sedophon - Mayoly Spindler Laboratoires
- Sedopram - Sedico South Egypt Drug Industries
- Sedopretten - Schoning Pharmazeutische Praparate
- Sedopuer F - Specialita Igienico Terapeutiche
- Sedopulmina - Medosan Industrie Biochimiche Riunite
- Sedoquil
- Sedor
- Sedoran - Raffo Laboratorios
- Sedo-Rapide
- Sedoril - Pharma Synth Formulations
- Sedoril Plus - Pharma Synth Formulations
- Sedoril-DCP - Pharma Synth Formulations
- Sedoril-P - Pharma Synth Formulations
- Sedormid
- Sedorrhoide - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Sedorrhoide Crise Hemorroidaire - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Sedorrhoide Veinotonique - Cooperation Pharmaceutique Francaise
- Sedosan-N - Dr. Grossmann Pharmaca
- Sedoselecta
- Sedosil - Vifor Pharma
- Sedosolvin - Ipca Laboratories
- Sedotensil - Sanofi-Aventis
- Sedotime - Faes Farma
- Sedotiren - Panthox & Burck Istituto Biochimico Italo Svizzero
- Sedotosse - Panthox & Burck Istituto Biochimico Italo Svizzero
- Sedotus - Andromaco Laboratorios
- Sedotus - GlaxoSmithKline
- Sedotusse - Helsinn
- Sedotussin - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Akut - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Drops - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Efeu - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Expectorans Drops - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Expectorans Suppositories - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Expectorans Syrup - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Hustenstiller - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Muco - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Plus - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Suppositories - UCB Pharma
- Sedotussin Syrup - UCB Pharma
- Sedoval
- Sedovalin Drops - G. Streuli
- Sedovalin Tablets - G. Streuli
- Sedovanon - Craveri
- Sedovegan - Dr. August Wolff Arzneimittel
- Sedovegan Novo - Dr. August Wolff Arzneimittel
- Sedovent - Pharma Schworer
- Sedoxil - Bial Laboratorios
- Sedoz - Claris Lifesciences; Macropharma Corporation
- Sedral - Banyu Pharmaceutical
- Sedrena
- Sedrofen - Interbat
- Sedserp
- Sed-Tems
- Sedtran
- Sedu Caps D - Wyeth
- Seduan - Pharmed, Austria
- Sedufen
- Seduksen
- Sedulon
- Sedum Acre - Boiron
- Sedum Acre - Homeocan
- Sedum Acre - Standard Homeopathic
- Sedum Acre Injeel - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Sedum Acre Injeel Forte - Biologische Heilmittel Heel
- Sedum Alpestre - Boiron
- Sedum Telephium - Dolisos
- Sedural - Rekah
- Seduron
- Sedusen - Sanitas Laboratorio Chimico Farmaceutico
- Seduspar - Hexal
- Sedutain
- Seduxen - Gedeon Richter
- Seduxen RG - Gedeon Richter
- S-E-E - Quantum
- Seed-One - Bayer Schering Pharma
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